Killing God Island

Chapter 938: Melee Chapter 3 Flesh and Blood

Of course, this is just that the battle between Chen Tian and Capra has just begun. It can also be said that these two leaders took the lead in initiating the war between these two groups of people. It was when Chen Tian and Capra hit their fists against each other. At the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan touched the younger sister’s hair while saying to the rest of the people: "It seems that the great dogfight has already begun, and then they ask for blessings and seek their own killing to experience this. The thrill of killing."

Although Zhuo Yanxuan was full of gas when he said this, he and his sister, including his men, did not rush up. Instead, Chen Tian and the other two teams rushed over. After all, they are really powerful. In fact, besides the two of them, the team of Zhuo Yanxuan is somewhat more capable, but compared to the enemies in front, they are the scum of War Five.

So neither Zhuo Yanxuan nor his sister let them participate in the war. At the same time, the two brothers and sisters did not take the lead in rushing to face the battle. On the whole, it seemed as though Zhuo Yanxuan and his group were watching the excitement, but in fact Zhuo Yanxuan ordered The rest of the men will withdraw from this place at a distance of 1,000 kilometers, but the brothers and sisters did not retreat with them, but stood still watching the fierce confrontation between the two sides.

Of course, Capra also rushed up first, he was quite sensible, and he also wanted to see what the enemies in front of him were, so he also stood on the same position as the brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin. Waving, he has signaled everyone to do it. Of course, these people also swarmed directly, and they were directly fighting with Chen Tian. The battle between each other looked unusually hot, mainly due to the suppression of the number of people. However, these few people in Chen Tian can not be suppressed by a few people. Of course, in addition to the Chen Tian team, these women's teams are also one by one. At this time the whole scene looks very chaotic, but it can fully highlight the powerful combat strength of several people.

First of all, Chen Tian's group only came with three people, the strongest three of the Chen Tian team. They are Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng. The strength of these three people is regarded as the top strong in this area. It’s basically difficult for these people to say that they killed, but the three didn’t fight each other, but the three all rushed forward together, and the three together created an unstoppable situation. Basically, if there are no more than a dozen fortified people in front of them, basically in the face of these three people is the kind of instant seconds.

Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin have not yet entered the battle, because these two people, like their leader Capra, are also appreciating the changes in the whole battle. Of course, in this battle, except for the three people Chen Tian and his group The strong offense is worth looking at. The women in the women’s team are also extremely fierce. If the most handsome in the women’s team is, it is of course the willow fighting on the back of a big dog.

This willow is very hot and long, and very beautiful, that is, there is a little more peas on the face, but it is still a relatively perfect woman. After all, the figure determines the woman's own value, and the willow is basically except for some acne on the face. There are no flaws, especially when she rides a big dog and bites her hands around. She is obviously made up of elite members who are not too bad in strengthening people. She did not expect to be chased by a dog. Some of these people fled around, and some of these people who fled around did not know how to attack at once when they saw such a huge dog, so in the eyes of Capra, these so-called elite-type reinforced individuals are also a group of waste.

Of course, most of the knowledge he sees does not know how to deal with sudden situations, and there are some who are not weak in strength. After all, this four-party alliance is also a crouching tiger and a hidden dragon. This big dog is constantly riding in Yangliu. When biting on the ground, a man named Jeffman hit the dog's **** with a stick, causing the mutant giant dog to hurt his body directly, throwing the willow directly, and the willow was riding on the dog's back. The enemies passing by while running with the dog by hand are working, but unexpectedly because the giant dog was heavily hit by the stocking, the willow was directly thrown out of the body.

This Jeffman's tall man has big muscles all over his body, which is very fierce at first glance, and he also holds a stick that looks very windy, and this stick is also the weapon that just used to hit the dog, thanks to He uses a stick. If the knife is used, I am afraid that the giant dog, which is a special mount for the women’s team, may have been cut in half. Although the stick used did not cause the body to separate, the injury caused was not weak. All the bones of this dog were directly broken. Now the lower body of this giant dog can no longer be understood. Although it also has a certain attack power, if there is no willow to protect it, I am afraid this dog has already died.

As soon as Yangliu got up on the ground, he felt the wind in front of him. When Yangliu looked straight ahead, he found that the stick that had just hit his pet was turning towards himself. When Yangliu turned, Yangliu even went directly with his arm. Blocking, but not choosing to avoid, it can also be seen that Yang Liu is also quite confident in his body repair ability and fighting ability.

So Jeffman's stick went down, Yangliu directly blocked with one arm. Although Yanglige blocked the huge power, people were still shot out. After all, this impact is still quite strong. After Yangliu fell to the ground, the whole person's Scratches appeared in many places on the body, but as she stood up from the ground, the wounds on the entire body and face also recovered, and even the cheating that she deformed for defensive deception was also moving forward. Step by step, he completely recovered his left arm.

The amazing recovery ability of willow is exactly the same as Chen Tian's regeneration and recovery ability, because Chen Tian is a second-generation god-loving physique, and willow belongs to a variant three-generation god-loving physique, so the willow's body repair ability and Chen Tian's repair ability The abilities are exactly the same, although they are all psychic physiques, but there are also great differences between the two. Of course, including the abilities are completely different. It can only be said that the internal genetic fit is surprisingly similar, that is, the genetic cells are similar, but The ability value is completely different.

At this time, the tall Jeffman had noticed that the willow's body was different, so he also expressed a little stunned. After all, there are not many fortified people who can classify and repair their bones in such a short time. See, so now Jeffman is more serious about the woman in front of him, but this kind of super repair and regeneration ability is particularly strong, if you want to kill them, you can’t easily kill them by just hitting. Of course, he is personal. Have experienced.

But this kind of person seems to be unable to fight, in fact, there are many weaknesses, but what he wants to use is to directly smash the willow into the meat, although the willow has the same physique as Chen Tian, ​​but it cannot be like Chen Tian. The same can control blood, and open the blood river and other capabilities. Yang Liu is a strengthened body of the 3rd generation of God's physique. However, most of her internal capabilities are different from those of Chen Tian. The only thing that is the same is the repair ability. Especially strong.

So Jeffman rushed to Yangliu, and Yangliu also rushed directly to the tall man in front of him. The two directly confronted each other directly, and Yangliu directly sided from the body that Jeffman took over. The stick, although the stick did not hit the willow, the ground hit a dust of more than one meter, and the willow lifted sideways, stepped on the stick that Jeffman pulled out with his legs, and then lifted forward to try to The knee hit Jeffman's face directly, but unfortunately it was not successful. Instead, he let him block the backhand and directly grabbed Yang Liu's teaching neck, and then violently hit the ground directly.

Originally, Jeffman thought she would be smashed, but he didn't even have the effect that he thought of in such a fall, because the willow was directly supported on the ground with his hands, and then one leg turned back and used the other leg directly. He kicked on his face, the tip of the heel just hit his eyeball, his eyes were blinded, and he fell on the ground, rolling and wailing without pain.

Yang Liu had planned to go directly to him in the past and solve him directly, but it was unexpected that the body was directly hit by the stick on the chest first. All the bones in Yang Liu's chest were beaten into the whole.

Yang Liu vomits blood while her body is self-flattened. If someone else suffers from this kind of injury, it will definitely die, but for Yang Liu, this kind of injury can be completely repaired with her own repair ability. After all, her repair ability is No other reinforcement can do it, and its repair ability is dozens of times faster than others.

Although Jeffman knew that Willow was able to repair quickly, he did not think it would be useless to hit himself with such a ruthless attack, and at least anyone who was hit by this attack would almost certainly die, although he saw Yangliu in the end. She was still moving, and it was confirmed that she was not dead. Although he was not dead, he was also severely injured. Jeffman was still certain, so he walked over directly, as if the situation was what he expected In the same way, he had passed the willow but still did not get up, so Jeffman walked directly in front of her, held his stick in both hands and held it high and smashed it down.

At the moment when she smashed, Yangliu suddenly raised his hand forward and directly used this attack to hold him. Although the whole body was spitting blood with this force, but spitting blood for Yangliu was nothing. , The important thing is... you are dead.

This is the will of Yang Liu's heart at this moment. The moment when Yang Liu's direct hands directly grasped the Jeffman stick, he used his knee to knock the stick from the middle, and got up at a very fast speed, and picked up the break to the point. He sticks directly to Jeffman's neck and pierces him from the throat.

But Jeffman's throat was pierced by light, it was impossible to die, but before he could react, Willow would turn this thing hard and pulled Jeffman's head straight out, and the head was separated from the body. Fuman instantly fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight. The body that lost his head twitched for less than fifteen seconds without moving.

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