Not far away, Linger's Chang'e was madly stuck in position, and Yin Qi, who was still unable to go to support, was completely anxious.

"Forget it, forget it!"

I saw a trace of heartache flashing in his eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and stopped thinking, and quickly pressed his second skill and flash.

In front of Tiantian Ke Chang'e, there was a second flash from a long distance.

In an instant, he was in front of Ye Ye and Wu Ritian!

"Sometimes the flowers bloom, but the reunion never ends!"

Just under Ye Ye and Wu Ritian's horrified eyes.

Zhuge Liang, who has the skin of Wuling Xianjun, raises his hand and is a skill with a full output to pour all the damage on Sun Ce of the leaves!

...... 0

The large amount of spell damage not only reduced Sun Ce's health by nearly a quarter, but also made Yin Qi Zhuge Liang full of passive layers, and a pink cherry blossom suddenly bloomed!

"Fleeing away, shining brightly!"

Bang bang bang!

With Zhuge Liang's passive continuous bombardment.

The purple spell damage small characters on Ye Ye and Wu Ritian floated out like snowflakes.

Constantly reducing their blood volume that is not much.

Especially Sun Ce, Ye Ye, who had already suffered a ton of damage, was beginning to crumble, looking like he was about to die!

But it's not even worse!

Just when Ye Ye and Wu Ritian chose to retreat at the same time.

But not far away, there was a sound of fire and phoenix cry!

Immediately following, Ye Ye Wu Ritian and Linger's expressions changed at the same time.

It was because they discovered that there was a golden phoenix with flaming flames all over its body.

I do not know when, has appeared beside them!

After realizing what happened, Ye Ye and Wu Ritian suddenly felt their scalps go numb!

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with an unrequited expression on his face, and his tone was full of anxiety.

"Mr. Yu! If you don't come again, believe it or not, we will split it up and show it to you!"

"No kidding, this time we really can't stand it anymore!"

Seeing the Empress Dowager Qin Xuan, who was burning with flames all over her body, she instantly changed positions with her fire phoenix.

With a full sense of oppression, he walked towards his Sun Ce step by step.

Just when Ye Ye looked desperate, he felt that he and Wu Ritian's Master Taiyi would definitely explain it at this time.

However, in the upper left corner of the screen, the microphone under Yu Hui's avatar flashed twice quickly.

Immediately following, everyone heard his low voice, but it was enough to make them subconsciously feel extremely at ease and feel a sense of security!

"Look at me let them... stand in, lie down!" Knife.

Chapter 227

Right at this juncture.

Just listening to Yu Hui's voice makes people feel a sense of security at the same time.

The water friends in the live broadcast rooms of these five anchors also exploded in an instant.

I saw the overwhelming barrage, densely flying out.

Almost all of the live broadcast screen was blocked at once!

"Hey! Such a powerful aura, such a dazzling light, and this aloof force... It must be the man here!"

"Damn it! Why is it the finale again? We seem to be pretended to be by this man again!"

"I'm new here, so I just ask if I don't understand, did this anchor pretend to be like this before?"

"Calm down, after all, the protagonist is the last to appear~"

"Good guy, I said that when Doulong jumped ship just now, I didn't expect that in just a few months, Meowya will have a host that can fit more than bag brother's pocket!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was still floating fast.

The melee in the King's Canyon also completely entered a white-hot state at this time!

"The king's power is in hand, it is a kind of style!"

After Yun Tianhe activated the second stage one skill [Painful Impact].

Everyone only heard the majestic voice of the Queen Mother of Qin Xuan.

Following closely, Mi Yue, who was bathed in flames.

Just use the super-long displacement of a skill, after crossing countless distances.

Not only did he suddenly appear in front of them, but he also threw a chain of flames with his backhand.

Let it wrap around Wu Ritian Guiguzi's body with great precision.

When you see your Guiguzi's blood volume and movement speed, it quickly decreases at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when Wu Ritian's face changed slightly, he tried his best to let Guiguzi break free.

In the ears of him and his teammates, it was at this moment that Li Xiaoyao's voice full of youthful feeling and incomparable middle school sounded!

"Xianfengyun Taishu!"

I saw it at the end of everyone's line of sight.

After Sunset broke out of hand speed.

His Yao, who was holding a long sword, quickly blurred in place!

After using the second skill [Star Chasing] two times in a row, Yu Hui's Yao instantly straddled a distance of nearly half the screen.

Directly aggressively entered the battlefield!

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Just when Yu Hui saw his Yao, after using the second skill of strengthening.

The moment when the long sword in his hand lit up with dazzling light.

Without any hesitation, he decisively pressed his normal attack button.

I saw a quaint big sword falling from the sky and smashing towards Yuntianhe Miyue's forehead.

In an instant, the entire land under his feet was torn apart, reducing a lot of his blood!

However, Sunset's goal.

But it's not Mi Yue of Yuntianhe!

When he saw Yu Hui's Yao, he actually used himself to strengthen his basic attack slash.

In an instant, he rushed into the crowd and narrowed the distance with himself.

Yun Tianhe seemed to remember something.

His eyes suddenly narrowed.

Quickly opened the microphone and said, "Director Li be careful, President Yu's target is probably you!"

After feeling the anxiety in Yun Tianhe's tone.

Li Zhien's reaction was also very fast, and he immediately controlled his tiger, who was pulling output on the edge of the battlefield, and chose to retreat.

However, this all happened too fast.

Even the reaction speed of the five anchors on the opposite side is far faster than that of normal people.

Still failed to take advantage of Yu Hui's men!

In Li Zhien's tiger with little blood left.

Seeing Yu Hui's use of three consecutive displacements, Yao crossed a large distance in an instant, and appeared in front of him with murderous aura all over his body.

He also groaned inwardly, and immediately chose to step back.

However, his reaction was quick.

Yu Hui's hand speed is faster than his!

"watch out!"

"Heavenly Master Talisman!"

I saw Yu Hui at the moment when he pressed his first skill [Splitting the Sky].

His Yao is also advancing and chasing, while spinning the sword in a circle!

Our Dongfang Yao killed the enemy Pei Chauhu!

When he saw Yao's side, countless flying swords roared out, swirling around him constantly.

Using the most extreme distance of a skill, he gently scratched Li Zhien's tiger.

Just by Yao Yao, the last remaining trace of blood was easily evaporated.

In the upper left corner of the screen, the head of Pei Chauhu went black on the spot.

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of his four teammates.

And the reason for the panic.

In addition to Yu Hui's Yao Shenbing, a set of flowing combos instantly evaporated their jungler, resulting in their downsizing and a significant drop in the team-fighting rate.

More importantly.

He also saw it.

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