Double kill!

The enemy Yao killed my Fang Yuange!

The enemy Yao killed our Cao Cao!



"Hey, as expected of General Flying Bull, it's really too strong."

"His tugging is so quintessential, it makes me chase and catch up, escape and escape, being played around like a monkey..."

"It doesn't feel like his opponent at all..."

Mo Chen helplessly glanced at his emptied blood.

Boss Cao, who was unwilling to fall, was in his eyes.

After this wave of flying cows double kills.

Only Hua Mulan and Cai Wenji of Yu Hui were left on their side.

On the other hand, the enemy still had Zhuge Liang, Liu Shan and Yao, who were still healthy.

But even so.

Mo Chen was not too worried.

Because he believes that afterglow's Hua Mulan will never let him down!

The same goes for several other fallen teammates!

At the moment when I saw the afterglow Mulan appeared.

Their hearts are filled with a sense of security!

"The Little Overlord of Rongcheng has infinite power!"

Just when Liu Shan activated a skill, the Little Overlord's Shield.

While accelerating towards Sunset Hua Mulan.

It's full of passives.

Zhuge Liang, with countless water droplets floating beside him, also rushed up with a set of standard two-one combos!

And his goal.

It is Mulan of Sunset!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of a series of drops of water dripping sounded!

I saw Miss Cai Wenji take a small step forward.

He used his body to block Yu Hui in front of him.

Deliberately let Zhuge Liang passively lock the target.

From the afterglow into himself!

Because she is wearing a full French outfit.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang's [-] skills connected to several passive bursts, and it was extremely painful to hit her.

In an instant, she lost half of her blood!

See this scenario.

After Hui frowned, Kai Mai said to her.

"Standing behind me, I have no injury, these injuries and control let me resist."

Hear Yu Hui's words.

Miss Cai Wenji nodded silently.

After using the second skill Bullet to interrupt the rhythm of the enemy's three-person attack.

Obediently stood behind Yu Hui.

"Don't force me to open my eyes and fight you!"

Just when Liu Chanyi's skill-enhanced basic attack was about to fall.

Hua Mulan pulled out the light sword hanging from her waist and threw it behind Liu Shan and Yao.

Immediately after, press the ultimate move to bloom the blade.

I saw a burst of majestic yellow sword energy swept across.

After Hui's Hua Mulan used the epee's overpowering body at the moment of unsheathing, not only successfully immune to Liu Chan's blow-up.

It also greatly reduced the burst damage of Flying Bull's two consecutive air slashes!

"Face slap clap clap!"

Liu Chan stretched out the claws of the mechanism and was about to stun Hua Mulan in the afterglow.

However, he saw that Hua Mulan was after a period of epee general attack.

The speed of light connects the second skill of the rapid bloom.

While entering the hegemonic state again.

He kept waving the epee in his hand.

One knife after another, Liu Chan and Yao were pushed back in front of him!

"It's raining from all directions!"

See your teammates in danger.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly jumped behind Yu Hui with a second skill.

Face to face with Sunset.

Directly let Yu Hui eat all the damage of his first skill [Dongfeng Breaking Attack]!

Because afterglow's Mulan didn't make a witch's cloak to stack magic resistance for herself.

After eating Zhuge Liang's [-]st combo of full damage.

Even afterglow's Hua Mulan is in a [-]% injury-free state.

It is still nearly a third of the blood volume!

"When the rain comes to the world, there are hundreds of rivers in Zepi!"

Zhuge Liang, who was close to Yu Hui's back, used the second skill [Time and Space Shuttle] in situ again.

While further reducing the afterglow's HP, it also made his passive [Moment of Tactics] full again!

Bang bang bang!

Under the crazy impact of five drops of rain.

Sunset Hua Mulan's second skill was only halfway through.

It's already lost half of the blood.

see this scene.

Miss Cai Wenji was also taken aback.

He hurriedly activated his ultimate move [Wangyou Song], which continued to restore the amount of HP to Sunset.

And within the scope of Cai Wenji's ultimate move, Sunset Hua Mulan's double resistance has also been significantly improved.

Let his frankness rise a notch again!

Looking at Hua Mulan with Cai Wenji following behind, even if Zhuge Liang was already madly outputting, he still had more and more HP.

Flying Bull frowned slightly.

Almost at the moment of resuming action, he directly used the displacement of the second skill [Star Chasing] to bypass Yu Hui's side.

Killed in front of Cai Wenji!

He knew very well.

If you want to kill the afterglow, this will reduce the damage of Hua Mulan.

We must first get rid of Cai Wenji, who has an amazing milk volume behind him!

"Up to the sun and the moon, down to the mountains and rivers, all over our land, what's the matter with you!"

Just when Yao used the arc displacement of Star Chasing to go around behind Yu Hui, ready to attack Miss Cai Wenji.

Hua Mulan's extremely domineering lines also rang out!

"In the battle to defend our land, this general is bound by his duty!"

I saw it in Liu Shan's dazed eyes.

Yu Hui's second skill, [Brave of Swiftness] that she just used, doesn't seem to need a cooldown.

He turned to face them again.

Push him and Yao back in place!

"Don't this Hua Mulan's second skill need to be cooled down?"

Feel the shock in Liu Shan's tone.

Fei Niu was also stunned for a moment.

Immediately responded!

"This is a double push card!"

"As long as you use the second skill of the heavy sword and retrieve the flying knife of the second skill of the light sword, the cooling time of the second skill can be reduced by five seconds."

"Therefore, the effect of seamlessly connecting two epee to push people can be achieved!"

Hear Flying Cow's explanation.

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