King of Gods

Chapter 056

Watching the silhouette of Zhao Feng’s departure, Qiu Mengyu’s mind fell into a short trance.

On the surface, Zhao Feng is just a XNUMX-year-old immature youngster, but the calm divine light in his eyes, the indescribable penetration force, does not seem to be owned by humans.

Even Zhao Feng himself was unaware that the integration of Mystical Left Eye had an unexpected transformation on his body Bloodline and even temperament …


A youngster dressed up as a scholar fell on Qiu Mengyu’s side, which is Qiu Changyi!

“Mengyu, that kid left so soon? Don’t tell me Sun Flower City’s No.1 Beauty, and sometimes he misses.”

Qiu Changyi said slightly unexpected.

“Failed. He’s not like the youngster.”

Qiu Mengyu shook his head bitterly.

Suddenly, an old voice came: “Mengyu, don’t worry, the first plan, the old man, didn’t plan to succeed.”

The two were behind, and somehow a gray robed old man appeared.

“Meet Elder.”

Qiu Mengyu and Qiu Changyi, saluted quickly, respectfully.

This time, the Summit of Geniuses is hosted by Qiu Family, and naturally there are Elder-level figures behind the scenes.

The gray robed old man is Elder of Qiu Family.

Not long after, he played against the mysterious Guangjun Guards, and was not injured lightly, his face paled slightly.

“Mengyu, you have successfully delayed his Half Incense Stick time. The second plan, the allocation is completed.”

gray robed old man flashes murderous intention in his eyes.

“Elder really wants to fight him?”

Qiu Mengyu couldn’t bear it.

“The potential of this child innate talent is really terrifying. One day, Zhao Clan will be strong and unstoppable in the future. Where is my Qiu Family?”

gray robed old man said.

“Elder! If Zhao Feng died, Zhao Clan would probably guess my Qiu Family.”

Qiu Changyi has some doubts.

“Hehe, what is the value of the dead genius, let alone that Zhao Feng came from Branch Clan? And, this plan is so thorough, Zhao Feng will never die near the Qiu Family’s place …”

gray robed old man A mysterious unpredictable smile appeared on his face.


After that, his figure flashed into the night, and it was twice as fast as Qiu Changyi, the champion of Light Body.


Qiu Mengyu and Qiu Changyi look at a glance with a little regret.


Farewell to Qiu Mengyu, Zhao Feng is alone, all the way down the mountain.

At this point, the Summit of Geniuses was long over and few people were on the road.

For some reason, Zhao Feng had a sense of uneasiness spied on.

Invisibly, there is a threat of murderous intention, which makes his left eye jump slightly.


Zhao Feng calmly opened his left eye.

Suddenly, on the surface of the his left eye, a slight sparkling green glow moved, and the pump light became deeper in the night, such as the bottomless abyss.

Zhao Feng immediately enters into the familiar super visual interface.

The dark night, with his left eye glance, was like daylight.

The circle is 10 li, which is clear at a glance. If placed in the daytime, the distance can be doubled.

His field of vision can even be zoomed. If he deliberately stares, he can clearly see the ants on the trees.

This kind of super strong senses brought him all the confidence and calmness of Ruler.


With a quick glance at his left eye, Zhao Feng suddenly saw a silhouette standing on a large tree outside a few hundred zhang behind him.

The silhouette, wearing a gray robe, was unable to detect the night person by the shadow of a tree.


Zhao Feng’s eye, but the other person’s outline, figure, see clearly.

It’s him!

Zhao Feng’s heart beats!

That gray robed old man, he’s seen it.

Before, when gray robed old man and mysterious dark silver silhouette fight with, his left eye watched the entire process.

“Not good! This person is mostly an Elder from Qiu Family, and it has created a killing intent for me.”

Zhao Feng’s mind fluttered.

At this summit, his performance was so amazing that Qiu Family executives created crisis pressure.

“Fortunately, I have retained the true cultivation base of the Martial Path Sixth Layer.”

Zhao Feng did not show panic and returned at the normal speed towards Zhao Clan.

Seeing closer and closer to Zhao Clan.

Zhao Feng was surprised, why did the other party not get rid?

He opened his left eye and observed the all around environment.

enters into the Zhao Clan, and there is a relatively remote area, about six or seven miles away.

Zhao Feng determined that the next section of the road is the only area that can be finally started.

Why did the other party start near Zhao Clan?

After thinking about it, Zhao Feng quickly understood.

If Zhao Feng dies near the Summit of Geniuses, it will inevitably lead to Zhao Clan’s suspicion and direct his finger to Qiu Family.

Because the summit was held near Qiu Family.

Qiu Family’s plan was to let Zhao Feng die near Zhao Clan’s own territory.

As a result, Zhao Clan was found without evidence and difficult to trace afterwards.

What a brilliant plan!

Zhao Feng had a cold heart and secretly urged the Martial Path Inner Strength to leap straight in the direction of the Zhao Clan gate.

“Just rush to the door near Zhao Clan, there are many guards over there, give Qiu Family a hundred guts, and dare not start.”

Zhao Feng was certain.

Thinking of this, his feet speeded up.

“This kid actually hides strength. His true speed is faster than Changyi.”

The speed at the foot of the gray robed old man also increased.

Six miles … five miles … four miles …

Seeing Zhao Feng approaching the Zhao Clan gate a little bit.

Teng sou sou ——

At this moment, two silhouettes appeared in the direction of Zhao Clan’s gate.

Looking at the costume, it should be Zhao Clan’s elder.

This is naturally good news for Zhao Feng.

If there is a Patriarch generation, the people behind must get rid of it.

Sweep his left eye to see the faces of the two.

The newcomer is middle-aged, and the cultivation base reaches Martial Path Sixth Layer.

Especially one of the faces, Zhao Feng looked very real and familiar.

“It turned out to be him! Zhao Tianjian …”

Zhao Feng was a bit surprised.

One of the middle ages of Martial Path Sixth Layer is Zhao Yijian’s father, Zhao Tianjian!

Zhao Tianjian, consciously or unintentionally, headed for Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng suddenly felt awful.

If he was a Patriarch from another family, he might not doubt it.

But one of them was Zhao Tianjian, and immediately alert him.

“Stop him, be sure to kill him quickly!”

Zhao Tianjian said to the 6th Layer middle-aged man next to him.

There is a distance between the two parties, and it’s late at night, Zhao Tianjian doesn’t know. Zhao Feng’s left eye, aready see his face clearly.


The gray robed old man tracking behind also accelerated suddenly, which can be said to echo back and forth.

Zhao Feng felt a crisis.

He is not afraid of Zhao Tianjian, but the real fear is Elder of Qiu Family.

Qiu Family Elder’s cultivation base reaches Martial Path Seventh Layer level. Already is not Martial Artist level, but Martial Master, Martial Path Master!

Lightly Floating Ferry!

Zhao Feng figure suddenly lightened, speed increased greatly, Martial Path Inner Strength faintly approached six important location steps.

Fast speed!

Zhao Tianjian, the complexion changed, divided into two directions, intercepting the way Zhao Feng’s must pass.

If Zhao Feng cannot be killed quickly, their identity as Zhao Family planted agent will be broken.

Either the fish is dead or the net is broken!


Zhao Tianjian, two 6th Layer Martial Artists, killed Zhao Feng almost at the same time.

Cold Flowing Sword!

Zhao Tianjian Treasure Sword emerged from the sheath, transformed into an ice cold sword stream of light, cold.

“Cold Flowing Sword” is a martial art that Zhao Feng had learned from Zhao Yijian at first, and naturally understands its power.

At this moment, Zhao Tianjian’s “Cold Flowing Sword” cultivate to Peak, and the cultivation base has reached the 6th Layer Peak. The tricky sword attack is especially terrifying.

Domineering fist!

From the side came a dreary wind howling, another Martial Path Sixth Layer was middle-aged, and at the same time attack.

Two veteran 6th Layer Martial Artists, besieging a 5th Layer junior, this is obviously an unequal fight.

not to mention.

At the back, there is a trump card from Qiu Family Elder.

Once there is unexpected, the strength of Qiu Family Elder Martial Path Seventh Layer Master is bound to be resolved between thunderclap.

Lightly Floating Ferry! Lightly Micro Step!

In the moment of crisis, Zhao Feng put the two lineage martial arts to the peak and escaped the first round of killing by the two. It was extremely thrilling.

Zhao Tianjian is not a rookie who is new to the 6th Layer like Zhao Linlong. Their martial art moves are extremely old-fashioned and their combat experience seems to be.

In times of crisis, Zhao Feng’s “Lightly Micro Step” was completely stable at Peak crucial moment. With the foundation of “Air Crossing Breathing Secret Art” and “Lightly Floating Ferry”, he successfully escaped the attack of Fierce Wind and Rainstrom.

One Point Star Finger!

Zhao Feng body aura, suddenly changed, Martial Path Inner Strength completely reached the 6th Layer level.

pu chi ——

A light green finger trace, like a meteor flashes, carried an Inner Strength condensed to the peak, and fiercely hit Zhao Tianjian’s Treasure Sword.

嘣 ~~~

Zhao Tianjian’s mouth was numb, and Treasure Sword was cut off in his hands.

At the same time, a finger condensed into the peak, like a sharp needle thread, rushed into him within the body, bursting into an amazing strength.


Zhao Tianjian vomited blood immediately, suffered internal injuries, and the complexion was terrifying: “One Point Star Finger … how can you learn? And your cultivation base, even …”

One Point Star Finger!

This is the Signature Skill in the “Peak Rank Martial Art” of “Star Point Finger”, this move comes out, the same rank.

With Zhao Tianjian 6th Layer Peak cultivation base, under the hard shock, he was directly shattered by the “One Point Star Finger”, and suffered minor internal injuries.


Zhao Feng successively pointed out a few fingers with green marks. Although it was not a trump card “One Point Star Finger”, it also caused Zhao Tianjian to be injured and in danger, and he would be killed instantly.

Domineering fist!

Another 6th Layer Martial Artist, drunk, attacked from the rear to rescue Zhao Tianjian.

The two did not expect that Zhao Feng cultivation base reached 6th Layer, and more terrifying, he also learned “One Point Star Finger”.

At this point, if Zhao Feng wanted to kill Zhao Tianjian, he must take the latter’s blow.


Zhao Feng even ignored the attack at the rear, and once again launched the “One Point Star Finger”. Light green finger marks, such as meteor flashes, passed away in the night.


One point hits the target.


Zhao Tianjian figure was stiff, a blood hole was pierced through his chest, and his internal organs were broken.


The expert of the first generation Martial Path Sixth Layer died on the spot.

Of course, this has the power of “One Point Star Finger” arrogance to the same rank, as well as the strength backing of Zhao Feng’s “Metal Wall Secret Art”, making the power of this move like a tiger that has grown wings.

Domineering fist!

Almost at the same time, the behind 6th Layer Martial Artist slammed in front of him.

Bang pa!

In that punch, Zhao Feng could not hide, all he could do was adjust his back and escape the key.


In a boxing, Zhao Feng and middle-aged Martial Artist smiled.

The gray robe Qiu Family Elder in the distance, also with a smile, can kill Zhao Feng and die a Zhao Tianjian. It is not a pity.

“Iron wall quake!”

Zhao Feng sternly shouted, whole body Martial Path Inner Strength, integrated into the Profound Truth of Metal Wall Secret Art.

His entire body was like an iron wall and a copper wall, and an anti-shock force erupted.


The middle-aged Martial Artist felt only a terrifying shock coming from his body, his blood twitching and his mouth bleeding, and the punch seemed to hit the diamond wall.

Teng! Teng! Teng …

He groaned, and Figure took a few steps back and forth, shocked to turn pale.

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