King of Gods

Chapter 1024

In the Alien Race area bordering Lan Province, a lonely black mountain haunts the dim mist all year round.

The mountains, Monster Qi, are so horrifying that they stun Ba Huang.

This is the Alien Race headquarters battle hall that captured the Lan Province area.

In a core secret hall, The head has black giant horns, and a majestic man the size of a copper bell, with a gray sheet of paper floating in front of him.

“Moon Dragon City was breached”

The horny man’s thick voice sounded.

At the same time, great hall all around, there are silhouettes with strange shapes.

“Moon Dragon City, two Saint Lords, will be defeated if they sit in town?”

A strange voice questioned.

Moon Dragon City is the place where this Alien Race battle was captured. The highest level of the battle hall attaches great importance to it. Therefore, two Saint Lords were sent to sit in town.

“Two Saint Lords, all killed”

The bighorn man added.

“Magic Bull Saint Lord, how is this possible? Don’t tell me, on the human side, Already sends out the ancient Saint Lord Battle Strength?”

Another old voice echoed in the great hall.

“It’s all dead, it’s strange.”

In the great hall, many doubts sounded.

Even if the two Saint Lords have a certain gap with the ancient Saint Lord, it is not so easy to kill.

Now, Moon Lord City ’s two Saint Lords have fallen. Unless the human side, Already allows Mystic Light small accomplishment-level Battle Strength to join the battlefield.

“According to the news from Meng City, it seems that the other party does not have Saint Lord expert, it may be the peerless Chosen of Great Heaven.”

The devil Saint Lord continued.

Meng City is the Alien Race city in front of Moon Dragon City.

Among them were not only the Meng City’s originally powerful Alien Race, but also some of the Alien Race fighters that Moon Dragon City had escaped.

“Hmph, Great Heaven Dynasty actually ignored Chosen’s life and death”

A sound of killing intent sounded.

Obviously, this senior wants to get rid himself and kill these Chosen of the Great Heaven Dynasty.

“No, just happen to be a ‘sister-in-law of Human Race’, also come here, let him support Meng City.”

The devil Saint Lord makes a decision.

蛟 Human Race, Serene Moon Dynasty The dominant Alien Race on the Ming Dynasty, and the mule is equivalent to the prince in the Great Heaven Dynasty.

“And this time the five mules came, which should bring a lot of powerful Alien Race manpower.”

Saint Lord added.

It is still at the beginning of the war. Alien Race is still preparing for the other.

Alien Race now just needs to stabilize and wait for the time to come before they can attack aggressively.

Saint Lord Battle Strength was originally scarce. When it is not necessary, a stronger Battle Strength cannot be dispatched, which will only speed up the pace of war.

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the hall, “front battlefield information”


In the great hall, a black mist surged, a gray sheet of paper floated in from the outside, and fell into the hands of the demon Saint Lord.

“Myriad Forms Saint Lord captured another city …”

Said the devil Saint Lord.

“Haha, worthy to be called is Myriad Forms Saint Lord, and even today, there is such a record”

“Descendants of the Inheritance of Eight Great God Eyes, this is nature …”

Moon Dragon City.

Some time ago, the troops dispatched by Ninth Prince arrived at Already.

Among these forces are members of the forces of the Sea Mist Pavilion and King Nan Feng, as well as the elite experts supported by Lan Duke Mansion, and other members who came to the battlefield.

“With these forces, Meng City is out of the question.”

Ninth Prince is smug.

Meng City is only a person where Saint Lord sits. The Battle Strength on the bottom joins the escaping Moon Dragon City soldiers, which is a little stronger than the soldiers of Ninth Prince.

But as long as the top Battle Strength of Meng City is beheaded, the battle is settled.


Outside Ninth Prince great hall, an intelligence officer hurriedly entered into the.

Ninth Prince took over the secret report, and the complexion sank slightly.

“His Royal Highness, what’s wrong?”

Old Ying immediately asked.

“Meng City sent reinforcements, Alien Race ‘bitch,”

Ninth Prince said.

“This should be the case, even if ‘Sister-in-law, don’t come, there should be additional staff.”

Old Ying immediately said.

Their attack on Moon Dragon City and the killing of the two Saint Lords will surely attract the attention of Alien Race.

However, the mule of Human Race should deal better with some ancient Saint Lord.

“Then Meng City, we can’t move for the time being, we need to think long term”

Ninth Prince calmed down.

At least wait for the spies to find out, 蛟 Human Race 蛟 子 will make the overall strength of Meng City, to what extent can a decision be made.

At this time, Zhao Feng was walking on the ‘trading market’ in Moon Dragon City.

This trading market was established by the city’s garrison.

The war between the two dynasties, whether soldiers or Commander, can get a lot of spoils of war from the killed Alien Race body.

But most of these spoils of war are useless.

At first, it was only between teams that traded with each other in exchange for what they needed. Later, it continued to expand to form a trading market.

Zhao Feng killed two Saint Lords and many Great Emperor Commanders to gain massive.

These resources are naturally far worse than those in Zhao Feng Bewildering Space Realm.

However, Zhao Feng’s current development forces, lack of resources, and accumulated over a long period of time will also be a huge resource.

But before that, Zhao Feng can use this spoils of war first, in the trading market, in exchange for some of the items and resources he needs.

Zhao Feng cultivate “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, the resources required are too huge, and the attributes are different, which is more messy.

In addition, some time ago, the first layer of cultivate “Soul Dividing Secret Art” led to the decline of Zhao Feng’s Soul Will. With the accumulation of a large number of resources, although Soul Will is now almost recovered, the Soul cultivation resources are almost exhausted.

“Brother Zhao Feng, what do you need, I will give you a discount”

“Zhao Feng Commander, I have everything here, as long as you speak, everything is easy to say”

Seeing Zhao Feng coming to the trading market, many stall owners immediately spoke.

On the battlefield, Zhao Feng killed two Saint Lords and dozens of Great Emperors. He must have accumulated rich results in his hands, and this was also an excellent opportunity to make good contact with Zhao Feng.

In the end, Zhao Feng easily traded the resources he needed.

After exchanging resources, Zhao Feng came to the place where the soldiers were stationed.

Here are rows of simple houses, and Zhao Feng walks into one of them.

“Supreme Elder”

The moment Zhao Feng came in, many silhouettes, simultaneously screamed out.

Headed by a Peak King, came forward.

“You allocate these resources”

Zhao Feng handed a storage ring named First King.

“Many thanks Supreme Elder”

The old man immediately bowed down, and many members of the Sea Mist Pavilion moved to tears.

Supreme Elder’s performance on the battlefield has made them here get excellent treatment.

Today Supreme Elder doesn’t forget them, he sent cultivation resources in person.

“After the next battle, if you want to go back, you can go back to the Sea Mist Pavilion and tell the owner, and then send some potential members.”

Zhao Feng gave the old man named the head, sound transmission alone.

The battlefield is a good place to hone. Now Zhao Feng is here. Naturally, he must use the battlefield to hone the potential of his forces.

In addition, the accumulated military achievements of a large number of members can also be exchanged for corresponding resources for the development of forces.


The old man respectfully said.

Later, Zhao Feng left here, returned to his residence, and started cultivate.

After running Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art, Zhao Feng was wholeheartedly versatile.

“Soul Dividing Secret Art” Second Layer, the performance is coming soon “

Zhao Feng thoughtfully.

“Soul Dividing Secret Art” Second Layer can be so fast, thanks to the help of Saint Lord Star Devil.

However, even if “Soul Dividing Secret Art” is introduced by the Second Layer, Zhao Feng will not rush to cultivate.

First of all, Second Layer was derived by him and Saint Lord Star Devil. Zhao Feng should try his best to eliminate possible errors.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s current Soul Will has just been restored. If it is cultivate Second Layer again, then it is necessary to step back.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is not in a hurry to need Soul Clone.

“At present, Zhao Wang’s Underworld Ghost Sect is already a well-know figure in Inner Disciple, and the cultivation base has reached the Great Origin Core intermediate stage.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

He also deliberately suppressed the progress of Zhao Wang’s cultivation base, so as not to cause suspicion, otherwise, with Zhao Wang’s natural talent, plus the resources given by Eye of Death and Zhao Feng, it should be the Great Origin Core Peak now.

On the other side, the Small Thieving Cat has been using the vast resources given by Zhao Feng, staying inside the Bewildering Space Realm and rarely going out.

“The strength of Small Thieving Cat is also undergoing further transformation”

Zhao Feng secretly whispering.

The strength of Small Thieving Cat has also grown along with Zhao Feng.

The gap between Great Emperor and Saint Lord is too big. If Small Thieving Cat does not enhance the strength, it will not be able to keep up with Zhao Feng’s, and it will be difficult to fish.


Inside Bewildering Space Realm, some cultivation resources are moved to Zhao Feng.

“Dark Thunder Blood Grass, Sky Wind Spirit Bamboo, Jiutian

Zhao Feng runs “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, while absorbing the attributes of these precious medicine ingredients, and at the same time excluding impurities.

In the past three days, the surging Wind-Thunder of Fire True Yuan in Zhao Feng Crystal Nucleus is more powerful and pure, and occasionally flashes of Thunder Marks.

“Wind-Thunder of Fire great accomplishment”

Zhao Feng opened both eyes.

A long time ago, his Wind-Thunder of Fire had been consolidated on small accomplishment, and now he broke through in one fell swoop.

“Eighth Layer is Wind-Thunder of Fire, then Ninth Layer is Wind Thunder of Earth …”

Zhao Feng already started planning for Cultivation of Ninth Layer Wind Thunder of Earth.

On the other side, next to the Ninth Prince city in Lan Province, is the stronghold of Thirteenth Prince.

Thirteenth Prince relied on a large number of outstanding members and a Saint Lord Battle Strength, and finally broke through a city.

But when he learned that Ninth Prince was before him, he broke through the Moon Dragon City, and the joy on his face immediately disappeared.

Ninth Prince did not rely on Saint Lord Battle Strength and broke a city, and his fame is naturally greater than him.

“Moon Dragon City’s Alien Race is a bunch of stupid people”

Thirteenth Prince was cursed.

“Third Highness, Ninth Prince can only be defeated by relying on Zhao Feng, plus the light enemy of Moon Dragon City.”

Next to Thirteenth Prince, said Xi Peng of Nine Nether Palace.

Xi Peng also followed Thirteenth Prince, who participated in the powerful Quasi-Saint Lord of the Crown Prince Trial. After experiencing the Crown Prince Trial, his strength has improved, and it will not take long before you can try the Assault Saint Lord.

“This Zhao Feng is also a trouble”

Thirteenth Prince heard endless anger when he heard Zhao Feng’s name.

“Indeed, the main reason is Zhao Feng. If Zhao Feng couldn’t stay on the battlefield … hehe”

Xi Peng of Nine Nether Palace showed a smile.

“Xi Peng, do you have a way?”

Thirteenth Prince smiled with surprise.

“Zhao Feng offends our Nine Nether Palace, how can there be a good end, and so is Nangong Sheng”

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