Just as Mi Yue escaped into the shadows, Yu Hui's extremely deadly enhanced basic attack finally smashed down again.

But in the end, it was still a step too late, failing to hurt his Mi Yue who was in an unselectable state!

"Fortunately, this one came out with cloth armor shoes, otherwise it would have been in the hands of President Yu..."

Seeing Yu Hui's Yao Yijian Zhankong, Yun Tianhe was also relieved.

As long as he finishes his ultimate move in Miyue, he activates the second stage one skill as soon as possible.

He can successfully complete a super long-distance displacement. Even if Yu Hui's Yao is flexible, he will definitely not be able to catch up with him.

However, just when he was full of joy, thinking that he could finally escape from birth.

He was the same as the one who died not long ago, and the sound of Sun Ce's horn that represented death suddenly sounded in his ears!


Yun Tianhe seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.


Just when he activated the second stage one skill, he teleported from the wild area to the first tower of his own house.

Sun Ce, the duration of Ye Ye's ultimate move is about to end.

However, it seemed that he had already predicted the route of his escape, and if nothing else, a boat slammed into it!

Directly, Yun Tianhe, who had not had time to react, flew into the air in an instant!

"Do your best to break the waves!"

Almost at the moment Mi Yue was shot flying, Ye Ye's Sun Ce, who was holding the anchor, also rushed forward.

I want to use one of my skills [Cut the Wind and Cleave the Waves] to completely control it to death!

And Ling'er's Chang'e also summoned her second skill array at Mi Yue's feet as soon as she raised her hand!

Just when Mi Yue finally landed, but was once again sent back to the sky by Sun Ceyi's skill.

Yu Hui's Yao finally arrived at the scene at this moment!

"Winning or losing is a common thing in military affairs, heroes, please come again!"

I saw the arc-shaped sword light flickering!

After Yu Hui's Yao pressed the second skill twice in a row, he instantly crossed a certain distance and killed Yuntianhe Miyue!


Just under Yun Tianhe's desperate gaze.

After Hui's Li Xiaoyao slashed forward with an enhanced basic attack, and slashed down with a simple long sword!


Three kills!

Our Dongfang Yao killed the enemy Mi Yue!


second to none!

Almost at the moment when Yuntianhe Miyue fell.

Passionate killing broadcasts sounded like crazy!

This is the end.

The four who came to target the afterglow on the sidewalk were all destroyed!

And when he saw the avatars of his other four teammates, all of them were grayed out in just a few seconds.

King Arthur, who is far in the bot lane and pocket lane, only thinks that he is stupid!

When they saw Yuhui Ye and Linger, they had already rushed towards the second tower on the side road with their soldiers.

His eyes also trembled for a while, and finally he sighed helplessly, Kai Mai said bitterly to his teammates.

"Our side road seems to be cracked...".

Chapter 236

"Hey... It seems that this wave, our side road is going to be directly cleared..."

When he saw Yuhui Ye and Linger, they had already brought their troops to the position of the second tower on the side road.

However, none of his four teammates who died in battle has yet to be resurrected.

King Arthur couldn't help but sigh in his heart, only feeling his shoulders.

Inexplicably there is a huge pressure!

He is also the technical anchor of the Doulong platform.

He naturally knew very well how strong his teammates were!

And this time.

In just a few minutes at the beginning, the opponent's interface was scored as zero bar and nine~?

This is absolutely something Arthur-King couldn't figure out!

After all, the technical anchors of their group of fighting dragons have not crashed with the anchor group of Miaoya next door before.

And the difference between the strength of the two anchors is not too big.

Even if the anchor of Meowya wins the game in the end, it is only a narrow victory.

Never has it been like this.

It was directly crushed by the opposite side!

"Mr. Yu... Is it really that strong? Can you beat all of you like this?"

Feeling the doubt in King Arthur's tone, Li Zhien said with a wry smile.

"You will know how terrifying this man is when you meet him yourself."

"He's probably the first person who made me not even know how he died. He's like a ghost. Without any vision, he smashed two consecutive big moves, enhanced normal attacks, on the ground. It's outrageous on my head!"

"Damn it, I'm not joking, I feel like I'm really being psychologically shadowed by him!"

Feeling the helplessness in the tone of his teammates, King Arthur also sighed silently in his heart.

Now the side road, the middle road and the wild area are all bombed, only his development road is still stable.

After all, although the pocket is the ceiling of Meowya's development path, the hero Sun Shangxiang has not yet fully developed.

This injury is really enough to describe with the word scraping.

Unless his Arthur was accidentally hit by Sun Shangxiang's red lotus cannonball.

Otherwise, pocket Sun Shangxiang will attack again and again, hitting his rough-skinned Arthur.

Almost no blood was lost.


It can be said that there is no pressure at all against King Arthur, who was slightly weak in the early stage of Sun Shangxiang.

On the contrary, Sun Shangxiang, who is in the pocket, always needs to maintain a high level of tension.

Otherwise, he was accidentally approached by King Arthur.

His fragile Sun Shangxiang was knocked flying by him silently.

It is very likely that he will be killed by a set of spikes.

"Hurricane, dash forward!"

Just when King Arthur was in a irritable mood, he was constantly thinking about how to find an opportunity to kill the pocket alone.

But when he saw his eldest lady, she was like crazy.

Directly rolled forward, and instantly came to his Arthur's face.

I almost missed the bazooka in my hand and stuffed it directly into my mouth!

"Brother Bag, is this crazy?"

Looking at Sun Shangxiang who was close at hand, King Arthur was stunned.

This used up the only displacement skill, and directly hit the eldest lady on her body.

What's the difference between this and suicide?

After taking a look at the teammates in the pocket, they were all pushing their second tower on the sidewalk.

King Arthur was also the eldest lady who watched the sheep enter the tiger's mouth, the corners of his mouth raised wildly upwards.

"Dark Asylum!"

The eldest lady with the skin of the doomsday mecha almost in her pocket raised the artillery in her hand.

At the same time, a strengthened general attack connected with a flat A blast.

Arthur, in the skin of a death knight, did not know when there had been three shields that were crazily revolving around him!

This is exactly Arthur's second skill with extremely high continuous damage, whirling strike!

"In the name of death, charge!"

Just when King Arthur pressed his first skill [Shield of Oath].

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

His movement speed also skyrocketed in a short period of time,

But in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the slightly flustered lady in the pocket!

"Brother Bag, it seems that you are on the top of this wave!"

Just as King Arthur smiled and pressed the basic attack, a jump cut instantly shortened the distance between himself and his pocket.

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