Killing God Island

Chapter 965: Dogfight 34: The dogfight ends

Chen Tian has been carrying out his blood wing observations in a safe air. It is true that the strength of Yangliutian Tribulation State is not ordinary. Whether it is resistance to attack or explosive power and strength, it is indeed not weak, but it is compared with the light energy in the state of Portogrande Tribulation. Although the weakness has not yet manifested, the victory or defeat is already obvious. Willow will definitely lose in the fight, and this guy will play more and more powerful, the strength will become stronger and the attack strength will become stronger and stronger. The giant ape has a strong defense but there is a limit to everything. Even Chen Tian’s super repair and regeneration ability does not dare to madness, just because madness can punch regeneration into non-regeneration, because everything is broken The limit can be broken, and at this time, Podogre uses more and more power. In addition, this ability uses light as its own ability to infinitely magnify and can attack anywhere around the giant ape. Chen Tian is now in the giant ape’s It can be seen in the expression and the roar that the current great ape is obviously unable to ignore the attack of Potogre, so the great ape began to avoid the light attack of Potogre, but this attack is not her size. And as long as there is light, it will launch a dead-end attack on it. The attack speed and strength are not the size of the giant ape, so Podogre’s attack has been attacking the giant ape. From the beginning to the present, this giant ape Almost reaching the limit, Chen Tian couldn't stand it anymore at this time. When Yang Tian was counted as himself, he suddenly came over to help Yang Liu when he felt that he had recovered more than five levels of physical strength. In between, he instantly fell to the ground with his wings and turned a bloodshot into the body of those dead bodies on the ground, and began to **** their blood again, and soon the sucked body began to dry up, and Chen Tian There was also a huge blood touch that could be seen around the whole body, followed by Chen Tian also began to **** more corpses, until when Chen Tian felt similar, he actually used the blood limit to have the strongest blood control ability, similar to blood The river instantly liquefied his own human form and the whole blood was instantly isolated by hundreds of meters of blood around him. Potogre did not expect Chen Tian to even have this trick. Now he was stupid because he was robbed. Ability needs to consume a lot of light sources, and Chen Tian happened to use blood to block the light source Podogre got through the sun. Because the light source was blocked by blood, Potogre’s huge gleaming figure immediately cracked from head to toe. Because he could not continue to use this huge form of light energy without the supply of huge energy, plus the instantaneous counterattack of Yangliu Heavenly Tribulation Giant Ape, he punched the light body chest that had begun to split on his own.

In the state of the willow's catastrophe, the fist of the great ape beats the huge crack of the light body faster than the normal person, and instantly smashes the whole light body from the crack, and Podogre in the light body also Abandoned by the light body that enveloped his body as a whole, his entire person instantly returned to the normal human body size, which was simply unable to fight the huge white ape directly, because Potogre had not yet unlocked his own sky. In the robbery state, the light can be controlled for attack, but unfortunately there is no light around him. He can only use his own internal abilities to turn into light, and then run up at a very fast speed, and the white ape in front of him After a crazy roar, his arms smashed his own chest. Because it is a female ape, the chest is very large and soft, so I can not hear the domineering sound of the male ape patting the chest, but the hundred apes hit it with a punch. Actually, Podogre escaped from the huge vibration that had been mobilized by this turn, so that her body was instantly shocked high, and he also borrowed out of the shock and stepped on the flying stones. With stones and various other objects, he finally caught the hair of the white ape and dived in. Of course, the white ape also knew that he jumped on his body, but because of its large size, he could not find the place of this guy. At that time, like a lice, he grabbed the white ape's hair and climbed up. The willow directly lifted the white ape in the state of heaven. I saw that the huge body began to shrink quickly and finally returned to the willow's very hot body, just Because he just turned into a giant ape and broke all his clothes, now the willow's hot body is now completely in front of Potogre, of course, due to the two people wrapped in Chen Tian's blood, except Potogre saw her hot body In addition, Chen Tian actually looked into her eyes, and Chen Tian did not expect that the woman’s figure was so perfect. Although she usually looked very fashionable in her clothes, she didn’t expect to see more thoroughly now. She turned out to be such a woman. As Chen Tian was too excited, he began to help Yangliu to attack Podogre, and of course Chen Tian did not touch the blood to cover the blood of the sun, but just came from the sky and the ground according to the red surrounding body. The red sharp blood touch attacked Potogre, and Yang Liu of course knew that Chen Tian had only helped to break the man's tricks, so Yang Liu thanked Chen Tian very gratefully, and then directly to Potogre Running forward, of course Yangliu did not care too much about his lack of clothes. Although he was naked, he launched various attacks on Potogre in front. At this time, Chen Tian and Yangliu attacked Potogre together. At the front, you can see what a man wanted to see, but now Podogre dare not think about it, because now is the moment of life and death, because the front willow will launch various attacks on him mercilessly, and the back is Chen Tian using each A variety of **** tentacles attacked Podogre. At this time, Podogre realized deeply that it is the reason why two fists are invincible. Without Chen Tian's help, he could completely block Yang Liu's frontal attack.

But now he simply cannot cope with the combined attack of Chen Tian and Yang Liu with one person. He not only has to avoid Yang Liu’s frontal attack but also pays attention to the various forms of Chen Tian’s attacks from the rear, so he frees the sky from Yang Liu. After the robbery, Podogre was already sweating with the two men’s joint in less than a minute. At this time, Podogre was somewhat beaten by the duo. It’s a little hard to succeed in avoiding it. Less than a minute, there have been two injuries on his body, especially when he was fighting Yang Yang, the upper part of the waist was directly pricked by Chen Tian’s red blood, although soon After being realized by Potogre, he quickly sideways to avoid it, but the pain and blood from the wound still made him want to bite his teeth and keep observing the surrounding conditions, because Chen Tian used blood control ability almost like blood river. A level of blood domain, it is precisely because of Chen Tian understand this move, that is completely isolated from Potogre and sunlight, and in this field Chen Tian has the same light as Potogre, as long as there is blood around it, it can be anywhere The attack was carried out, so Potogre was only injured by Chen Tian and Yang Liu in less than a minute, so that Potogre did not know where Chen Tian’s next attack would suddenly appear and Chen Tian attacked. It's better, but there is a frontal attack that will fully attract his attention to Yangliu. With Yangliu's positive and powerful breakthrough at this time, if he does not fully use his full strength, he will definitely be killed by Yangliu, but even if he is serious, Chen Tian will still be in The key moment is to help Willow, so now Podogre is in a difficult position to ride a tiger.

"Damn! The two of you cooperated quite well, and I suddenly felt bored with your enemies, otherwise we wouldn't be guilty of rivers or rivers?" Potogre suddenly became soft, but Willow walked toward him. Say: "Sorry! Because you angered Lao Niang. So, Lao Niang. Now I'm going to kill you, don't you forget how many times you just beat me?" Yang Liu finished the sentence, directly again Flying towards Potogre, Chen Tian and Yang Liu again cooperated perfectly, so that in less than two minutes, Potogre God was touched by Chen Tian's five or six blood and knelt down on the ground, but Yang Liu did Standing in front of him, squeezing his neck with his hand and said the last sentence to him: "You are too obtrusive. If you want to be handsome, maybe I will spare you, but unfortunately you are very ugly." As soon as Yangliu said this, Chen Tian suddenly sighed: "So you like handsome guys!"

Yang Liu’s mind didn’t respond slowly, realizing that she was wrong, because Chen Tian was also very ugly, so Yang Liu added another sentence suddenly and embarrassedly. Don’t get me wrong: “Although you are not very handsome, but Fortunately, I don't hate you very much!"

Chen Tian laughed suddenly after listening: "I was kidding you, I don't care if people say I'm ugly, but your figure is pretty, and it's not ugly. Although there are some acne on my face, it is in my heart. I think you are really pretty!"

After listening, Yang Liu suddenly turned around in front of Chen Tian and smiled: "Is it? Thank you for your compliment, I will give you some benefits to let you see it, but now I am in your blood barrier People in China can’t see me. It’s really indecent if I don’t wear it if you unlock your barrier!” Yang Liu said after taking this sentence, she took off the clothes of Potogre and put them on her body. Chen Tian said, "Okay! You can unravel this blood barrier!" Chen Tian suddenly felt a little heartbeat when Yang Liu finished wearing her clothes. Indeed, this woman's figure is really pretty good, although Now I'm wearing clothes, but I still need to bulge my perfect body. The most important thing is that it seems to be a pity if it is long. Shouldn't it be a little acne? Suddenly this idea appeared in Chen Tian's heart, but soon he thought he was ridiculous and whispered to himself: "I look so ugly, how could a girl like me? And Anji Lina seems to like me very much, although she is regarded as her sister, but I really should not live up to such a good girl. After all, I don’t want to be a scumbag.” Chen Tian murmured to himself, and he unleashed the bloodshed. The spherical blood that covered the sunlight around was instantly retracted, and then slowly changed into a human shape in a sphere and eventually returned to normal.

But in less than two parts, Nei thought that all those people had been resolved around. Xu Xun, Ling Zifeng and Skeleton Girl each solved their opponents. At this time, everyone except Chen Tian and his group Everyone except Zhuo's brothers and sisters were wiped out, and Zhuo Wenxin saw the dagger in his hand next to Capra's body, and the dagger he used was not small, and Zhuo Wenxin seemed to follow The dagger was destined to go directly to his brother and then squatted down next to the body of Capra and picked up the dagger. The dagger was called Moming. Although Zhuo Wenxin likes to kill with two eagle claws, I don’t know. Why suddenly felt that this dagger was very beautiful, and the slightly blue light of the weapon's blade flashed slightly, making Zhuo Wenxin seem to hear a very wonderful sound, and this sound seemed to be pulling her, and wanted her to become this dagger Like the new owner.

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