Chapter 340 Gulisnia (Part 2)


Gulisnia stared at King fiercely and let out a low growl. His slender body was slightly low, ready to jump and kill at any time.


King raised his brows, pinched his palms, and the power of thought was activated. The invisible air seemed to be twisted into a rope to bind Gulisnia.

Roar! !

However, the usual unfavorable thought power didn’t have much effect at this time. After Gulisnia felt the invisible pressure on his body, he roared, his body unfolded, and forced to retreat from the restraint of thought power.

“Damn it, the super power really can’t hold it!” King frowned, even if his super power has been upgraded to lv4, he once thought that his super power could be equal to the tornado, but after using it for a long time, he always feels It is a little worse than Tornado. Perhaps he has already surpassed Tornado in terms of overall strength. However, in terms of super power, he seems to be a bit short of Tornado.

“Tornado’s super power won’t be close to lv5, right?”

He shook his head, the strength of Tornado was very vague. Judging from her record, according to the comparison of weird disasters, it seems to be above the dragon-level disaster and below the god-level disaster. As for the specifics, it is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. NS.


When he was in a trance, Gulisnia had already roared impatiently, kicked on his hind limbs, and slammed the ground forcibly, leaped up into the sky, and rushed towards King.

King took a look, pulled himself up, and pulled it up again.


Gulisnia returned without success once again, landing on the ground, yelling impatiently, and walking around the streets.

King ignored it, and flipped out his card holder to see which card was suitable for the battle in front of him. Since his skill has generally risen to lv4, he doesn’t rely on cards much anymore. After all, his strength is better than most. The card is still strong. In the card holder, the cards below the three-star level are no longer available. All let him be used as a nourishment for upgrading. He also succeeded in reaching level 34 with a large number of low-level cards collected from the Poros spacecraft. Now, he needs a huge amount of experience for each level up, and he can’t afford it anymore. He estimates that it will take a few years and he won’t be able to reach the full level.

Of course, if the bald monster can be killed, it is estimated that one card can help him reach the level.

Do you want to try poisoning?

Speaking of Saitama, he was also full of resentment, flicking for so long, and still not fooled. He did not worship him as a teacher, so that the number of disciples he held in his hand was still useless.

Hey, it seems that Huyou Hungry Wolf has gained a lot, because during this period of time, Hungry Wolf will greatly increase his strength. If Huyou Hungry Wolf becomes his disciple, his strength will surely be greatly improved after his disciple’s strength is given back. It makes me feel good to think about it.

However, fooling hungry wolves is a big problem!

what can we do about it?

Roar! ! !

Gulisnia roared below.

King impatiently said: “Don’t make noise, I’m thinking about business.”

Hungry Wolf is now desperately eager to improve his strength, and then defeats himself, the strongest man, to become the strongest weirdo, breaking the people’s inherent three views of “heroes must win and weirdos must be defeated”.

What can I do to help hungry wolves quickly improve their strength?

The disciple system is a path, but the hungry wolf won’t believe in himself. Is it necessary to let himself beat him a few times to convince him?

He twisted his eyebrows and thought hard.

“Huzi, Huzi, wait for me, don’t run…”

At this moment, a clear Loli sound awakened him.

“What the hell? Isn’t this area sealed off? How come there are children?”

He turned his gaze quickly, looked down from the sky, and found that the little Loli who was with Saitama before was chasing a white cat.


Gulisnia had already been furious by the king, and there was nowhere to vent his anger. The little Loli that appeared suddenly attracted its attention. He roared, turned around, and rushed towards the little Loli.


He didn’t care whether he was fooling the hungry wolves or using any cards. He saved people first. He lowered his body and immediately dived down in midair.


Little Loli looked at Gulisnia who was leaping over in horror, and the sharp claws drew towards her.


King arrived in time, hugged Loli and flashed aside.


At the same time, as little Loli’s nanny, Saitama also appeared at the right time, dangling a dead fish eye and punching Gulisnia to death.


King saw this scene and the corners of his mouth twitched. It is very simple for him to kill Gulisnia. Almost every four-star weird card can do it. After all, Gulisnia is only a super pet, only beast instinct. However, He didn’t make a move in time because he wanted to capture Gulisnia alive and let Sic study the reason for the super pet runaway.

Unexpectedly, Saitama broke their plan with a punch.

Saitama asked caringly, “Hey, king, are you okay?”

King shook his head dumbfoundedly, “I’m fine.” Forget it, Saitama didn’t mean it either. Fortunately, he caught a cub before, and maybe some useful clues can be extracted from the cub.


Janos heard the sound and came over.

“Jenos?” King was surprised: “Where is the cub I let you guard?”

Jenos said calmly: “I can’t help it, so I killed it.”


King’s mouth twitched, you guys!

At this moment, the little Loli in his arms whispered: “Huh? King, can you let me down first?”


King suddenly put down the little Loli who was suffocated by him.

“King, thank you for saving me.” Little Loli flushed with excitement, “Daddy said, life-saving grace must be promised…”

“What kind of stuff does your dad teach?”

King was speechless.

Little Loli said excitedly: “I don’t care, I want to listen to Dad.”

“Ahem, you are still young, we are not suitable.”

“I will grow up someday!”



Just as King was entangled by Loli to discuss the issue of marriage leave, a cat cry sounded.

“Ah, tiger…”

Little Loli looked at a white cat in surprise.


King wiped his cold sweat and finally got rid of it. Sure enough, Loli is the master of harassment, and Tornado is the same.

“Oh, you have a baby? Did you escape because of this?” Saitama pointed to the two little milk cats hidden in the grass, and sighed: “I finally found you. Now my commission is complete. NS.”

I was tired of hunting cats and fighting monsters, so I won’t accept this kind of commission again next time.

“Hehe, Huzi, Huzi…”

Little Loli hugged the white cat and smiled: “When did you give birth to the baby? People didn’t notice at all, but that’s great, I will have three tigers in the future.”

“This little guy, let me find a good meal, don’t run around next time…”

Saitama hugged the tiger and scolded him.

King looked at Huzi thoughtfully, did he escape because of the birth of a child? Perhaps Gulisnia escaped from the iron cage for the sake of production, it was not a runaway at all.

“Master King!!”

Lei Guangyuan and Stinger, who had been sent away by King before, hurried over and saw the miserable Gulisnia. They looked at King in awe. They were indeed the weird guys who were powerless to resist. They let King easily. Wiped out.

The two took a deep breath and bowed to King together, “Thank you Lord King for saving his life just now.”


King waved his hand and said, “By the way, you call to inform Xi Qi that the super pet that went away has been wiped out. Well, remember to tell him that this time of super pet going away may be caused by pregnancy and delivery, and there is no sign before. Several times are different.”

“we know.”

Lei Guangyuan and Stinger replied respectfully.

“Ah! It hurts…”

Suddenly, Saitama screamed in pain.


King looked over in astonishment and saw three shallow bloodstains appearing on Saitama’s braised egg face.

He was dumbfounded, “My God… Saitama broke the cat’s defense?”

“You smelly cat, I will kill you!!”

“Hehe, poor Uncle B is so stupid!”

King looked at the noisy scene and smiled inexplicably.

“Saitama, he still has feelings!”

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