Once again, let your dream wonder start a dream environment tour!

"I'm through, it's over, it's over... Now my mid lane is going to crack..."

When he saw Mr. Yu's Mengqi, he turned into a nimble little fat man, and rushed over in an instant.

After flying his Xishi high into the air.

Tian Tian Ke's heart also thumped.

Just when a despair surged in her heart, she felt that she was bound to die.

As if he suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up.

Looking at Liu Bang, who was still holding a big move in Ye Ye's hand, he said anxiously.

"Tree Treasure! Save me, save me! Quickly give me a big move, it will be too late soon!"

However, even Tian Tian Ke anxiously urged him for a long time.

Still unable to see his Xi Shi as he wished, the white light that symbolized Liu Bang's great move lit up.

Until his own Xi Shi was emptied of blood under the combined efforts of Yu Hui and Mo Zi.

Liu Bang of the leaves still did not use the ultimate move, like a divine weapon descending from the sky, beside her at the most difficult time!

The enemy Meng Qi killed our Xi Shi!


Total Annihilation!

Until the screen in front of him was black and white, the voice broadcast symbolizing his death rang in his ears.

Only then did Tiantian hear Ye Ye's slightly apologetic voice, which came from the team's voice channel.

"Ke Bao, it's not that I don't want to save you..."

"It's that Mo Zi on the opposite side is still holding a big move. The first piece of Yu's Meng Qi is the Ice Vein Gauntlet. One of them is stunned and the other is slowed down... If my Liu Bang flew over , I guess buy one get one free, never come back..."

"Ke Bao, why don't you talk anymore, don't scare me, Ke Bao... You won't be angry, will you?"

After feeling the apology in Ye Ye's tone, Tian Tianke still felt a little wronged at first.

But soon, he also wanted to understand everything, and knew that what Ye Ye said was not unreasonable.

At that time, if his Liu Bang really flew over to save him, it is estimated that he would only have to send a double kill with her.

And just when Tiantianke wanted to understand all this and was ready to respond to the leaves.

However, they saw Yu Hui and their mid laner Mozi, but they were taking advantage of their Xi Shi's lost effort.

The speed of light unplugged a tower that was crucial to this game.

"Hey, brother Mu Zi's wild area in the lower half will be out of business now, Mr. Yu, Huang Dao Mengqi, completely treats the opposite wild area as his home, and if he lets him brush down, he will probably take off in place. !"

"The first tower in the middle has also been pulled. This is good. The anchor team has a big disadvantage in the middle and on the side. On the contrary, the only one who has an advantage is Jia Luo, who is relatively weak in the early stage of the development road. It seems that this Whether he can win or not mainly depends on whether Brother Bag's Jia Luo can stand up and take over the game in the later stage.

...of course, the premise is that they can successfully hold on to the later stage under the unreasonable Meng Qi, President Yu! "

"Brother Muzi, brother Muzi, they have gone far...

To be honest, it can be seen that they have really tried their best to win the game in order to be ashamed... It's a pity that Mr. Yu's Meng Qi is still slightly better, which is too unreasonable! ".

Chapter 206

Just when the five anchors on the opposite side felt a headache because of Yu Hui, Meng Qi, who couldn't handle it, and they were helpless.

Yu Hui also left with satisfaction after thoroughly scavenging the wild area of ​​Beimu.

On the way back to the side lanes, he did not forget to rub a wave of soldiers in the middle lane.

Of course, Mozi, the mid laner of Yu Hui's family, doesn't have the slightest opinion.

Because he still knows very well who is his real thigh.

And just in the wild area, Yuhui Mengqi, wandered back and forth in the middle of the side road, and even the two river crabs refused to let go of the frantic search.

As time goes by.

The economy of his dream is also rising like a rocket.

Before I knew it, I was already ahead of the other side and approached two big pieces~.

Even the opposite side, under the protection of Taiyi Zhenren, developed extremely well and ranked second in economy - Jia Luo.

It was also thrown away by the afterglow of nearly [-]-economy.

It is conceivable that Yu Hui's yellow saber developed to punish Mengqi, and how terrifying the equipment advantage is today!

"This fat man, it is estimated that if you give him another three or four minutes, he will be invincible!"

Just when Ye Ye was controlling his own Liu Bang and leading the line on the sidewalk.

He quickly opened the economic panel and glanced at Sunset's equipment.

Suddenly he took a breath of cold air.

Dragon Scale Sword, Calm Boots, Ice Grip, Pain Mask, Meteorite!

After being shocked, his eyes also looked slightly puzzled.

Muttered to himself.

"Meteor? This time he took out the mask of pain. What does an AP Mengqi have to do with a Meteor... Is it possible to synthesize the black cut?"

"...This is a few versions ahead of the build understanding. It really makes me stunned. Heiqi's strongest physical penetration effect is not on AP Mengqi, is it a complete waste?"

Before seeing the camera, Ye Ye looked puzzled.

The water friends in his live broadcast room are also like him, and their eyes are full of doubts and confusion.

Even a sidewalk like Ye Ye couldn't understand Yu Hui Mengqi's seemingly weird outfit for a while.

Not to mention the group of water friends in his live broadcast room.

"My dear, this painful mask and black cut, is this the legendary dual cultivation of physical methods?"

"Brothers, to be honest, I really don't understand this wave of meteorites from Mr. Yu Mengqi! I think Mr. Yu is a yellow saber and a mask, I thought he should add another piece of sunset. My ilk, play the legendary Nunnengliu Mengqi! In the end, I took out a handful of black cuts and made me look stupid!"

"Could it be that Mr. Yu felt that the opposite party was too bad and couldn't put pressure on himself at all, so he decided to play around with his eyes closed? Just like when I usually play matching dishes and frying fish, I always like to come up with some strange things. Equipment, such as the crit stream Marco, AD Yao, and the simple method Taiyi..."

"Fuck... Listening to what you said, I suddenly remembered that President Yu had said the day before yesterday that even if his Charlotte wears a mask of pain, it would be a random killing. Is President Yu going to lead by example today and show us a personal demonstration. Non-mainstream builds? It's just that you don't think of the five anchors on the opposite side as human beings..."

"This is definitely different. Although President Yu is playing AP Mengqi, Heiqie can also increase HP and reduce cooling, and it's not as useless as you think, right?"

It's the same as the live broadcast room of the leaves.

The water friend in Sunset's live broadcast room, after seeing the unusually dazzling meteor in his equipment bar.

It also exploded in an instant, making a fuss.

Facing the doubts of the water friends, Yu Hui also smiled and explained.

"You may have misunderstood what I meant. In fact, this equipment of Heiqi is a magical equipment that perfectly fits the side AP Mengqi. It is not as useless as you think."

"First of all, Heiqie's equipment comes with a [-]-point HP bonus, and with Meng Qi's explosive double resistance, it can perfectly improve his tankiness and allow him to take more damage in the melee.

Secondly, the [-]% cooldown reduction provided by Heiqie, combined with the [-]% cooldown reduction of Ice Scar's Grip and the [-]% cooldown reduction of Calm Boots, can be perfectly stuck at [-]% in this game. [-] Cooldown reduction limit,

For a hero like Meng Qi who needs to brush shields frequently and keep himself at full quality in the melee, the importance of cooldown reduction is naturally self-evident. In many cases, you may be just short of the last shield. Shield, you can complete the counter-kill perfectly,

In addition, Heiqie also has a passive that is easy to ignore. Normal attacks have a certain chance to reduce the opponent's movement speed by [-]%. With the second skill of Mengqi, the continuous deceleration of Dream Power Bubble and Ice Scar's Grip , Under the triple deceleration, it is easy to make the opposite person a disabled person in a wheelchair. Without the displacement skills, you can only watch yourself being chased to death!

In the end, the [-]-point physical attack that puzzles you the most, in addition to increasing Meng Qi's basic attack damage, it can also increase the shield value of his first skill and the impact damage of his ultimate move. You must know Meng Qi III Although his skills are all spell damage, his first and third skills are physical damage bonuses! "

After hearing Yu Hui's patient, meticulous and easy-to-understand explanation.

The water friends in his live broadcast room were quiet for a while.

Immediately following various barrages, they spewed out like a volcanic eruption!

"Damn it! After listening to Mr. Yu's explanation, I was really shocked! At first I thought Mr. Yu was acting in a mess, but he just stood in the atmosphere this wave! It turned out that the clown was me! "

"Damn it! Whether it's the maximum health bonus, cooldown reduction, physical attack, or even the passives of deceleration and physical penetration, this piece of equipment is perfect for Meng Qi!"

"Hey... President Yu's build, not only can deal real physical damage and magic damage at the same time, but also has a good amount of blood while the dual resistance is ridiculously high. I feel that as long as you don't encounter Marco Diaochan and Lu Bu, the eldest father of the three Meng Qi, is invincible to President Yu!"

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

"Damn it! This seems to be a build understanding that has been ahead for centuries! Brothers, it seems that President Yu will teach us to use the new version of Meng Qi to score big points after the answer of Double Burning Liu Zhu Bajie in the version! Before the costumes are popular, why don't you hurry up and rush to the rankings?!"

"No! Compared to the qualifying and peak matches, it's more important to watch President Yu's live broadcast! When President Yu is off the air, I'll rush!"

"Mom, dual cultivation of physical and physical skills? I really didn't expect President Yu to be a genius in disguise. If this set of equipment spreads, I'm afraid that even the KPL arena will change in a few days, right?"

Just when the barrage in the live broadcast room was frantically touting Yu Hui and joking again.

What everyone doesn't know is that.

At this moment, before the screen in the afterglow live broadcast room, I don't know how many professional team coaches there are.


He was frowning tightly, watching Sunset's live broadcast earnestly, and with shock in his eyes, he kept recording something on his notebook.

"Boundary Punishment Half-Flesh Law Double-Cultivation Mengqi? This is really a version of understanding that is centuries ahead..."

Guangfu City, TTG E-Sports Club.

In the training room, I saw TTG's slightly fat coach in a suit.

He was staring intently at the live broadcast in front of him.

"After Meng Qi's hero was reworked, the coach of one of our teams has been developing him in the direction of AD jungler because of the difficulty of guaranteeing the quality of this hero playing on the wing. Although the effect is good, in the later stage, due to the high blood volume The reason for the weak body is that the fault tolerance rate is still too low after all..."

"As for Mr. Yu's build, not only does it use punishment to steal wilds everywhere, it perfectly exploits the strength of the new version of Mengqi in the early stage, but it also supports the output and frankness at the same time, which perfectly solves the hero's weakness in the later stage. It has always become an embarrassing problem for the legendary superior man, and he can also use the flexible ultimate move to act as an excellent opening point and front row in the later stage... This hero is definitely underestimated by all of us! "

"I feel that President Yu's outfit is much stronger than Pure Magic Mengqi and Pure Output Crit Mengqi..."

"Sure enough, his current weakness is simply because the correct build and play style have not been developed!"

Thinking of this, his heart could not help but feel hot!

"Perhaps there is this outfit, and it won't be long before the new version of Mengqi will be able to enter the KPL professional arena for the first time!"

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