King of Gods

Chapter 1066

“Catch up, you can’t just let it escape”

Zhao Feng immediately controlled the Golden Wing Red Tiger and Earth Rupturing Wild Ox and chased them out.

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape was not good at speed, and was soon overtaken by Zhao Feng and Demon Beast group.

However, Sky Fire-Thunder Ape desperately tried to escape, and Zhao Feng and Demon Beast group couldn’t stop its pace. They could only continue to attack it and aggravate its injuries.

Soon, Zhao Feng and Demon Beast group chased Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, left the forest range, and came to a continuous small mountain peak group.

“Spiritual Thorn”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, he suddenly shot a Purple Gold Thunder Light spike and stormed into the Soul of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, who was seriously injured at this time, had a certain effect on Zhao Feng’s Soul Eye Technique.

Zhao Feng’s a Soul attack, the timing was right, and the leaping Sky Fire-Thunder Ape suddenly fell to the ground.

Hong long long

More than a dozen Earth Rupturing Wild Ox, top of the head flickering brilliantly, toward the Sky Fire-Thunder Ape assault.


In the sky, all Golden Wing Red Tigers immediately launched a fierce attack, and the attack point was the original wound of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

Zhao Feng also did not stop, constantly releasing Soul Eye Technique, weakening Soul Will of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

“Abominable, shameless human”

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape whole body was damaged in many places, and blood blew all over the place.

“it’s time”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye suddenly condensed, and within it emerged amazing Eye Strength fluctuations, forming a bottomless purple vortex, as if an infinite purple abyss.

An imprisonment that strangled and pulled away from Soul’s taboo suddenly shrouded in Sky Fire-Thunder Ape’s body.

“Gaze of God’s Eye”

Zhao Feng released the Gaze of God’s Eye with all his strength, turning Soul Strength and Eye Strength Will to the limit.

After all, at this time, he extracted Soul’s object from Saint King Grade’s Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

“Human, don’t think about it”

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape seems to know what Zhao Feng is going to do, and his Soul is desperately struggling.

“It’s really difficult”

Zhao Feng showed a hint of bitterness.

In the case of serious injuries and weakness, Soul of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape didn’t leave his body a penny.

Zhao Feng thought of it and let Golden Wing Red Tiger and Earth Rupturing Wild Ox continue to attack the Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

The attack of Mystic Light Realm will spread to the Soul level, which can also be regarded as a weakening of the Sky Fire-Thunder Ape Soul Will.

At this point, Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will is extremely powerful. Gaze of God’s Eye can be applied for a long time.

The Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, suppressed by Zhao Feng Gaze of God’s Eye, was continuously hit hard, and Soul gradually weakened and began to float on the outside of the body.

“OK, continue”

Zhao Feng rejoiced, strengthened the strength of Gaze of God’s Eye, and extracted Soul of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

If it were possible to enslave Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, it would be easier for Zhao Feng to mine resources in Immemorial Dreamland.


Under the control of Zhao Feng’s idea, Golden Wing Red Tiger and Earth Rupturing Wild Ox continuously attack Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

Soon, with Sky Fire-Thunder Ape’s double blow at the Soul Matter level, Origin Energy was seriously injured and exhausted, and Soul gradually emerged.

And at this moment, in the hillside ahead, there was a loud noise.

Immediately, a huge grey shadow popped out of the subterranean, the earth trembled suddenly, and a heavy terrifying pressure was spreading away.

When seeing this gray giant shadow, Earth Rupturing Wild Ox, Golden Wing Red Tiger, and Sky Fire-Thunder Ape are all showing the color of fear and shaking slightly.

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape’s resistance is therefore reduced to the limit.

“it is good”

Zhao Feng once again strengthened the suction of Gaze of God’s Eye, and immediately sucked Soul of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape into Left Eye Space.

And the huge gray silhouette, looked towards Zhao Feng and Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, suddenly burst into anger.

An assault wave of strong airflow, strikes came.

Feeling a strong crisis, Zhao Feng waved his left hand, took away the body of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, and controlled the Golden Wing Red Tiger and Earth Rupturing Wild Ox to evacuate quickly.

“You can have such power just by angry roar”

Zhao Feng was frightened, and brought Golden Wing Red Tiger and Earth Rupturing Wild Ox back to the forest quickly, so as to avoid the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race from the whole body gray rock.

After all, at this time, Zhao Feng consumed Soul Strength and Eye Strength Will, and the two Demon Beast groups were badly injured in the battle against Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

“Master, that’s Earth Crystal Clan”

The leader of Golden Wing Red Tiger, said to Zhao Feng.

“Earth Crystal Clan”

Zhao Feng expression Great shock, unbelievable look.

In his memory, not at all Earth Crystal Clan is described, but it has the ability to explain.

Earth Crystal Clan, Immemorial Ten Thousand Race ranks XNUMX.The Immemorial Races within the body can produce Top Rank Primal Crystal Stone, and the adult Earth Crystal Clan can even produce God Crystal. It is rumored that if it was’ Earth Crystal Clan, breakthrough God Position, it would even produce God Crystal directly.

Today, Zhao Feng has just broken through Mystic Light Realm and has not rushed to use God Crystal. However, Zhao Feng is very demanding about his cultivate speed. He will definitely use God Crystal to cultivate Mystic Light Holy Force in the future.

Mystic Light Realm expert in the Continent domain is normally reluctant to use the sub-God Crystal, but instead use it when the assault bottleneck is used, which shows that the sub-God Crystal in the Continent domain is scarce.

Although Zhao Feng obtained some God Crystals in the Crown Prince Trial, those God Crystals are definitely not enough to support future Zhao Feng cultivate needs.

“However, the idea of ​​Earth Crystal Clan is not yet available.”

Zhao Feng suppressed the desire in his heart.

Based on the Earth Crystal Clan just now, it has the strength of the Comparable Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, and its Bloodline Power is much higher than the Sky Fire-Thunder Ape. It has a certain amount of suppression. The main thing is that the Earth Crystal Clan is Gregarious race.

After withdrawing from the forest, Zhao Feng spent a lot of time enslaving Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, and finally managed to succeed.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng put the Soul of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape into its body, and with the powerful Saint Body of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, it would not be long before he could recover himself.

At the same time, Zhao Feng asked Sky Fire-Thunder Ape to surrender his resource savings.

Although a little bit reluctant, Sky Fire-Thunder Ape did as Zhao Feng’s requested.

Oh la la

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape dumps resources from his small world.

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly lighted up, Sky Fire-Thunder Ape worthy to be called is the hegemon in the forest, there are many hidden resources, and the quality is generally high.

Zhao Feng stared at one of the dark red herbs and felt the good Soul aura.

“Master, this is’ Fire Spirit Burning Soul Grass,”

Sky Fire-Thunder Ape for Zhao Feng.

Fire Spirit Burning Soul Grass uses the Soul flame to burn and torture Soul to strengthen the Soul Strength of the user, Soul Will, but more often, Fire Spirit Burning Soul Grass uses it to make Poison Pill.

“So amazing Soul precious grass”

Zhao Feng is slightly strange. He is in urgent need of Soul-level cultivation resources. Although Fire Spirit Burning Soul Grass is a bit special, Zhao Feng didn’t think about it and took it away.

Later, Zhao Feng chose many precious medicine ingredients and left Immemorial Dreamland.

After leaving Immemorial Dreamland, Old Monster Xu reported to Zhao Feng the situation on the battlefield in Ling Province through the Dark Heart Seal.

“What? Half-God expert appears on the battlefield”

Zhao Feng heart startled.

Some time ago, it was only the Saint King Grade expert who took the lead in launching a tentative small war. I did not expect that today, half of the God Level expert has already dispatched.

Half-God, standing on Continent Peak, admired by everyone, Continent’s most powerful top Battle Strength.

Today, a Half-God battle is taking place over the battlefield in Ling Province.

On the human side, the Supreme Emperor Palace Supreme Elder was called, the Emperor Song Tai, known as’ Half God Tai Ji,

For Alien Race, Devil Heavenly Palace Supreme Elder, ‘Half-God Annihilation,

Of course, these two Half-God expert’s gets rid are still testing each other. After all, this is a battle between the two dynasties. Both sides are testing each other’s details. Once they are taken lightly, they may pay a ridiculous price.

After Ling Province crosses the War Zone, there is a temporarily built giant palace, which is shrouded in a layer of taboo Void Light, which becomes a forbidden area on the battlefield and isolates everything.

Inside the giant palace.

“How confident is Alien Race, and dare to declare war on us?”

For the head, an old man wearing a white dragon mark coat, without aura, said lightly.

“Alien Race has no hole cards and it is impossible to get rid of us”

A skinny old man with a frown, surely said.

“We also need to be prepared just in case”

The old man in the white dragon mark coat said directly.

“This battle, ‘Tai Chi, odds of success is not big …”

The old man wearing a white dragon mark coat, raise one’s head looking up, his eyes seem to penetrate everything.

In the Ling Province battlefield, above the sky, the two half of God Level experts collided together, and they had the power of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth with a random strike, causing void to distort and break.

“Tai Chi, you are not my opponent”

whole body black scale armor, top of the head Spiral Single Horn’s ‘Half-God Annihilation’, 狰 said with a malicious smile.

“Then you try this.”

Half God Tai Ji waved with both palms, and the infinite Profound Truth quickly changed, twisting into a Void sphere, emitting the taboo aura.

“Heaven and earth infinite”

Half God Tai Ji, push out this sphere of Void directly.

“Light of Annihilation”

Half-God Annihilation both eyes suddenly changed, flickering bright gold glow, the golden eyes like golden Sun, the bright golden light line that stunned the world, exuding heartbreaking destruction strength.


‘Half-God Annihilation, Golden light emitted from both eyes, shines on the Void sphere launched by’ Half God Tai Ji.

Suddenly, the contact point of the Void’s sphere and the bright golden light line began to slowly crush Annihilation.

“This is, Five Elements Yin Yang Profound Truth”

Half-God Annihilation was surprised.

The Five Elements Yin and Yang Profound Truth can be so perfectly integrated as one, and only Half God Tai Ji can make the arrived.

Otherwise, the average Matter would have been crushed and exhausted by the light of his Annihilation.

“Hmph, all things in the world, will be reduced to ashes in front of Eye of Annihilation”

‘Half-God Annihilation, both eyes emerged with an amazing Eye Strength Will, the Golden light emitted from it, golden and dazzling, as if it is the most dazzling existence between heaven and earth.

Where the light of Annihilation shines, it seems that even Space is shattering a little.


The sky is suddenly bright, and the energy of terrifying Profound Truth seems to make heaven and earth change, and Sun and Moon upside down.

Turn in the War Zone, Saint Lord, and Quasi-Saint Lord expert below, and you will be in shock. You will be able to resist this terrifying battle power without any fear of fighting.


Heaven and earth Origin Energy surging, a white light flew down.


Seeing Half God Tai Ji, most of his body was broken, and he fled back to the base camp.

“Hurry up”


Seeing the God Level expert lost, Saint Lord and the invincible Great Emperor on the battlefield fled in panic.

On the side of Alien Race, his heart was boiling, and immediately pursued.

“Where to run”

In the sky, Half-God Annihilation descended directly.


He is the eyes of a sudden burst of annihilation of a large range, exuding the ultimate Profound Truth that destroys everything.

Where the light of Annihilation shrouded, the body of all Saint Lord and the invincible Great Emperor Soul collapsed and burst, and the layers of Annihilation disappear

Many experts apply the defense secret technique directly, or use the power of a small world projection to perform the defense.

But whether it is Matter level, Soul level or the rule Profound Truth, in front of Eye of Annihilation, there is only the end of Annihilation.

“Run, this is Eye of Annihilation in the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes Inheritance”

At this time, the human side, a half God Level expert lost.

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