King of Gods

Chapter 1002

Zhao Feng is near the house.

“Ji Lian, that kid has gone to Purple Star Tower”

A follower of Ji Lian trot in front of Ji Lian.

“Ji Shengming, Zhao Feng went to Purple Star Tower”

Ji Lian brows slightly wrinkle, Saint Lord Star Devil is too optimistic about Zhao Feng, and actually gave Zhao Feng Purple Star Tower the right of way.

“Then we will wait for him outside the Purple Star Tower”

Aside from Ji Lian, a black clothed middle-aged man with both eyes shook.

“Also, it seems that Ji Lan went with Zhao Feng”

This name whispered.

Ji Lian’s eyebrows were suddenly squeezed together, his heart burning with anger.

“let’s go”

Ji Lian flicked his sleeve and murmured.

He never suffered any humiliation in Ji Family, and naturally he would not let Zhao Feng go easily.

Ji Lian’s great-grandfather will not be for the younger generation of Zhao Feng gets rid for Ji Lian. Moreover, Zhao Feng is a guest brought by Saint Lord Star Devil anyway.

But Ji Lian’s great-grandfather asked his Second Disciple Ji Shengming to follow Ji Lian, and the rest didn’t say much.

Ji Shengming is second only to Jisi Dengtian’s Quasi-Saint Lord expert.

Ji Lian doesn’t believe, this time he still can’t learn Zhao Feng.

“Ji Shengming, don’t start too hard at that time”

Ji Lian smiled vaguely.

Zhao Feng made him lose face in front of Ji Lan that day.

At this time, he wants to make Zhao Feng more uncomfortable in front of Ji Lan, otherwise why should Ji Lan stay away from Zhao Feng.

Inside the Purple Star Tower.

Zhao Feng and Ji Lan walk slowly.

The Purple Star Tower First Layer is a discipline of True Spirit Realm.

After observing Zhao Feng’s left eye, he found that every futon all around has some subtle formations.

“Every location within the Purple Star Tower has a space formation that is isolated from the outside world”

Ji Lan explained to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded. Without these Space formations, they would not be able to function as closed-door cultivation.

Purple Star Tower Second Layer.

Still overcrowded, all are Ji Family disciple of Small Origin Core Realm.

Zhao Feng and Ji Lan went all the way to the seventh layer.

The purple fog in front of the eyes was almost as dense as water, filling the entire Space.

There are ten futons in the seventh layer. Today, there are only six futons, and one of them is very familiar with Zhao Feng. It is Ji Dengtian.

“Purple Star Tower seventh layer, a cultivate place for Void God Great Emperor”

After Ji Lan spoke, he came to a futon.

Although Ji Lan’s strength, Already far exceeds ordinary Great Emperor.

But the Eighth Layer is the place of Cultivation for Mystic Light Realm. Unless Ji Lan’s Soul Realm reaches the level of Saint Lord, enters into the Eighth Layer may not be able to persist for a long time.

At this point, everyone who enters into the Purple Star Tower understands that the thick purple mist in the air has the effect of illusion and hypnosis, and the effect of the Each layer will increase.

The Eighth Layer is a dense fog and a great Emperor that can confuse the Saint Lord expert, and naturally dare not go up.

Zhao Feng didn’t speak, and found a futon. Try the effect first.

At the moment sitting on the futon, the sight of Zhao Feng all around changed completely. Only the thick fog of endless purple tossed and twisted the change, and no one was visible.

“These purple mists seem to be the embodiment of my Soul Strength and are controlled by my Soul Will”

Zhao Feng instantly realized the uniqueness of Purple Star Tower.

Hu hu

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will quickly manipulated the dense fog all around.

Not a while.

Zhao Feng’s all around became a majestic purple maze, with Wind Thunder rolling over.

“It’s a great place to simulate Dao of Illusions expert.

Zhao Feng admired.

Here, Soul Strength can be materialized, which is very helpful for shaping the domain and troubleshooting defects in the domain.

At the same time, he could feel that within the futon, the thick fog’s influence and invasion on Soul was even more fierce.

These dense fogs can only make people have the illusion, increase spiritual pressure, and indeed have the effect of condensing Soul.

Zhao Feng was here first to perfect his Illusionary City Domain.

Because, if possible, Zhao Feng intends to shape the Illusionary City Domain into another small world.

In addition, Zhao Feng cultivate Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art and God Secret Art.

“Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” is about to be Perfection, and “Revived God Secret Art” is progressing very fast.

It won’t be long before Zhao Feng can try Soul Dividing Secret Art.

Why did Zhao Feng try this book, which is very dangerous, only the Soul method of First Layer cultivate method?

There are three reasons for this: First, the mechanical badger of Heavens Secret Clan has very high evaluation of “Soul Dividing Secret Art”, and Zhao Feng, who has God Eye, is also very good at deducing the tactics.

Secondly, “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” is about to be Perfection. The benefit of this God Secret Art to Zhao Feng is beyond doubt.

In that case, how powerful should Soul Dividing Secret Art be based on Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art and God Secret Art?

Third, “Soul Dividing Secret Art” splits Soul’s cultivate method, which is very attractive to Zhao Feng. Once Zhao Feng’s attempt is successful, in that case, Zhao Feng God Eye’s rejection of Eye of Death seems to be perfectly solved.

In other words, once Zhao Feng cultivates “Soul Dividing Secret Art”, the soul fragment is successful, then he can melt Eye of Death into the split Soul body.

Zhao Feng can’t believe it. Soul, which he split, also has God Eye.

He always believed that his God Eye was as unique as Eight Great God Eyes.

Time passed slowly, at noon.

Ji Lan left the futon and saw Zhao Feng still cultivate.

“Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, likely to reach Saint Lord, cultivate here for a few days, no problem”

Ji Lan sighed.

She took out some Precious Materials that purified Soul, swallows, and returned to the futon.

Even Ji Lan did not realize that Zhao Feng was next to her, and his cultivate progress was much faster than before.

On the second day, Ji Lan returned to the sixth layer and recovered for a while before coming to the seventh layer again.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still motionless.

“Illusionary City Domain, approaching perfection”

Zhao Feng is very satisfied.

The more stable the domain, the smaller the world that is shaped, the more convenient and powerful it is.

At the same time, after two days of cultivate here, Zhao Feng reached the Saint Lord level of Soul Will, which was more refined.

In addition, the Illusion Technique conceived in Zhao Feng’s mind was basically formed.

Combine ‘Illusion Imprison Eye’ with ‘Purple Star Confusion’ and name it ‘Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain’.

Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain, pulls the enemy into the fantasy world created by Zhao Feng God Eye, and isolates the other party ’s Soul idea from the body, confusing the other party ’s five senses, making the magician think that all around everything is true.

If at this time, he performed Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain on Ji Lian, maybe only a glance would allow Ji Lian to sink into the fantasy world for decades.

On the third day, Ji Lan finally couldn’t support it. If she continued to stay in the Purple Star Tower, it would only cause incurable damage to her Soul.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng also opened both eyes and got up to leave the futon.

“How? It’s time to leave”

Ji Lan laughed.

She believes that Zhao Feng must experience the out of the ordinary of Purple Star Tower.

The first time you enter into the Purple Star Tower, you may feel a little uncomfortable and stay for a short time.

“You go first”

Zhao Feng said indifferently, and went inside.

“What do you want? There is … Eighth Layer entrance”

Ji Lan expression was shocked.

Zhao Feng plans to go to the Eighth Layer after spending three days in the Purple Star Tower seventh layer?

You know, Ji Family children, when they want to enter into the higher floors, they enter into the best state, so that they can spend more time.

“Zhao Feng should want to see the Eighth Layer.”

Ji Lan immediately laughed.

After Zhao Feng left this time, after all, there was no chance to enter the Purple Star Tower again.

The seventh layer has many formation barriers at the corridor leading to the Eighth Layer.

But these barriers are not to prevent the unauthorized trespass, but to isolate the purple fog between floors.

Zhao Feng directly came to the Eighth Layer through the formation barrier.

If you say in the seventh layer, Zhao Feng’s vision, there are still five feet.

Then, the Eighth Layer, Zhao Feng’s field of vision has only one foot left. Even if the perspective ability of the left eye is urged, this layer cannot be seen clearly.

After a while, the sight in front of Zhao Feng was a bit chaotic, as if there were many Great Desolate beasts hidden in the fog.

“Really extraordinary”

Zhao Feng is excited and runs “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” and Saint Lord Soul Will.

Suddenly, everything in front of me was restored as usual and became a purple dense ocean.

The reason why Zhao Feng ventured into the Eighth Layer was because he found that cultivate “God Secret Art” in the Purple Star Tower, the effect is very amazing.

And Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, who has reached the Saint Lord level for a long time, is cultivated in the Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer, which has a better tempered effect on his Soul.

Later, Zhao Feng found a futon and sat down.

At this time, outside of the Purple Star Tower, Ji Lian and Ji Dengtian were a little impatient.

Nearby, other Ji Family children waiting to see the show also began to disperse.


Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer flickering A halo of purple halo, the Eighth Layer lit.

Suddenly, the nearby disciple was shocked and stopped.

The Purple Star Tower has a total of 9-Layer, and only if there is a cultivate cultivate in the Each layer, that layer will light up.

But now, the Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer is actually flickering, which proves that someone is in the Eye Layer insight cultivate.

However, the Eighth Layer is a cultivate place for Saint Lord Realm.

“Eighth Layer is on”

“Don’t tell me which Soul Will of my Ji Family, Genius, reached Saint Lord level?”

“I remember Ji Dengtian in it, could it be him?”

The Ji Family children gathered nearby are talkative and discussed.

Because, recently, there is no Saint Lord-level expert, enters into the Purple Star Tower.

So they speculated that it might be the Ji Family expert who was cultivate in the seventh layer, temporarily breaking through, and entering into the Eighth Layer.

And Ji Dengtian, as the strongest Quasi-Saint Lord of Ji Family, this possibility is very high.

“What? Ji Dengtian?”

Ji Shengming complexion sank.

Ji Dengtian is indeed stronger than him, otherwise, the Crown Prince Trial’s quota is his.

Today, Ji Dengtian has an opportunity in Crown Prince Trial. When he came back to cultivate for a while, he actually gave birth to Saint Lord Will, which made Ji Shengming extremely annoyed.

Fortunately, I am not sure yet. Maybe Ji Dengtian just forcibly enters into the Eighth Layer to try, maybe after a while, the lights of the Eighth Layer will be dimmed.

“Ji Lan?”

Ji Lian showed a smile and was very excited.

“Zhao Feng?”

Ji Lian found it wrong, Zhao Feng didn’t come out with Ji Lan

“He’s still inside”

Ji Lan answered briefly and stepped aside.

Ji Lan saw Ji Lian and Ji Shengming and knew what they were for.

Instead of worrying about Zhao Feng, she worried about the two.

“Abominable, this Zhao Feng”

Ji Lian both eyes anger.

He knew at a glance that Ji Lan was planning to wait for Zhao Feng here.

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