Killing God Island

Chapter 954: Melee Chapter 19: The whole battle situation

The sudden and strange changes of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are both seen by Capra who are not far away from them. After all, he has been observing this pair of siblings. After all, of course he knows that this pair of siblings is very strong. And he hasn't participated in any battles or is in a state of completion, so he has been paying attention to them.

I originally thought that these two pairs of brothers and sisters would shoot him. The ghost king and ghost wife they once defeated are all among the top masters, so even now the ghost king dominates Zhuo Yanxuan’s body, but his strength is still strong. Although not as good as Zhuo Yanxuan, his strength is definitely not weak. Especially when you turn on the ghost mode, it is unmatched. At least there is no strong man with the world's top strength. Generally, even the strongest people are helpless to this ability.

But now the two have run behind a hidden tree and don’t know what to do. Although they didn’t count in the final step, they look a bit indecent, so Capra covered her eyes and looked at the target. The rest of the battle went away, but what he did not expect at this time was that in addition to the rest of the women's team still fighting, and Chen Tian and other places, he had to stop his eyes. at this place.

There are three people sitting in that place. They are a muscular woman pushing a wheelchair, a Shirley girl sitting in a wheelchair, and a Xi Lumei who is seriously injured sitting on the ground. The ranks are all dead, and they are fan-shaped. Although I noticed the woman’s attack a little bit earlier, I can never see what method the woman used to attack, so he didn’t shoot. Of course, Capra has always been The main reason for not shooting is because Chen Tian and his team are indeed too many people. He is considering to solve that first, so he has been slow to start, and now he does not want to start.

Because Capra seems to be useless, I feel that although there are still some powerful people in the current army, but it feels that the major things are not good, so he does not want to get started. Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, the siblings who haven't done it for a long time, although they haven't done it, but the invisible king's aura is definitely not weak. In addition, the girl in a wheelchair attacks the extraordinary power, Capra does not want to take the lead. Attacking this mysterious person who doesn’t even know her strength is the opponent, because he is very careful, and the other is Chen Tian, ​​who looks terrible, immortal and highly aggressive, to be honest He didn’t want to shoot him, because he really didn’t have the ability to handle such opponents. In addition, Xu Tian and Ling Zifeng of Chen Tian’s team absolutely didn’t seem to be cheap when they started with them, and they didn’t have the whole body when they shot. The possibility of withdrawal

So Capra is actually very brainy. Although he was appointed by the Quartet to be the general leader of the Quartet’s vanguard, in this situation, he who really has the ability and the brain will not really be an organization. Enthusiasm, anyway, if you have the ability to enter the organization, you don’t have to work hard for an organization, so Capra is actually not so obvious in this situation, and even in the situation where the advantages just now have slowly disappeared, He thinks more about himself than the rest of the people and strength at this time, so now he is considering whether to give up this group of people to leave, wait for Chen Tian and these people to end hard, and then go out and find a strong organization. Join to avoid this disaster.

So Capra doesn’t have to fight hard with these people, not to mention that these people are not weak, so Capra really doesn’t plan to shoot this time, Capra is ready to see that the whole situation is poor and he is unsure. I chose to directly escape from here, but I did not expect that the powerful advantage of the elite team of Capella led by Capella has now disappeared. Now the whole situation is half alive except for the dead. Not even there. Now the willow captain of the women’s team is now the highest output of their women’s team, because the strongest Shirley among them is generally not shot and not fighting, unless special circumstances or others take the initiative Attack her, otherwise she generally does not participate in the battle at all, basically as long as she knows that she will not get started if she feels that she is not threatened, so she is already standing in a corner at this time, and this corner has been killed by her. An enemy, there are two people beside her, respectively, the seriously injured Xi Lumei, the other is the muscular female Guda standing behind and pushing her wheelchair, while the other two women members of the team are still fighting , One is Yang Liu, the captain of the super-attack women's team, and the thin skeleton girl who is like a skeleton. The skeleton girl is a bit worse than Yang Liu, but the attack power is not weak. She is holding two Nepalese sabers and talking about the murderous wild The degree is more severe than Ye Minyu.

Although like Ye Minyu, he prefers to cut people with two Nepalese army knives, especially the feeling of cutting off his head with a knife, of course, Ye Minyu likes this weapon and of course likes this feeling, but killing some is not strong. The person can also cut the other person’s head, but it is difficult to fight with these people to cut the opponent’s head with a knife. At this time, the skeleton girl’s opponent is also a very abnormal looking one with a long sickle. Youngsters, this teenager is inferred from the age of about 16, and I don’t know why such a young teenager has entered this place of life and death at this age, but since it came, it may be an arrangement of fate, because here is not Maybe you have pity for you because you are young. This is the person who has absolute supremacy. In the face of the multiple choices of survival, the highest priority will be given to their own interests. At this time, the Skeleton Girl meets this teenager. The two are in front of the battle. The ultimate goal is to kill each other.

The fighting style of these two people is very strong. The fight between the two swords and the huge sickle does make a huge spark appear around this. This spark looks quite shocking. In addition to the sound of a burst of metal collision, with the two The sparks collided by people's various forward swings and waving weapons really make them look like sparks are overflowing around them, as if they are like the special effects in the anime, they look very gorgeous, but this is not a juggling but a substantial battle. Both sides of the other side were not injured, but the physical energy consumed by the two after waving their weapons was also quite large. After fighting each other, both of them saw each other breathless in each other's subtle movements. Of course the two of them They both thought that the other party was already in a period of exhaustion, so the two of them thought of going together, and they both wanted to solve the other party in one breath while the other was exhausted.

So the Skeleton Girl and the Sickle Boy both launched various attacks on each other in one breath. Both of them took out their milk and tried to kill each other with a single bite. On the scythe of the teenager, both of them wanted to push out the other and directly solve the other with the next move, but when they were fighting each other, the two found out that they had no strength at all, and now no one could bounce the other, so When the two people continued to want to bounce off the other party with the force of breastfeeding, at this moment, there was a tremor around them, and the overall impact of the sudden flew to the surroundings, directly corpses and small stones on the ground. After being blown out, of course, the two of them were also affected. The two first found out and looked at the origin, followed by the two being blown out together.

Of course, the Skeleton Girl and the Scythe Man have just been blown out, and the direction they are looking at is where the current team captain Yang Liu of the women’s team is, and this strength is also from Yang Liu’s side. At this time, Yang Liu is still very physical. After all, she didn't meet opponents as strong as those who fought against Chen Tian. Of course Chen Tian is now arrogant. The whole person is no longer able to fight again. Now they are sitting in a corner and are resting. Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng are also I was entangled by the dozens of people, although there is no big crisis for the time being, but the strength of the dozens who can trap the strength of these two people is naturally not weak, and in the eyes of Capra There are not many people in his own group, so he has decided to give up this group.

Just as Capra was about to leave here, suddenly two people appeared in front of him to block his way. Although Capra had long felt that these two might come out in the end, he just clearly saw these two. People have chosen a very thick tree behind to do some indescribable things, so Capra thinks that these two people will no longer get out of the way, but I did not expect to turn around and leave quietly. At that time, it was unexpectedly blocked by these two people.

And the people who blocked Capra’s way were Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin. Capra suddenly felt a little stunned. He felt a little unbelievable and asked, "Look, you have a lot of muscles in your body. Gunman? It's really not like a man at such a fast speed, ha ha ha..." Capra began to laugh at Zhuo Yanxuan, but at this time the body is only Zhuo Yanxuan's body, but it is the one who dominates this body. People are still ghost kings, and Zhuo Wenxin is not really Zhuo Wenxin but ghost wife Ai Xi. At this time, the brothers and sisters are more intimate and ambiguous in every move, which also makes Capra feel very hot.

In fact, Ghost King and Ghost Wife are using Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin's bodies to perform very intimate physical movements behind a tree on one side. But at this time, it was disturbed by four men and three women. After all, the face value of the brothers and sisters is very high. Zhuo Yanxuan can be said that the face value is higher than Wu Yifan of the Chen Tian team, and Zhuo Yanxuan’s The younger sister is super long and beautiful. Not only is her figure proportion perfect, but her beauty is even more beautiful, so these two people have long been attracted by many of these elite teams who are not well-intentioned.

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