Just when the spring was about to erupt and knock him into the sky.

After Hui's Sikong Zhen retreated with a [Ben Leiji], easily dodging the control.

The backhand is another enhanced general attack!

Almost didn't let Sun Ce and Guiguzi evaporate on the spot!

In the chaos, King Lanling sneaked behind Yu Hui.

Waving the fist in his hand.

I want to borrow a skill [Secret Skill? Clone] to detonate the marker, stun Sikong Zhen in place.

Buy your teammates valuable escape time.

But he was directly pushed back by a thunder ball from Sikong Zhen!

Sikong Zhen, who is in the state of the ultimate move, can fully accumulate his own energy every three times he draws A.

The skill refresh rate is fast enough to fly!

King Lanling saw that his teammates couldn't hold on anymore.

He simply gave up the idea of ​​saving them.

It was also at the same time when he was about to return to invisibility and was about to leave in chaos.

Sun Ce and Guiguzi finally couldn't hold on in the face of Sikong Zhen, who was not a human being.

Being attacked by Sikong Zhen's enhanced basic attack, he easily killed with two punches!


Double kill!

Finish the two in front of you.

Yu Hui looked at King Lanling, whose figure was gradually hiding in the darkness, and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

Naturally, he wouldn't just watch his three kills disappear.

At the same time that a lightning strike of a normal attack interrupted King Lanling's invisibility.

It also made him full of the power of the thunder once again!

Killed by the repeated thunder and lightning from Sikong Zhen.

The little Lanling King, who had not even reached the fourth level, naturally couldn't last long.

The blood volume was quickly emptied!


Three kills!

The moment when the passionate voice broadcast of the three kills sounded.

Sunset's four teammates almost thought they had heard it wrong.

Pull up the camera and see the corpse at Sunset's feet.

Suddenly everyone was stupid.

In the same way, the barrage in the afterglow live broadcast room also completely exploded!

"Good guy! This is simply a horizontal push!"

"It's too violent, I think the opposite Sun Ce and Guiguzi are going to be electrocuted..."

"I laughed so hard, I went to Ye Ye's live broadcast room to watch it, and I saw that he was wearing a pain mask like Dehua!"

"If it was Dehua, it is estimated that the mobile phone has already started to be smashed!"

"I just found out now that President Yu didn't lie to us. He seems to have really turned the peak game into a man-machine game... sigh! Dou Zong powerhouse is so terrifying!"

"To be honest, this game is still a bit of a hangover. President Yu, Hou Yi, who was raised by his teammates as a pig, seems to have a little meal!"

"Indeed, this is a big headache. You must know that almost the entire team's economy is tilted to Houyi alone. If he can't stand up and lead his teammates, then this game is basically impossible to fight."

"What are you panicking about? With Mr. Yu's Lightning Dharma King Sikong here, are you still worried that you will lose this one?"

"The main reason is that although the hero Sikongzhen is invincible in the early stage, it is really too fragile in the later stage, and the witch with one hand in the later stage really beats Sikongzhen and wants to use Sikongzhen to save the world... To be honest, it is a bit difficult. !"

"After all, Sikong Zhen is still a crispy skin in essence, he needs teammates to create output opportunities for him!"

"It makes sense, as expected, a sidewalk warrior is a man's romance!"


"As expected of the ninety-ninth section of the sky, what's the matter, this is too strong, isn't it?"

Seeing that Yu Hui was surrounded by three enemies, Zhao Yun had already acquiesced that he was a dead man.

As a result, who knows, Yu Hui's Sikong Zhen killed all the opponents abruptly?

The moment when I heard the voice broadcast of the three killings.

He even wondered if he had heard it wrong!

Hou Yi also excitedly opened Mai Dao at this time.

"Brothers, be steady again, I've grown to the point of flying, it's so cool!"

Because Yu Hui's Sikong Zhen's performance was too dazzling.

He drew the enemy's attention from his Hou Yi to his Sikong Zhen.

Hou Yi, who has lost his bondage, is like a wild horse that has run away.

Behind him followed two bodyguards developing frantically.

After eating the middle line, eat the route.

After eating the two lines, go to the wild area of ​​your own.

Almost one person occupied two-thirds of the team's resources.

It is also under such crazy development.

His economic growth rate is also ridiculously fast.

It didn't take long for him to surpass the afterglow who just got three kills on the sidewalk!

Obviously, Yu Hui also did it on purpose, attracting firepower to himself.

How arrogant you have to be on the sidewalk.

All kinds of blocked lines, broken lines, and even an open and honest invasion of the wild area.

I almost danced in the Lanling King Wild Area!

On one side is Sikong Zhen who doesn't care.

On the other side is Hou Yi, who is about to go to heaven no matter what.

The five people on the opposite side were in a dilemma.

The rhythm immediately became a mess.

"King Lanling, take care of Hou Yi, who has paid him five or six thousand in four minutes? Damn it, you're crazy!"

"Don't care about this Hou Yi is invincible!"

Gongsun Li on the opposite side couldn't believe it.

Not long ago, Hou Yi, who was still obedient to himself in front of him.

Only about four minutes passed.

The first time I saw him, it was no longer the same as before.

Instead, it flashed the big move directly and stunned it.

Three arrows crit kills instantly!

This outrageous damage immediately made Gongsun Li take a breath!

"I vomited! What kind of brain damage is this?"

"Damn, this kind of primary school hero is really disgusting, there is no operation at all, just stand there and keep attacking and you're done!"

Gongsun Li scolded and opened the economic panel.

When he saw Hou Yi's equipment on the opposite side.

Tenacity Shoes, Electric Knife, Endless, Vampire Knife, Cloud Piercing Bow, Quick Shot Gun.

It looks like it won't be long before dawn can be closed.

Suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched.

"I beg you, don't worry about Sikong Zhen who is on the road, okay? This Houyi is so special, the economy is two thousand higher than that of Sikong Zhen!"

"Who is the big brother on the opposite side, don't you understand now?"

Hear the frantic complaints of his own shooter.

The King of Lanling also replied rather unhappily.

"Beep beep what?"

"Are you guys helping me to be optimistic about the wild area? The opposite side Sikong Zhen is dancing in my wild area. I am still playing the wild knife on the third floor, can you believe it?"

"Is it because I don't want to take care of Houyi? Should I scrape Houyi in the past or die?"

"And you Gongsun Li, aren't you very good at picking heroes? Why don't you just give you a support, and break through the opposite bot lane in ten minutes, now? It's like a clown!"

Hearing the unceremonious mockery of his jungler, Gongsun Li was immediately unhappy.

"Damn, three-on-one can be counter-killed by the opponent, and he still has the face to beep, Laozi?"

"I beg you, a waste dog, make a national standard and then point out the country. I am a national uniform no matter how trash I am, how about you?

I only heard the sound of angrily slapping the table. It was obvious that King Lanling was completely angry with Gongsun Li.

about to attack.

The leaves hurried out to round the field.

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