Chapter 241

It’s raining all the time.

On the dark street, King laid down the sexy prisoners, Lightning Max and Stinger one by one, and took out his mobile phone to call the Heroes Association.

“Hello, Heroes Association? Three heroes were seriously injured in Linhai Street, J City. You send some paramedics over to give them medical treatment.”

“Sorry, sir, in view of the high danger in the coastal area, in order to ensure the safety of medical personnel, we can’t send…Huh? Mr. King?”

The sister-in-law Liang, who was in charge of answering the phone, suddenly felt that King’s voice was very familiar, and only reacted after a long time.

“What? King? King is in J City? Oh, yes, King reminded us early in the morning that there will be disasters in J City. As an insider, of course he will go to reduce the disaster.”

Xiqi was surprised, and then realized.

“Tell king, we will dispatch a medical team immediately.”


After King received the affirmative reply, watching the explosion sound not far away, he frowned, and said: “Remember to send more people over. I’m afraid there may be something wrong with the shelter, and many people will be injured. .”

“Understood, Mr. King, everything is up to you.”

“I try my best.”

After the call was hung up, the tense atmosphere in the war room suddenly relaxed.

“Now it’s okay, with Mr. King here, this disaster is over.”

“By the way, King said something went wrong with the shelter? Was it a weird invasion?”

“Our shelter should have a camera. Quickly pull out the camera in that area.”

The staff in the war room hurriedly transferred the camera footage to the big screen in the war room.


It happened to see Genos hitting Poseidon with a punch and flying deep, standing on the ruins of the refuge, and looking at the citizens faintly, “Is this the last weirdo?”

“Wow, cool, Jenos deserves to be a powerful rookie with an S-class hero, and his strength is strong.”

“There is no need for King to shoot.”

The staff praised it.



The battle situation suddenly changed. The deep Poseidon, who was supposed to be dead, suddenly appeared behind Jenos, tugged, and tore off his mechanical arm with a click. At the same time, a thick fist hit his waist. , He flew upside down in an instant, hitting a dent on the hard wall of the refuge, and his broken arm was flashing with an electric arc.

“Uh… handsome in only three seconds.”

“Sure enough, king is more reliable.”

“Rather than expecting other heroes, it is better to wait for King to make a move.”

The staff watched the dramatic scene in astonishment, with disappointed expressions. Sure enough, King needs to come forward to clean up the mess in the end!

Click it!

On the streets of J City, King closed his phone and looked at the three sexy prisoners who were seriously injured and unconscious. The sprouting seed in his heart was growing wildly!

“Sweetheart, handsome masked man, the current deep-sea tribe invading the city in J City has reached the level of a ghost-level disaster. I don’t know what your opinion about this?”

“This question is too difficult to answer. I am a hero only when I fight against evil forces. I am usually just an ordinary singer. Today is also to promote my new song. However, since you asked, then I will stop by. Answer one sentence!”

“The hero is to eliminate the anxiety in people’s hearts, always maintain a firm will, strong Yamato’s beauty, and decisively eliminate the existence of evil forces. Therefore, it is really regrettable that the hero was defeated by the strange man this time. Not in the beautiful title of’hero’, I hope they will exercise more in the future to make themselves stronger and more beautiful.”

“whispering sound!”

King looked at the sweetheart mask hanging on the big public screen of the high-rise street, and sneered. Does justice have to be absolutely beautiful and heroic? Sweetheart Mask is really a psychiatric patient. He can’t tolerate any flaws in justice, and he needs to be treated if he is sick! Those heroes who are desperate to protect the citizens have failed, but can they really not be the word “hero”?

“I…I am careless again. How many times is this? I can’t remember clearly. I don’t know how to learn a lesson after each time. How can I be worthy of being a teacher… disciple?”

Janos had half of his body mutilated, raised his head to look at Deep Poseidon, stood up with difficulty, and said in a deep voice: “People who still have the ability to move quickly run away. At this moment, I am not sure to win it, while I still have Ability to stop it, you run quickly!”

“Run? Hey, one… don’t even want to run!”

Deep Poseidon smiled grimly, and slammed into the crowd like a heavy truck.


Jenos swiped his feet, and the remaining left hand shot out, boom! Deep Poseidon’s body ran wildly, and soared into the sky under the huge impact.


Jenos kept moving, jetting rockets under his feet, flying into the sky, and instantly reached the top of the deep Poseidon, his mechanical eyes turned, and he yelled loudly, “Thunder Eyes!”


There was a sudden burst of intense light in his mechanical eyes, which were so dazzling that the eyes of the deep Poseidon below couldn’t help but squint.

“Huh? My eyes!”


Jenos took the opportunity to sweep down, and suddenly, the deep Poseidon plunged into the refuge like a meteorite, and a deep crater appeared.

“Machine gun shoots punches!”

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Jenos gained power and did not forgive, and a raging flame broke out with one arm, and then countless meteors slammed down.


“Hey, do you humans really like to use combo?”

Obviously being beaten, however, Shen Poseidon did not have the defeat of the loser at all. Instead, he held the victory like a winner, and didn’t care about Janos’ fist blow.

Sure enough, he turned over at will, and actually suppressed Jenos below.

“Come on! Big brother!”

While escaping, a little girl watched Janos fall below, and couldn’t help but cheer for him with milky voices.

“Long words to death!”

Deep Poseidon glared at the little girl, his mouth bulged, and he spit out a thick old phlegm, which shot at the little girl like an arrow from a string.


The little girl hugged the obedient rabbit rag doll and looked at the old phlegm flying in panic.

“Boy, die for me!”

It’s too late to say, then soon!

When the old phlegm was about to splash on the little girl, a desperate figure appeared suddenly!


The sound of teeth grinding, such as the corrosion of metal by concentrated acid, continued to sound.


The mechanical body of Jenos slowly melted into molten iron with the flowing of the dissolving liquid, and eventually became a broken shell.

“Big brother……”

The little girl hugged the obedient rabbit, watched in tears with big eyes, and slowly stretched out her little hand to touch Jenos, who had become scrap.

“Jie Jie!”

Deep Poseidon’s cruel laughter sounded, and his steps approached.

“Huh? Run!”

The little girl’s father grabbed the little girl’s hand that wanted to touch Janos, and took the little girl and ran away in panic.


Deep Poseidon grabbed Janos’ hair, flicked it hard, and threw Janos to the root of the wall like rubbish, smashing a hole, and then he was running for a while, and his strong fist suddenly shot out.


The wall shattered, and the wreckage of Janos wandered in the gravel like duckweed in the water, clattering, and finally fell to the ground feebly.

“With your strength, it should be easy to dodge that dissolving liquid, right? I didn’t expect you to kill yourself in order to save a kid, huh, hero? It really is a bunch of idiots, but you somehow made me feel lighter. Hurt, well, although I have completely healed, I still deserve to be commended for you. As a prize, I will send you…home!”


A bolt of thunder struck down, reflecting the gloomy face of Poseidon’s green face and fangs.

“Please…Go to hell!”

He raised his fist and looked cruelly at Jenos, who was still struggling, but couldn’t continue to act. He smiled, his face full of enjoyment and cruel smile.

“Justice Crash!”

At this time, the rain began to clashed, and a bicycle dashed from low altitude and slammed into the back of the deep Poseidon.


Deep Poseidon looked back suspiciously.


The undocumented knight panted heavily, and looked at Poseidon in a boxing posture without flinching!

“Yo, here comes another justice hero?”

Deep Poseidon jokingly looked at the undocumented knight with a tired face.

“The righteous cyclist-undocumented rider! Debut!”

“Is that an undocumented knight?”

“C-level first?”

“Class C?”

The citizens stared at the undocumented knight panting in a daze, with disappointment in their eyes. Even the S-rank heroes failed. What can the C-rank heroes who are usually useless at all do?

Sure enough, Shen Poseidon stretched out his hand lightly, squeezed the unlicensed knight’s arm directly, and shook the unlicensed knight up and down, as if swinging a hammer to a gopher.

“Tired of playing.”

Deep Poseidon shook his hands and suddenly loosened, and the undocumented knight flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

“Huh? I’m sorry, but for a while, I’ll send you on the road.”

Deep Poseidon looked at Jenos again, grinning cruelly.

“Just grappling!”

The undocumented knight climbed up from the ground, rushed towards Deep Poseidon with his head stuffed, and grabbed Deep Poseidon’s wide waist, trying to move the opponent. However, even if he used the strength of milking, he couldn’t move Deep Poseidon half a point.

“Huh? Looking for death!”

Deep Poseidon became angry, slapped his palm, and slapped the undocumented knight like a fly.

“Weak and pathetic.”

He looked at the undocumented knight who was struggling to stand up contemptuously.

“Is it weak? Oh, I know… no one counts on me, and I know it very well. C-rank heroes are not available at all, and I understand even better that my strength can’t make a difference on B-rank heroes. , I know how weak I am. No one knows better than myself. I can’t beat you at all!”

The undocumented knight stood up with difficulty, looked up at Deep Poseidon, his face… a mixture of blood, tears and rain flowed down, his fists clenched, his teeth clenched, and he roared: “But… but I can only do this. Do…I can only stand in front of you, because…This is not a question of whether you can win or not! It’s that I must stand in front of you!!”


The citizens stared blankly at the unyielding undocumented knight. Somewhere in their hearts was soft and touched, their eyes were astringent, and tears flowed out inexplicably. Is this a hero? Is this the hero who fought against disasters?

“Come on! Unlicensed knight brother, come on!”

At this time, an innocent shout like lightning across the sky, brightening the world.

“Yes, undocumented knight, come on!”

“Kill him, undocumented knight, we all rely on you!”

The citizens were infected, and the sentiment was violently cheering for the undocumented knights.


The undocumented knight seemed to have received the power of the people, roared, and fists suddenly, “righteous punch…”


Deep Poseidon took a random shot, and the undocumented knight flew out in an instant, and the scene froze for a while. The citizens looked at the undocumented knight who was instantly defeated in confusion, as if their shout just now was a joke.

“Huh!? So boring!”

Deep Poseidon yawned, his eyes condensed suddenly, staring at the place where the unlicensed knight fell, where a stalwart figure caught the unlicensed knight.

“Well, good job, hero!”

After drinking ice for ten years, it was difficult to cool and blood, and finally decided to take this path. After the seed broke through the darkness and saw the light, it could no longer stop it from growing, until it became a towering tree, covering the sky.

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