Chapter 188 The King Is Hidden Again

“S-rank hero… defeated in one move?”

The citizens have long recognized the sexy prisoners resident in J City. After all, sexy prisoners often escape from prison and go to the streets to look for handsome thieves. The people of J City are very familiar with his appearance.

Of course, they know more about the strength of sexy prisoners. Unlike Ronnie’s self-boasting, sexy prisoners are real S-class heroes. Over the years of heroic careers, they have wiped out the powerful weirdos who invaded J City many times, and their invincible strength has long been burned in. In the hearts of citizens.

However, it is precisely because of the understanding of the strength of the sexy prisoner that the defeat of the sexy prisoner is even more shocking.

“This fugitive is really strong.” Glasses exclaimed.

The girl in yellow stabbed King’s arm, “Hey, masked, what is your relationship with the fugitive? Brother? It turns out that you really have a strong martial art in your possession. We will learn from each other afterwards?”


Don’t bother me, I’m having a headache!

King looked at the sexy prisoners and martial idiots who were fighting, with a tangled face, should you stop them?

“Ah!! The face of my eating!!!”

The sexy prisoner suddenly rubbed his red face and stared at Wu Chi a little angrily, “You bad boy, you must use a stick to educate you.”

“Oh, okay, I want to see what you can afford to educate me.”

Wu Chi shook his neck indifferently, softening and relaxing his body.

“Enlightenment, bad boy…transform!!”

The sexy prisoner stomped on the floor with his right foot, and the whole person jumped into the air instantly, his muscles burst instantly, and the tight-fitting prison suit was shattered in an instant, turned into rags and scattered on the floor, and he suddenly became a red fruit. Fruity man! !

“Angel form!!”

“Huh!? Pervert.”

The girl in yellow screamed, turned around with her eyes covered, not daring to watch the battle anymore.

King and the glasses laughed blankly.

The sexy prisoner fell naked to the ground and pointed at Wu Chi seriously, “Bad boy, usually no one sees me in angel form and can go back alive, but… I am willing to make an exception for you.”

“Have you finished talking nonsense?” Wu Chi’s mouth twitched, and he changed his previous slow moves, his whole body exploded with fierce momentum, bullied himself up, and slammed out with a swift punch, “Laozi…hate pervert!!”

“Angels strike indiscriminately!!”

The sexy prisoner’s double fists were punched out like a piledriver, causing countless afterimages in the air.

boom! boom! boom!

The simple and rude confrontation was the most exciting. The two of them fisted to the flesh, muffled, and the citizens watching the theater next to them were even more stunned and stunned.


Chi Chi!

The two punched each other’s body again, and then split them with the touch, each flipped a few steps back and stared at each other.

Wu Chi squeezed his shoulder and said with a smile: “Good strength, the strength of this massage is just right, making me feel comfortable, then… the battle begins!”

With a stroke of his hands, he formed a semicircle with a surging momentum, no longer the slow and leisurely state before.

“Bad boy, glib tongue, but not bad, easy to use… Take my punch, the angel punches hard!!”

The sexy prisoner jumped up into the air, half-twisted, his right hand squeezed into a fist the size of a casserole, and with the help of the force of the fall and the force of the rotation, he slammed down.

“Leverage strength!”

Wu Chi’s gaze condensed, his hands slowed and softened, and as fast as lightning, like Jiāng Liú waves, capable of containing and swallowing everything, encircling the sexy prisoner’s fist with lingering force, and then his palm swiftly pushed Kabuto, the sexy prisoner’s heavy punch, exploded in a circle and hit him all.


The sexy prisoner was caught off guard and flew upside down, with a dazed face. How did I… hit myself? Could it be that in the form of an angel, I pervert so much that I can’t even let it go?


The citizens were in an uproar, staring dumbfounded at the sexy prisoner who fell to the ground again, staring at Wu Chi in disbelief. The strength of this fugitive… surpassed the S-class hero sexy prisoner?

“Hey, masked, can you explain the meaning of Wu Chi’s move just now? How can I feel like a cloud in the mist? Tai Chi moves completely contrary to mainstream martial arts, but it is extremely subtle and can be called profound. Measurement.”

After all, the girl in yellow couldn’t hold back, she secretly looked at the sexy prisoner and the martial arts fighting, and at the same time enthusiastically asked King some questions about Taijiquan. As a disciple of the fighting class, she herself was familiar with martial arts, and now she encounters endless mysteries. Tai Chi, his face flushed and his eyes widened, hoping to comprehend the profound meaning of one or two tricks from it.


King responded silently, as the person who taught Wu Chi Tai Chi himself…I didn’t see what the move was just now.

Ronnie shook his heart, the secret path was not good, even the sexy prisoners could not take Wu Chi, let Wu Chi go crazy, his Song Tao Gymnasium would definitely be infamous and closed.

He glanced at King and the others, gritted his teeth abruptly, sprinted, and quickly reached King, and pushed away the yellow girl and glasses. King’s Ashura’s sixth sense just started to warn, and Ronnie was like a scorpion. Huo Ran pinched King’s neck with the palm of his hand, and said solemnly to Wu Chi, “Wu Chi, if you dare to mess around, I will kill your fellow junior.”

“Huh? The same junior?”

Wu Chi heard the sound, and looked at Ronnie and King who was being held hostage by Ronnie in surprise. His brows were slightly frowned, and his body was so familiar…


The sexy prisoner eased his pain, and looked up at Ronnie and…king?

His eyes widened in an instant, and Ronnie held King? He is done, he is definitely done!


Wu Chi relied on the martial artist’s keen sense of smell, and as soon as his pupils shrank, he recognized King’s true identity within a short period of time.

His face was solemn, and he bowed respectfully to King.

Ronnie watched Wu Chi “submissively” and apologized to him. He felt comfortable and laughed loudly: “Wu Chi, I didn’t expect you to be a person of love and justice, so you would worry about your fellow junior, haha, Wu Chi , Get out of my Taoist temple for me.”

The citizens looked shamelessly at Ronnie holding the hostages, and looked at Wu Chi curiously, wanting to see how Wu Chi made a decision.

The sexy prisoner pointed at Ronnie and said solemnly: “Hey, Ronnie, if you don’t want to die, let me go…mask.” He was a rare and clever one, and he didn’t say the identity of the king.

Ronnie yelled puzzledly: “Hey, sexy prisoner, this guy in my hand is a gang of Wu Chi. All the citizens present can testify that their martial arts are exactly the same. Now I am the victim of the fugitive attack. , You are a hero… how can you stand on the side of evil? You still want to attack me for the evil person?”

The citizens also looked at the sexy prisoners suspiciously. Is the hero unreliable anymore?

The sexy prisoner looked at Ronnie compassionately and said, “I mean, I advise you to let go of the mask earlier, otherwise he will cut you off if you anger the mask… Oh, don’t expect me to stop him, Because I can’t beat him.”


The citizens took a breath. The 16th sexy prisoner of the S-rank hero personally admitted that he could not beat a C-rank hero? Who is this guy? Why is martial arts unfathomable? Why do you make sexy prisoners in awe?

The girl in yellow and the glasses looked at King in the same horror. For the first time, they felt that the masked face that had been known for two days was so strange. They remembered King’s eternally slow pace and rhythm. It turned out that it was not slow, but the calmness of the strong. No matter what dangers and accidents you face, you will never rush or slow down, or be arrogant or impatient.

They also remembered that when they encountered the soy sauce weird person above the ghost level yesterday, Romanni Kanti, the mask never showed any panic. It turned out that he had already made up his mind and could calmly face any level of weird people with his strength.

Masking is a super strong man who hides deeply! !

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