King of Gods

Chapter 1030

“This is, Mystic Light small accomplishment”

On the human side, many Commanders were astonished.

“It’s Realm of Mystic Light small accomplishment”

Old Ying shouted in shock.

Many Commander-level experts seemed to be fiercely strikes, and the figure paused slightly.

“Zhao Feng”

Tie Hongling looked towards Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng himself said just now that he was going to deal with Myriad Forms Saint Lord, but God Eye descendants of Mystic Light small accomplishment, can Zhao Feng handle it?

However, Tie Hongling found that Zhao Feng was calm and unsurprising, as if he knew the true strength of Myriad Forms Saint Lord long ago.

“Sure enough”

Zhao Feng meditated in his heart.

When seeing Myriad Forms Saint Lord, Zhao Feng felt that his powerful Mystic Light Holy Force and Soul Will are far beyond the scope of Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

Therefore, except Zhao Feng, there is no possibility for anyone to play against Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

Eye of Myriad Forms is a Matter-level strength, and Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body breakthrough sixth layer should have some resistance, so Zhao Feng dare to fight with Eye of Myriad Forms.

On the Alien Race, there are many saints, Saint Lord, Wuzi and Commander Great Emperor.

Obviously, Myriad Forms Saint Lord Breakthrough to Mystic Light small accomplishment, even their Human Race-like.

“Myriad Forms Saint Lord, when did you break through to Mystic Light small accomplishment?”

Squid Saint Lord’s heart shook with excitement.

At the time of Myriad Forms Saint Lord Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, it was already invincible to initial accomplishment Saint Lord, able to contend with Mystic Light small accomplishment, but now, Myriad Forms Saint Lord actually breaks through to Mystic Light small accomplishment, then his Battle Strength at this time How powerful

“Worthy to be called is a descendant of God Eye”

Eagle Human Race heavenly pampered woman cheeky admiration.

“Look, that human Chosen actually rushed to Myriad Forms Saint Lord, it was really recklessly”

Snake Human Race The woman laughed, looking towards Zhao Feng, eyes reveal disdain.

The moment Zhao Feng flew out, he directly operated the Saint Thunder Body, and the body surface lit up a complex of simple and unadorned Red Gold Thunder Marks.His body suddenly rose a few points, an infinite physical lightning, and all around heaven and earth Blizzard all shattered.

“Just because you want to stop me?”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord looked indifferently, looking down at Zhao Feng.

The invisible force of nature surrounds Zhao Feng all around.

Above Zhao Feng’s body, there was a layer of ice freezing, and everything around it was freezing.

“I want to beat you more”

Zhao Feng sees the Fighting Intent boiling.

嘭 click

All the polar ice in Zhao Feng all around was shattered, and a thunderous power trembled.

“Haha, ignorant human”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord laughed out loud.

When Zhao Feng suddenly released the thunderous power, when it reached Myriad Forms Saint Lord, in front of him, countless blizzards gathered instantly and instantly turned into an ice wall.


At the moment when the ice wall appeared, Zhao Feng’s silhouette rushed directly, Saint Thunder Body and the Wind Thunder Strength of the flames operated, and the strikes went down.


The ice wall in front of Myriad Forms Saint Lord is broken, but at the rear, a gorgeous layer of Wind Thunder Lightning Marks appears on the body surface of Myriad Forms Saint Lord. Like the Wind Thunder armor, Zhao Feng’s attack with the aftermath and force coercion, all Block.

“You can’t hurt me in the slightest, and I can bury you now”

The whole body is covered with ice-powered armor Myriad Forms Saint Lord, staring at Zhao Feng.

“Golden Ice Gun”

In front of Myriad Forms Saint Lord, a colored vortex appears, which instantly absorbs the natural power of heaven and earth and emits a force of freezing ice.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

Suddenly, countless bright white as snow ice guns, carrying an amazing Cold Strength, shot from vortex.

Where the ice gun passes, all the blizzard and air are frozen, but this extremely ice gun can shuttle through the ice without being affected.

“Really strong ice cold power”

That moment, Zhao Feng within the body’s Bloodline and True Yuan, were extremely slow, and their actions were hindered.

“Wind Thunder Of Water, Ice Emperor Spear”

Zhao Feng runs the Ice-Water Bloodline hidden within the body, running Wind Thunder Of Water True Yuan of Crystal Nucleus Space at the same time.

A layer of ice blue liquid covering Zhao Feng whole body body surface, presenting a piece of blue ice water Battle Armor.

This ice-water Battle Armor, ripples of Thunder Marks, and various changes, combined with Saint Thunder Body, the resistance to the force of Extreme Cold suddenly strengthened.

“This kid, even has Ice-Water Bloodline”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord brows slightly wrinkle.

When he met Zhao Feng, he found that Zhao Feng was good at Wind, Thunder, and Profound Truth.

In other words, Zhao Feng has a certain resistance to the natural strength of these three attributes, so Myriad Forms Saint Lord chose to use the power of ice.

But I didn’t expect Zhao Feng to jump out of another Ice-Water Bloodline and True Yuan of contain Profound Truth of Water.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist”

Zhao Feng raised Saint Thunder Body’s resistance to the cold and cold forces to the limit and ran Saint Thunder Body, punching out suddenly, welcoming the innumerable ice guns.


A force of Extreme Cold exploded.

“this is?”

Zhao Feng hurried back.

Although the Extreme Ice Gun was destroyed by him, the extreme Ice power that burst out of it still has terrifying power.

Zhao Feng body surface’s icy blue water Battle Armor was solidified instantly, and a force of Extreme Cold invaded his Saint Thunder Body.

“Ice Powered Water”

Zhao Feng runs Wind Thunder Of Water and Ice-Water Bloodline, the frozen blue battle armor that is already frozen on the surface, and slowly absorbs the force of that extreme cold into a water curtain battle armor.

“Human Quasi-Saint Lord, can receive my one move you, already is very good, then you can die with peace of mind”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord’s eyes were ruthless.

In Human Race Quasi-Saint Lord Chosen, no one can resolve this move.

Zhao Feng’s strength makes Myriad Forms Saint Lord killing intent stronger.

“Crap of nonsense”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were deep, and an amazing Eye Strength Will emerged from Left Eye.

Thunder Soul Body, a lot of Soul Strength, poured into Left Eye.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame emerges, amethyst light glow flows, and a trace of faint Thunder Calamity ripples.


A completely transparent, murky Thunder Fire, with the aura that destroyed Thunder Calamity, burst into the head of Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng’s “Wind-Thunder Eye Fire” is a pure Soul attack, focusing on God Tribulation Thunder Strength, because he knows that it is difficult for Matter to cause damage to Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

“His ……”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord screamed.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng would suddenly perform the Soul Eye Technique, and the Thunder Calamity Strength contained therein caused some damage to his Soul.

“You kid”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord complexion for a moment.

In his mind, he was actually injured by Zhao Feng.

“Not much effect”

Zhao Feng sank in his heart.

Myriad Forms Saint Lord breakthrough Mystic Light small accomplishment. With the foundation of his God Eye and his innate talent, Soul Will is naturally not weak. If it were not for Zhao Feng’s Soul attack and contain Thunder Calamity Strength, he would not hurt him in the slightest.

“Not good”

Zhao Feng noticed a dangerous aura.

call out

Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, Zhao Feng immediately flew into the distance.

“Where to run, human thief”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord loudly shouted, the natural power of heaven and earth, simultaneously surging.

“Really strong, an idea that affects heaven and earth Myriad Forms”

Zhao Feng’s speed, hindered by the power of heaven and earth Myriad Forms, was suddenly blocked, and the speed was only 70% of usual.

To the rear, Myriad Forms Saint Lord rushed towards Zhao Feng with the help of the power of nature.

After the departure of Myriad Forms Saint Lord, many soldiers Commander below the battlefield felt that the temperature of heaven and earth had risen a bit, and was relaxed.

Even those Alien Races who have been prepared can’t resist the force of this Extreme Cold.

“This person kid can actually hurt Myriad Forms Saint Lord”

Squid Saint Lord complexion startled.


A golden shadow strikes Saint Lord, the Great Desolate Bloodline aura of terrifying, and lets Saint Lord complexion grave slap a dark gray Holy Force.

“Blood Flame Slash”


On the other side, Tie Hongling cut a blood-red burst crescent moon and rushed towards Saint Lord.

“That kid isn’t dead yet?”

Eagle Human Race heavenly pampered woman cheeky surprised.

The strength shown by Myriad Forms Saint Lord made him terrifying, and he did not even dare confront it.

But the human Quasi-Saint Lord Chosen can actually fight with Myriad Forms Saint Lord and lead it away.

“Zhao Feng drives Myriad Forms Saint Lord away”

Old Ying understands Zhao Feng’s intention.

Fighting near Myriad Forms Saint Lord near the battlefield is undoubtedly more detrimental to the strength of Ninth Prince’s side.

But, can Zhao Feng stop Myriad Forms Saint Lord?

call out

Zhao Feng struggles through the power of Extreme Cold.

“Eye of Myriad Forms is too powerful”

Zhao Feng flew with all his strength, sighing in alarm.

Myriad Forms Saint Lord can raise the hands of heaven and earth with his hands.

If Zhao Feng doesn’t lead it away, I’m afraid it won’t take long, then the natural force of Extreme Cold can kill the human soldier’s Battle Strength indirectly.

“Hmph, the whole heaven and earth, is my strength, you can’t run away”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord coldly snorted and patted it.

call out

A colorful Mystic Light Holy Force suddenly struck Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng relies on God Eye’s ability to predict in advance and avoid attack.

However, the colorful Mystic Light Holy Force rubbed from the side of Zhao Feng suddenly changed to emerald green color. Then a few thick vines grew from it. On the huge vine, immediately differentiated into numerous small vines and wrapped Zhao Feng around.

“That’s the power of Myriad Forms?”

Zhao Feng expression was surprised.

I heard that the power of Myriad Forms from Eye of Myriad Forms can be instantly transformed into any natural strength between heaven and earth.

“Not good, still absorbing my life Origin Energy”

Zhao Feng runs the Saint Thunder Body, but finds that he cannot break the shackles of this powerful Profound Truth of Wood, and that the vine can also absorb his life essence, constantly weakening Zhao Feng’s strength.

“Wind Thunder of Wood”

Zhao Feng once again induced Wind Thunder Strength in Crystal Nucleus Space.

Suddenly, a layer of light green Wood Thunder ripples emerged from Zhao Feng’s body, treating Zhao Feng’s injury.

Zhao Feng infiltrated the vine’s Wind Thunder Strength into the vines, and the thunder attribute strength in the Wind Thunder of Wood was able to analyze these vines.


Zhao Feng emerged from the weakened vine bondage.

“Profound Truth of Wood”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord, who was approaching, frowned.

He is the descendant of Inheritance of Myriad Forms God Eye. He and the power of nature are under his control.

But the boy in front of him actually controls so many attributes. Is this to compete with him for the natural control of heaven and earth?

Myriad Forms Saint Lord’s eyes were slightly frozen, and the Wood Attribute strength destroyed by Zhao Feng suddenly turned into a turbulent fire sea, which surrounded Zhao Feng.


Myriad Forms Saint Lord waved a Myriad Forms Holy Force again. The colored Mystic Light Holy Force was transformed into a dark yellow color, forming a layer of dark yellow dust, which permeated the air.

Surrounded by the fire sea, Zhao Feng suddenly felt a heavy mountain-like pressure.

But in addition to gravity, there is also a strong obstacle. Zhao Feng is just like being buried in a subterranean rock formation. He needs to spend a huge strength to break free of the gravity and restraint of Profound Truth of Earth.

In addition, From Fire comes Earth, the hot fire power can also increase the strength of this dark yellow dust, making the gravity and binding power stronger again.

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