Chapter 272-Frightening Dragon Scroll

That night, King planned to take advantage of Jiuxing to talk to Jeff alone about the philosophy of life, such as where I came from and where I am going.

However, Jeff just lay down and fell asleep with an excuse of being too alcoholic.

King was helpless and chose a piece of grass to fall asleep alone. He didn’t worry about Jeff’s crew attacking him at night. For one thing, his defense had reached its current full value, and the force of ordinary people was invalid for him. Secondly, he had Ashura. The sixth sense of the immortal has a keen sense of danger, so he dared to sleep safely on the island surrounded by enemies.

By the way, after a lot of excitement on King’s side, just after falling asleep, the Heroes Association headquarters became lively.

Because the tornado woke up.

“What? King vs. Jeff?”

Tornado’s eyes widened, pointing to himself and said: “Why isn’t it me? Why didn’t the guy named Jeff challenge me? What? The captain is too unsightly, so he picks soft persimmons.”


The people in the war room were silent, facing the mad tornado, keeping quiet is the best way.

“Did they go to war?” Tornado stuck in his waist, angrily said: “No, you can’t let King show off.”

Xiqi said helplessly: “Ah, Jeff and King have not moved for the time being. We speculate that they will fight only after dawn tomorrow.”

“Very good.”

Tornado’s eyes lit up, he raised his head, and said, “I have taken over this battle. Let King come back to sleep. You can see the news of my victory when he wakes up.”


Xiqi and the others were very helpless, they were both happy and hard when they faced the ancestor.

Xiqi considered the sentence and slowly said: “Tornado, King has already arrived on the island. There is no signal on the island, and we have lost contact with the outside world. We are temporarily unable to notify them. So, do you see if you don’t disturb King’s fight with Jeff. ”

Jace agreed: “Yes, Tornado, King has already been on the island. If we intervene again, we will disrespect King too much. I am afraid it will annoy King. I think we will wait for King’s news in the war room. If King fails. , Tornado, you go to challenge again.”

Maria also persuaded: “Yes, Master Tornado, it’s getting late now. Besides, King has already arrived on the island and the matter has settled. Let’s wait for King’s news with peace of mind!”


Tornado snorted coldly: “You can’t be king every time you show up.”

Humph, give me a chance to show off anyway! asshole!


Xiqi and the others looked at each other and laughed a few times. They did not specify that King should be in the limelight. They had already sent silver fangs and flashing Fleis in front of them. Unexpectedly, the two of them returned without success, they could only let King go. There is no way! Who makes king strong!

“Hmph, you don’t arrange, we jump in the queue ourselves.”

Tornado hugged his chest and hummed, floating out of the war room, planning his own careful thoughts.

“Minister, don’t you need to stop it?” Jess worried: “For the strong, it will involve dignity. The average person will get angry, let alone the king, so let the tornado make a fool of yourself? ”

Xiqi smiled and said: “It’s okay, King is angry, it’s also a young couple quarreling, we just want to watch the show, don’t you dare to go up and persuade you to fight?”

“Don’t dare!”

Jace looked at each other and smiled, and their nervous mood suddenly relaxed. That’s right, we outsiders worry about the problems of the young couple.

The sky soon turned white, the morning sun rose into the sky, the sky was shining, and the sea was shimmering.

On the small island, Jeff’s crew had already woken up from sleep, and simply cooked breakfast and started eating.

And king… is sleeping.

After breakfast, the crew waited for the start of the battle. At that time, in order not to be affected by the battle, they would drive the boat away.

Jeff was already waiting in the middle of the island.

And king…still sleeping.

The work and rest schedules of the two groups of people are completely different. Jeff and the others are used to living on the sea, going to bed early and getting up early.

As an otaku, King usually wakes up three poles in the sun. If the sun does not bask his butt, he will not wake up from the gentle hometown of Zhou Gong’s daughter.

Thus, Jeff and the others waited stupidly under the scorching sun, while King was asleep on the side.

Due to the sufficient light, the satellite monitoring of the association returned to normal, and the people in the war room looked at such a funny scene on the island, and all of them suddenly smiled weirdly.

“Is this a psychological warfare?”

“Are these people stupid? Why don’t you wake up King?”

“I didn’t understand, is this a new confrontation between King and Jeff? A contest of momentum?”

Jace glanced a few times and said to Cicci: “Minister, when will the broadcast start?”

“When King wakes up, he will also inform the major TV stations to stand ready and prepare to broadcast the battle scene at any time.”


However, instead of waiting for the king to wake up, they waited for the tornado to stir the dung stick.

Over the island, a green light flashed, and the petite figure of the tornado suddenly appeared.


Jeff looked up at the sky and smiled heartily: “It seems that a distinguished guest has come to the island again.”

“Huh, did you challenge King?” Tornado slowly lowered his body, and stopped in mid-air not far from Jeff, holding his chest and head up, looking down at Jeff, “I ask you, obviously I will follow King’s strength is similar, why didn’t you challenge me?”

“Haha, I’m so sorry, I don’t hit children.”

Jeff laughed.

“Little…baby? You’re looking for death!!”

Tornado frowned, gritted her teeth and waved her small hand, a mysterious and mysterious force instantly wrapped Jeff, her small palm squeezed, and the powerful force tore Jeff’s body, as if to twist Jeff into a twist.


Jeff’s body tightened, and the complexion on his body quickly became Blacken. He tensed his body and resisted the pull of the mind force. The forces canceled each other out, and he did not suffer any damage.


Tornado looked at Jeff, who was unscathed, his small face sank, and his small hand opened to aim at Jeff, and said in a low voice: “trembling…”

Her words sounded, and there was a violent storm around the island, the waves were raging, and the tornado gradually took shape, stirring the earth and changing colors, black clouds flowing, endless waves of water engulfed in it, and the sun shone with colorful death colors.

“Wow, is it a tsunami?”

“The tornado… the tornado can actually set off a tsunami?”

“We underestimated the strength of Tornado!”

The people in the war room of the association watched their work. The calm waters turned into rough and fierce land. The huge Uzumaki formed on the sea. Countless sea water was pumped into the gradually forming tornado, and many fish were torn into pieces in an instant. Fragments, pieces of fish meat scattered on the sea, the scene is terrifying.

“You little baby is interesting.”

Jeff glanced at the tornado that was about to take shape and laughed, “However, my opponent in battle today is King, but I don’t have time and energy wasted on you.”

“So, give me… be quiet!”

He squeezed his palm into a fist, his eyes were almost splitting, and the air seemed to throw a boulder, rippling away like water waves.


The tornado completed the operation at the same time, and his little hand pointed to Jeff, and the huge tornado behind him swept across the waves.

However, the tornado hadn’t seen the tornado’s majesty, and his brain suddenly dizzy, suddenly became groggy, and fell from mid-air.

“Oops, Tornado lost?”

“Where is king?”

“How did that Jeff hurt Tornado?”

The people in the war room originally saw the tornado summon a tornado and a tsunami. They were pleasantly surprised and cheered, thinking that they could defeat Jeff and other pirates in one fell swoop. Who would think that the situation changed, and in a blink of an eye, the tornado was inexplicably defeated. .

“Look, everyone, it’s king.”

On the big screen, a figure instantly came to the falling tornado and hugged her. It was King who was awakened by the sound of Jeff and the tornado fighting.

“What a troublesome little fairy.”

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