Chapter 239 Deep Poseidon and the sexy prisoner (original plot, subscribe carefully)

City Z.

No man’s land.

Saitama’s house.

Jaenos wears an apron, gently washes the dishes, then arranges the dishes neatly, stretches out his manipulator, and opens the burning cannon holes in his palm. However, there is no expected burning cannon, but a little hot air is sprayed on the dishes. Disinfect and blow dry, and hold the phone in the other hand to check the latest hero rankings. Of course, he only cares about one person’s hero ranking, that is, his teacher, Saitama.

“Teacher, your hero ranking has been promoted to the second position of the C-rank hero, and you will soon be promoted to the B-rank.”

“Oh, is it? Then you won’t have to worry about doing hero activities once a week.”

Saitama was squatting under the wall and flipping through the magazine intently, and then answered without raising his head.

Jingle Bell!

Jenos just happened to call.

“Heroes Association?” He frowned, “Hey, what? The Deep Sea invaded City J? City J is a bit far away from City Z. Are there no other S-rank heroes nearby? Oh, I see.”

After a phone call, Janos suddenly remembered that his teacher seemed to have killed a weird man from the bottom of the sea two days ago. He turned around and asked Saitama, “Teacher, is the weird man you killed when you used soy sauce two days ago is the deep sea? Family?”

“Can not remember.”

Saitama’s eyes are still deeply attracted by the magazine.

Janos frowned and glanced at the weird magazine in Saitama’s hand, and said, “Teacher, there are a lot of weird people in J City. The situation is a bit out of control. I need to go there.”

“J City? A lot of weirdos?”

Saitama finally raised his spirits and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV. Sure enough, news about the weird disaster in J City was being reported on the TV.

“The A-level hero stinger is caught in a bitter battle. I hope that the Heroes Association will arrange other heroes to support as soon as possible…”

“Fighting hard?” Saitama pulled on her home clothes and quickly put on her yellow combat suit, and said solemnly: “Jenos, City J is a bit far away, it seems we need to trot over!”


“Go, justice execution!”

Sure enough, weirdos are more attractive to teachers!

When they rushed to the road, the battle in City J had collapsed, the A-class hero stinger was defeated, and the Heroes Association changed the disaster alert.

“Emergency notification, urgent notification, the disaster level of this deep-sea tribe’s invasion of J City has been upgraded from Tiger level to Ghost level. Residents of J City are requested to go to the evacuation shelter as soon as possible.”

After the alert came out, a large number of B and C heroes who had originally settled in City J left the battlefield, and the disaster level of ghost level was no longer what they were able to deal with.

However, there are always people going up against the current. The first undocumented knight of the C-level hero, occupying the first place for more than half a year, has already been promoted to the B-level hero, but he always insisted on staying in the C-level, making the C-level heroes behind Unable to upgrade to a B-level hero for a long time.

Unlicensed knights have become a touchstone for C-rank heroes to be promoted to B-rank heroes, as they guarantee the quality of heroes at all levels, just like the snow of hell and the mask of sweetheart.

“Hey, undocumented, the disaster level this time has exceeded our ability, don’t go forward.”

On the way, the undocumented knight encountered other BC-class heroes who had withdrawn from the battlefield.

He stopped his bicycle and asked, “There are citizens in the coastal area?”

The heroes said uncertainly: “There should be!”


The unlicensed rider didn’t say much. He kicked his feet, stomped the bicycle hard, and rushed forward like a racer. There are still citizens in the disaster area. How can the hero retreat?

The hero should be the first to rush to defend against the weird, and the last to retreat!


After the stinger was defeated, Lightning Max, who came to support, also suffered a crisis. His body flew out like a lasing shell and crashed into an office building.

“Damn it! I don’t feel anymore…”

He was lying on the floor, only feeling pain all over his body.

Step on!

There was a heavy footsteps, and he looked up with difficulty, and saw the deep Poseidon crouching in front of him, staring at him playfully, his pupils suddenly shrank.


“Lightning jump round kick!”

He turned over quickly, and the front end of the special shoes with gunpowder under his feet opened, exposing two pipe holes like flamethrowers. With a bang, the fire was sprayed. With the impact of the gunpowder spray, he quickly spun around like a tornado. Swept away towards deep Poseidon.


One blow, deep Poseidon hit Lightning Max again with a simple blow.

“Are you going to die?”

Max’s upside-down body smashed into the wall and fell from the tall building. He looked at the sky further and further away, weakened, his pupils enlarged, and his consciousness was gradually swallowed by darkness.


A sound of chain dragging sounded, and a sturdy figure rushed over and hugged the fallen Max. After avoiding the fallen corpse, he gently placed Max on the ground and said softly: ” Max, I, the sexy prisoner, came to see you after successfully breaking out of prison, hoping to get your heart.”

“Hey, I didn’t expect you to be imprisoned in the smelly prison, but thanks to you, I was able to escape successfully, huh, thank you.”

Behind the sexy prisoner is a slender and handsome boy. It is Sonic who was in prison before. He is in a prison uniform with Kabuto in his hands and a faint smile on his face.

“Yo, Sonic sauce.”

The sexy prisoner looked at Sonic affectionately, secretly regretting that the Association did not pass his punishment proposal.


Sonic’s mouth twitched, what a disgusting guy.

“Jiejie, is there a new hero?”

A tall figure appeared in the rippling dust from the collapse of the tall building, at least seven or eight meters high, and appeared in front of the sexy prisoner and Sonic after passing through the dust.

“Huh?” The sexy prisoner narrowed his gaze, staring at Deep Poseidon, and said with a slight excitement: “Yes, I am full of the breath of a strong man.” He turned around and told Sonic, “Sonic sauce, you can step aside for the time being. I won’t accidentally hurt you for a while, and I will feel very distressed.”


The corners of Sonic’s mouth twitched, and he muttered in his heart: “Kill him, um, go to his death!”

“Hey, you… unknown weirdo, the 11th stinger of the A-level hero, and the 20th Lightning Max of the A-level hero… They are all my favorite boys. You dare to hurt them like this. You can’t forgive me. !!!”

The sexy prisoner puffed up his muscles in anger.

“Oh, it looks like a good piece of fat, I really want to taste it!?”

Deep Poseidon looked at the sexy prisoner’s developed muscles and produced fluid in his mouth. He couldn’t help but licked his lips, and immediately moved. Before the sexy prisoner could react, he made a sharp punch.


A punch on the face of the sexy prisoner, it can be clearly seen that the face of the sexy prisoner has been distorted.


However, the sexy prisoner quickly recovered, unwilling to be outdone, punched back, also slammed deep Poseidon’s face, and then punched deep Poseidon’s abdomen, knocking deep Poseidon into the air.


Deep Poseidon landed and looked up at the sexy prisoner. With a bulge, his deformed face immediately returned to its original appearance. He smiled, “Yes, it hurts me a bit.”

The sexy prisoner pinched his nose, spouted the blood inside, and shot back: “You’re not bad, it hurts me a bit.”

“No, the sexy prisoner is holding on. The boxing damage he suffered is more serious, huh, is this the battle between the S-class hero and the ghost-class disaster weirdo? It looks really ridiculous, I have no reason to lose to them, I have seen it After their battle, my frustrated heart came back to life after consecutive losses to Bald and King. I am also very strong!”

Sonic stared at the battle between the sexy prisoner and the deep Poseidon, and the shadow of the frustration suffered by Saitama and King disappeared, and a lot of confidence was restored.

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