King of Gods

Chapter 1046

One month after the assassination mission was released, the reward for the assassination mission, ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill,’ came from within the killer world mixed in ‘Silent Killing Hall’.

Other Killer Organization killers, after hearing the situation of ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill, were mostly unbelieving, thinking that this was a gimmick that Silent Killing Hall wanted to develop.

A few days later, Great Emperor Ku Ying also posted a small number of assassination missions in the Dark Secrets Corner.

Dark Secrets Corner’s killer is undoubtedly more powerful and professional. Within ten days of the launch of the Great Emperor Ku Ying mission, two missions were completed.

“I heard that, Dark Secrets Corner ranked # 48 in ‘Ghost Brake, and suddenly broke through to the Great Emperor Realm and rose directly to the XNUMXnd place.”

“I also heard about it. He is said to have completed an assassination mission and obtained a type of Spirit Pill Rare Treasures called ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill.'”

“Spirit Blood Essence Pill, so medicine pill, has long appeared in the reward for assassination missions in ‘Silent Killing Hall’.”

Dark Secrets Corner is a main mission receiving place, contacting many expressions of cold and severe occupations Assassin, exchanging information with each other.

If a killer breaks through suddenly and the strength increases, it will naturally attract the attention of other professional killers.

And the assassins receive the assassination mission, naturally the reward is the richest, and the assassination difficulty is slightly lower.

“Boss, there are only four of the assassination missions for Spirit Blood Essence Pill, why don’t we try it?”

In a dark corner, a thin young man said at the moment.

Next to him, there were three people, two men and one woman, ice-cold murderous aura, which made others afraid to approach.

“Well, although the other party is Nine Nether Palace, if we succeed, we will hide for a while.”

The head of the assassination leader cannot resist the temptation of the rumored ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill’.

Ruler Palace.

“Master, assassination missions published by Dark Secrets Corner, all ready completed”

Saint Lord You Ye eyes reveal excitement.

In the recent period, due to the assassination mission issued by Zhao Feng, the killer flow of Silent Killing Hall is doubled. Many small assassination organizations nearby were almost annexed by ‘Silent Killing Hall’.

Even the killers of Dark Secrets Corner have moved here a small amount.

“Next is the highlight”

Zhao Feng grinned.

“Continue to publish assassination missions while increasing the level of assassination missions”

Zhao Feng instructed.

On the same day, Bi Qingyue, Saint Lord You Ye and Zhao Feng discussed the next batch of assassination targets.

Most of the first batch of assassination objects were King class and very few Great Emperor, and the difficulty of this group of assassination objects was increased, and even a Quasi-Saint Lord class target was identified.

“Well, this Supreme Elder of Underworld Ghost Sect”

Zhao Feng accidentally found a piece of information.

Underworld Ghost Sect and Dark Sky Sect, which are also one of the super affiliates of Nine Nether Palace, Zhao Wang, also joined the Arrived Underworld Ghost Sect.

And Zhao Feng found that the Supreme Elder of Underworld Ghost Sect was actually the last time to kill Zhao Feng’s that Deep Green Hair old man with Black Armor Saint Lord and the others. This Deep Green Hair old man was good at Space Profound Truth. Escaped, but Zhao Feng hit the God Eye Mark on his body.

“That being the case, let him live a while”

Zhao Feng has another plan in his mind. This plan needs Zhao Wang’s cooperation, but Zhao Wang’s strength is still insufficient.

“The reward for assassinating Quasi-Saint Lord is this Jingxue Dan,”

Zhao Feng took out a few tablets of Jingxue Dan and put them in another vial.

Essence Blood Dan is completely different from Spirit Blood Essence Pill’s refining material. Essence Blood Dan is made from pure Immemorial Bloodline, which has a stronger promotion effect on Bloodline.

Zhao Feng gave this vial to Great Emperor Ku Ying and asked him to post the assassination mission to Dark Secrets Corner.

Quasi-Saint Lord-level assassination mission, the level is too high, issued to the ‘Silent Killing Hall, but has little effect.

“In the future, I will leave this matter to you. Regarding ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill, and Jingxue Dan, come here and take it.”

Zhao Feng left the matter to Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye.


Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye are also very eager for Essence Blood Dan, so they take it very seriously and hope that after these things are done well, they can get some Jing Xue Dan from Zhao Feng.

The day.

A batch of new ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill’s rewarded assassination missions were sent to Arrange. Within the killer world, there was a sudden rush.

With regard to Spirit blood Essence Pill’s medicine efficacy, alert has been confirmed by numerous examples.

“I have long watched the Nine Nether Palace, and I don’t know which huge force that is about to rise and actually released so many assassination missions.”

A majestic killer, excitedly accepted an assassination mission, immediately left.

“Hehe, these assassination missions have to be earlier than”

A killer with a strong bloody smell, eyes reveal bloodthirsty light.

Everyone noticed that the assassination mission at this time has obviously increased the difficulty, and Nine Nether Palace and its affiliates have begun to take action, and the assassination difficulty has increased invisibly.

Shortly after.

A compelling assassination mission appeared in the Dark Secrets Corner. The assassination reward was Jingxuedan. It was the same person or force as the ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill’ reward reward.

Suddenly, the higher-level killer, Dark Secrets Corner’s top thirty killers, was also moved by it.

Jingxuedan, an expert on the top Great Emperor level, undoubtedly has a fatal temptation. Even Saint Lord, whose Bloodline Power is not strong enough, will be attracted to it.

But the reward was the assassination mission of Jingxue Dan. There was only one assassination mission to assassinate the upper level of Quasi-Saint Lord, where Nine Nether Palace was placed.

On the same day, there were three different killers who took the task at the same time.

Ruler Palace.

Zhao Feng sends a processed Golden Wing Red Tiger to Saint Doctor Yu Ling.

He didn’t expect that these assassination missions would be so tight, and the medicine pill in his hand was not enough.

Upon returning to his residence, Zhao Feng immediately began to retreat.

“Wait a while, and we’re ready to capture the central pool.”

Zhao Feng appeared a few kinds of medicine ingredients in his hands, and began to cultivate, a wind thunder anger, wandering around.

Part of the Five Poisonous Unusual Bees, stocked by Zhao Feng in Immemorial Dreamland, their strength is growing rapidly.

But the Golden Wing Red Tiger Battle Strength in the central pool is too powerful, and even relying on Five Poisonous Unusual Bees, Zhao Feng is not sure.

Zhao Feng estimated that it may take a large amount of Five Poisonous Unusual Bees to defeat the Golden Wing Red Tiger Clan.

Therefore, Zhao Feng intends to cultivate the Golden Wing Red Tiger into the Battle Strength he looted in Immemorial Dreamland to make up for the loss of Five Poisonous Unusual Bees.

Three days later.

Zhao Feng body’s aura has climbed again, and Yan Thunder’s Wind Thunder Strength is more refined and its power has also been slightly improved.

“Wind-Thunder of Fire Perfection”

Zhao Feng quietly mumble.

At this point, the medicine ingredients Rare Treasures that contained the Fire Attribute in his hand also consumed almost.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng had redeemed a lot of cultivation resources in Heavens Secret. It didn’t take long for them to run out.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng has been hoarding resources for Ninth Layer Wind Thunder of Earth.

After returning to Ruler Palace, Zhao Feng also used the power of Ruler Palace to search for the cultivation resources of the attribute strength of the soil.

“Oh? This aura.”

Zhao Feng noticed an evil looking aura.

At this time, a voice came from Zhao Feng’s residence beyond a thousand miles.

“Supreme Elder, there is a Saint Lord expert who said he was here to find you”

Zhao Feng’s silhouette, which appeared directly outside the palace, quickly disappeared into the sky.

Among the Ruler Palace Mountain Gate, many of the high-level Battle Strength of the Ruler Palace and a monster man with purple blood and long hair confronted each other.

But in terms of momentum, it is this man who leads, and the Ruler Palace side, including Old Monster Xu and Saint Lord You Ye, dare not rush to get rid.

“All back down”

To the rear, Zhao Feng’s voice came.

Suddenly, many experts in Ruler Palace slowly backed away, but many experts looked at their mysterious and unpredictable Supreme Elder.

“You all go back”

Bi Qingyue received the meaning of Zhao Feng’s, and immediately dismissed all the idle people and others.

“Zhao Feng, I didn’t expect you to build a sect.”

Nangong Sheng’s eyes were flickering and purple light, and said unbelievably.

In his mind, Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng should be the Martial Path expert who is pursuing the limit of martial arts and is expected to prove God Position. Should not stop there, go to establish a sect, develop the power

At this time, Zhao Feng disappointed Nangong Sheng.

“Come and talk”

Zhao Feng said directly.

When he saw the strength of Nangong Sheng at this time, he judged that Nangong Sheng was not completely affected by evil thoughts at this time.

If Nangong Sheng is completely demonized, it will certainly absorb Evil God’s Power in a non-stop environment, and it is not a rare thing to reach Mystic Light Great Accomplishment at this time.

“Zhao Feng, let me see your strength, has it grown?”

Nangong Sheng’s eyes appeared a Fighting Intent, a terrifying evil looking aura enveloping heaven and earth, and his body extended a blood-red monster pattern.

“Nangong Sheng, I will not fight you”

Zhao Feng sounded coldly.


Nangong Sheng’s eyes narrowed, and his high fighting thoughts were instantly extinguished.

Zhao Feng, who is not in a combat state, even if he gets gets rid, such a fight is meaningless.

“He is now Quasi-Saint Lord Realm, it cannot be your opponent, Nangong Sheng”

Nangong Sheng within the body, the voice of Evil God compostnt sounded.

“You know my hole card”

Zhao Feng answered briefly.

Nangong Sheng slightly startled.

Yes, he does know Zhao Feng’s hole card-God-Slaying Arrow.

If Zhao Feng uses God-Slaying Arrow, it seems that he will lose no matter what the situation is.

But in fact, this is not the real reason for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will at this time successfully broke through to Mystic Light small accomplishment. Even without God-Slaying Arrow, he can win Nangong Sheng in Soul Will.

But he did not want to defeat Nangong Sheng.

Zhao Feng knows that Nangong Sheng has always regarded himself as the target of To surpassed. Once Nangong Sheng is defeated by Zhao Feng, the temperament will be affected, and Evil God’s Power may be absorbed without restraint, which Zhao Feng does not want to see.

Today’s Nangong Sheng still has several points of reason and nature. If it can be maintained like this, it will be good.

“Come in, Ruler Palace is the hostile force of Nine Nether Palace, maybe there are agents of Nine Nether Palace nearby”

Zhao Feng sound transmission.

Nangong Sheng’s eyes suddenly turned into blood-red, and a killing intent rose up.

Nine Nether Palace pursuited him for four years, and even pursuited into True Martial Holy Land, threatening his former Sect, Junior Brother Junior Sister, and Nangong Sheng’s hatred of Nine Nether Palace.

But Nangong Sheng understands that he is not the opponent of Nine Nether Palace today.

Nangong Sheng followed Zhao Feng enters into the restricted area behind the Ruler Palace.

“Nangong Sheng, my forces have recently launched an operation. I wonder if you are interested?”

In the secret hall, Zhao Feng smiled after sitting down.

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