However, Li Xiaoyao, who saw Yu Hui's long sword in his hand, was blurred in place in a burst of light!

"Xianfengyun Taishu!"

The next moment, the arc streamer flashes!

Just under Yin Qi's horrified gaze.

Yu Hui's Yao actually used the displacement of his second skill [Star Chasing] to quickly catch up with his Zhuge Liang and slow him down!

"How can his cooling time be so fast!"

When he saw the blink of an eye, he killed the afterglow in front of him.

Yin Qi's eyes were full of surprise!

It was not until this time that he came into close contact with Yu Hui and smelled the breath of death.

At Yu Huiyao's feet, there was an extra layer of blue light at some point!

It was the blue BUFF that was snatched from Pei Jhanhu and could provide a lot of cooldown reduction!

"Heavenly Master Talisman!"

At the same time as Yao's voice sounded, the long sword in his hand swept across.

However, a mediocre first skill [Empty Slash].

Under the crushing of the ultimate equipment and level, it is the same as the main artery of Yin Qi Zhuge Liang.

In an instant, he evaporated a large tube of blood.

This damage is high enough to cause any crispy skin to scream, and it makes Yin Qi tremble with fear!

Especially when he saw Yu Huiyao's body, after being covered with three layers of the power of stars, the whole body was wrapped in golden light.

It means that he has officially entered the enhanced state of passive [Gift of the Stars].

It's enough to make his inappropriate damage soar by several grades in an instant!

The corners of Yin Qi's mouth twitched wildly, only to feel a tingling in his scalp.

Just at Yu Hui's Li Xiaoyao skin Yao, waving the long sword in his hand.

Prepare a slash that strengthens the first skill [Glow? Slashing] with the speed of light connecting to strengthen the basic attack, and the moment of harvesting its life.

Yin Qi, who had been preparing for a long time, also swallowed a mouthful of saliva because of her high tension.

With a dazzling flash of light flashing out, his figure of Zhuge Liang suddenly disappeared in place!

"It's dangerous...this is a little too exciting..."

When he saw Yu Hui's deadly strengthening skill, he was successfully evaded by the flash of his own extreme moment.

Yin Qi also subconsciously wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead.

I don't know why, but I felt a fear of the rest of my life in my heart!

At this moment, he finally clearly felt the suffocating pressure from Yu Hui's Yao!

It is difficult for him to imagine that this Yun Tianhe is in line with President Yu.

in just a few minutes.

What kind of mental devastation it has endured! .

Chapter 233

"Don't be afraid, here we come!"

Just when Yin Qi saw Zhuge Liang, who was about to be overtaken by Yao, who had little blood in his eyes, he felt frightened for a while.

But at this time, I remembered the voices of Yun Tianhe and Yun Tianhe slowly!

This undoubtedly made him feel like he had caught a life-saving straw.

In the eyes that were already a little desperate, the light of hope was rekindled!

"The spirit of war is immortal, righteousness is thin!"

"I swear to share weal and woe with my brothers!"

Just when Yu Hui was about to catch up with Zhuge Liang.

At the entrance of the river not far away, Guan Yu's roar suddenly sounded.

And the sound of hooves after another!

When he saw Hengdao immediately, Guan Yu, who was in a charge posture, attacked him aggressively.

Yu Hui also frowned slightly.

Almost at the moment when he slowly pressed the big move [Blade Rider] and wanted to push it far away.

Yu Hui's eyes narrowed, and he quickly pressed his Li Xiaoyao's ultimate move [Gui Chen]!

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Just under the stunned gaze of the water friends who were watching the battle nervously in the 03 live broadcast room.

At the moment when Yu Hui's Yao was about to be repelled by Guan Yu's ultimate move, his figure suddenly blurred in place.

As if turning back time, a catapult started.

Step on the flying sword and quickly return to where you were two seconds ago!

Almost retreated at the same time as Guan Yu, who had opened up, and avoided the damage and control of his ultimate move [Blade and Iron Cavalry]!

However, it's not over yet!

Just under the gaze of slowly horrified eyes.

Yu Hui's Yao was almost at the moment of landing.

Using the displacement of the enhanced basic attack, he slashed forward sharply.

Using his Guan Yu's body as a pedal, he once again shortened the distance between him and Zhuge Liang!


When I heard Li Xiaoyao's voice, it came from not far away.

Yin Qi's eyes trembled slightly.

After taking a look at his displacement skills that were all caught in a cooldown.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw two consecutive arc streamers flickering.

After borrowing Guan Yu's body as a pedal, Yu Hui pressed the second skill twice in a row.

Actually using three displacement skills in a row, he has spanned countless distances in an instant.

But in the blink of an eye, he was killed in front of Yin Qi Zhuge Liang.

While waving the long sword in his hand, he even used the enhanced second skill [Glow? Star Chasing] to smash it into the air!

"It's over!"

When he saw a big sword that symbolized Yao's enhanced basic attack, it fell from the sky.

Yin Qi groaned inwardly.

He knew that with Zhuge Liang's extremely fragile body, he would definitely not be able to withstand this extremely deadly enhanced attack.

However, just when he was looking unlovable, he was about to put down his phone.

What he didn't expect was that.

But at this most dangerous juncture.

His body, Zhuge Liang, was suddenly wrapped in a thin green shield!

It's just a secondary auxiliary equipment from Guan Yu, the whisper of the wind!

"Fuck! This shield is really critical!"

Only the sound of Yin Qi's extremely excited voice sounded.

This layer of shield is thin, but it is very important!

It is precisely because of the temporary appearance of this shield that there is a slight error in Yu Hui's control of blood volume.

He just forcibly protected Zhuge Liang, who should have been a corpse long ago.

Let it have almost invisible green blood bars, and suddenly a second skill moves backwards.

Dangerous and dangerous, successfully escaped from the claws of Sunset!

"Come on! Write it down to me slowly into my family tree!"

The tone seven of the rest of the life after the catastrophe is full of joy!

"Peach Blossom Tribulation!"

At the same time as he pressed the ultimate move [Original Energy Bomb].

The afterglow not far away was also instantly locked by his Zhuge Liang!

He was ready to withdraw from the battlefield before Zhuge Liang, who was almost empty of blood.

Help your teammates make up for the last bit of damage!

Just when Yin Qi's Zhuge Liang was still backing away, he was accumulating his power.

With a burst of fire and phoenix cries resounded throughout the canyon.

After activating the second stage one skill [Painful Impact], his Mi Yue, who just finished clearing the line.

It also crossed a large distance and directly cut into the battlefield!

"The rise of Qin is rising like the sun!"

Following the Queen Mother of Qin Xuan, the extremely majestic and cold voice sounded.

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