Killing God Island

Chapter 969: Destruction Mission 4: Temporary Retreat

Heads-up King Beatty and Parkinson have already killed many people, but they did kill in this way. Once the physical exhaustion, we want to retreat is difficult, so Beatty asked Al aloud: "What shall we do now? Too many people can’t easily break in.”

"What are you waiting for, retreat for the time being!" Al also shouted this sentence directly, because Al did not have much countermeasures at this time.

So now Al can only let everyone retreat temporarily, otherwise it may not even be possible to escape until the end. Although I have not seen their leader really regret, but now retreat is undoubtedly the best choice.

Of course, the heads-up king, Bakkinson, and Kakarot also turned around and wanted to retreat temporarily, but when they retreated, they didn't know why they hadn't seen the cadre members in the organization.

Because Qi Bilang used this trick called closing the door and hitting the dog, now he deliberately let the strong people of his organization break behind him.

And let people of average strength consume the physical strength of several of them in front. If their strength and endurance are really strong enough, ten can definitely see Qi Bilang himself, and he also wants to see how long they can persist, but look After a while of their fight, they could only regret their own group of people, so many people could not kill them, even if they didn't kill everybody, and I was still under his control, so the Beggie family These people have made Qi Bilang really want to solve them by himself.

Because he felt that the miscellaneous soldiers under his hands, a hundred people attacked five people together, and even if they were not killed, they would at least cause some damage to the other party, but the strength of these men really disappointed him.

Originally, if they didn't want to escape, they couldn't find it. Those who really have the skills are already prepared to break them in the rear. To be precise, it is easy to enter and want to go out here. It is not as simple as imagined. All of them were surrounded by people who looked like cadres. Especially at the moment when everyone was not fully prepared, Buckinson was kicked out with one foot, but he was a big man.

But I didn't expect to be kicked out by a long-haired man. The strength and outbreak of this leg are indeed good. Even the single-headed king looked at it. The moment of kicking out made him feel that this person was not simple. .

So the heads-up king has identified him as his opponent, but he has more. The long-haired man is only one of these cadres. How can Qi Bilang choose the person who is a cadre. How can his strength be ordinary? There is no weaker person in these people, and the number of people is ten times larger than them. There are so many cadres. No wonder there are just so many miscellaneous soldiers.

Now, the situation of the Beggie group is dangerous, including the heads-up players such as heads-up, who have changed their looks a lot. Just now, there are many people, but just now those people can fight ten each, but now these people, heads-up may be No one has beaten Beatty, who is known as the heads-up king, but the number seems to be a little too much, and Beggie, Kakarot, and even Parkinson are likely to be singled out, and so many cadres are really fighting, heads-up Wang may not be too busy on his own, so this scene is really a headache for Al at this time, because no matter how high the IQ is, it needs someone to arrange it to win less, but this is not the time when the mind can solve the problem, and think At the rear of the retreat is a lot of cadres who want to hunt them.

Although the front are all strengtheners with medium strength, but they can't stand them. The number and number of them may be able to kill the past and will exhaust all their physical strength. In the end, it is still a dead end.

Of course, at this time, Bei Ji was constantly watching the movements around him, and he was still standing on the strongest side of everyone.

When Ayr saw Berger standing in front of everyone, he yelled at him immediately: "Hey! Don't you want to live? The people in front of you are not something you can deal with, so don't hurry to stand behind Betty?"

Beatty's heads-up king is not self-styled, but the four major families have given him the title of a universal watch based on his past record. His personal single challenge is stronger than Zhuo Yanxuan, and most of them crushed Chen Tian. Record.

The main reason for this kind of battle score is that according to how many times you have beaten others, although Zhuo Yanxuan's record is also good, Zhuo Yanxuan sometimes focuses on not winning or losing, Zhuo Yanxuan pays more attention to personal interests Relationship. So Al makes Beggi stand behind Beatty, of course, the safest, after all, if he wants to hurt him, he must first pass the heads-up challenge, but Beggie this guy But standing at the forefront completely disapprovingly and said to Al: "I am your captain, so I will always be responsible for protecting you, even if I die, I will die in front of you."

Beggie's consciousness and courage are very high, and he can see that he is not kidding. Of course, the heads-up king behind him also knows that this guy sometimes pays too much attention to these things.

So during the time when the grown man was ready to kick Beggie again, Beatty went straight and kicked it out. The head of the heads-up king was directly opposite the foot of the long-haired man. together.

The pair were together in a moment, and the two legs were struck together, just less than five centimeters from Beiji's face. The speed of the two completely stunned Beiji.

Beggie wanted to stand still,

But the legs of these two guys were too helpless, and the impact force of colliding with each other directly knocked him back out for several steps in a row. Before waiting for him to stand firm, the other two cadre-level people have followed him to Bei Ji was greeted head-on, but the attacker Beggie couldn’t parry with both hands. Although he could recover it, it was difficult to directly attack or defend with his fist as before, just when he wanted to turn around The two of them have drawn their swords one after the other. Fortunately, Al appeared to block one of the two's short knives in time, but the other person's goal was still locked in the back of Beggie who was running backwards, but it was very Unfortunately, he hadn’t stabbed in to Beggie, and Al was blocked by another person’s weapon. After a round kick, he directly kicked the person who tried to pierce Beggie with a knife and fell to the ground, but it’s a pity It is indeed different from those of the middle-strength strengtheners who were kicked by Al and kicked to the neck.

Al squinted and stood up, and Xu Shun used Yu Guang's knife to block the person who just waited for me to attack. These people haven't gotten all of them yet. Some people may feel that Beiji's group is already a turtle in the urn, so The cadre members did not all swarm up, most of them were these people who did not want to do too much, want to see how these people are slowly tortured to death in this adversity, their mentality, and their chief thoughts In the same way, in fact, there are only a few cadres and these moderately strengthened people who rushed in front. Although I had thought that this is a large organization, it is impossible to have fewer people, but now I find that this organization is more than ordinary people. There are too many people in large organizations, and so many powerful people.

This really made them unaware, mainly because they did not investigate too much. After all, this organization is relatively hidden among the 13 bosses in the central area of ​​the t district.

It is really quite embarrassing for the couples of the Beggie family. Now, as if he is playing Go, he is surrounded by his men and then slowly tortures their minds. If you don’t have the strength, you can only die in the enclosure. This is the rule of Qi Bilang site. As the boss here, he has always had his own unique hobbies and selection criteria. Of course, there is no absolute on this island. enemy.

Some only have common interests, so as long as common interests are found, there will be no confrontation with the enemy.

But to have an interest relationship with it, at least both sides must have the conditions to satisfy each other, and the creation of interest Qi Bilang can convince any one, but first, this person must have the ability to join or temporarily join, so that each other can A mutually beneficial relationship will be reached in a short time.

So Qi Bilang has been observing again now to see what their skills are, whether they are my playthings or my men, without scaring them with real momentum, and how can they know their real strength, so Qi Bi Lang has been watching again.

Of course, Al is actually a little flustered now, but even if she is flustered at this time, her mind is still clearer than everyone present.

Although she was nervous in her heart, she was very calm. She directly let the heads-up king and Parkinson block the first to deal with those who have the cadre level, and then let the recovered Beggie and Kakarot first block the ability in front. She is now in the center of these people, and she is jumping around like a rabbit.

"Hey, hello, this guy is not going crazy with his brain?" Those masters who didn't get started said this with doubts in their hearts, but soon they looked at the front with stunned ones.

Because there is a secret road in this underground, this is something they don't know at all. Don't look at some of them have been coming for a long time, but no one knows that there is still a secret road. This really makes many people stunned.

Al is actually betting, because she just used her ears and the sound of jumping and landing to judge that there is a hole underneath, and the concrete floor below this place is not a lawn land, that is to say, it is likely that this hole is waiting for my voice to be below There is a dark road, so Al is betting at this time, so when he does not determine the exact position, he continues to determine the accurate position with the feeling of jumping and landing until Al finds that this point is completely different from the rest At that time, she really jumped up and directly collapsed the surrounding ground with her own strength at the weak point in the center. The instantaneous collapse of the surrounding ground caused the Beiji family and all the people in the surrounding circle to fall, and it was very dark. One piece, the person above can't see everything at a glance. Of course, the person who fell into it is even a life and death position. After all, it feels like it is deep inside. This sudden situation did not even think of Qi Bilang, although he knows this. Thing, but I didn’t expect to find them in a wrong way, and this day’s secret is also a secret that Qi Bilang must not let people know. Originally, I wanted to see their strength and let them join, but now these guys are off Entering this tunnel, it seems that he can only solve it by himself, and in order to make this tunnel a secret, Beggie's group must also solve it all.

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