Killing God Island

Chapter 997: Extermination Mission 32: The Stone Men

When Beatty fell to the ground, Buckinson and Al also realized that the person in front was the same person, and after this person's shot, he also turned and said to Al and Platinumson: "Where are you going to run so panic?"

Al's expression is very cold, after all, this extraordinary master can be encountered everywhere, are we being surrounded? This is Al’s idea, but this guy does not seem to be weak. Of course, this kid is also one of Qi Bilang’s top ten cadres, and his strength is naturally good. His attack power can beat Beatty by more than a meter. , Which is enough to prove that his strength is not weak, so Al did not act rashly, but Parkinson went directly to want to attack him, but did not know where the other party was, just rushed directly according to the sentence that the other party just said. Punched to that side, but was directly hid by the man and grabbed Buckinson’s arm to give him a fatal blow, but unexpectedly at this moment Beatty stood up suddenly and at a very fast speed Jumping forward and kicking with a reverse side, one foot wanted to hit the man's face directly, only to see that he raised his hand straight forward and wanted to harden Beatie's foot in such a relaxed position.

What he did not expect, Beatty’s strength is not something he can underestimate. The power of this foot is too underestimated, although he greets this foot with his hand and wants to block the attack of this foot. , But because of the strength of Beatie’s foot, although he tried to block it with his hand and successfully caught it, in fact, he did not completely prevent it because of the gap in strength. His own hand then directly hit with this foot On his face, he knocked him directly to the ground. When he got up, he noticed that his nosebleed had flowed out, and Beatty didn’t give him any breathing room. When he fell to the ground, he attacked again. Kicked on his stomach, kicked him directly on the foot again, and followed the body back and fell, trying to knock his elbow down on the ground with his neck.

If you don’t beat him to death, you will be beaten to death, and even he will not be able to fully recover for the time being, so Beatty is also a kind of quick battle in close quarters, in order to prevent the latter from chasing. Come over, Beatty will solve the person in front of him within a minute, but now it has not been a minute, he has already given such a good attack almost, and Beatty also successfully seized this opportunity to elbow The attack was launched directly from top to bottom, and the move was actually hit, but the sound that followed was completely different from the business of killing others to cut the tibia.

So Beatty looked directly, his whole eyes were instantly condensed with surprise, and he quickly bounced back, because this trick did not succeed in killing the person in front of him, even he was seriously injured, because this guy actually did It will be partially petrified, allowing the place where it is attacked to be turned into a hard rock surface, so the situation is just the same. In the seemingly betty tricky lock, he was mortal and undoubtedly, even through his own ability, he changed his neck. It became wrapped like a rock surface.

This hardness directly blocked Bittie’s fatal blow, and this hard surface was indeed of extraordinary hardness, and the person lying on the ground also stood up with it: "It seems that you guys have a little skill, and they can even make me use my ability. Now that you have seen my abilities, I might as well report my name, so you know who died in the hand, I am one of the ten cadres of Qi Bilang, Boulder. ."

"Oh? Boulder. Baudis?" The person who said this was not Al or Bakkinson, but had just been beaten by him, and when he stood up and wiped his nosebleed, he turned to He came over here because he was punched directly on the nose by this guy while he was just running and was knocked down to the ground.

Originally Bittie’s nose was recessed, and now he has completely repaired it, and the name of this guy Bittie was heard. When he was studying in the United States, he had heard of this in a club. Man, I heard that he would fight very well and was also a well-known peripheral leader at that time. For a while, he and his men caused a dispute because of a woman. As a result, he personally brought a lot of people to come. At that time, Beatty did not shoot, not because There are many people in the other party, but I don’t want to cause more annoyance. After all, this site is under the control of this man. As a result, he was severely taught, he was beaten into the hospital, and he broke three ribs, so he hated him. , But because Bitti got into a lot of trouble in the later period, this trouble was put on hold and did not go to revenge immediately. After all, Bittie was a very troublesome person at the time, probably because he was more likely to fight and have personality reasons, so If he had a combat physique that was very resistant to attack and had several times higher repair ability than ordinary people, he might have been killed before entering the island.

Of course, people with Beaty's combat physique, generally masters of the same level can't surpass them at all. Their combat physique is a master who can leapfrog to play many times stronger than themselves, and Beaty's although not really true purebred Fighting physique, but his strong physique can be regarded as a kind of combat physique, but it is only elementary. What is worse than the purebreds such as Zhuo Wenxin and Andy is only an instant fatal eruption that cannot be infinitely evolved and horrified.

But Bittie is certainly very powerful, but now he is more angry that he suddenly remembered some things of the year, and this guy's self-reported name also made Bittie more angry than before, and also put this boulder. Baodis's ribs interrupted three of them, and it was not only that the interruption of six had to be worse than I was at the time, so Beatty speeded up the pace of his entry, and also said to Al and Buckinson beside him : "You first run, I will search for you according to the multimeter scan, and then chase, this guy I will deal with you first!"

Jushi Baodidis heard Bittie saying so confidently and suddenly grinned broadly: "Hahaha! You are really confident, do you really think that the two of them can easily come here? I am here with you Three of them don’t want to leave here."

"Is it?" "Boulder. Baudis hits Beatty's chest again with an instant punch, and beat Beatty once more than a meter away, and then squints Al and Buckinson: "This is the gap in power, I can't deny it The three of you have some strength, especially the kid who was beaten by me. I use it to probe into the micro realm. It is also a very powerful opponent, but he is now seriously injured. Although his physical healing ability is okay, on the surface, it is not much. Obstacles, but how could a real master be deceived by the assumptions in front of you? Do you treat me as a microcosm? You now have such an illusory power, and you dare to say such big things, I will let you sober now!"

Beatty who flew out stood up again: "Oh! Interesting, I didn't expect my state to be like a fake in front of you. Indeed, as you said, my state is not very good now, but don't forget me but single It’s not difficult to understand the meaning of picking the king, as long as it is the person who picks me up, no one can win me, but I am the king of picking up, even if I am now, you fight me, Still beating you!"

"Really? Then I will wait and see what you beat me!" Boulder. Baudis flattened his hands flatly, and looked at Bitty with a slight expression, and Bitty also smiled again. Stand up and walk towards him.

"Do you think you can beat me if you stand up again and again? It's ridiculous. Since you are so persistent, you cannot stand up this time."

Boulder Baodis seems to be in a state as well, rushing directly to Beatty. The reason why he did not start against Al and Buckinson first is because those two people can instantly kill him. Although Buckinson is big, his eyes are blind. He can still see at a glance, so the only one who can be regarded as his opponent at the moment is Beatty, and this Bitty's rhetoric does indeed make the boulder, which has always been arrogant, a little uncomfortable.

So Boulder Baodis decided that until the fight against Beatty could not stand up this time, who called the two consecutive attacks to stand up again, his standing was a kind of provocation against Boulder Baodis, plus The last few arrogant words just want to stop Beatty from standing up. Only in this way can he completely deny his mad words. After all, this guy is indeed called the heads-up king. The four big families are pro-secrets, as long as they scan through their universal watch Pitti, then the three striking words of the heads-up king will appear, so this also makes Boulder.

Is the heads-up king? I’ll see how strong you are heads-down, even though it’s not a victory, you’re all so dare to be so arrogant, and you can’t stand up to the end you deserve, Boulder. I hit a punch, but what I didn’t expect was that this punch was empty, but was beaten face-to-face by Pugetty. When the nose bleed, Beaty gave Boulder. Slammed the boulder. Baudis had ten important parts of his body, and three consecutive hits severely wounded at three places below the waist, and he repeatedly kicked side kicks, kicked the knees, and more than ten times. Starting from the first boxing, continuously playing Boulder. Baudis backed off continuously, until Beatty was moved by more than 20 meters. Bettis was blocked again by Boulder. Baudis may have just been beaten. , But should have recovered their fighting consciousness by being hit.

Although he was hit by multiple wounds all over his body, Boulder. Baudis instantly and deeply petrified, and turned around to make a heavy blow. This heavy blow was not a fist and any external weapon, but his own attack power, relying on his own ability With the huge impact force of the fast running impact, Betti directly hit the blood immediately. Betti seemed to hear the sound of the fracture of his chest bones. He did not expect the boulder. Baodidis could even petrify his whole body. Now this The whole body of the guy is covered with a hard rock surface, and the whole person is like a magma giant stone man, and the action is flexible and destructive.

This also caused Beatty to jump back immediately, regardless of his own injury, to avoid the boulder. Baojidis's momentary impact, he jumped into the sky with a huge destructive force, let jump jumped Betty, who was just meters away, was instantly fluttered, and huge deep pits and cracks in the ground extending two or three meters away appeared. At the same time, Betty also stood up again, except that the corners of his mouth and nostrils were bleeding.

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