King of Gods

Chapter 1026

“How is it possible, my little world”

The batwing man’s heart was beating, his whole body was shaking.

That moment, not only did the small world appear cracks on the surface, the basic skeleton of the small world was also destroyed.

The basic skeleton of the small world is destroyed, and the operation of the small world will be disordered, which will affect the role of the small world.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

I saw a huge golden red Palm Strength phantom, flickering infinite lightning, pushed forward, everything on the way was destroyed.


Zhao Feng’s Palm Technique, directly hit the small world of Batwing Men.


The powerful thunder power and Wind Thunder Strength were released through Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm, Profound Truth, and penetrated into the small world system.

Although this palm is not as powerful as the one against Saint Lord in Instant Shadow, it is also enough to deal with this Quasi-Saint Lord-level Alien Race Chosen.

嘣 ka ka

The batwing man felt his small world skeleton, and was immediately destroyed by more than half. The purple world around him began to collapse.

At the same time, a Palm Technique Yuwei, strikes to the batwing man body.

“Wow … my little world”

Batwing man spurt a mouthful of blood, shouting in surprise.

You know, the small world started from King’s Domain, step by step, until it changed to the current small world, of which I don’t know how much time and energy was spent.

The Batwing man looked horrified towards Zhao Feng. The opponent was not only incredible in speed, defense, or strength.

“How could a human have such a powerful Chosen”

The batwing man was shocked in his heart. He never expected that he and Chosen of the Leopard Human Race would encounter such a thing.

“Manta Ray”

Batwing man’s complexion is fierce, burning True Yuan, a whole body of purple light emerges, and his purple batwing suddenly increases by one point, completely covering his body, and a strange space wave spreads out Come.

The silhouette of a batwing man disappears in Zhao Feng’s small world in a flickering purple light.

At that instant, even Zhao Feng’s little world could not detect the trace of the Batwing Man.

“Hidden Bloodline Secret Technique?”

Zhao Feng expression remained the same. Above the Left Eye, a layer of light gold amber ripples appeared.

At a glance, the silhouette of the batwing man appeared in Zhao Feng’s vision.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye is the nemesis of this secret Secret Technique, especially after Left Eye has become Golden, everything has nothing to hide

Instantly, Zhao Feng locked the Batwing Man.

“This is … how is that possible?”

Hidden into void, a Batwing man without any aura, suddenly felt a Spiritual Strength lock him.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

A group of Purple Gold Thunder Light flames suddenly appeared somewhere in Space and then burst apart.


The Batwing man figure was revealed, his body Soul, was burned and burned by a flame that destroyed Thunder Calamity.

At the same time, under Zhao Feng’s Will, in the Wind Thunder small world, the infinite Lightning Strength, simultaneously descended, and rang the batwing man.

“Want to escape?”

Zhao Feng thought.


Zhao Feng’s silhouette flashes passed away and came to the other side of the small world.

The Leopard Human Race man was about to escape from Zhao Feng’s little world and was blocked by Zhao Feng.

The Leopard Human Race man looked towards Zhao Feng, in addition to the fear of endless, there was hatred.

He knew that in the face of human beings, it would be useless to ask for mercy.

Leopard Human Race man within the body Bloodline burns, his figure suddenly increases, Golden needle-like hair grows from the whole body, and turns into a leopard-shaped monster. A powerful and fierce strength suddenly burst .


The Leopard Human Race man burst into a strong sprint speed, turned his direction, and prepared to assault from the other side.

Zhao Feng sneered, grabbed with one hand.

In a short time, a great power of heaven and earth, coupled with the suppression of the small world, shrouded the leopard Human Race man’s body.


Immediately, a huge scarlet light claw, dropping from the sky, Red Thunder Wind Lightning Encircles, a human race man who will transform the leopard.

Zhao Feng chuckled, and Left Eye froze.

The next moment.

A strong Eye Strength Will, the Soul of the Leopard Human Race man, was confined to void.

“What, his Soul Will …”

The Leopard Human Race man has completely lost control of his body, and his consciousness is difficult to move.

“Soul Search”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a wave of evil looking Soul surged into the Soul of the Leopard Human Race man.

At Zhao Feng’s Soul level, accomplishments on Soul Dao, plus Eye Bloodline, perform Soul Searching Technique, with no difficulty.

In addition, the Soul Will of this Leopard Human Race man is slightly weaker than the Batwing man. Therefore, Zhao Feng deliberately searched him for Soul.

After one or two breaths.

Zhao Feng ends Soul Search.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, strangling Soul of the Panther Human Race man, his head was taken into the Bewildering Space Realm by Zhao Feng.

On the other side, a man with a batwing who was seriously injured by a Feng-Thunder Eye Fire from Zhao Feng was anxious to be suppressed and tortured by the Wind Thunder small world.

When the Batwing man saw the end of the Leopard Human Race man, he resolutely chose Self-destruction.

Zhao Feng did not stop, after all, Quasi-Saint Lord-level Chosen’s Self-destruction poses a certain threat to Saint Lord.


When the batwing man Self-destruction, Zhao Feng took back the small world.

But for a while, two light-hearted Alien Race genius were killed in the hands of Zhao Feng.

“Information is enough”

Zhao Feng whispering.

In the memory of the Leopard Human Race Chosen, all the information is readily available.

Meng City There is only a person Saint Lord in town, strength equivalent to the instant shadow Saint Lord killed.

But Flood Dragon Human Race has five crickets, but it brings four powerful Quasi-Saint Lord Battle Strength, and many Invincible Great Emperor.

The Alien Race manpower brought by these five mules, the overall strength is far more than the original moment Saint Lord.

In other words, Mengchen’s current high-level Battle Strength is stronger than the two Instant Shadow Saint Lords.

“Oops, you shouldn’t take back the little world”

Zhao Feng frowned.

Zhao Feng was afraid that the Self-destruction of the Batwing Man would have an impact on his small world, so he took it back.

Unexpectedly, so far apart, the Self-destruction of Batwing Men still attracted the patrol team outside Meng City.

“That being the case, then you are also accepted”

Zhao Feng did not leave and moved on.

Not a while.

Three teams of Alien Race arrived, each team was about one hundred people, Small Origin Core, Great Origin Core and Half-Step King. The leader was an ordinary Great Emperor.

“Just now, there are strong True Yuan fluctuations”

“Will the two genius who came with the five sister-in-law talk here?”

“That fluctuating attribute is different from before”

The three headed by, flying while discussing.

Suddenly, a booming voice approached them quickly, and the three teams were immediately alert.

But they didn’t catch anything. A man with blond gold pupil appeared directly beside them.

“How could it be, human”

The three teams of men and women felt a powerful force, blocking the nearby void, and a choking pressure that prevented them from moving.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, evolved into an endless Purple Gold maze world, exuding a deadly appeal.

Near Zhao Feng, all Alien Race experts in the three teams looked unconsciously towards Zhao Feng’s eye.

In an instant, all the Alien Races present were as if they were standing in place, their eyes were dim, and Soul fell into a fantasy world created by Zhao Feng.


With a wave of Zhao Feng’s left hand, countless Wind Blades harvested the skulls of all Alien Races directly.

“Perhaps, you can kill some”

Zhao Feng contemplates for a moment.

His mission was completed, and he also killed two Alien Race Chosen and the two teams on patrol.

According to Zhao Feng’s understanding, the way to obtain warfare is not only to kill Alien Race. For example, Zhao Feng can also obtain rich warfare points by investigating information at this time.

But it was so hard to come here, and it was such a small gain, which could not satisfy Zhao Feng.

call out

Zhao Feng continued to approach Meng City.

When using Spiritual Sense for perception, both the same rank expert and the expert who is good at perception can perceive it.

But Zhao Feng controlled the people and horses around Meng City all around through the vision of the left eye.

As long as Zhao Feng does not stare at an expert, he will not be noticed.

At this moment, XNUMX thousand li away from Meng City, Zhao Feng lurked in a dense forest.


Zhao Feng suddenly revealed a vague aura.

“Well, come and see with me”

The two chiefs of the Alien Race patrolled noticed something strange, but were not sure, so they led the two teams and flew over to determine the situation.

“Seduced to succeed”

Zhao Feng smiled, waiting for them to come.


When these two Alien Race forces approached the dense forest, a mighty Will, immediately blocked a void.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, evolved into a Purple Gold maze world, everyone’s Soul consciousness, silently fell into another piece of Illusionary Space, losing control of the body and all senses.


Suddenly, a leader of the Great Emperor Realm, before falling into the Zhao Feng Illusion Technique, burst into an astonishing mighty Will.

“There is a mistake.”

Zhao Feng expression Calm.

At the same time, ‘Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain’ was applied to hundreds of Alien Races, and the effect was naturally weakened.

One of them, Soul Will, the slightly stronger Alien Race Great Emperor, passed the signal before falling into Zhao Feng Illusion Technique.

“But it’s just right, lest I be tempted by one after another”

Zhao Feng harvested the heads of the two Alien Races directly. With a big wave, Wind Thunder True Yuan surged, and the bodies of all Alien Races were wiped out.

“Follow me if there is a situation”

Near Meng City, a top Great Emperor looked away and suddenly shouted.

Hu hu

All patrol teams outside Meng City approached it.

Hong long long

Thousands of patrol soldiers, led by the top Alien Race Great Emperor, moved towards Zhao Feng.

Meanwhile, in Meng City.

Five 1-Star Commander and three 2-Star Commander, carrying XNUMX elite troops, rushed out.

Inside a dark great hall in Meng City.

“what happened?”

The skin of a first-born Dragon Horn was covered with cyan scales, said the man in a gorgeously dressed Alien Race.

The great hall is in the center, and there is an Alien Race old man with a huge figure, who is the dark squid Saint Lord who guards Meng City.

He released Spiritual Sense, and at a glance, nothing was felt.

“Go and see”

Dark Squid Saint Lord instructed.


“Hehe, hope for a chance to get rid”

Two aura powerful and weird women with bloodthirsty smiles. One of them was an Eagle Human Race woman, with a pair of black wings sticking out from behind, and suddenly rushed into the sky.

Another sexy human snake woman, turned into a cyan light and shadow, catching up with the black feather light ahead.

Both of them are peerless genius who came here with the Human Race five sisters.

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