
The snatch was successful!

Your team has regained the key kill objective!Knife.

Chapter 212

The snatch was successful!

After seeing the conspicuous banner that suddenly appeared right above the screen.

Opposite Pocket Leaves and Tian Tian Ke.

I just feel so stupid!

Not only the five anchors who are on the opposite side,

Even Yu Hui, the four menacing teammates who had just arrived on the battlefield.

It's also a ghostly expression!

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room of these six people.

It was already boiling up!

A large number of barrages erupted like a tsunami!

The whole screen is covered with dense mahjong!

Especially the screen in the Sunset Studio.

The special effects of various gifts are also like snowflakes, which are madly brushed out.

So much so that even the entire live room.

All because of the enthusiasm of their water friends and fans, there was a momentary lag.

The number of frames of the live broadcast screen is crazy reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"What the hell? What the hell is this? Overtaking a car at a corner to grab a dragon? I'm too convinced, so this is the correct way to use Meng Qi's ultimate move!"

"Hahaha, Damn, I'm really laughing to death! Our President Yu is really a clever little ghost, this wave of Mengqi's big move to grab the dragon directly made the opposite Yewang Beimu look stupid! It is estimated that At this moment, he is the most embarrassed and the one who collapses the most!"

"Okay, okay, Mr. Yu's two big moves from Meng Qi directly add to the effect of the show, right? I haven't watched the live broadcast for a long time, and I laughed so happily!"

"Mr. Yu's Meng Qi really completely broke my three views. Originally, my stereotype of Meng Qi was still a stupid hero with ridiculously poor mobility, but in the hands of President Yu, this new version Meng Qi is like a nimble fat man, all kinds of acceleration and unexpected corners overtaking, jumping around, he is even more skinny than Han Tiaotiao, and he is even less beaten!"

"Mr. Yu Mengqi's big move is really perfect, just like what we deduce is real, it doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely insulting!"

"No...hiss! The damage of this ultimate move seems to be quite high!"

When many water friends in the live broadcast room saw this barrage floating by.

Quickly looked up at the Canyon of Kings on the other side of the live screen!

I saw Yu Hui's Meng Qi, using a big move to overtake a car, and under the eyes of everyone, he used punishment to grab the master.

He didn't forget to press his second skill quickly, heading in the direction of Pocket Garo.

Throwing out the pink bubbles that he had prepared for a long time!


Just when Meng Qi's ultimate move finally came to the limit, and he was about to prepare to return the same way.

Yu Hui's eyes narrowed, and he quickly activated the second-stage ultimate move [Dreamland Tour]!

I saw his chubby Meng Qi suddenly brake to the ground.

He actually knocked Jia Luo, Taiyi and Xi Shi beside him into the air at the same time!

"Fight back!"

With Yu Hui's order.

Matched with the sound of the explosive drums after the success of the dragon fight.

Team battles are about to start!


The sound of bubbles bouncing back and forth keeps ringing!

I saw the Dream Power Bubble thrown by Sunset's second skill not long ago.

At this moment, after reaching the limit distance, return to the same way!

Immediately after touching Meng Qi's body, he ejected again!

At the moment when the three enemies were knocked into the air, four consecutive spells of damage were dealt to them!

Under the double burn of the mask and the yellow knife.

Jia Luo and Xi Shi, who are fragile, should not lose their blood too fast!

"Shubao, I was opened by Mr. Yu's Meng Qi, save me, save me!"

"The damage of this dead fat man is really too high. Touch me lightly, and half of the blood is gone. I, Jia Luo, can't stand it at all!"

The screams of the pockets were heard one after another.

The leaves also changed abruptly.

After seeing the pocket that was approached by Yu Hui Mengqi, Jia Luo, who was madly chased and killed by the deceleration stick.

He looked like he was in pain and could not fight back.

There was also a trace of panic in the eyes of the leaves!

This time, he was really in a hurry!

You must know that Jia Luo, who is about to wear a six-soul outfit in his pocket, is the hope of their entire team!

Once his Jia Luo was killed, the shortcomings of their lineup's lack of output would be completely exposed.

By the time.

After losing the only threat to the afterglow, his Meng Qi is really invincible on the spot!

Based on the damage of Liu Bang, Xi Shi and Bei Mujing, it is estimated that the three of them will go together.

Just barely able to scratch his shield!

"To be honest, I'm a good person!"

Just when the leaves press the ultimate move.

Jia Luo, who was madly beaten by Yu Hui Mengqi, was stuck in his pocket.

A pure white and holy beam of light shot up into the sky!

It is the ultimate move from Liu Bang, which can be called the strongest guarantee skill in the canyon, to dominate the battlefield!

I saw that Jia Luo was under the protection of Liu Bang's ultimate move.

Got an additional [-]% damage-free, and a very thick shield.

Immediately let him out of danger, the first time to prepare for the counterattack!

"Huashan is like standing, don't push it down!"

Realm of Purity, Expand!

After getting the [-]% increase in the crit rate of his ultimate move.

Quickly press the next skill in the pocket, the arrow of crossing the spirit.

He let his Jia Luo open his long bow, and the range skyrocketed, and he entered his most terrifying gibbon state on the spot!

"Shake the heavens and the earth, suppress the universe!"

Seeing that Jia Luo's arrow of crossing the spirit is about to bombard himself.

Yu Hui frowned slightly.

After pressing the next skill [Dreamland Haunting], he Mengqi was wrapped in a pink shield again!


In front of Garo, who has the passive [Destruction Arrow], which can deal double damage to the shield, 0...

The thick shield of his Meng Qiyi skill was like a piece of paper.

He was directly pierced by a critical strike from Jia Luo!

At the same time, the second arrow of crossing the spirit fell again.

The bombardment hit Yu Hui, and at the same time as the water splashed, a shocking water column went upstream!

After triggering the crit again.

Afterglow's Meng Qi was also slowed down by Jia Luo's crit and stuck to it.

This sudden drop in movement speed interrupted his offensive rhythm in an instant.

Finally, Jia Luo in his pocket got a chance to breathe!

"Brother Bag, don't panic, you still have me!"

While walking frantically in A's pocket to fly the sunset kite, I saw the microphone under the head of the real person Han Han Taiyi flashed twice quickly.

It was followed by a loud explosion.


In order to forcibly protect his baby shooter from Yuhui Mengqi's claws.

The second child of Han is also completely regardless of what power is stored or not.

Without saying a word, he directly detonated the furnace at the feet of the real Taiyi himself.

An instant one skill, once again made Yu Hui's Meng Qi stunned in place for a short time!

Looking at Jia Luo, the pure white beam of light representing Liu Bang's ultimate move became more and more intense.

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