This fight is too intense, isn't it?

After clearing the line of troops in front of you, let your level reach the third level.

Yu Hui estimated the opposite jungle route and said to Orange.

"The tiger on the other side should be in our blue zone now. I took a look at it when I was in the red zone just now. Tiger and Chang'e are not very good."

"You can try to wrap it up. As long as the opposite side is not stupid, we will definitely not be left behind."

"Just drive them away. I don't expect to be able to kill Tiger and Chang'e alone before level [-]."

Saying that, Meng Tian of Yuhui walked towards his blue area.

I soon saw that Han Han's Pei Jihu and Tiantianke's Chang'e were really against their own blue BUFF!

Meng Tian, ​​who noticed the afterglow, came, and was originally still the orange who dared not move forward.

As if I saw a savior, I suddenly felt confident!

"Anti-red and anti-blue, how dare you!"

"Death to Laozi!"

Orange roared loudly, using the blue BUFF as a springboard, a section of Yan Fan quickly approached Han Han's Pei Chahu!


The knife light flashed like a raging flame.

The end of the second skill Iai Slash instantly stuns him in place!

follow closely.

Tangerine passively drew the knife and cut with the outbreak of the second Duan Yananti.

It soon made Tiger Han Han's blood dangerous!

"Ke Bao, come and help me, if you control this orange, I can kill it!"

Feeling the anxiety in Han Han's tone, Tiantianke nodded.

Her Chang'e raised her hand and was about to use a skill [Moon Chen] to hold Tachibana Ukyo in place.

But I heard General Meng Tian's voice suddenly coming from not far away.

"Although the soldiers broke the enemy, but indiscriminately slaughtered, behead them!"

Meng Tian, ​​who saw Yuhui, used a skill [Square Stab] to instantly dash to Tiantian Ke Chang'e's side.

Fly it straight into the air!

"Wait for it!"

Activate the second skill [Take Defense as Offense], raise your shield and step into a defensive stance!

While pushing Tiantianke away again with the shield in his hand, Yuhui's Meng Tian gathered his strength to the limit.


A shot that was full of soldiers was stabbed fiercely!

It directly reduced Chang'e's mana by a large amount!

"I'm through! Didn't you say that after you bump into me, you're going to be gentle?!"

"You are too ruthless, Mr. Yu!"

Tian Tian Ke was really startled by the chilling aura coming from Yu Hui Meng Tian, ​​and quickly stepped back.

Looking at Meng Tian, ​​who separated himself and Tian Tian Ke like an indestructible city wall.

Han Han glanced at the small map, and her own Charlotte was still on her way to resurrection.

If he was forced to fight this third-level Meng Tian who had one blood.

I'm afraid that when Charlotte came to support, the bodies of myself and Tiantianke were completely cold.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said.

"This wave can't be beat!"

"Not only was this blue unsuccessful, but Ju Zi and Meng Tian were beaten by him for a period of time. This wave is a bit out of rhythm!"

No matter how much resentment there is.

He is only a second-level Pei Jihu, and he has no way to take Meng Tian.

You can only switch to the tiger form and jump off the wall, and retreat with Tiantianke's Chang'e!

"Fortunately I have you, Mr. Yu!"

"If it wasn't for your Meng Tian who single-handedly killed Charlotte and came to support, I'm afraid this handful of oranges wouldn't be 0BUFF, and the wild boars are starting!"

After helping Ju Zi to guard the entire blue area, Yu Hui did not delay any longer, and rushed back to the line as soon as possible.

When he returned to the wing, the enemy Charlotte just pushed the line into the defensive tower.

Fortunately, Yu Hui arrived in time, and did not miss the experience and economy of any soldier.

This made him flash with gold after clearing the last soldier's blood.

Be the first hero to reach level [-]!

After unlocking Meng Tian's outrageous big move [Xuan Yong Generals].

Sunset looked at Charlotte, who was obediently standing under the tower after clearing the line of troops not far away and did not dare to come out.

The smile on his face gradually became presumptuous!

"Charlotte on the opposite side is full of blood and dares to defend the tower? This is because I don't care about my national uniform Meng Tian!"

"This is disrespectful to me!"

Saying that, Yu Hui was in a barrage full of question marks.

Without hesitation, press his ultimate move [Xuan Yong Generals]!

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

"The whole army is in formation!"


With the order of General Meng Tian.

Four Xuanyong soldiers rushed towards him from all directions in an instant and followed him to fight side by side!

Seeing Meng Tian with his big move on the other side, he walked towards him step by step.

Charlotte groaned inwardly and said in horror.

"Fuck? This Meng Tian doesn't want to jump over the tower and kill me, right?"

"I'm full of blood now! I beg you, Meng Tian, ​​be a man!"

If she usually sees Kai Da Meng Tian trying to jump over the tower and kill herself, Charlotte will definitely turn her head and run away without a word.

But this time is different.

Behind Meng Tian this time, a whole wave of soldiers followed!

In other words, if he turned his head without hesitation, he would run away.

He will at least lose a whole wave of soldiers, plus a wing and a tower!

Of course he can't give in!

After all, if one tower is lost on the side road, most of Han Han's top half wild areas will follow suit!

This is not only irresponsible to yourself, but also irresponsible to your teammates!


Charlotte gritted her teeth and decided to come to the tower with Yu Hui and walk around the column with King Qin.

After all, he has the acceleration of one skill and the displacement of the second skill in hand.

Yu Hui's Clumsy Meng Tian, ​​who couldn't turn with his second skill, was still relatively difficult to touch.

. . .

With any luck.

His Charlotte might be able to cooperate with the defensive tower to come back with a wave of extreme counter-kills to break back the backward advantage!

Think of this.

Charlotte's eyes gradually became firmer.

The western sword in his hand gracefully swung in a circle.

A [Xunguang Triangular Sword] blasted towards the location of the afterglow!

However, he was turned sideways by Yu Hui and easily escaped!

After fine-tuning the position, after locking Charlotte's position.

Yu Hui quickly pressed Meng Tian's first skill [Square Stab]!

"The soldiers are very fast, we will fight quickly!"

Being surrounded by the generals of Xuanyong like stars holding the moon, Meng Tian shouted loudly in the center!

Followed by holding a long gun, striding forward!

After narrowing the distance between himself and Charlotte, the shield in his hand suddenly launched!

Charlotte, who was unable to dodge in the future, flew into the air fiercely!

Immediately after the afterglow, hand speed began to erupt.

At the moment when Charlotte was knocked out, after quickly connecting a basic attack, connect the second skill and basic attack again!

"The way to use soldiers is to use formations!"

Raise your shield and step into a defensive stance, and form a geese formation with your soldiers.

Meng Tian and the four soldiers shouted angrily at the same time, and the five spears were stabbed at the same time!

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