"No way! This Meng Tian is here to get stuck in the three-way army line, and if he gets stuck, all our outer towers will be pulled out by his teammates ¨¨!"

"Ke Bao? Can you find a chance to make a wave of Meng Tian in a flash and see if you can use your ultimate move to vaporize him?"

"Ke Bao? Sweet Ke?"

Han Han asked several times, but got no response.

"Why are you ignoring me? You won't be angry, will you?"

After a while, there was still no response from Tiantianke.

Only then did Han Han recall that she seemed to have sold her Chang'e in the last wave.

Suddenly he scratched his head in embarrassment.

He was about to explain to Tian Tianke through speech-to-text.

But I heard that Charlotte, who was the first to die, started mic at this time.

"I lost? No way?"

"I went to the toilet and came back, why haven't you finished playing yet?"

"You were called home by this Meng Tian?"

Looking at Gongsun Li and Charlotte who were resurrected in their own springs one after another.

Han Han's eyes lit up, as if he had caught a life-saving straw!

"The two of you hurry up and help us make up for some damage, or you really won't be able to kill this Meng Tian!"

Hearing this, Charlotte did not dare to delay any longer.

Meng Tian, ​​who hurriedly rushed towards the afterglow, raised his hand to shoot a triangular sword of fast light!

"A sword dance moves in all directions!"

Seeing the newly resurrected Gongsun Li also rushed out of the spring.

Together with the five teammates, they aggressively attacked themselves.

Yu Hui smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly.

"Good guy, the stab was so cool, I accidentally stabbed it in the head!"

"Crack, I'm afraid I'm not really going to explain it here this time!"

As Yu Hui spoke, he long-pressed the basic attack button again to use the tyrant body to be immune to the knock-up of the second skill of the Bull Demon.

"This is so special Meng Tian is still holding a weakened in his hand, I vomited!"

When he saw Yu Hui Meng Tian's side, a black weakening force field suddenly appeared.

The corners of Han Han's mouth twitched wildly, and he couldn't figure out why Quanrou Meng Tian had such a disgusting play!

"You can lose team battles and games, but Meng Tian must die for me!"

As Han Han said, his Pei Capturing Tiger turned into a tiger form.

He threw himself to Yuhui's side and started outputting!

And Yu Hui, who was wearing a weakened Meng Tian, ​​was still leaning against the wall.

Poke people while backing away!

But this time, the opponent was obviously completely irritated by him.

The five of them would rather be like a mad dog, don't want the high tower, and have to deal with him first.

In the face of five people's stormy output.

Even Yu Hui, who was in a weakened and defensive posture at the same time, was a little overwhelmed.

Calculate the damage of the opponent a little bit.

Knowing that even if his Meng Tian is fully loaded, he can only last for three seconds at most.

Yu Hui shook his head helplessly and said.

"Brothers, I should be unable to withstand this wave of glorious sacrifice."

"However, I have cut off all three of their military lines, and in order to chase me, you have pulled all the outer towers of the middle and lower two lanes."

"All I can say is, this one is exhausted!"

"I died well in this wave, can I earn blood?"

Meng Tian, ​​who was in the afterglow, was about to be unable to stand it, and was ready to fight to the death.

See if you can replace one or two times before you fall.

Da Qiao, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly started mic at this time!

"Don't worry, with me, you won't die so easily."

"As an assistant, I will do my best to protect you!"

Hear Joe's voice

Only then did Yu Hui realize that she had left the other teammates at some point.

Came to the edge of the sideline battlefield!

"The lit star will not go out easily!"

At the same time that Da Qiao's lines sounded.

A layer of light green shield from Daisuke's [Wings of Redemption] appeared on Yu Hui's body, Meng Tian, ​​who had only a trace of blood left!

follow closely.

Just on the only way for Yu Hui Meng Tian to retreat, a circle of light blue teleportation circles appeared!

When he saw that Da Qiao actually released the back to the city circle behind Meng Tian.

Han Han's pupils shrank, and he exclaimed on the spot!

"'Fuck! Where did Big Joe come from?"

"Brothers are about to kill Meng Tian! This Meng Tian has disgusted us for so long. If I let him escape again, my mentality will explode on the spot!"

Feeling the emotional breakdown of the second child of Han, his teammates did not dare to delay.

The red light flashed on Gongsun Li's hand, and the furious output was directly activated!

Tiantianke's Chang'e also activated her ultimate move [Yuemang] at the same time, and just as she was about to smack Yu Hui's face, she was swept away like crazy.

but never thought

Her Chang'e was knocked away by the carp of Da Qiao Yi's skill at the moment of opening.

Forcibly interrupted the big move!

Seeing that Da Qiao and Meng Tian were about to enter the city-returning circle together, the assistant Bull Demon on the opposite side was anxious on the spot!

"The power of the poor old cow leads the world to thunder and lightning!"

He was accumulating his ultimate move, and wanted to leave Meng Tian and Da Qiao who were about to escape.

I saw a blue river with a silent effect suddenly under my feet!

Da Qiao's incomparably crucial three skills [Bridge of Severance] forcibly interrupted the power accumulation of the Bull Demon's ultimate move.

The five people on the opposite side could only watch (get Zhao) standing in the return city circle with Meng Tian and Da Qiao, who were supposed to die!

"Go upstream!"

At the moment when the countdown to the return to the city ended, Da Qiao waved the staff in his hand.

Directly behind the five enemies, the [Vortex Gate] with the effect of teleporting teammates was summoned!

With a flash of blue light on the screen in front of you.

Looking at Da Qiao who successfully brought himself back to the spring.

Yu Hui said with sincere admiration.

"Bullfrog Bullfrog! As expected of the big Joe in the national costume!"

"I give full marks to this wave of operations!"

Hearing Yu Hui's words, the barrage in his live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

"Bullfrog bullfrog? Did I hear it right?!"

"Fuck! I vomited! President Yu, are you serious?"

"In order to protect you, my little sister took the initiative to open the microphone to comfort you, so that you don't be afraid, but also broke out a small universe, the operation was full, and at the same time interrupted Chang'e and the bullfrog's big moves, and you responded to her with a bullfrog bullfrog? "

"Good guy! I'm afraid I know why President Yu broke up! With straight men like this, who can stand it!"

"Shocked! The straight man of steel is by my side!"

"The Internet is the first line, cherish this relationship! President Yu is angry!"

"Miss Da Qiao: I can't move! I can't move!".

Chapter 120

"The vortex door has been opened!"

"Go where you are needed!"

After opening the big move.

Big Jonah's ethereal voice spread throughout the King's Canyon at the same time.

The game screen in front of Sunset also turned blue.

After the transfer button appears.

Yu Hui clicked it without hesitation!

Immediately after him, Meng Tian's body was wrapped in the tide that was upstream and began to teleport!

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