King of Gods

Chapter 1004

“Already ten hours”

Saint Lord Star Devil complexion was a little excited.

He was only 50% sure. Zhao Feng could not stay in the Eighth Layer for such a long time.

Therefore, he won the bet with the Purple Crown old man, and Saint Lord Star Devil won.

“This child’s Soul accomplishment is so high?”

Purple crown old man shocked.

That Eye Technique book was handed to Saint Lord Star Devil.

The point is, Zhao Feng’s amazing potential was discovered by them.

It is definitely good for Ji Family to make such a good genius.

Fortunately, he didn’t deal with this junior because of Ji Lian, gets rid, but let his Second Disciple Ji Shengming follow Ji Lian. In this way, nothing can happen.

“Don’t forget what you say”

Saint Lord Star Devil reminded again, staring into the distance.

“Do you really expect him to enter into the Ninth Layer?”

Purple crown old man can’t help smile.

He did not believe that Zhao Feng could enter into the Ninth Layer.

He and Saint Lord Star Devil are both Supreme Elder of Ji Family, but the real power is in his hands.

Outside the Purple Star Tower.

“Already ten hours”

“Even if there is a real Soul Will, breaking through the Saint Lord level, it is impossible to stay in it for so long”

“I went to see”

Ji Dengtian finally couldn’t hold back his curiosity.

He didn’t know when Ji Family had such a genius.

After that, Ji Dengtian once again consumed a lot of contributions, enters into the Purple Star Tower.

“We can just wait for Zhao Feng here”

Ji Shengming said solemnly.

When Ji Dengtian went to participate in the Crown Prince Trial, he ran out of Clan’s contribution. He wanted to go in Purple Star Tower at this time, but couldn’t get in.

“Okay, can’t let Zhao Feng run away”

Ji Lian agrees.

The other disciples outside the Purple Star Tower also choose to wait outside.

After all, wasting a lot of precious Clan contributions just to go in and see a person is really not a good deal.

Inside the Purple Star Tower.

Zhao Feng came to the corridor leading to the Ninth Layer and took a few steps.

“The top of the head is the range of the Ninth Layer”

Zhao Feng looked up.

The dense mist of purple, like dirt, accumulates in the air.

A line was carved on the wall on the side of the corridor.

“Insufficient Realm, don’t enter, otherwise you may lose consciousness and be unable to come down”

It seems that there are not a few people who are as curious as Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, suddenly rushed out, all around the purple dense fog, was suddenly lined up.

At the same time, Zhao Feng runs “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” to control Will’s strength in more detail and block the purple mist from approaching.

And “God Secret Art” can improve Zhao Feng Soul’s defense and have a certain resistance to purple mist.

Zhao Feng directly enters into the Ninth Layer.

In an instant, the endless purple dense fog was squeezed towards Zhao Feng, as if Zhao Feng was to be completely buried.

Less than half the time, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will was squeezed and deformed.


Zhao Feng took a step towards the futon closest to him.


Soul Will was squeezed into Zhao Feng’s Soul, and the thick purple mist instantly attacked Zhao Feng’s Soul.


Zhao Feng immediately runs the Thunder Calamity imprint in the Thunder Soul Body.

The remaining one thousand or more Thunder Calamity imprints instantly flashed Thunder Light, and the Thunder Calamity Strength burst out.


Many purple dense fog squeezed on the surface of Zhao Feng Soul were directly destroyed by Thunder Calamity Strength.

Zhao Feng’s pressure gradually faded and he took another step.

Zhao Feng’s left eye is filled with a light gold star.

Using Light of Transparent Beaking, Zhao Feng’s vision has almost no effect and penetrates everything, so Zhao Feng’s consciousness can be kept relatively awake.

Zhao Feng distance His nearest futon is getting closer.

“En? I might be able to break down these purple fog”

Zhao Feng suddenly have a thought.

However, the purple dense fog of Ninth Layer surpassed Zhao Feng’s imagination. As it is, it is surging throughout the space.

Moreover, the particle structure of the purple fog is also very complicated, and it is unrealistic to decompose it.

“However, if I use another way, use and solve,”

Zhao Feng came up with an idea.

For a long time, Zhao Feng’s decomposed beam has been emitted in a straight line.

But in fact, the use of solutions is not limited to this. Like many tactical applications, the key is to see if the user can play tricks.


In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a wave of light golden light is emitted, twisted in the air, and then Zhao Feng is wrapped to form a light gold protective cover.


Those purple fogs that are constantly invading will be broken down when passing through the light gold protective cover, and the power of purple fogs will be greatly reduced.

Bang Bang

Zhao Feng rushed out two steps and stood directly on the futon.

Suddenly, Ninth Layer flickering started to fade slightly

But also because Zhao Feng is standing within the futon, equivalent to cultivate above the futon.

Therefore, the power of purple dense fog is stronger.

“hold onto”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, constantly flickering Golden amber light glow, layers of pale gold ripples, constantly gushing, wrapping Zhao Feng.

And on Zhao Feng’s Soul, countless Thunder Calamity imprints, simultaneously shining, fully inspire Thunder Calamity Strength.

At this moment, Zhao Feng cast all his cards and applied them to the limit.


The light gold ripple light cover outside Zhao Feng’s body disappeared, and the Thunder Calamity brand in the Thunder Soul Body slowly faded.

Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art and God Secret Art also gradually lost their effect.

He only stood on this futon for three breaths.

“go away”

Zhao Feng’s consciousness still kept a certain soberness.

Although he can still hold his breath, afterwards, he will lose his resistance and may not be able to go down.

Zhao Feng surged Wind Thunder True Yuan, and instantly entered into the corridor and came to the Eighth Layer.

Because Zhao Feng has reached the limit in all aspects, at this time, Zhao Feng has no ability to resist these purple dense fog.

Therefore, Zhao Feng could not resist the purple fog of Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer, and his consciousness gradually became chaotic.


Zhao Feng flew into the Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer, rushed into the downward corridor, and came to the Purple Star Tower seventh layer.

Purple Star Tower seventh layer, suitable for Great Emperor Realm cultivated place.

When he came here, Zhao Feng was finally relaxed. As long as he had a trace of Soul Will, it would be enough to stay in peace.

“Zhao Feng?”

Aside, Ji Dengtian saw Zhao Feng rushing out of the corridor leading to the Eighth Layer, and suddenly stood on the spot.

Not a child of Ji Family, it would actually be Zhao Feng in Eighth Layer cultivate

Zhao Feng didn’t care about Ji Dengtian, he just cultivated in the Eighth Layer for a day, and it should have no effect.

He took some nourishing Soul Precious Materials while running “God Secret Art” to repair Soul’s injuries.

“God Secret Art” sixth layer Perfection “

Zhao Feng can’t help smile.

It seems that adventure enters into the Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer, is still worth it.

“Zhao Feng, I didn’t expect you to stay in the Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer for so long”

Ji Dengtian finally spoke.

It was Zhao Feng who cultivated in the Eighth Layer, and everything made a little sense.

After all, Zhao Feng’s strength, Ji Dengtian has seen it, he is willing to downwind.

And Zhao Feng’s various performances in Crown Prince Trial are all celestial being.

So, everything about Zhao Feng’s, Ji Dengtian already is not so shocked.

“Well, Ji Family Purple Star Tower, name is not in vain”

Zhao Feng admired.

Unfortunately, the Purple Star Pass is only available once.

“Brother Zhao go back to recover first. For the first time, enters into the Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer. It can persist for so long. Already is far beyond the ordinary Saint Lord.”

Ji Dengtian saw Zhao Feng’s weakness.

If Zhao Feng came down from the Eighth Layer and nothing happened, it would be abnormal.


Zhao Feng slowly absorbed the medicine efficacy of the treasure just taken. On the other hand, he operated “God Secret Art” and slowly left Purple Star Tower.

Ji Dengtian stays in the seventh layer.

After all, it took that many Clan contributions to leave, so leaving is really wasteful.

Outside Purple Star Tower.

“I read that right. The Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer turned on just now.”

“How is that possible? Can someone from Ji Family cultivate on Ninth Layer?”

“This is the problem with Purple Star Tower.”

The onlookers were on the spot for a long time before they talked.

You know, the Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer is the place of Saint King Cultivation.

Ji Family’s Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer, Already has been on for XNUMX years and has not been lit.

Just now, the Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer flashed for a moment

Although it is only a split second, its influence is more than ten hours of the Eighth Layer.

“Well, do you want to sue the great-grandfather?”

Ji Lian is aware that this matter is not easy.

At this time, Zhao Feng appeared in front of the Purple Star Tower.

“Ji Shengming, he is Zhao Feng”

Ji Lian immediately forgot about what happened.

“Hehe, the Great Emperor, the first time they entered the Purple Star Tower, they became so weak.”

Zhao Feng from Ji Shengming looked towards, can’t help sneer.

“Zhao Feng, thanks to how long you can hide in Purple Star Tower”

Ji Lian immediately stepped out, showing a fierce look, and at this time Ji Shengming helped him, he couldn’t believe Zhao Feng when he didn’t believe it.

In the distance, Ji Lan saw Zhao Feng before waking up from stagnation.

Although she didn’t believe it, she knew that it was only Zhao Feng who could enter into the Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer.

But at this time, Zhao Feng’s looks very weak. It should be due to enters into the Ninth Layer. In this way, will Zhao Feng be the opponent of Ji Shengming?

all around, the rest of the Ji Family’s children also came around, they waited so long that they didn’t know the characters in the Eighth Layer cultivation, so it was good to have some fun at this time.

“Zhao Feng, if you can pick me up three strokes, I will let you go today”

Ji Shengming was condescending and said disdainfully.

He didn’t seem to be a bully, so he said so.

Although it is a three-pronged approach, Ji Shengming will go all out to kill Zhao Feng’s life.

“Get off, I’m busy now”

Zhao Feng impatiently looked at the two a glance.

Zhao Feng went through the Purple Star Tower and his team and learned a lot. He also rushed back to treat Cultivation.

“Hmph, refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit”

Ji Shengming looks ugly.

He did not expect that this junior was so arrogant and so disrespectful to him.

Ji Shengming’s both eyes suddenly flashed purple and blurred Xingze.

But the next moment, Zhao Feng’s gold pupil swept the two glances directly, and a thrilling Eye Strength Will radiated and converged instantly.


Purple Star Tower all around, a piece of deathly stillness, absolute silence.

That split second, the consciousness of Eye Strength erupted by Zhao Feng made their Eye Bloodline tremble, and the Soul level seemed to be suppressed below the giant mountain.

And Ji Lian and Ji Shengming are dull on the spot, both eyes are dim and immersed in hallucinations.

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