"I've watched the live broadcast on Doulong for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen such an exciting lineup! All five of my favorite tech anchors collided, and they're all teammates? Damn...I really Are you not dreaming?"

"I'm in a big groove! The lineup formed by these five perverts really saw my scalp go numb! I can't imagine how the five passers-by who are in line opposite them will be bullied. now..."

"It is estimated that it will be smashed on the spot... If it were me, it is estimated that the mentality will explode directly. The first thing to quit after playing is to unload this garbage game first!"

In front of the screen in the live broadcast room of these five people, the eyes of countless water friends flashed with excitement.

The fingers quickly flew over the keyboard, sending out one barrage after another!

No wonder they are so excited...

Because this lineup made up of five ceiling anchors... It's so strong!

The strongest Miyue in the dual-national server, the undisputed Miyue Ceiling and the Doulong's strongest confrontation road, Yuntianhe!

The strongest Guan Yu in the national service who once used Guan Erye to be the first in the peak, slowly!

The strongest Dharma King in the middle with [-] national standards, Yin Qi!

Along with Bei Mu Kejie and Han Han from Meow Ya next door, Director Li Zhien, also known as one of the Four Wild Kings!

The only one who has made a great name with Arthur, the unpopular hero in the top peak competition, King Arthur!

It is no exaggeration to say that each of the five of them is the pride and pride of Doulong!

And the lineup formed by the five of them together is the undisputed strongest lineup of the Dragon Fighting Platform!

And just when the countless water friends in their live broadcast room were boiling crazy because of this invincible lineup.

Finally, some water friends from the next door Meowya platform, came the news that they crashed with the five major Meowya anchors including President Yu!

"' 々 I'm rubbing it! It's really cracked! The line opposite us slowly seems to be a whole team of Meow Tooth anchors!"

"Really? I'm so stupid! The five anchors of Meowya crashed the anchors of the five dragons? I'm afraid this dog Tianmei's matching system is not doing things on purpose?!"

"Hey... this situation is not good... Although I am a loyal fan of Dou Long, if I really fight with Meow Ya, I still think Dou Long will definitely lose...

It's not that I think Doulong is too weak, but Meowya next door is too strong!Almost [-]% of the king's anchors are all live on the Meowya platform, not to mention the two phenomenal figures, Zhang Daxian and Yu Zong, who are severely suppressed there!

And on the side of Meowya, the technically perverted anchor is compared with our Dragon Fighting (Dai Qian Zhao), and it can only be said that it is better than that...

Not to mention the already invincible President Yu, even Bei Mukejie and Han Han, the three wild kings, have no solution. "

"Yeah...Although I'm still a little unconvinced, it seems that our dragon fighting background is really not on the same level as Meowya!"

"The other things don't matter, I only care about whether Yu is always on the opposite side!"

"Brothers, sad news! I just opened Meowya and took a look. The fifth floor opposite is really the man standing at the end of the confrontation road. The master of Meowya's technology anchor, Mr. Yu Gong!"

"Oh! That's over... Cool...".

Chapter 220

After the five anchors of Doulong noticed that their live broadcast room suddenly burst.

They also cut out the backstage for the first time, and glanced at the barrage that was constantly floating by.

All of a sudden his face changed.

"Really? All the five people who crashed with us were the anchors of Meow Ya next door?"

"This...this is a bit difficult..."

I thought of the Meow Ya live broadcast platform next door.

There is a group of perverts with outrageous technology like Bei Mu Lai Shen and Pocket.

As the strongest Guan Yu in the national uniform, slowly, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Good guy, our five technical anchors of Doulong collided with a whole team of anchors on the rival Meowya platform next door. I'm afraid that the nature of the peak competition has changed?"

"Indeed, from the moment our top ten anchors crashed, this ordinary peak game has evolved into a real platform competition."

"Brothers, all show your true skills, don't underestimate the enemy, the opposite is the eldest Miss Ceiling Bag, and last season's National No. [-] President Yu, it's really hard to beat, can you win or not? You know, all I can say is do your best!"

"Come on, come on! Brothers, give me a chance to win this game, okay?"

"Well, I still have a few pounds and two taels in my heart, so I'll let my Arthur use the yellow knife to assist, and the positions of the side lanes and development lanes are still reserved for Tianhe. "

"King Arthur is fine, you can just play sideways as usual, we all believe in the strength of your Arthur ceiling!"

Just when Doulong and the others were still seriously and intensely discussing the lineup and style of play.

The Yu Hui people across from them are also the same as them.

Soon from the barrage in his live broadcast room, he already knew who was in line opposite him.

They are the strongest technical anchors on the Doulong platform next door.

But they were still giggling and seeming not to care at all.

After all, they all know it.

There is Yuhui, the man at the end of the confrontation road, to be their teammate and give them a place to play.

These few of them, it is estimated that it is difficult to lose!

And under the intentional push of the Miaoya Propaganda Department.

On the topic of the collision of the strongest anchors of the two major live broadcast platforms, it was also in just a few minutes.

Quickly climbed to the top five of the hot search list of major APPs!

And the heat and popularity are still expanding and exploding!

"There is still something in Mi Yue on the ceiling opposite Yun Tianhe. Slowly, Guan Yu's ability to start a group and circle the back is also a must. It seems that this one needs to be a little more serious and take out the hero of his life to stabilize his hand!"

"Shubao, I remember that your Sun Ce jungler is also a must, do you understand what I mean?"

"Xingxingxing, the side lanes and development paths will be left to you and President Yu. As long as I can win, let me go to the jungle and play the support position!"

Hearing Ye Ye's helpless voice sounded, a smile appeared on the faces of several other teammates.

"It can't be... How can you let the strongest Sun Cequ in the national server go to the support position? Don't forget us, there is also the god of support, Ritian!"



After the sound effect of locking the hero sounded one after another.

Yu Hui's teammates on the fourth floor have also chosen their best natal hero in seconds!

"Please choose a hero!"

When the water friends in the afterglow live broadcast room finally heard the system prompt sound.

Everyone got excited.

"Come on, it's finally our unreasonable Yu Bao's turn to choose a hero! Am I the only one who is looking forward to this, what kind of side hero will he use to deal with the team of the next-door Doulong anchor?"

"Damn it! Why is every Boss Yu's Bodhidharma banned? Just because he knows one-handed immortality, President Yu's Bodhidharma will always be locked in the small dark room, and will there be no future? When will Mr. Yu's Bodhidharma stand up?"

"Upstairs, isn't this nonsense? A Dharma who punches infinitely and uses his ultimate move faster than Luna, let alone the host of the opposite team, even a professional player would not dare Release President Yu's Immortal Dharma!"

"Huh? Why is the last BAN position on the other side given to Mr. Yu's Charlotte instead of the old master? It's small, and the pattern on the other side is small!"

"Although Mr. Yu's Master Xia is also invincible, he is still incomparable with his old master who can casually hit five with his eyes closed!"

"Hey! It seems that Mr. Yu's Meng Tian has also been released. I still remember his immortal Liu Meng Tian who was frantically dancing in front of the enemy crystal. It was really fun! One person's blood book, I beg Mr. Yu to play again. General Meng Tian!"

"Damn it! There are only five seconds left in the countdown, why is Mr. Yu still selling out there, and whether or not to choose?!"

I saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, like snowflakes, constantly brushing out.

Just under the suspicious and expectant gaze of the water friends.

The afterglow was at the last second of the countdown.

He turned his gaze to where Yao was, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Gently click the confirmation button to lock it directly!

"Born fearless, fight to the end!"

When he heard Yao's skin on Yun Ying's flying general, the young general's voice sounded.

The enthusiasm of countless water friends in his live broadcast room was completely ignited by this domineering debut line!

"Yao? I'm shocked! President Yu is so important, and it is about whether he can return to the National First Championship, so he chose my favorite Yaozai!"

"If I remember correctly, on the night of the ranking not long ago, Mr. Yu seems to have used Yao once. It seems that he also cooperated with Tiantianke's Xishi to get a wave of five kills?"

"Love, love! I originally thought that a hero like Yao who stepped into the sewers with half a foot should have been forgotten by President Yu, but now it seems that I am still sloppy!"

"Hey! Yao was also my natal hero a few seasons ago. Unfortunately, with the continuous update of the season and version, I feel like it is getting harder and harder to score him. dropped!"

"It's too real, brother. As we all know, Yao's damage depends entirely on whether the opponent will chase you or not!"

"Indeed, if the opponent is a little smarter and knows that he can't follow Yao stupidly, then this hero's ultimate move is almost useless, in short, it is very weak!"

"Although the Yao Yao in the paradox season is weak, it doesn't seem to be as bad as you think, right? In fact, playing the wild Yao is quite fragrant, and the refresh rate is flexible and fast!

But if you take Yao back to play sideways, it will be difficult!In the final analysis, it's not that Yao this hero is too bad, it's that the new sideline heroes released in the past few seasons are just too outrageous!

Like the eternal T0 sidewalk Ma Chao, and the seven-star ray sword to kill everything, Master Charlotte Xia, the thunder and lightning king Sikong Zhen who smashed the darkness with thunder, which one is not the sidewalk overlord?Which one can't hang Yao who is walking on the sidewalk? "

The water friends in the live broadcast room were starting to chat and discuss fiercely because Yu Hui unexpectedly chose Yao, an uncommon sideline hero.

However, there are many sharp-eyed water friends who first noticed something wrong!

"I'm going? What's the situation? Did I read it wrong? Why does Mr. Yu's Yao have a third skin?!"

At the moment when this barrage appeared in the live broadcast room.

After Hui, the water friends in the entire live broadcast room were stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at the position of the skin bar.

Immediately, their eyes widened one by one, showing an expression like seeing a ghost!

I saw it within their line of sight.

Yao, who originally only had the companion skin Guixu Mengyan and the FMVP skin Yunying Feijiang skin.

For some unknown reason, a new skin that no one had ever heard of appeared out of thin air on the far right.

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