The water friends just in front of the screen were listening intently.

Sometimes I even nod my head repeatedly because I listened too deeply.

The phone placed on the table by Yu Hui suddenly vibrated!

This represents.

He has successfully helped him find his opponents and teammates in this peak match!

"Finally arranged!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Yu Hui's eyes.

The little guys in qualifying couldn't stand his devastation at all.

Even if it hits all five-row teams.

When it really hits, it's just as boring as a torture machine.

Sure enough, they are still the passers-by kings and anchors of the peak game.

Just to make him feel a little bit of pressure!

After a little stretch of the muscles and bones.

He subconsciously snapped the knuckles of his fingers.

Just after Sunset immediately resumed the state of the game.

When the fighting spirit ignited in his eyes.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were in a hurry.

"Mr. Yu, you should keep talking, stop before you finish speaking, and be a riddle man!"

"Yes, yes! We all know that the mid-lane mages have strengthened this season, and then what? I have taken out my small notebooks and prepared to take notes!"

"I don't know why, but I feel like I've never taken online classes so seriously!"

"Still taking notes? Good guy! I seem to see the future of the motherland in you!"

Looking at the barrages that kept drifting past his eyes.

Yu Hui was also dumbfounded.

Just kept in mind.

Thinking back to the perfect understanding of the new season that I got from the system.

Continue to explain the key points of the new season with them.

While clicking the button to confirm!

It didn't take long.

Just when he finished explaining.

The rest of the players in this match also completed their preparations.

Officially entered the BP interface.

The first peak game of the new season of Sunset has started!

"Please disable heroes!"

At the same time as the familiar system beep sounds.

On the second floor, the microphone under the avatar of the elder brother flickered frantically.

"Brothers, please ban the hero Bajie, thank you!"

"I don't know which talent developed it. At the same time, the red lotus cloak and the Bajie of the meat hit wild knife have high damage, good control, and the most important thing is not to kill!"

"It really made me vomit! The first peak game of the new season was destroyed, which is too bad, right?"

"It's a lot worse than you when it's worth it to stab thieves and thieves! In the first game I played as a jungler, I was disgusted by what you said about the double-burning stray pigs, and the jungle area was about to be rotten by him! "

"I finally got to the second one, I think it's time to win it back, right? It crashed into the ice! His Yang Jian is already very powerful, and this season, Yang Jian, the hero, has been greatly strengthened, we The side road was cracked on the spot!"

"It's really like Zhongxie. I was a wild king who was ranked [-] percent last season, and this season, I was pressed to the ground and rubbed frantically at [-]!"

"Huh? I thought I was the only one kneeling in the new season. After hearing what you said, my heart was instantly more balanced!"

"I'm not saying that, the operation of these technical anchors is really outrageous! My last game was originally a big tailwind, but the result was an epic triangle jump by Sun Ce of the leaves, which smashed our back row, The mid laner and the jungler evaporated on the spot!"

"The rhythm of being beaten directly by the opponent was chaotic, and they just got back the advantage bit by bit, and was forcibly turned over by Sun Ce of Ye Ye! I was so angry that my blood pressure went up!"

"Brother is calm and calm, Ye Ye is a sidewalk, Sun Ce's ceiling! It would be strange if he lost! I can only blame myself for being unlucky and colliding with these perverted technical anchors!"

Teammates chatting 0...

One side completed the banning of heroes.

The heroes banned by both sides are.

The blue square where the afterglow is: Zhu Bajie, Lan, Da Qiao

The red square on the opposite side is: Aguduo, Ma Chao, Guan Yu

After both sides have completed the ban of the hero.

Everyone naturally turned their attention to the first floor of the enemy who chose the hero first!

"Heaven does not give birth to a master, eternity is like a long night, it is the old man!"

When you see the enemy on the first floor, you are full of confidence.

Almost without any hesitation, he selected Lao Master Zi, a side lane hero that is not usually common.

Several of Yu Hui's teammates seemed to remember something, and they all groaned in their hearts!

"Fuck! The old man on the first floor? Stop it! Don't tell me, the man on the first floor opposite is the man!"

"Any brothers go to Lai Shen's live broadcast room to find out?"

"I'm going, I'm going!"

Only the microphone on the fourth floor flickered.

Soon there was no sound.

After about ten seconds.

He finally got back into the game.

His voice was full of collapse.

"It's cracked! The opposite side is really Flay!"

"I really vomited! I just hit the leopard leaf on the sidewalk last time, and his head was about to be twisted off by him."

"Now I have bumped into Lai Shen, who is even more powerful than the leaves?"

"Brothers, I feel my mind is broken!"

"If I'm guilty, please let the law punish me! Instead of crashing cars every day, these tech anchors eat my points!"

Just when the teammates sighed and sighed because of the crash, their emotions were full of collapse.

The afterglow actually brightened up.


He still remembers.

The night I accidentally got drunk.

When he chose Guangxin, he was completely ready to kill.

Lai Shen put his old master on the so-called anti-Li Xin armor on the spot.

He was screaming at Master Li for scraping.

He even used his second skill to reduce injuries, standing on the spot to show his arrogant appearance of hitting casually!

Think of this.

Yu Hui also raised the corners of his mouth.

His eyes swept over the avatars of the heroes on the sidewalk in earnest.

As if thinking.

Which side hero should be selected?

Come and entertain your old friend!

after all...

He is quite a vengeful person!


Chapter 153

"Please choose a hero!"

After Lai Shen second on the first floor opposite chose the old master.

Soon it was the turn of Sunset and his teammates on the second floor to choose the hero.

I saw Yu Hui's gaze skipped one by one over the avatars of the heroes on the sidewalk.

In the end, it stopped at the one-handed seven-star light sword.

You can run rampant in the Canyon of Kings.

Unreasonable woman Charlotte!

When I saw Charlotte's head lit up.

Yu Hui's teammates downstairs suddenly became restless.

"Brother on the first floor, don't play Master Xia. Although this hero is strong in laning, in the later stage, he can't stand up in team battles at all!"

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