Chapter 380


A drop of sweat dripped from his forehead.


A mouthful of saliva swallowed from his throat.


Exhale from the nasal cavity with a breath.

“How many?”

An uneasy word squeezed from the courier’s little brother’s mouth.


Several sturdy big men put their hands on their chests, staring at the courier brother coldly, and let out a cold sneer.

The courier guy shrank his neck, picked up the courier package in his hand, and whispered: “Please… please sign for the courier!”


The big guys kept silent and looked suspiciously at the courier brother.

“I didn’t feel the killing intent from him.”

Jeff shook his head, his perception ability is extremely strong, can detect the other party’s mood swings.

“Probably a master.”

Wu Chi has an analysis of what happened: “There are some martial arts masters who can restrain their murderous aura and control their emotions…”

“Dare to assassinate the master, let him talk if he castrates!!”

Piccolo was full of furious expression. He was controlled by the king. Although he didn’t know why, his destiny had been connected with the king. He could perceive that if something happened to the king, he would never escape.

Therefore, assassinating king is almost equivalent to assassinating him. For this kind of enemy who wants to put himself to death, his temperament is rather to kill the wrong one than to let it go.

“Heroes, I don’t know what you are talking about? I’m just an ordinary courier!!”

The courier brother was almost crying under the siege of several big guys.

Tear! !

Piccolo’s palm changed its claws, and with a stroke, the express parcel split open, revealing a new smart phone that was exquisite like a remote control.

“It looks like we misunderstood him.”

Axel took out the phone and checked it to make sure there was nothing wrong.

“So…the killer is someone else, interesting!!”

Jeff squinted his eyes and glanced around, silently receiving information from all directions, looking for the hidden killer. However, the information returned from the surroundings showed that there was no malice.

“It’s gone.”

“Hey, I’m going out, when will you leave?”

When Wu Chi and others looked at the courier brother, King was already dressed neatly and ready to go out. He was already playing games with Saitama as much as possible. It was true that Saitama made his combo crash yesterday. He was not convinced, so he borrowed his game console to go back to practice. The new move is said to have gained a bit, so I called to make an appointment.

“You go!!”

Wu Chi and others sent off the courier brother, handed the hero’s new smart phone to King, and asked, “Senior King, where are you going? In the dark, someone is always ready to assassinate you.”

“it does not matter!”

King waved his hand, with his defense and regeneration ability, unless the top guys came to assassinate him, otherwise, it would have no effect on him.

“Then Senior King, be careful, and…” Wu Chi and the others looked at King solemnly, “Please consider our suggestions seriously. We firmly believe that the Heroes Association will not be your last place.”

“Okay, okay, I’m leaving now.”

King nodded absently, and then under Wu Chi and the others, he rose into the sky and headed for City Z.


King traveled all the way, swift as lightning, passing through the air, and it didn’t take long for him to come to City Z. However, as he lowered his height, his brow furrowed. Under the sky, he clearly saw several A strange man broke into the uninhabited street from the city, and then disappeared after turning around.

“How come weird people gather on the unmanned street? Could it be that the unmanned street is a weird stronghold?”

He frowned, a little amused, “Who is the weirdo who is so bold and built his stronghold under Saitama’s ass.”

Before he crossed, the One Punch Man comics had not updated the location of the Weird Association, which caused him to not know that the Weird Association was located under the uninhabited street.

“This world is getting chaotic.”

“However, as the saying goes: there must be evildoers in the chaos of the world, and only such chaos can give birth to the wonderful flower of Saitama!!”

Click! !

In the Kunos laboratory in Z city, Genos wandered constantly, familiar with his brand new body. Yesterday, when he was in City C, after defeating the awakening cockroaches, he encountered the hero. With the help of his drone, he was able to return to the laboratory for repairs, and Kunos modified and broke through his body equipment.

“How do you feel? Can you adapt?”

Kunos asked with concern.

“Huh? No problem, I feel good.” Janos shook his fist and thanked you: “Dr. Kunos, thank you very much. Because of me, I made you stay up all night again.”

“It’s nothing. Compared to letting you get back to the frontline of disasters and eliminate weirdos as soon as possible, my personal rest time is not important.” Kunos laughed: “However, because of this emergency, it inspired me. Inspiration, don’t look at the small changes in the parts on your body, however, your strength has definitely increased.”

“Well, I can feel it!!”

Janos clenched his fists and said solemnly: “I won’t lose again!!”

“This… let’s not discuss your winning or losing for now.”

“Dr. Kunos, don’t you believe that I will defeat those weirdos?”

Kunosi said, “I mean, temporary failure is not shameful. We must have a spirit of repeated defeats. As long as we adhere to the concept of justice, even if we cannot defeat evil for the time being, as long as we know the shame and courage, eventually Victory will also belong to us.”

Are you sure that you have already seen everything?

“Dr. Kunos, thank you for your teaching, I will remember it in my heart.”

Janos stared at Kunos and nodded solemnly.

“Well, don’t try to be too aggressive, what if you lose? Leave the green mountain without worrying about burning wood. Sometimes when you look at you, you seem to see me when I was young, with the same heart of justice and the same reckless actions… Hi, no Nagging.” Kunos waved his hand, “I know you are in a hurry to leave, I won’t keep you, I’ll go back to catch up, you are free!”

“Well, Dr. Kunos, you have a good rest, I will come to visit you in two days.”

“Huh? It’s going to break so soon?”

“…No, I am coming to visit you.”


Kunos waved his hand, turned and entered the bedroom.

“I don’t know how the teacher’s situation is? Have you won the martial arts competition? Is there any weird disaster?”

Jenos frowned slightly.

“Of course, the most important thing, the weirdo… the weirdo who hit me hard, I have never felt so powerless in the fight, as if the opponent is a mountain that can only be looked up, and it makes people want to suffocate. This kind of intensity, even if it is the teacher’s action, I am afraid it will be a little overwhelming!!”

With worry in his heart, he hurriedly left the laboratory.

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