Their hearts were all thumping.

Immediately following each and everyone, there were unbelievable colors in their eyes!

Less than two minutes.

Five heads!

Immediately unstoppable!

Mr. Yu's Yao... seems to have gone crazy! .

Chapter 229

"Four... four kills?"

When the system ignited and exploded, the voice announcement fell.

In the live broadcast room where Yu Hui's popularity has already exploded, there are many water friends who are watching his live broadcast for the first time.

All of them opened their mouths wide, and their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock.

"Aba Aba... This child is so stupid! Sun Ce of Ye Ye took Mr. Yu's Yao and went straight to the old captain, forcibly leaving the opposite side and killing four in anger? Could it be... this is The legendary martial arts fusion technique?"

"Good guy... In two minutes, he got one blood and four kills and boasted Q. The newcomer just asks... Is this anchor always so impersonal?"

"I'm going! There are five heads, it's unstoppable? If I hadn't known, the five people on the opposite side are all technical anchors like President Yu. Why do I think he's hitting a man machine!"

"Five heads in two minutes, it's nothing, I can occasionally play in qualifying or matchmaking, but the problem is... President Yu's opponent is the strongest in the national server, known as the strongest fighting road in Doulong. Moon Cloud Tianhe!

This Nima takes a Yao who is considered a weak hero on the side in the current version, and chasing the opposite side is outrageous! "

"Damn it! It turns out that these streamers are so good at playing games? It feels like I'm not playing the same game at all! The first time I watched the live broadcast, I said that it seemed to open the door to a new world!"

"The sense of substitution is very strong! I feel that my Yao is good again, I seem to see the five killings beckoning to me! Is it possible that my Yao can buy this new skin called Li Xiaoyao, just like President Yu. The people on the other side are all so stupid, and they show so much that their scalps are numb?"

"Calm down! Look at your group of new fans making a fuss! It's just a wave of mediocre four kills, it makes you excited!

As a ten-year-old fan of President Yu, I said, for this man, let alone three kills and four kills, even if it is one dozen five, it is as easy as eating and drinking!"

"I wipe it? Can you play five at a time? Is it true? This Nima is a bit too fierce... Isn't it said that the king is not a game for one person, but the glory of the team?" ?"

"Paradox ∥ Suppressing the Desolation Qin Turan 忝 Qin 馊 Han Pang Pang 芁 thief Φ Take a blade aluminum reef Limulus Zheng Young! I think I thought the same as you at the time, but until I saw this man's five top ten, I can punch it. Bodhidharma, who is the opposite of the infinite gang of physical transcendence,

And the two major professional players, General Fei Niu and Meng Lan, who can still suppress the two major professional players even if they are infinitely targeted, and played invincible style Hua Mulan, did I know that,

In the face of absolute strength, the king can also be a one-person game! "

Just in the live broadcast room, the old fans were proud to be in front of this group of fussing newcomers who had never seen anything in the world at first glance.

In the Canyon of Kings on the other side of the screen.

Opposite to Yu Hui, the voice channels of these five major Doulong anchors.

It was terribly quiet at the moment.

Seeing that, this group of anchor teammates who are so confident in their skills that they explode.

At this moment, everyone fell into silence, as if they had been beaten by Yu Hui, the four-killed Yao, and they were completely autistic.

In the end, he still had to laugh bitterly.

This was to break the silence and ease the somewhat awkward atmosphere at this time.

"President Yu, who is next door to Meowya, is no wonder he can be called the man standing at the end of the confrontation road. This hand is really a bit ruthless! I'm still buzzing in the head after hitting me!"

"My dear, I don't know if it's an illusion. As soon as I see Mr. Yu's Yao appearing, I always feel that my little heart is pounding, and then I feel an inexplicable pressure!"

Just when he slowly opened his mouth, he still wanted to say something.

However, he saw Yun Tianhe, who had not spoken much since being killed by Mr. Yu.

The microphone under his Mi Yue's head suddenly flickered twice at this moment.

"It's probably not your illusion, because like you, I feel a huge sense of oppression on his Yao... I don't know why, there is always a feeling of cowardice before the battle!"

I heard the helpless voice in Yun Tianhe's tone.

The rest of the teammates were also bombed out one after another, laughing and joking.

"Yo, isn't this our fighting dragon's strongest way to fight? After being single-killed by Mr. Yu's Yao, he never spoke again. I thought you were autistic!"

Hearing Yin Qi's words, Yun Tianhe shook his head dumbfoundedly and said.

"It is true that he is autistic. His Yao is really too aggressive and too dare to operate. I feel that I have been beaten out of my heart by him..."

"Also, I think the most difficult thing to do with this match is that it's not just President Yu who is stronger on the opposite side! His other four teammates are also outrageous!"

"Especially Sun Ce of Ye Ye, this wave is a good thing for him! Damn, he is indeed the first old captain of the national service. This wave of driving skills with Mr. Yu continuously turning corners in the wild area is really good. I'm all dumbfounded!"

When I heard that all my teammates turned on the microphone again, the atmosphere in the team's voice channel was no longer heavy.

King Arthur, who had been on the development road before, was on the line with Miss Pocket.

Finally, he couldn't help but open the microphone to comfort his teammates.

"' 々 Brothers, it's just a dream start with zero bars and five. It's not a big problem. As long as you can stabilize your mentality, there will definitely be a chance!"

"Fortunately, the economy of these five heads is all concentrated on Mr. Yu's Yao alone. My old Arthur's favorite is a hero who flies around like Yao!"

"After I've reached [-]% of the cooldown, I'll be silent for two seconds to find out? As long as Mr. Yu's Yao is targeted by me in the teamfight, my double-silence card will definitely disgust him. I can't take care of myself, let's see how he can show off!"

After hearing King Arthur's confident words.

Slowly and Yun Tianhe, as if thinking of something.

Bright eyes at the same time!

Well known.

The biggest feature of Arthur, an unpopular hero.

That is, you can make other people have no characteristics like him!

In the case of the late cooldown reduction stack is full.

He can reduce the cooling time of his own skill [Shield of Oath], which has a silent effect and makes people feel quite a headache.

Shorten it to within three seconds (Denuo is good)!

In the case that Arthur can block double silence, connect the knock-up of his ultimate move [Holy Sword Judgment].

This two-second silence and a half-second knock-up.

It can definitely be the same as Donghuang and Zhang Liang, who are directly disgusting, like Yaojing and Luna, who need to be manipulated!

"Okay, okay, if you don't say it, I almost forgot that there is an old Arthur in our lineup who specializes in all dissatisfaction!"

Obviously, King Arthur's remarks also made the five anchors of Doulong feel a lot more at ease.

After all, although the opposite President Yu is strong, Yao's strength in recent seasons has indeed been a bit stretched.

Even in the late stage when the equipment has been formed.

It is still far worse than the almost unsolvable sidewalk overlords like Ma Chao, Meng Tian and Sikong Zhen.

Think of this.

The five anchors of them are also just like eating a reassurance pill.

The panic in his eyes disappeared, replaced by it.

It is a rekindled fighting spirit! .

Chapter 230

On the opposite side of the Doulong platform, the five anchors still had serious expressions on their faces, and they were constantly discussing how to deal with President Yu in the team's voice channel.

But I saw the small map in the upper left corner of the screen flickering for a while.

Immediately afterwards, an anxious announcement sound came from their ears.

Our defense tower is under attack!

Everyone hurriedly pulled the angle of view and looked at a tower on the side road far away on the edge of the map.

This was discovered.

Yun Tianhe, the most powerful national server, Mi Yue, had already gained five heads in President Yu, in front of Yao, who had exploded in both rank and economy.

No defensive power at all.

Even if he is to protect himself, he would rather sacrifice his output ability.

With only [-] gold coins, he can provide himself with [-] points of physical defense and [-]% normal attack and avoid injury, and the price is very high. Explosive cloth armor shoes.

But he still couldn't stand Yu Hui, and he was ahead of his own economy by nearly [-].

The damage is already incomprehensible to Yao!

I saw Mi Yue in Yuntianhe, and saw the enemy line on the opposite side pressing under his defense tower.

The moment he was raising his hand and pressing the normal attack button, he was about to start clearing his troops.

However, for some reason, he keenly felt a trace of murderous aura.

Just when he felt uneasy in his heart and was about to step back.

With the twinkling of two arc-shaped streamers, Yu Hui's Yao, who was holding a simple and simple long sword, suddenly came out of the grass at this moment!

"Xianfengyun Taishu!"

It all happened too suddenly, and Sunset's hands were too fast.

So that Yun Tianhe just reacted.

Yao, who was already enveloped in the power of the stars, was slammed into the air with an enhanced second skill [Glow? Star Chasing]!

"watch out!"

It was at the moment when Yun Tianhe's Mi Yue, who was in the skin of the Queen Mother Qin Xuan, was knocked into the air.

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