Bei Mu also nodded solemnly.

"Having eight wastes, entering the ninth level!"

Just when he attacked Agudo again, using the burning effect of the red buff to slow him down.

Yu Hui's Meng Qi also finally arrived at the scene!

Just when his own Aguduo was about to be unable to withstand Jing's inappropriate damage in the early stage, his blood volume was only the last third.

There is always a risk of sudden death.

Yu Hui's eyes narrowed, and he quickly locked the positions of Bei Mu and Han Han.

Immediately at the moment when the duration of the second skill was about to end, he suddenly pressed it!


I saw a huge bubble of dream power, thrown directly by Yu Hui's Meng Qi!

While severely bombarding Beimu and Han Han.

Twenty layers had already been stacked, and the pink bubbles with ridiculously high damage suddenly burst!

- !

Two striking purple damage numbers float up!

Afterglow was under the explosion of the bubbles that had been prepared for a long time.

Not only did Jing and Taiyi's blood volume evaporate a little in an instant.

More importantly.

It also reduced their movement speed by a lot, seriously disrupting the rhythm of their movement!


The first time the afterglow sounded.

Their mid laner Mozi, after seeing the enemy slowed down and unable to move in place.

It also responded quickly.

"Don't worry, President Yu! Just leave it to me!"

Before Mozi could finish his words, just after quickly locking on the two enemies, he suddenly pressed his second skill [Arcane Cannon]!

"Dragon's Fury!"

With the frenzy of the flames in Mozi's hands, after a short charge.

His lava cannonball came as promised.

Turned into a flaming meteor, accurately hitting Beimu's mirror and Han Han's Taiyi real person.

Stun them in place!

"One shot and two shots! Fortunately, I didn't lose my life!"

When I heard Mozi's extremely excited voice sounded.

The water friends in the afterglow live broadcast room couldn't help showing expressions of admiration!

"Let's go, get all three shots? This mid laner Mozi from President Yu's family can really hit the top with the second skill!"

"Nonsense! After all, he is also a top [-] national costume Mozi, so it's not normal to be inaccurate in his second skills, right? But he can firmly hold Beimu and Han Han's positions, and frantically interrupt their offensive rhythm. Yes, it is considered a strong group, and it is definitely a ruthless person!"

"Fortunately, Mr. Yu's mid laner Mozi is powerful enough. Each wave can subtly defuse the opponent's offensive at key rhythm points. If it were replaced by other mid laners, I guess this wave would have been blown up long ago!"

"The main reason is that the two heroes, Aguduo and Sun Bin, were too weak when they were at level [-]. If you want to control or not control, you need to hurt and not hurt. If the jungler is replaced by any jungler except Gua Sha Master Li, this wave of melee in the jungle will not be so passive!"

"In this wave of wild groups, Mr. Yu should have been crushed by the opposite side, but the new version of Mengqi is a hero to tell the truth, as long as the quality can be fully increased, the combat effectiveness in the early stage is still outrageous. Liu Bang, who was beaten to half blood and could not even scratch the shield of President Yu, is the best example!"

"Originally, this wave of teamfights with a crushing trend started nine and one. On the opposite side, Mr. Yu's teammates split directly, but after this man's Meng Qi came, it is estimated that the opposite side will split!"

Just when the countless water friends in the Sunset Live broadcast room were still discussing intensely.

I saw that Yu Hui had basically no quality, and his body was still a very small Meng Qi.

Soon he floated to the side of Jing and Taiyi who were stunned in place.

When Yu Hui pressed the basic attack button, Meng Qi's little claws swung out at the same time.

At some point, a pink shield appeared on his body.

This not only increased the quality of his Mengqi by thirty points, but also made his body grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It even raised his physical attack power and double resistance to a higher level.

Let him get a qualitative improvement in both output and frankness!

"Mr. Yu, this Meng Qi, the damage is really high!"

When Han Han broke free from the dizziness.

Seeing that it was only a blink of an eye, Meng Qi's little paw scratched a third of his blood, Taiyi Zhenren.

My eyelids twitched wildly!

"If it goes on like this, I will explain it here."

Beimu frowned when he saw that his first skill with displacement ability still had the last four seconds of cooling time remaining.

And Han Han saw that Bei Muna was in danger and could die suddenly at any time.

There was a hint of anxiety in his eyes, and he quickly opened the microphone and said.

"I'll help you get stuck in the positions of President Yu and Mozi, you go first!"

"Your mirror must not be explained here, and send the red BUFF you finally grabbed back to them, otherwise it will be too rhythm!"

Hearing this, Bei Mu's eyes flashed with solemnity and hesitation.

Finally, he nodded and said rudely.

"Second, then I'll leave it to you and Tiantianke."

After all, his mirror with only the last trace of blood left took the initiative to step back!

Seeing Yu Hui, Meng Qi seemed to still have an idea for Bei Mu, and was still chasing after him.

Han Han also shouted at the moment when one of his skills completed the cooling.

"You still want to chase after me, Brother Muzi... Have you asked my second child for Han's approval?!"

"Sit down for me!"

Before he finished speaking, his hand speed soared to the extreme.

Just as he was moving in the direction of Yuhui Mengqi, he pressed Blink and a skill very quickly.

Prepare to give Yu Hui a wave of unexpected flashes, stun him in place, and cooperate with Tiantian Keyi's skill to pull people to completely control him to death!

However, what Han Han and Tiantianke don't know is.

All of their little actions were seen by Yu Hui, who has top-level reaction speed.

Under his extremely fast reaction speed, it seems that even time has frozen for it.

Yu Hui could even see the real figure of Han Lao Er Taiyi, with the sound of flashing sound.

In a yellow light, he slowly disappeared in place, and in a slow teleportation, he appeared in front of his Mengqi!

Since his Mengqi is only level [-] at this time, he hasn't had time to unlock the ultimate move with displacement effect.

Even the summoner skills bring punishment, not flash.

Therefore, even if Yu Hui reacts, there is no way to avoid the dizziness of Han Han Taiyi.

But even so.

His eyes were still steady, without any panic.

As early as he appeared on the battlefield and joined the melee for the first time.

He has already used his data analysis and blood control ability.

Accurately calculated the output ability of the enemy three people, as well as their own Mengqi's resistance under full energy.

The final conclusion is.

Unless there are only blood mirrors left in Bei Muna, and even his own life is lost.

He must rush back, cooperate with his teammates, and pour all the burst damage into his Mengqi.

In this way, it is possible to make his quality full, and Meng Qi, whose double resistance is already ridiculously high, feels a little threatened.

Otherwise, use the frankness of your own dreams.

Even if he didn't resist, he would stand on the spot and give Han Han's Taiyi Zhenren and Tiantianke's Xi Shi scraping.

They're afraid they won't be able to scratch at all.

"Royal certification, super alchemist is also!"

Just as Han Han sneered, he exploded his hand speed to the extreme, pressing Flash and a skill in a row.

The moment when you want to stun the afterglow in place.

However, seeing Yu Hui's Meng Qi, it seems that he has already seen through all his inner thoughts.

Actually in time for his Taiyi real person to press the flash at the same time.

His Meng Qi also cheered and faced Bei Mujing's position.

He threw out the dream power bubble that he had just cooled down!

I saw that the pink bubble was flying very fast, and it just touched the mirror of the residual blood in North Muna at the extreme distance.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

The two back and forth damages of his pink bubbles easily emptied the last trace of Beimu's blood!

Let his mirror with the red buff on his body lie down on the ground powerless, and completely turn into a ray of dead soul!


Our Mengqi killed the enemy mirror!

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