It is because.

As a [-] Duan Tongtian jungler, this man with Luna's ceiling is too strong!

Feel the mood in the team a little low.

At this time, Yu Hui suddenly turned on the microphone.

"Brothers, don't panic."

"Although they have the wild king of the sky, but you also have my side of the sky!"

As he said that, he issued his own national flag for splitting the road!

Against the ninety-ninth section of the road!

The strongest confrontation road in the national service!

When they saw the national flag of the branch road that almost blinded their eyes, Yu Hui.

The teammates suddenly exclaimed!

"` 々Fuck! This national service's strongest sign against the road, and this low, charming and sexy voice..."

"Mr. Yu! It must be you, right!"

"Yes, yes! Opposite is the Wild King of Heaven, and we have Tongtian Side Road! This is a bit of a coward. Just take President Yu as the core, and you're done!"

"Mom! I'm very successful! I'm actually ranked by this man who has won two nights in a row!"

"Mr. Yu, let me come over to soak up your fairy spirit, and bless me with a winning streak in the peak competition next season!"

After knowing that his sidewalk was actually Sunset.

All the teammates were like chicken blood.

After sweeping away the previous slump, I started to get excited!

After all, Yu Hui has won two nights in a row, and he is a man who has never lost!

Although the wild king of Beimu is strong.

But compared with the terrifying and terrifying record of Yu Hui, it is still a lot inferior!

"Brothers, pay for your fighting power! You are all ranked by President Yu, so this one should be a sure win!"

Just when the old man on the first floor grinned, he was about to take out his natal hero.

But he was stopped by the teammates on the fourth floor!

"Brother, don't! Don't be impulsive!"

"I just took a look at the Beimu live broadcast room and learned a very terrifying thing. I don't know if I should say it or not..."

"If you have something to say, if you have (get it), let it go. Don't let your mother-in-law's."

The old man on the first floor frowned and glanced at the countdown for his hero selection.

Hastily urged.

"You may not believe it when you say it..."

"In addition to Beimu, there are also pockets, leaves, Linger and Tiantianke on the opposite side!"


Originally still laughing and laughing, the lively voice channel.

In an instant, it became as quiet as death!

The five people on the opposite side are.

Baidan Yewang, Luna Ceiling Beimu!

The emperor of the development road, the strongest shooter in the national clothes, the ceiling pocket of the eldest lady!

Leopard on the sidewalk, Sun Ce ceiling leaves!

The female law ceiling, the first Xishi Linger in the galaxy!

Even Tiantianke, who is slightly inferior to them, is a regular in the top ten of the peak competition!

What kind of international joke is this? !

Is this lineup something that Yangjianren can beat?

The old man on the first floor only felt his hands tremble.

Quickly changed the pre-selected hero from Marco Polo to Meng Yi

Hear the sound of his teammates' breathing gradually becoming heavier.

Even Yu Hui's eyes narrowed slightly!

Opposite this lineup.

Really strong! .

Chapter 130

See the teammates after learning the identities of the five enemies.

They have replaced their combat heroes, and they have tacitly agreed that this will be lost.

Yu Hui frowned and said.

"Don't panic, you just need to do your best and fight hard."

"With me here, you can't lose!"

Feel the confidence in Sunset's tone.

The old man on the first floor gritted his teeth and rushed to the last second before the countdown ended.

Changed the chosen hero back to his own natal hero, Marco Polo!

"Okay! President Yu, I believe in you!"

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

"Isn't it the anchor, it's not that I haven't hammered it before!"

It seems to be infected by the emotions of the elder brother on the first floor.

The other three teammates were also excited.

They have exchanged the pre-selected heroes for their own combat heroes!

"that is!"

"If you lose, you will only lose some combat power and points. If you win, you can really post it in the circle of friends for a lifetime!"

"Brothers, Mr. Yu, who is going to fight for Guoyi tonight, don't panic. What are we panicking about?"

"Hurry up, take out the fighting heroes for me one by one, don't pick some heroes who don't know how to play, and give up struggling before the game starts!"

I feel that my teammates have rekindled their fighting spirit.

Yu Hui also rubbed his hands together, feeling his blood boil.

Now that his teammates have chosen to believe him.

Naturally, he would not betray their trust.

"Shoulders shoulder the mortal world, fists hold the original heart!"


Directly lock Dharma's avatar in seconds!

The moment when I heard Dharma's appearance line sounded.

as predicted.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again!

"Is this locked?"

"I'm going, Mr. Yu is crazy, right? Obviously Ma Chao, Sikong Zhen, Meng Tian, ​​and these powerful side lanes have been released. Why did he choose an unpopular hero that no one plays!"

"One thing to say, I think Bodhidharma is really bad. Although the big move is powerful, the shortcomings are too obvious!"

"Can't Bodhidharma? You players who only follow the version and follow the crowd, how can you know the real horror of Bodhidharma! This hero is my belief!"

"Faith? It's funny, have you ever seen anyone take the hero Dharma into the top [-] of the peak? No, no, no need to comfort yourself in your heart!"

"It's all virtual on the Internet. You are still young. You can't grasp this sentence. Listen to Uncle's advice and delete it!"

"It's always the player who can't do it, not the hero! Even Princess Yaoyao can play a huge role in team battles!"

"That's right! In my eyes, Dharma is definitely the hero with the highest ceiling, no one!"

"The upper limit is high? Are you stupid for a short video? It's like a double kick, a roundabout kick, or something like that. You don't really think someone can use it in actual combat, right?"

"Although I don't like Bodhidharma as a hero, I like President Yu! That's enough!"

Just when the water friends in the live broadcast room were arguing about Yu Hui's selection of the unpopular hero Dharma.

Ye Tiantianke and these anchors have also passed through the barrage and know that the opposite side Dharma is Sunset!

"Good guy! It turns out that the opposite is Mr. Yu, no wonder he dared to choose the unpopular hero Dharma in this section!"

"Mr. Yu? His teammates are all passersby? Then he's not cool?"

"Don't! Don't underestimate this man! Yesterday, I almost didn't get a psychological shadow from him! His side lanes are top-notch in terms of technical awareness and hand speed, especially the suppression of the lane, which is terrifying. A batch!"

Hearing Ye Ye's words, Ling'er asked curiously.

"Is he really that strong?"

Hearing this, Tian Tian Ke nodded.

"His sideways are really outrageous, killing four and five is as easy as eating and drinking."

"I've been in line with him two times. The first is to kill his Yao directly when there are actors reporting, and he gets five kills. The second is to get his Meng Tian even more terrifying. One chases five people and stabs him. Originally, The big headwind situation, forcibly dragged him into a turnaround."

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