Chapter 373

“Look at the face of player Moqi…has it broken?”

“No, no, is Moqi also weird?”

“This, this is unbelievable.”

The host looked at King’s tattered face in horror.

“Huh? What a strong vitality, kid, you… yes, are you interested in joining our Weird Association?” The hero looked at King with interest. A guy who withstood his heavy blow but never died is qualified to join them. Weird Association.

“Weirdo Association?” King smiled, “No, I refuse, after all I have joined the Heroes Association…”

“Heroes Association!?”

The others were surprised. Is this person a member of the Heroes Association? Why do they have no impression?

“Reject? Huh.” The hero chuckled, folded his hands on his chest, and said, “Kill him!!”

“Champion…I’m going to kill you a lucky guy!!”

Ben Patz had always been dissatisfied with King’s luck reaching the finals and winning the championship. Now he has been upgraded to a weird man and has the capital to do whatever he wants. He laughed wildly, looked at King ill-intentionally, and immediately relied on his powerful force. The king ran away.

“System, I want to use the four-star weird card of the zombie king, thank you.”

King calmly looked at Ben Patz, who had quickly arrived in front of him, raised his fist, slapped it out, and fetched a card back easily.

“Next person.”

He shook the flesh on his fist and moved on.


Hamji upgraded to a weird person similar to a bear, slapped his chest and roared at the king, and then flew up.


“Next person!”

King pushed aside the bear man with a pit in his head and moved on.

“This… is this the Moqi player just now?”

“Change, change, right?”

The bitter insects stared in amazement at the king who cleanly killed the two weird people, and the style of painting was completely different from the previous scene of beatings.

“Yes, a little bit of strength, I underestimated you before, but you are nothing more than that.”

Qiao Ze grinned, and the two horns on the top of his head burst out with a burst of light, condensing a dazzling energy ball like electricity.

“This…what kind of move is this?”

Shuilong and the others stared at the new abilities developed by Qiao Ze after being upgraded, which were completely beyond the scope of human beings.

“Energy bomb?”

King shook his head and raised his hand. In an instant, surging energy gathered in his palm, and an energy bomb like a small sun rose slowly.

If Qiao Ze’s energy bomb is football, then the energy bomb in King’s hands is basketball.


Qiao Ze stared at the energy bomb in King’s hand.

“Oh, you said this? Unfortunately, I will too.”


The host has nothing to say, King has subverted their imagination.

“Normal…Who would post this stuff?”


“In other words… is Moqi really weird?”

They looked at each other in cold sweat.


Qiao Ze and King looked at each other and fired the energy bomb in their hands at the same time.

boom! !

The energy bombs collided in the air, making a thunderous explosion, stimulating everyone’s eardrums.

A deep pit was exploded between the two.


Qiao Ze gathered energy bombs in his horns again, his face full of grimness, “Victory must belong to me who has great blood.”

“Oh, is that right?”

King waved his palm, and energy bombs hovered around his body.


Shuilong and others are startled, I rely on, bully! !”…”

After Qiao Ze was also taken aback, his face changed slightly and he hurried to withdraw.

However, King casually pointed, dozens of energy bounces shot out like arrows from the string, and fell on Qiao Ze like rain.

Rumble! Rumble!

There were bursts of explosions, smoke and dust filled with dust.

“Ok… so strong.”

The host looked at the pit exploded in horror, and Qiao Ze was no longer in sight.

“This guy… has always been hiding his strength?”

Shuilong’s pupils shrank, “This kind of strength…why should you surrender in the final?” King kept going to the final. Only when he faced Saitama, he fought for a few minutes pretendingly, and finally chose to surrender.

“Anyone else?”

King’s gaze fell on Borden. Borden gained the power of thunder and lightning due to an accident when he was a child. He became a thunder and lightning man, which is equivalent to eating a Devil Fruit full of thunder and lightning.

“Yeah yeah!! Super Thunder Fist!!”

Bowerden yelled, his face full of grimness, and an electric arc flashing all over his body rushed towards King.

“Dead by electric shock…”

King glanced at Bowerden and waved his hand. The mysterious and mysterious power of thought came out, tightly enveloping Bowerden. With a pinch of his palm, Bowerden was twisted into twists in an instant under the action of the power of mind. .

“that’s all?”

King shook his head, “I have warned you a long time ago. If you eat the weird cells, you will die.”


The host waited and laughed a few times, brother, what kind of persuasive what happened to you just now!

“You ruined all my gains from this trip.”

The hero stared at king.

“Excuse me.”

King smiled.


At this time, Bakushan, who had thought that evolution had failed, stood up suddenly, and his whole body had undergone tremendous changes. His height was five or six meters, his muscles were knotted, and his corners were as sharp as an iron tower.

“Oh, there is one left.”

King watched the sudden change of appearance and spread his hands.

“Huh? Not dead?” The hero stared at the successfully upgraded Boom Mountain, and smiled: “It looks like he won the jackpot. It has swallowed so many weird cells, it’s all right.”


Bakuyama stretched his body, his tendon gleaming in the sun.

“You… all have to die, hahaha!!”

He squeezed his fist and coldly swept everyone present.

“What an arrogant guy.”

The corners of the hero’s mouth were slightly raised, “However, the strength should have risen greatly. According to the judgment of the Heroes’ Association, I am afraid that it has reached a dragon-level disaster level comparable to mine.”

“Champion, water dragon, hero…” Baoshan showed a rebellious smile, “all are my stepping stones!!”


Suddenly, his body shook, and a gust of wind blew on the flat bottom. In the blink of an eye, he came to the water dragon and knocked the water dragon out of reach with a fist.

“Water Dragon Player!!”

The host exclaimed.


Baoshan showed a sick smile and looked at King sharply.

“This…a bit strong!!”

King’s eyes flashed and he shouted in a low voice: “Strengthen the transformation!!”

His body muscles bulged, his body strength increased exponentially, and his strength once again increased by a level.

call! !

Bakushan’s fist cut across the air, and came with a biting wind.

puff! !

King raised his hand and grabbed it, directly squeezing Bakushan’s fist.


He smiled slightly.

“How can it be?”

Baoshan’s expression changed, he drew out his fists, his whole strength gathered, and he continued to attack the king like a pile driver.

King was calm and calm, with his palms pushing and pushing to remove the power of the blasting mountain, and then led and led, using the opponent’s power to fight back against the opponent.

“You guy…”

After a while, the mountain burst back, staring at King uncertainly. His attack just now was like falling into a swamp, which made him feel awkward.


The hero, who is also a master of martial arts, stared at King thoughtfully.

“The Moqi player… is really strong.”

The host waited under the gaze of the hero, but did not dare to escape, and could only silently act as an audience, commenting on the strength of the combatants in a low voice.


King waved his hand, and a powerful thought force surged out, which was wrapped around Baoshan like a rope, and immediately he bullied himself and beat with his fists.

Bang bang! !

Bakushan suddenly stiffened, and watched King’s fist fall on him like running water. He was suffering from physical pain, and said angrily: “Are you a superpower?”

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you before.”

King didn’t look embarrassed, his fist hit Baoshan suddenly.

“Damn it!!”

Baoshan’s muscles soared, and he was about to break free from the invisible shackles on his body.

“Hey!! Eat my energy bomb!!”

King raised his brows, palms, and dozens of energy bombs floated up. Then he pointed to the mountain, the energy bombs fired like cannonballs, hitting the mountain with bursts of explosion sound.

Ahhh! !

Baoshan let out a miserable howl.

The ring was filled with dust, obscuring the vision.


King waved his hand and a gust of breeze blew away the dust, revealing a bloody explosion on the ring.

From the beginning to the end, the hero has not intervened. Perhaps for him, the defeated weirdo is not qualified to become a member of the weird association, let alone become his hero’s subordinate.

“Not bad!!”

He applauded slightly, as if cheering for King.

“Thanks a lot.”

King responded with a smile.

“Are you sure you refuse to join the Weird Association?”


“Very well, since it’s not a friend, then it’s an enemy!!”

The hero smiled, and a sonic boom sounded under his feet. The other person had disappeared and appeared in front of King in a flash, and a fist the size of a casserole was punched out.

King had already noticed the hero’s attack through Ashura’s sixth sense, and his body flashed, so he could dodge the hero’s fist.

“Come again!!”

The hero yelled, and his fists kept punching like phantoms, making it difficult to catch the real situation.

Rumble! !

There was a burst of blasting sound in the super stadium.

“The Moqi player was suppressed?”

“Oops, if he loses, we will die too.”

“Please, please, we must win!!”

The host stared nervously at the battle between Hero and King.

Rumble! !

King and the hero fought all the way, but King suppressed the hero all the way, making him like an iron plow, and the hero was the one pushing the iron plow. He stepped back step by step, stepping through countless floor tiles, and carve a deep gully.

boom! !

The hero slammed a punch, and King couldn’t help flying backwards into the auditorium, shaking up a cloud of dust.


The hero won the power, and rushed into the dust, his fists attacked swiftly.

Boom! !

The fierce battle between the two caused the gymnasium to collapse continuously, and the dust was flying, covering the sky and the sun.

“what’s the situation?”

“Can’t see clearly.”

“Who loses and who wins? I am anxious to death.”Because of the dust cover, the host and others can no longer see the situation in the battlefield, and can only vaguely see two figures fighting between you and me.

“Damn it, Damn it, why is this guy like Xiaoqiang? After so many attacks from me, he is still intact.”

The more and more the hero was beaten, he found that his attack was useless. No matter how many punches he hits on King, King always slapped his butt and stood up to continue fighting, as if he hadn’t suffered any harm.

“He must be strong, yes, he must be strong…”

He comforted himself so much, and attacked vigorously.

Bang bang!

In this battle, King was obviously at a disadvantage, and the hero’s strength was beyond his imagination, much better than the usual dragon-level disaster weirdos.

“If you want to kill him quickly, I’m afraid you need to spend the full-level card or Poros’s card, but it’s not necessary.”

With a tick at the corner of his mouth, he has strong defense power and unmatched regeneration ability in his hand. He is completely capable of killing heroes without wasting more advanced cards.

Rumble! !

The battle is still going on.

“Huh? Why is it so lively here?”

When the battle was raging, a silly curious voice suddenly sounded.

“Huh? This voice…”

King’s heart moved, “Saitama!?”

“Get away, ants!!”

The hero, who was so angry with the king’s intractability, roared, and slapped his palm the size of a door in the direction of Saitama.

Boom! !

The building collapsed.

Huh! !

However, after a short while, Saitama’s bald head rushed out of the ruins, took a look at the hero, and said, “It turns out to be a weirdo. I said why those people didn’t chase me, so you stopped it.”

His gaze shifted, falling on the king who was fighting the hero, his eyes widened, and he made a fuss: “Ohhhhh, Moqi? Your face has been smashed.”


King’s face went dark.

“let me help you!!”

Saitama squeezed the ruins with both hands, pulled out his body, and fisted without saying a word.

boom! !

The hero was caught off guard, a pain in his abdomen, there was already a bloody wound.


He was shocked, someone hurt him?

He glared at Saitama, who was hanging fish-eyed, “Asshole, you damn it!!”

He roared, “Loving pride!!” A huge fist hit Saitama continuously, causing explosions, and the stadium auditorium was severely damaged.

King had already slipped away and sat down to watch the play.


After an attack, the hero panted slightly and stared at the huge pit in front of him.

“Continuous… Ordinary Boxing!!!”

In the next second, in the huge pit, countless red fists rose into the sky.


The hero’s pupils shrank, and there was no chance to dodge, the raindrop-like fists all fell on him.

Ahhhhh! ! !

His body was twisted and deformed like a dough, and within a short while, he fell to the ground.

“It’s finished!”

King patted his butt and smiled slightly.

“I’m going home to wash my clothes.”

Saitama was dusty and dirty.


King called Saitama.

“Contestant Moqi, are you…are you okay? Do you want to send you to the hospital?”

“Me? It’s okay.”

King smiled and tore off the tattered human skin mask in front of Saitama, revealing his true face.


Saitama’s eyes widened.

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