Killing God Island

Chapter 936: Melee Chapter 1: The ambush was seen

Chen Tian exclaimed suddenly, "Why are you?"

"What the **** are you doing! Why did you shoot me?"

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Just now I didn't see you and your sister!" Chen Tian very sincerely apologized directly to Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, but these two obviously will not be angry because of his short apology. After all, because of his indiscriminate attacks, he killed more than half of his men.

Zhuo Yanxuan was angry, but he couldn’t catch it. He talked to Chen Tian and saw his words suddenly changed: “You guys know if you just acted and solved all of my men directly. Yes, but now I have chasing soldiers behind me, and the next is the real battle, so all you need now is to deal with the battlefield quickly, don’t let the people coming around see corpses around, and wait for them to appear when they just attacked me. Continue to attack them like that, because my team is not very strong, and you have been killed by half, so I will let them do some battles to assist you, and my sister and I will be responsible for them with you. This wave will be wiped out, and when they are truly cadre-level members of the Quartet Alliance, we are carrying out the original plan with Ye Minyu. Compared to that time, she was also prepared on that side, so now our task is to get here There is no trace of it.

"Hehe! I knew that there was nothing that could not be done in the presence of your brothers and sisters!" Chen Tian said this to Zhuo Yanxuan with a smirk, but Zhuo Yanxuan said directly: "Shoot me less." Fart, the people I die will not come to life just because of you these fools, if you want to let me down, quickly arrange the surroundings as they just did, so that they do not feel the slightest danger.

"Okay! Pack it on me!" Chen Tian finished this sentence, took the lead in moving the body, and then the rest of them came to help, of course, the most important force for moving the body was the ordinary strength of Zhuo Yanxuan's men. Strengthening people, although the strength is not good, it is quite easy to do some other things. In less than ten minutes, all the surroundings are cleanly treated and there is no trace.

After dealing with these people, Zhuo Yanxuan and his men are also hidden here. They are ready to work with Chen Tian to solve the main force of the Quartet Alliance here. After about half an hour, there will be movement and light in the future. Listening to such complicated footsteps can prove that the number of people coming is still relatively large. Obviously, it has already gained an advantage from the number of people.

Of course, 30 minutes ago, when these people came to the place where Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin left, although there were still corpses on the ground, many people were alive, but they were afraid to chase after being beaten. So it provokes the severe punishment of leading these elite team leaders. Except that one person gave them a few slaps to wake them up, and then they were brainwashed again, so that these people think that since I am here, it means that these people are dead. Too. "

This person is quite confident, mainly because his strength is indeed very strong, so his heart is a bit swelled, but he is really strong, or he can not be the leader of these elite main teams, this person is called Capra, he At this time, they are chasing in the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin.

However, the number of elite troops attacked this time is not very large, but there are many people with good quality and strong strength, but they are not from an organization, but are the elite members of the Quartet Alliance, but they ultimately lead the leaders of these people. Capra is responsible for it, which may cause some people to not listen to or understand Capra's temper, but generally these people will follow the arrangement as usual.

Capra came from the army before he entered the island, so he must maintain his formation, but these people are not all from the army like him, so many people secretly hostile to him, but I want to command this time. Is this right in charge, so no one is in conflict with him because of this formation, they quickly came to the place where Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters had just been ambushed by Chen Tian, ​​this place is now clean and clean, As if there has never been a bloodshed here, it seems to be a very common path. In fact, there are dangers everywhere. There are hidden murders everywhere. After all, Chen Tian and Zhuo's brothers and sisters have ambushed here.

If you want to pass this path, you have to climb a mountain, and those things have already been arranged here, but what Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin did not expect is that Capra did not let the team continue to move forward. One sentence, just after everyone stopped, Kai Pula walked alone to the front of Shi Fu. Because he, Zhuo's brother and sister, Chen Tian and others felt that the time was not up, they did not attack it.

I saw Capra's expression with a serious expression and continued to walk forward a few steps, then crouched down and looked at a deep pit on the ground. The origin of this pit was caused by Chen Tian's previous attack with a stone. However, with such small details, I did not expect that Kai Pula could even find out that he saw this and walked around again and again, wanting to see if there are any unsafe factors around him.

But the result he obtained is that there is really greasy here, because the handling of the corpse is in place, but after all, many people deal with it, and because of the time, the blood stains of the corpse and the surrounding weapons that attacked the person are generally cleaned up. But it left a serious trace, that is, the bright red blood droplets contaminated on the flowers and grass, and it was this bright red blood droplet that showed Capra to see there was an ambush around.

So Capra also knows that they will not attack themselves, but his character is to face the difficulties, not the man who chooses to change the road when he knows that there is a crisis ahead. After all, he brings so many masters. In order to solve the problem, not to evade the problem, and it is likely that the people who ambushed us in front are those who have just retreated. It turns out that they are all hidden here, interesting and interesting!

After thinking of this in his heart, Capra gently whispered to his men that he was careful about the surroundings, and there were ambushing words around them, and asked them to communicate one by one, but not to say anything, not to mention, We pretended that we didn’t even know there was an ambush around us, and then we were more careful each time, and we would destroy them all when we knew where they were.

Of course, this is the order secretly given by Capra. Of course, these people have already itchy hands. After all, I heard that these people have some strength, and because these people have strength, it will lead to the final conclusion of these four powerful organizations. Became the Quartet Alliance. Of course, it belongs to the Quartet Alliance for the first time, and they belong to the vanguard. However, this vanguard is completely different from the previous ones. After all, these people can be regarded as regular troops. Not to mention that each has its strength, at least not. A few talents are too good, so these people all seem to be very combative. In fact, these people are also very combative. After all, the most powerful people are very high-profile, and these people The same is true, after all, the body has become stronger and stronger with the strengthening of cells, and their inner expansion has become larger and larger. Some even feel that he is already invincible. Of course, such blind and arrogant people really do This team also exists, but it is not a majority. Most of them are still able to correct their strength. In fact, their real four-party combat team is still a little worse than the real one. The real main force are all talents similar to Capra. Composition, and Capra is nothing more than a vanguard.

After Kaipra notified all the ambush, it seemed that he had walked forward without even realizing it. Chen Tian and others looked at each other and were waiting for Chen Tian’s order, and of course Chen Tian knew Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are powerful brothers and sisters. They are resourceful and capable talents. It is also the reason why Chen Tian has always wanted this pair of brothers and sisters to join, so Chen Tian directly looked at Zhuo Yanxuan:" Hello man, do you think it's okay to start now?

Zhuo Yanxuan said with an indifferent expression: "It doesn't matter at any time, the other party has already noticed us. Just that little detail, maybe you can't see clearly with one eye, our brothers and sisters have the eyes of the evil emperor, It is several times better than the eyes of ordinary fortified people, so I have seen the strange smile of the guy after standing up, and with what he saw when he squatted down, I saw a few drops of blood on the blade of grass, So now they are alert, and as long as they attack it, they will instantly expose our targets."

"So what should we do now?"

"How to do it? Is it still necessary to ask? As originally planned, it is also a good thing to reduce their physical strength or kill a few people. The rest is solved by our force value. It is not always necessary to rely on Wisdom, I think you have been with Ye Minyu for a long time. You want to solve everything through layout. Sometimes fists are more useful and direct than wisdom, so what are you waiting for?

After Zhuo Yanxuan said his proposal, Chen Tian immediately made a gesture to everyone. This gesture was to directly attack him. Chen Tian ordered the attack just now, and the same attack method was staged again, just rolled from above. The falling stones are falling down these people who are climbing downhill. Although these people are very good at fighting and fighting, they are also aimed at people, and this big stone is higher than people, and it is from top to bottom. The roll-off force is great. Of course, everyone’s first reaction is to evade. Except for Capra who directly catches it with his hands, the rest of people basically evade the first reaction, and there are some who can’t evade in time. It was blocked by hand or body, but unfortunately the strength of these people was too weak, and none of them stood up. With a scream, these people were directly crushed to death by huge rocks. This attack was due to Suddenly, Capra, who is known as Chi-Star, is also helpless. Kai-Pula has loved Chinese culture since childhood and named him Wu Zhi-Yong in the Water Margin. Although he has some wisdom, he and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin's IQ of the brothers and sisters is really a big difference.

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