The enemy Yao killed our Hua Mulan!

Watching the afterglow of being targeted to death again.

And the movement in front of him is skillful and tacit.

The three people who are constantly resetting the hatred of the development tower and taking turns resisting the tower.

A trace of anger flashed in Cai Wenji's eyes.

Can the three of them go too far?

When she saw the afterglow, Mulan was killed again.

Countless water friends in the live broadcast room also put away their original schadenfreude mood.

Started to feel a little distressed.

"I vomited! In less than a minute, three or four people came to grab the winger twice? Is the winger their biological father?"

"It's really a bit too much to target this mindlessly. If you replace me with President Yu, I guess I already have the heart to surrender!"

"Actually understandable. After all, Mr. Yu's strength is so terrifying, and the opponent must not sit idly by. You must know that being kind to the enemy is the greatest cruelty to yourself!"

"It seems that in this duel between the champion flying general and Yunying flying general, it is still the flying Yunying flying that is better!"

"If you don't understand, ask, is this the side anchor who will be ranked No. [-] in the country? It's really funny enough!"

"What are the black fans upstairs mad at? Go back to where you come from, okay?"

"Laughing to death, when President Yu is downwind, these rhythmic trumpet farts don't dare to put one, but when President Yu is against the wind, all kinds of monsters and ghosts jump out."

"Unfortunate! I wanted to see President Yu and General Fei Niu duel at their peak, but they were all messed up by the opposite Nakano!"

"President Yu died twice in just two minutes, and it split into several halves on the spot!"

"Fortunately, when the opponent was caught without a brain, Mo Chen not only went to steal the tyrant, but also helped Xi Shi clear the line of troops in the middle, making Zhuge Liang lose a lot of soldiers."

"Hey... I'm numb, President Yu's economy is targeted to be lower than the support on both sides! I don't want to believe it! This must be fake!"

"What I'm mainly worried about now is whether President Yu's mentality will explode because of this, so that he can't exert his full strength..."

"I understand, the opposite is the mentality of deliberately engaging with President Yu!"

"Mr. Yu: When I reach level [-], I'll kill you all!"

Just when the iron fans in the live broadcast room were still worried about themselves.

As the picture in front of you changed from black and white back to color.

Yu Hui took a deep breath.

He glanced at his zero bar two record in the upper right corner.

His face was still calm.

He knew that the opposite Nakano Suke was probably determined to completely blow him up.

Not surprisingly.

Before they reach the fourth level, they will come back to the road to catch a wave!

Just as Sunset expected.

When I saw his Hua Mulan appeared on the top road again and started to clear the line.

Opposite Liu Chan immediately became excited!

"Quick, quick! While Hua Mulan is still at level three, hurry up and disgust him in the end!"

"Otherwise, when he reaches the fourth level, it will be difficult for us to target him again!"

Feel the excitement of Liu Shan.

Kejie pondered for a while and said after clearing the wild monsters in front of him.

"This Mulan has been caught twice by us, and it has already exploded."

"If this wave is killed by us again, it will be completely abolished. It is estimated that the backward economy and level cannot be recovered in five or six minutes."

"When Mulan is caught for the third time, we can push a tower on the side by the way."

"This will not only liberate General Flying Niu, but also take over the receipt and further expand our advantages."

Hear this.

Zhuge Liang also nodded.

Although he also felt that it was a bit cruel to target the flanks in this way.

But no way.

after all.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

and so.

Afterglow's Mulan still has to die!

"I'm going? Is the opposite side sick?"

"I don't even want a tower of my own development road, do I just want to get Yu's mentality?"


After Yu Hui's four teammates flanked around and successfully captured Meng Lan's Gongsun Li.

However, they found that no one on the opposite side came back to clear the line and guard the tower.

All of a sudden, his face changed slightly!

Subconsciously look at the side road where Sunset is located!


I saw it at a glance.

At the entrance of the river channel on the road, the three enemies who were aggressively attacked towards Sunset.

And the flying cow that is eyeing not far away!

"Sit tight, the first machine is on the runaway state!"

When I heard Liu Chan's annoying voice came again.

Yu Hui's eyes suddenly became extremely cold!

They all say there are three things.

The three people on the opposite side are too much.

When she saw the afterglow, Mulan was about to be surrounded by four enemies.

Not only has he not reached the fourth level to unlock the ultimate move, but he has not even cooled down his flash.

This time, it is estimated that he will definitely die.

Think of this.

Ting An and Mo Chen also sighed.

If you want to rush over to support now, it is definitely too late.

The only thing they can do at the moment.

Only seize the time to clear the line and push the tower against the wild!

Let the opponent pay the price of ignoring their own sidewalks!

Just when Ting An and Mo Chen agreed that Yu Hui would die in this wave.

But don't know.

Just at the moment Yu Hui saw the three enemies show their faces.

Quickly press your second skill [Flower of Spinning Dance].

Throws the light sword from his waist.

Let it spin like crazy, and keep strangling the two back row soldiers at the same time.

Quickly retreat in the direction of your own defense tower!

"Do you still want to escape?"

"Sit me down!"

Just as Liu Shan sneered, he jumped up high.

The fist in his hand, which was even bigger than others, slammed down.

The moment that will knock the afterglow into the air.

Only the screams of the soldiers were heard one after another!

Two ranged minions with little HP.

I can't bear the continuous strangulation damage of Hua Mulan's light sword second skill!

Just as they fell one after another.

In the shocked eyes of Liu Chan, Zhuge and Baili Xuance.

Yu Hui, Hua Mulan, who was still a little short of experience in order to be promoted to level [-].

A splendid golden light suddenly erupted from the body!

The left side of the health bar represents the number of the level, which has changed from three to four!

The big move blooms the blade.


"It's you who have to sit down... it's you!"

There was a piercing chill in the afterglow's eyes!

The moment he saw that Mulan had risen to the fourth level.

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