Killing God Island

Chapter 945: Dogfight 10: Blood Beast Devouring

Seeing that Bidely wanted to recover his body by sucking blood, Chen Tian immediately ran to him again quickly, and he turned back and waved a sword, but he was lifted up by his hand, and there were a lot of blood drops immediately above, and A red dagger slowly formed in the blood drop, and the blood blade fell like raindrops from the sky.

When Chen Tian saw the collision, he immediately stopped and waved with his sword. Ding Ding Dang Dang Dangdang dozens of blood blades, but it fell down at most so that Chen Tian also had a lot of blood blades on his body. Of course, Chen Tian was also in order to recover the wound After sucking the blood around, both of them know that if they fight like this, unless the blood that can restore their physical strength disappears, they will never kill anyone, so Chen Tian first forced the bleeding blade from the body, and then compared with Bide Libby who repaired first, and then wanted to repair each other's body as soon as possible, and then gave each other a fatal blow, but the recovery ability of these two people was very similar.

So both of them had their own thoughts: "I didn't expect this guy to recover so fast!"

"It seems that if you want to kill him, you must destroy all the blood around you." This is the idea in Chen Tian's heart, but Bidley sees Chen Tian will have the same ability, so his inner thoughts are also Like Chen Tian's idea, it is to destroy these blood sources.

So both of them use their own abilities to absorb the surrounding blood from the surrounding corpses, and let Chen Tian and Bidely use their own blood control ability to unravel all the surrounding blood. The blood is like a tide. From the blood shape just now, all of it became ordinary blood instantly, and Chen Tian and Bidley also fell from the air just now.

When Chen Tian and Bidley directly fell from the air, Chen Tian and Bidley all stretched out their respective blood wings at the same time.

After the two landed, the blood wings of both sides were very handsome and handsome, and then Chen Tian jumped directly in a very bullish posture to stretch the body in the air, and stretched out several very sharp blood from Chen Tian's hand. blade.

Bidley raised his hand directly forward, the entire arm turned into a blood shield directly, and the whole blood shield was blocked directly, and then one turned and the other arm turned into a **** axe, and Chen Tian turned into A red blood sword directly blocked the blood axe cut horizontally.

After blocking his attack, Chen Tian followed the blood blade to block it, and the two battled with the blood blade directly. After the two blood blades were cut off by both sides, they turned around at the same time. After the two feet were together, they followed After turning around again, the two sides blocked it and kicked it in the past. After Chen Tian was blocked by three consecutive hits, Bidley turned around and the blood blades broke off one after another, and the blood blade after the break fell to become blood.

The main battle between Chen Tian and Bidley is the consumption of their own blood. Although Chen Tian has the power of Chizi, although the speed is at least three times faster than that of Deli, Chen Tian will burn the blood by himself with the power of Chizi, plus The blood in the blood blade consumed by the fight against the blood blade.

As a result, Chen Tian and Bideley are fighting each other. Both sides are consuming the blood in the body. Chen Tian was originally very close, but the opponent is Bidely. He is a master of medium and long distance combat, so he will not let Chen Tian close. .

Therefore, if Chen Tian really wanted to go into close combat, he would definitely be seriously injured, so the two of them fought to keep the rest away.

Chen Tian rushed forward with great speed, according to the two abilities of Chen Tian Chi Zi's power and Scarlet Realm.

Therefore, Bidley is incomparable to Chen Tian in speed. Although Chen Tian is fast, it does not have a good effect, because when he first started attacking, although he hit his body, he even used his own weapon Silver Dragon Shaking the stick directly separated the upper body of his body from the **** of work.

But Bidley's ability to repair and regenerate is very similar to that of Chen Tian, ​​and it's okay at all. His broken body can be restored to its original state within fifteen seconds.

This can be done by Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tiancai feels that he can only see who has consumed energy in the end, but when Chen Tian turns on the red child state, his strength and speed can be perfectly crushed. Consuming Bidley's body blood and repair capabilities can make Bidley's injuries continue to increase.

However, Chen Tian’s blood-bladed match and blood power consumed by the body of the blood blade are actually much more than the energy consumed by Bidley’s injury and the blood in his body, so Chen Tian fights in this way. Not a very good method, this method is only to suppress in a short time, it is not a good idea to really solve Bide's use of this method, but it is likely to die faster because of the use of such moves. It is easier to be counter-killed. After all, no matter whether the blood burning or physical strength in the body will keep up, the surrounding corpses have just been drained, and the remaining blood has been forcibly released from control. Now The blood had penetrated deep into the mud, but the surface mud was stained red, so the location of the two people at this time is that there is no blood source around them that can promote recovery. This is how it can really be regarded as a battle where you can feel birth and death here, but knowing this situation, Chen Tian still uses this method, is it really because of himself Is there really no other way to crush or defeat Bidley?

In fact, Chen Tian didn't want to die with him. After all, Chen Tian missed his relatives outside the island very much, so he couldn't easily give up his life, nor could he really desperately fight for a person in the way.

But at this time, Chen Tian seemed to be not afraid of being exhausted. Bidley launched a very strong attack. Bidley originally thought that Chen Tian was also a vampire or a half-vampire physique like him. There are so many same moves, but Chen Tian’s body is red and smoky. He doesn’t know what this is. It’s also because Chen Tian’s Chi Zi can instantly increase the speed and power, and then it seems like a red at a very fast speed. The light appeared directly in front of Bidley, and the injuries that followed him were basically fatal. This guy may have been strengthened, and his heart was still alive when pierced by Chen Tian, ​​and When he was injured, he could launch a fierce attack on Chen Tian. It can be seen how powerful Bidley is. It is not uncommon to see a vampire pierced in the heart.

At this time, some wonderful changes have taken place in the surrounding combat situation. Basically, this group of people called elite teams. At this time, the garbage that is not strong enough is almost dead, and there are still those who are still fighting. Really.

Of course, there are also a few people who haven't gotten started from the beginning to the end. Among them, the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's family have never started. The brother of Zhuo's brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan directly asked his sister: "Look at Chen Tian!"

Zhuo Wenxin chased after his brother's treatment, and he saw the huge impact that had just been exaggerated and used blood to attack each other on a large scale. At this time, the two people had started attacking each other in normal form.

So Zhuo Wenxin also directly said: "Brother, are you very interested in the fight between those two?"

Zhuo Yanxuan nodded and said, "Yes! The attack damage of these two people is very good. The most important thing is that these two people seem to have the same ability. Who do you think will win the two?"

After listening, Zhuo Wenxin thought for a moment and thought back: "I think Chen Tian will win!"

Zhuo Yanxuan asked directly: "Why do you think Chen Tian will win? Is there any basis?"

"No, no, I just tested the answer given by my intuition."

"It turns out this way, but your intuition is not wrong, because that guy is about to be killed by Chen Tian."

Zhuo Wenxin and his brother smiled at each other, and then looked up at the same time, and then Zhuo Yanxuan already understood why his sister said that Chen Tian would win, because Zhuo Wenxin also fully understood the details of Chen Tian’s battle like his brother. So, the brothers and sisters all smiled and looked forward, and at this time, as the brothers and sisters watched, it was Chen Tian and Bidley who were fighting fiercely.

At this time, Chen Tian's attack is getting more and more fierce, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It can be said that now Chen Tian has completely relied on the power of Chi Zi to beat Bidley, although he really wants to use his own ability to control blood better than Chen Tian. This point killed Chen Tian, ​​but was forced to suppress by Chen Tian's speed and power. In the end, the two basically started to consume physical strength and repair ability. Chen Tian consumed physical strength and Bidley consumed repair ability.

This guy's repair ability is very strong, not only not worse than Chen Tian, ​​but also stronger than Chen Tian's repair and regeneration ability. The heart can be regenerated in less than two seconds, and the body's liquid blood is reshaped, which can take multiple forms. To block and attack, but the strength and eruption of Chen Tian Chizi's state caused him to be unable to withstand the front. If he wanted to avoid it, he could not compare with the extremely fast speed of Chen Tian's body at this time.

Therefore, Chen Tian was holding a silver dragon throwing stick in the state of red child, giving Bidley a violent attack, whether it was to blow Bidley’s head or tear his body or dig out his heart, but he was not dead, and Each recovery will become stronger again, because his ability is to absorb the opponent's ability in a dead state.

So his undead ability is even stronger than that of Chen Tian, ​​but it is a pity that the physique of God is the enhanced version of the genes of the undead ancestors of vampires, which can ignore all the fears of vampire night tribes and dark forces, but they do not need to have their abilities Observe their fearful weaknesses, so it seems that the psychic physique has such a strong potential. Of course, it is not so easy to become this physique. First of all, whether it is Ms. Zhao, who owns the first generation of psychic physique, or she Chen Tian, ​​the second generation of the physique of the gods, or Yangliu, the third generation of the physique of the gods, they are all strengthened people, so this time Chen Tian also took advantage of his own physique, fighting hundreds of rounds with Bidley Although it was difficult for the two sides to fight each other, it was difficult to kill each other, but Chen Tian’s overwhelming strength at this time proved his powerful aggressiveness. I saw Chen Tian’s hands grabbed Bidley’s hands, originally Bidley thought he would forcefully tear his body in half, but this time it wasn't. Chen Tian had just tried it and couldn't kill Bidley.

So after grabbing Bidley with both hands this time, Chen Tian suddenly turned into a blood-red monster resembling a golden retriever with his stomach, and then swallowed his entire body directly.

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