Killing God Island

Chapter 947: Melee 12: Thousands of Poisons

Zhuo Wenxin directly asked his brother: "Brother! The one over there who hasn't done it yet, shall we help Chen Tian to solve the kid?"

Zhuo Yanxuan shook his head and said: "Chen Tian is now in a state of violent runaway, which may be the result of just devouring the man with the same ability. Now I feel the surging of huge energy hidden in Chen Tian's body, now Chen The sky should not be able to fully control this power for a while, so this guy is left to Chen Tian.' Zhuo Yanxuan just said this to his sister, and another Xu Xuan was given a woman from the air by a woman. Beat it down.

Originally it seemed to hurt when it fell down. I didn’t expect that the woman who fought Xu Shun didn’t even give him the opportunity to stop. He directly chopped a leg from the air again, and hacked directly to Xu Shun who landed. Xu Xu Support the body with one hand, and then use the force of the waist to directly throw the blade of the bones forward, only to hear the collision of metal in the middle of them.

Xu Shun was shocked: "What should I do just now? What did she use to block my coccyx blade?" Just when Chen Tian was shocked, this woman's legs were also quite sharp In the end, Xu Xuan could only temporarily roll away to avoid it, and used her coccyx to launch a total of this woman again, but the woman who was originally looking at the house immediately escaped two times. The blade, followed by her holding two daggers, jumped up again and launched a total of close distance for Xu Shun, and the two very sharp daggers that she clasped in her hands were enough to prove how much murderous she is now.

The woman in front of Xu Shun is not an ordinary person. This woman has a very strong ability to progress. Thanks to Xu Shun's whole body, as long as there is a bone, it can be turned into a weapon. There is no way to counterattack at this close distance, but Xu Shun is now Straight forward, he grabbed the knife stabbed by the woman, followed by Xu Xun's coccyx blade and perfectly cut off one of her arms. The woman was really fierce, even if she was cut off one arm, she didn’t panic. She drew another dagger directly at Xu Xian’s chest. Originally, he wanted to push Xu Xuan directly from his chest. The upper body was opened, but her knife was stabbed directly in the chest, and the result of this knife was that it could not be cut directly, so this woman only abandoned the knife, but it was indeed a missed opportunity to just discard the knife, so this The woman jumped directly with a reverse side kick and kicked at Xu Xun's chest knife, making his wound deeper, and the woman followed the blade of the tailbone who had once again escaped Xu Xun's body. Grab your arm that was just cut off with one hand, and then aim your arm directly at the knife edge.

What Xu Xun didn't expect was that this woman even had such a hand that she used the hand that she had recruited to the street. It took less than a minute to recover as before, and the repair ability was scary enough, but Xu Xuan was just careless, and he didn't turn on the full form, but Xu Xuan made a smirk slightly: "Do you know this guy, your dagger has angered me, and the consciousness is away from our place, Otherwise, I will definitely separate your head from your neck, and Xu Shun's expression is very serious. He warned the girl in front of him again because he was really angry.

Of course, Sibi Liaz, who was already angry like Xu Shun, wasn’t for protecting the captain of their Steel Wolves team. I’m afraid she had already lived with Chen Tian and they were busy at the front. , But the strength and strength of the steel war wolf captain Badama and even the merits of IQ, but Siberian Leah has been protecting him, or he will have already cleared the scene.

Sibi Leah made the captain hide, but he was so arrogant that he would not listen to his avoidance, but was more excited. He didn't know that the strength of these people around him was better than him.

It's just that he doesn't know how weak he is. Although he is also a bit strong, the few people around here are not he can deal with.

So Siberian Leahzi stunned him directly, and then hid him directly, and then Siberian Leahy looked at the people around her, and flicked her hair and looked at the people in front: "Come Let me see what you guys dare to choose me as your opponent."

These men also said with evil smiles: "You woman looks pretty good, it's a pity to kill, do you want to consider being our woman?" As soon as he finished speaking, Siberia Leahzi He has come to him, and he has been stabbed in the heart before he can react.

The man's eyes widened in an instant, and he really didn't expect that Siberia Liaz, who was just a short distance away, even came to him in the blink of an eye, and stabbed him directly in the heart.

This guy was surprised when he was inserted into the heart, while several other people also cut their swords at the same time, and there was a few seconds between them.

These people also cut directly with a knife, and they did not hesitate to cut it with a knife. Siberian Leahy jumped directly. All these people's knives were cut directly on the person who had just been pierced by her. These people cut a dozen knives on the person on the spot. Although these dozens of knives are very fast, Sibi Liaz’s strength and skill can still easily escape them. Attacked.

The strength and strength of these people can be said that everyone is at the same level as the captain of her team. After looking at the wrong person, these people said to Sibi Liaz: "You woman, it seems It’s not only pretty, but also good, I like it, hahaha"

After Siberian Zizi escaped the attacks of these people, the swords that followed them were cut in the direction of her, and they said that they wanted to make her a woman. Cut it mercilessly with a knife. It seems that these are all right and wrong. Although I am fond of the appearance and figure of Sister Libyzia, for them, they can surrender without killing, and they will be merciless to their servants. Killing, which is why these people are merciless. After all, they have been able to survive here so far, and they have formed a fixed pattern. This pattern is actually the so-called prosperity and prosperity. So these people’s The attack is also not polite, but the strength of Siberian Liaz is the same as that of Chen Tian. They are not easy to provoke, and they were originally team combatants, proficient in various combats and tactics, so this Women are better not to take the initiative to provoke provocation.

Second, it happened that these people belonged to the same type. They were not afraid of death. In addition, everyone’s strength was not weak, so they were not afraid of Sibi Leah, who had just killed one of them.

And in fact, these people have knives on them, but some people like to be handsome or have great confidence in their combat capabilities, so some people don’t need weapons directly to like the thrill of killing others at close range, but such people unless they are strong Otherwise, most of them will be solved by someone. Unless someone with special abilities, some of them will be solved without waiting for the weapon to be drawn when they are discovered.

And these people are basically killing too many people on this island, so these people are already stereotyped regardless of their strength or combat status when they kill, so when they rushed over, they basically kept following their desire to hunt. The chase is to kill the prey, so these people will not use weapons in order to play handsome.

These dozens of people cut directly to Siberia Leah without hesitation, and because there were more than one person in front of her, the knives that slashed at her from various angles also made Siberia Leah at the same time. While retreating while defending, it is clear that there are enemies behind her. Due to the tacit understanding of these people, sister Siberia Liaz has to be angry. Xian Ke is the closest to the person who first attacked her. Only in this way can you protect yourself.

Siberian Leahzi directly flashed the attack with the machete on the side, followed by the arm holding his arm at a rapid speed backwards, exactly the person who chopped the back and surroundings to himself or stabbed him, and all of them directly reversed, and The man lifted by him had been cut or stabbed in more than ten wounds.

Of course, this is not the end, and Sister Libby Zi followed by the severely wounded man as his own human weapon, and once again threw him laterally towards the rest.

Of course, these people will not be tender to their classmates, so this guy's body was cut off directly when he hit another person, but the person who was hit was not light, and was hit three meters. Then he fainted.

Although the head who had been flung by Siberia had been cut off, she suddenly used the man as a weapon, flung around, and finally hit the young man who held the machete in the hand. It was cut into two pieces by the young man with a knife. If Siebia Liaz reacted quickly, maybe even she was cut into two pieces together.

Although this knife didn't cut Siberian Leah, this boy's knife speed also made Siberian Leah immediately pay attention to this young man. After all, this guy's knife is very fast. If you just didn't avoid it now The result is definitely a missing arm and a broken leg.

However, several other people also prepared to attack Siberian Liaz again, but they did not succeed in the attack. When Siberian Liaz turned back and pulled the knife, he instantly killed all three of them. This speed only allowed them three. People vaguely saw some silver-white blades, followed by them, they felt that their bodies were involuntarily leaning forward, when they found that their bodies were abnormal, that is, in the next second, as they felt their bodies Pain, the upper half and the lower half of the three of them were cut off neatly. Their upper body was slanting and sliding away, just when Siberian Leah turned and wanted to meet the man with a sharp knife When she was a teenager, she suddenly heard a lot of bees buzzing in her ears. It was originally a group of bees, but with the ability of Ling Zifeng, these ordinary bees instantly mutated into a variety of very scary creatures. These The bees are not only getting bigger, the whole body structure has undergone tremendous changes.

It is almost impossible to see the evolution of bees. The overall dark body structure looks very scary. Although it is not tall, it is a lot in number. Especially the sound of their flying **** makes the expressions of the people who have seen them all change. .

And these things are also highly toxic, which may be a huge mutation with the toxin emanating from Ling Zifeng, and the large-scale mutation of the poisonous bee on the trip, this form was completely reversed in a moment.

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