King of Gods

Chapter 1063

“Small Thieving Cat, it’s all up to you”

On the Soul level of Small Thieving Cat, Zhao Feng’s sounded.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved the Shadow Killing Emperor Blade in his hand, turning it into a dark silver dotted line, flashes away.

Chi Chi

A touch of cold, ethereal shadow sharp blade, quickly shuttled between members of this team.

The expert who did not reach Saint Lord was almost killed in front of Small Thieving Cat.

Pu chi

A frigid dagger that pierced the heart of Thirteenth Prince.

Thirteenth Prince died in peace.


Zhao Feng’s voice sounded again, and then the Golden Amber eyes in the sky gradually disappeared.

After handling everything, the Small Thieving Cat hides the figure and disappears.

In the secret hall, Zhao Feng opened both eyes.

“Finally dead”

Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

If Saint Lord Black Iron, Thirteenth Prince and the others knew that Zhao Feng was still in the city stronghold, I wouldn’t know how shocked it would be, but they would never know.

“Should be impossible to find”

While in action, Zhao Feng saw everything through Eye of Filling the Heaven.

At that time, the number of squares was ten thousand li, there were no other teams, and no one from the team of Thirteenth Prince sent information.

However, there is a person beyond a person beyond the heavens. One day, maybe God Position expert, what clues can be found, or Zhan Pei such as Sage Liu Wu can speculate

However, for a short time, no one knew that Zhao Feng had killed Thirteenth Prince.

Therefore, Zhao Feng needs to take advantage of this opportunity to improve strength.

On the other hand, although Kun Yun promised to help Zhao Feng, it was because Kun Yun was not sure to kill Zhao Feng at that time.

If Zhao Feng continues to give resources to Kun Yun, his strength has not improved. He believes that in the end, when Kun Yun restores Peak strength, he will still start with Zhao Feng.

Therefore, in order to preserve himself and survive, Zhao Feng must work harder to cultivate and improve strength.

Zhao Feng came directly to Bewildering Space Realm, and some Immemorial precious resources appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands.

Among them, there are many earth attribute ore and medicine ingredients, which are the spoils of war after attacking Rupturing Earth Wild Ox Clan.

The medicine ingredients and ore in Immemorial Dreamland have a great promotion effect on the cultivate of Zhao Feng Wind Thunder of Earth. With the Precious Materials consumed by Zhao Feng in the recent period of time, he can convert Wind Thunder of Earth and cultivate to Small Accomplishment. Realm.

However, Zhao Feng has been suppressing it and constantly strengthening the Mystic Light Holy Force bred by Wind Thunder of Earth. Although he wants to improve strength, he should not be too impatient.

It didn’t take long for the Small Thieving Cat to return and dive directly into the Bewildering Space Realm.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat reports the task to Zhao Feng and asks for compensation.

“Your strength seems to have improved a lot.”

Zhao Feng said.

In the recent period, the resources consumed by the Small Thieving Cat are also very much. At the same time, Zhao Feng also sees its transformation.

Small Thieving Cat does not have any bottleneck at all, strength grows slowly as it continues to devour resources.

Since an enemy stronghold has just been occupied, no action will be taken for the time being.

Therefore, Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat have been in the Bewildering Space Realm, using precious Immemorial resources extinct in the world to continue cultivating and improving strength.

The Copy Ability of mysterious golden sphere can make Zhao Feng continuously get some resources, but the same Precious Materials, too much medicine efficacy will reduce.

Ten days later, Thierteenth Prince’s death on the battlefield was heard.

In the Battle Hall of Lan Province, a great accomplishment Saint Lord and several members of Imperial Clan rushed to the front battlefield to investigate.

According to members of Thirteenth Prince War Zone, Thirteenth Prince, after going to the War Zone where Ninth Prince is, never returned.

In addition, before the Thirteenth Prince team had an accident, they also gathered with the Ninth Prince team. Therefore, the members of the Ninth Prince team became the key targets of investigation.

But Ninth Prince’s team includes Supreme Emperor Palace senior members, Saint Lord Gao Huang.

Therefore, the killing of the Thirteenth Prince squad could not have been done by the Ninth Prince squad.

In addition, the grievances between Zhao Feng and Thirteenth Prince will be known under investigation. If Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng join forces, it is entirely possible to kill the Thirteenth Prince team.

“Neither Nangong Sheng nor Zhao Feng left that day.”

Saint Lord Gao Huang said that instead of defending Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, he was telling the truth.

“However, Senior Kun Yun had been here that day”

In the squad, a top Great Emperor whispered.

“Kun Yun”

Several people in the Battle Hall of Lan Province whispered softly.

If it was the former Half-God Kun Yun, it does have this ability. It instantly kills ordinary experts and kills Mystic Light small accomplishment.

But why did Half-God Kun Yun kill the Thirteenth Prince team?

In this way, the great accomplishment Saint Lord and Imperial Clan members of the Battle Hall of Lan Province left the city of Ninth Prince with confusion and continue to investigate the incident. Similarly, the destruction of the Thirteenth Prince team cannot be ruled out by the Alien Race. for.

After the people from the Battle Hall of Lan Province left, Zhao Feng returned directly to his hall and continued to retreat cultivate.

These people did not find their own body, which is a good thing. As for Kun Yun and Zhao Feng, they were too lazy to control it, I believe he could do nothing.

“Unexpectedly, 13th Brother was actually killed”

Ninth Prince was surprised.

This was good news for him. At the same time, he also wanted to know who exactly knew the whereabouts of Thirteenth Prince, and let him destroy the entire team without even passing information.

On the battlefield, the news of the destruction of the Thierteenth Prince squad spread instantly, and the Imperial Court of Imperial Court also turned a wave.

You know, the members of the Thirteenth Prince squad are all high-level or genius elites of all major forces, and Saint Lord Black Iron is Elder of Nine Nether Palace.

The power behind Thirteenth Prince is also the most powerful among many princes.

Today, Saint Sovereign and Saint Empress, when they heard the news, they thunderclap, sent a lot of Imperial Clan experts, rushed to the front, and thoroughly investigated the matter …

As a result, the powerful Battle Strength continues to appear on the battlefield.

Alien Race, on the battlefield of the human side, suddenly increased its strength. Similarly, it convened more experts to invest in the battlefield, and the war became more and more fierce.

In addition, the top of the Battle Hall in Lan Province also found Kun Yun, but no results were found.

And Kun Yun, because of the flesh and blood of Earth Rupturing Wild Ox given by Zhao Feng, the strength has been improved, and enters into the War Zone to kill a large number of Alien Races, attracting the Alien Race side, very angry

Finally, Saint King Grade Battle Strength, again on the battlefield

Stronghold of Ninth Prince.

Nowadays, the human squads in the rear almost all gather here.

“Keep moving forward”

Ninth Prince gives the order directly.

Later, the crowd began to join the War Zone various lands. Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei did not lead any members. Duanmu Qing joined the team of Ninth Prince to protect the safety of Ninth Prince, and Nangong Sheng acted alone.

The Alien Race in the stronghold ahead had been guarded and sent a Saint Lord of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

The Saint Lord of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment just happened to encounter Nangong Sheng. Under the fighting between them, the Mystic Light Great Accomplishment Saint Lord of Alien Race fled.

As a result, the crowd pushed forward in a straight line, and they were invincible. Within a few months, they again occupied a stronghold.

For two consecutive battles, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng’s martial arts rose instantly, Nangong Sheng’s martial arts points jumped into the ‘Lan Province’s Merit List, within a thousand, and Zhao Feng once again ranked third.

In Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng runs “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, which is wholeheartedly versatile.

After several months of training, with the accumulation of a large number of Immemorial resources, “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” Ninth Layer Wind Thunder of Earth, cultivate to Small Accomplishment Realm.

Saint Thunder Body sixth layer has also made great progress. The distance small accomplishment is only one step away, but it has been suppressed by Zhao Feng.

In terms of Soul Will, progress has been relatively slow. After all, in Immemorial Dreamland, Precious Materials at the Soul level are very scarce.

Zhao Feng has also been using mysterious golden sphere Copy ‘Juling Lian soul grass, this Immemorial Precious Materials, but no matter how precious medicine ingredients are taken repeatedly, the medicine efficacy will be greatly reduced.

“If my Soul Will reaches Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, maybe I can try Copy inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow”

Zhao Feng speculated.

Of course, Zhao Feng is not sure, even if it can be copied, its consumption can make Zhao Feng weak instantly.

In short, Zhao Feng has a short-term goal to improve strength until he can copy inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow.

inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow, can cause terrifying fatal injuries to Saint Lord of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, and also has a certain deterrent effect on Saint King.

But now the inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow in Zhao Feng’s hands, only the last one is left and cannot be used.

If this inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow is used, how will Zhao Feng copy

Suddenly, Zhao Feng was disturbed by the outside world and left Bewildering Space Realm.

In an instant, the force of a terrifying Profound Truth descended on him.

“This strength, is it Saint King?”

Zhao Feng was startled and immediately rushed out.

I saw, above the sky, a human race Saint King, a fish of Alien Race, fighting Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Saint Lord Gao Huang.

This is the stronghold just occupied by Ninth Prince. Other teams in this War Zone are also gathering here. In addition to the Saint Lords of the Ninth Prince team, there are also three Saint Lords.

However, ordinary Saint Lord cannot participate in the battlefield with Saint King at all.

“Unexpectedly, Saint King of Alien Race was attracted so quickly”

Zhao Feng felt a little heavy, this Saint King is the Xiao Tian Saint King of Alien Race.

It may be because before, Myriad Forms Saint Lord and Saint Lord Ta Tian were defeated by everyone, and then another Alien Race Saint Lord was defeated by Nangong Sheng alone. Alien Race began to pay attention to the war zone where Ninth Prince is located.


With a terrifying strength rule attack, Saint Lord Gao Huang, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei lost.

“Retreat, retreat directly.”

Saint Lord Gao Huang immediately said.

Between Saint Lord and Saint King, there is a huge threshold, which is different from Mystic Light small accomplishment and great accomplishment.

Nangong Sheng was able to defeat the great accomplishment Saint Lord alone, but at this time, the trio joined forces, far from being the opponent of Xiao Tian Saint King.

“Evacuate All”

Ninth Prince immediately gave an order, and Xiao Tian Saint King’s idea could kill the experts below Saint Lord. They stayed here, completely useless, just to die.


Zhao Feng runs Saint Thunder Body, performs Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, and immediately fly out.

“You retreat first, we will stop him for the time being”

Zhao Feng said directly.

Saint Lord Gao Huang and Zhao Yufei are also immediate nodded. The speed of the crowd is naturally inferior to Xiao Tian Saint King. If the group evacuates collectively, everyone will face Saint King’s pursuit.

So someone must stay and hold back Xiao Tian Saint King.

“It’s also blame you for being too arrogant. I was sent above to clear the Saint Lord Battle Strength of this War Zone.”

Xiao Tian Saint King can’t help sneer.

In fact, the rear human race war hall treats Ninth Prince’s War Zone and Kun Yun as the same.

The reason is not only the Ninth Prince War Zone, a large number of strong Saint Lord Battle Strength emerged. The main thing is that among these powerful human Saint Lord Battle Strength, there is Spirit Clan Bloodline and Evil God’s Power Inheritor.

Kill Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng, the secret mission given to Xiao Tian Saint King above

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