Killing God Island

Chapter 949: Melee Chapter 14: Group seconds

These evolved insects have only evolved their fighting power and volume, and the overall brain is still primitive, so they can only barely understand and execute the orders issued by Ling Zifeng to attack. Of course, some insects have a weaker intelligence level, resulting in more mutated commands. Weak, so I didn’t follow Ling Zifeng’s instructions to attack Aldes, but attacked the rest of the surrounding people. In addition to local people, there were also many attacks on the women’s team and the rest of their own people. Some of the bugs were only due to Instinct and hunger come to prey and attack people around.

Therefore, these attacked people will appear. Although these people have enough fighting power to deal with these insects, the leaves only refer to one or a few. As long as there are a large number or a few individual mutant insects that are larger than them, they will also die. There are many people in the hands of insects, and some of them have not been eaten, but because of hand or body injuries, because of the highly toxic poison made by Ling Zifeng, most of them died because of poisoning. More bugs can be killed, but it is expected that the highly toxic has already accelerated the time of the poisonous hair with the blood and their fighting movements. Basically, most of the time of death is not killed by insect attack and bite, and most of them are poisonous hair. In the end, of course, Ling Zifeng also felt that if these bugs were only mutated and not highly toxic in the body, they should not kill the strong enemy such as Aldes.

Aldays attack speed and strength are quite strong at this time, this combat ability can be said to be quite exaggerated, or it is impossible to surprise Ling Zifeng's expression, because Aldes has been densely packed by the mutant insects made by Ling Zifeng at this time. Surrounded in the middle.

Such a dense group attack, none of them could approach or bite Aldays, only to see the slimy corpse of insects that were sent out and burst into the face. At present, Aldays is surrounded by himself These dense flying insects look very disgusting, and his attack speed is like a phantom attack on the flying insects attacking him around him. This speed is really fast. Some of them see his arm waving clearly. The trajectory, this speed can actually make Ling Zifeng a little unclear speed, it can be seen that this speed is already Ling Zifeng's strength first, but the strength of the Aldes guy and the uncle who has left is very strong, but the four families are not They were not given any very bullish titles.

This may seem unreasonable at first, but in fact, some people who have some IQ can feel that it is not in accordance with common sense, but it appears in some things that are not in accordance with common sense, and it is slow in the direction of common sense. Slow development.

At this time, Ling Zifeng's face was gloomy, because the densely mutated flying insects had been almost completely wiped out by Aldays alone. How strong is this guy? This is Ling Zifeng’s current thinking. At this time, Ling Zifeng is fully prepared to stand up to his true state at any time. Although Ling Zifeng is not a strengthening person, its potential is much stronger than strengthening a person. This is innate. The ability person is essentially different from the strengthened person in the later transformation. Of course, it cannot be said that the strength after the late evolution is not strong, but it requires a person with very ability and potential to compete with the innate ability.

Therefore, the innate ability is basically very strong and the innate ability is more powerful than the awakening, but Ling Zifeng is half of the innate ability, because he is a half-human half-zerg human born by the Zerg Queen and humans, the body can be infinite Evolve stronger worm body, and Ling Zifeng's human body can use about 20% of the worm body's ability. Of course, if his worm body becomes stronger after evolution, his human body will also become 100% after becoming stronger. The power of 20/20 is the maximum power that human physique can use.

Therefore, Ling Zifeng wants to use more powerful power, he must abandon his own human form and become the body to fight Aldes. Ling Zifeng certainly knows that in human form, he should not be able to fight Aldes.

Therefore, the flying insects controlled by Ling Zifeng could not attack him, so he could only fight him in real form. Although these flying insects could not hurt him, they consumed a lot of physical strength.

So this is also a kind of consumption, so Ling Zifeng is now ready to go, and then he is really moving with Aldays, so he stares at the front of the mutant flying insect that was only shot down until the end After dozens of all were solved, Ling Zifeng was just about to show his true body, and a red light flew over directly in front of him. After Chen Tian solved the few flying insects, the powerful speed and power of the red child appeared directly. A punch of power hit Aldays' face. At this time, Chen Tian’s red light was very strong, he was hesitant like a flame, the whole body was basically ruined, and the very thin body had already looked There are obvious muscles, although Chen Tian's appearance has not changed at all, he is blind and his eyes are ugly.

But at this time, Chen Tian has devoured the enemy with the same ability as him, and has not fully absorbed his ability, so now Chen Tian's energy is too inflated, he needs to find a strong person to consume his own power and let his own power Fully integrated into his body, so Chen Tian is currently in a state of unconscious rage. He found a strong man with the energy of the other party, so Chen Tian attacked Ling Zifeng's swarm by Aldis. For a moment, spreading his blood wings and flying directly up was a punch, because Aldes did not notice Chen Tian.

When Chen Tian opened the power of Chi Zi directly, it was a punch that directly hit Aldays' face. This punch was more powerful than Chen Tian's previous state of opening Chi Zi, and the speed was not previously available.

Both Chen Tian and Aldays have the ability to attack groups and groups of seconds, so if these two people really fight, it is indeed another storm. The previous battle of Chen Tian has made the surroundings become devastating and destructive. Strong, causing others to avoid their battlefields.

Of course, in addition to Aldys solving these mutants, there are some mutants with insufficient IQ that cannot recognize the instructions issued by Ling Zifeng, resulting in uncontrolled attacks on humans around them, and it is still an attack that does not distinguish between enemy and self. Of course In addition to Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng, the Xu Tian team of the Chen Tian team, the absolute top three combatants, directly took all the bugs on their own side as themselves as young children, and then basically ran into obstacles all over the place. Xu Xuan suddenly stopped running and stopped, then the tailbone blade behind him instantly turned around and rushed towards these flying insects. Xuxuan stretched out the tailbone blade directly behind him while he was running. In the process, the blade of the tailbone directly, as the tail blade thrown away by the rotation of his body 360 degrees, directly cut off the densely packed bugs in the front instantly.

Xu Shungang just solved the bugs in front of him, and there was a sudden bang in front of him. He seemed to be directly hit by a huge impact force. Xu Shun had a steel war bone protector, although the front chest looked like a red blood mark, because Xu Shun’s The bones are very hard and the damage to his skin will be repaired quickly, so although Xu Shun was blown out by this impact force, it was not a big deal, but some of the others suffered more or less. Hurt.

And this shock wave is the powerful shock wave that Chen Tian and Aldays are fighting hard. If Chen Tian did not devour the half-vampire system with his ability, his combat power could not be compared with Alday. Si is flat.

But now Chen Tian belongs to the period of energy explosion. If you want to rely on the two forces of the body to fight against each other and merge, it will take a long time, so the best way is to find a strong person as an opponent , To use two forces to mix into an attack form to consume, so that in a short period of time to fully integrate his two forces together, so at this time Chen Tian’s two forces gathered in his palm, it was blood The red burst energy is high, and Aldays, who is his opponent, did not evade. He directly waved the force released by the swing of his double fists, and the two forces immediately hit together. The fighting power is a burst of high burst energy, resulting in a powerful shock wave as soon as the two capabilities collide, and this shock wave comes out from the center of the duo and almost directly towards them. Spread around.

At this spreading speed, some people can avoid some people who know or sense danger, and they also avoid each battle in their hands separately to avoid the distance, but it is true that this shock wave has a range of length, as long as it comes out of this shock wave The range will not be injured.

So many people choose to avoid directly, but some people who are not able to use their own power choose to block with their bodies. However, among those who use their bodies to block, they are not without strong ones. Blocked the shock wave, several of them could block it, the others thought they could block it too, but the result was tragic, and the lighter was directly blown out by this force of gravity, but some people were directly tragic and their bodies were directly blocked The smashing of the internal organs and organs of this force instantly exceeded the scope of self-healing ability.

But at this time, the battle between Chen Tian and Aldays continued, and the two were from the beginning of the mutual energy to a more direct frontal confrontation. At this time, Chen Tian Chizi’s power and the **** limit were doubled. Although it is very expensive, it has greatly alleviated its own continuous expansion ability, but this is not the case at this time. Ling Zifeng just summoned the attack of the mutant bug, although it seems to Aldays It didn’t work. In fact, it’s just a superficial conclusion. In fact, it has just consumed nearly half of Aldays’s ability. If it is replaced by others, it may not be exhausted and will be bitten or killed directly by so many bugs, but Aldays has calmed down since he was young, so even if he is surrounded by dense mutant bugs, it is still very calm. For others, it may have been desperate at that time, but for Aldays, even at the most crisis time Able to maintain a serious attitude to solve the problem.

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