Killing God Island

Chapter 924: Chen Tianfen: Poker

Ye Minyu’s way of thinking about empathy is from Newton Kreis’ point of view, considering what choice he would make under this pressure, so as early as a few days ago, Ye Minyu began to study his own Tactics and the way Newton Kress has to deal with it, the final conclusion is that he will choose the most complicated and shortest route.

Therefore, the benefits of Ye Minyu's layout are all in the guise. In fact, at most one or two people are left. Only one of the most complicated routes can leave a path here. Finally, the ambush route selected by Ye Minyu is really accurate, and finally Really caught a big fish, which generally excites everyone, because Newton Kress really chose this route. The most important thing is that the three major forces of the Chen Tian team and the main forces of each team are all present, and all members except a few are very few. Most of the people who used to disperse the judgment of Newton Kreis were ambushed here. It was really like waiting in a row, but waited for a long time for almost three hours, but did not let They waited in vain, Newton Kress had waited for everyone to choose this path.

And the person walking in the front is not Newton Kreis, but some miscellaneous soldiers, maybe this is the cannon fodder for Newton Kreis to let them mine in the front, and the other two sides behind him surround him in the middle, The closest to him is the Bourbon Delais, whose strength is similar to him.

But this wave of Bendless was very vigilant, as if to Newton Kress, as if he was inductive: "I always feel the atmosphere around me is wrong!"

"Are you too nervous?"

"No! I always feel that there is a lot of murderousness around here, and I can't see people but I feel a very strong murderousness, so I think we'd better change our way!"

"Don't worry, I have thought about it a lot when I choose this path. Even if the enemy is ambushing us in the front, I have a strategy to deal with. Rest assured, let's leave this right and wrong place first." Listen After Newton Kreis's remarks, Bourbondres looked at the surroundings again and then moved forward one hundred. The people in front began to move forward cautiously and cautiously.

The person in front carefully cautiously explored the path in front. Although the pathfinder kept watching the front, they didn't notice anything. The main reason they didn't notice was not that they really couldn't notice it, and even if they didn't notice it, Newton .Kreis and Poppendales are also able to detect it, but now they are not aware of it. With the strength of these two people, they are people who have awakened into the micro realm, and the things around them that they can’t even see with their eyes. It can also be sensed.

The reason why the two masters, Bourbon Delais and Newton.Klaus, could not detect so many enemies hidden around them, mainly because of the Qimen Dunjia technique supplemented by Ye Minyu, they would automatically Open, Qimen Dunjia is composed of thousands of methods, and it can be arbitrarily arranged according to the five elements of golden wood, water, fire, and earth, and its internal effects are completely different according to the attributes, unless the complete arrangement of Qimen Dunjia requires gold, wood, fire, earth, and five elements. Before it can be turned on, the common formation can only be driven by one of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth according to different terrains, and the formation of the current formation only has the effect of the mist property of the water attribute.

This effect can greatly disturb its true discriminating ability, and it will also produce some false scenes around it. Of course, these scenes are not so real imaging, but they are like blurring and disturbing the vision to form the most foggy state, but it is indeed that This kind of faint fog is the kind that makes it hard to notice easily after entering. So even Newton Kreis didn't notice it, so they have walked into the encircling circle arranged by Chen Tian's group as a whole.

At this time, all the people ambushing around were ready, and the accident department was waiting for the order. Chen Tian asked Ye Minyu that he had not spoken, and asked directly: "How long will it take to light up, are you still not doing it?"

"Wait, wait until they walk about three hundred meters, the central area of ​​the formation is in this place. Even if they find themselves in an ambush, they can’t run away, because I let everyone ambush all the ambush points. Is the only way to get out of here, and when they get to this position, they will push their formations to align their rear with our current position, that is to say unless they force forward, as long as they If you want to return according to the original route, the direction of their escape will be our current position, which will save us more trouble."

"It turns out that it is no wonder that you are so calm. It turns out that you have already designed it." Chen Tian, ​​who had said this, continued to look forward, and suddenly Ye Minyu stood up and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the mist and similar cover-up smoke dissipated. Just now this state seemed to shield the very alert side of these people. The close distance between the enemy and the enemy made it impossible for the other party to notice, but now Ye Minyu Seeing that the time had come, I immediately stood up and immediately snapped my fingers, which indicated that I could only hear them very close, but everyone in the place seemed to hear a very harsh sound. At noon, no matter whether it was a member of the Chen Tian team or a team that was temporarily allied with Chen Tian, ​​they all found out that these people were surprised and each took a fighting posture, and Chen Tian looked at Ye Minyu has lifted it. The limitation of the formation, that is to say, they will follow the original plan: "Next, it seems that a **** battle is about to take place!" At this time, the captain of the Beggie family, Beggie still directly took the lead like Chen Tian. It is precisely because of his straightforward character that these talents will be leaders with someone who is not as good as himself.

Just like Chen Tian, ​​Beiji is dedicated to his own people, to make sure that you are your own brother and his teammate, then even if you sacrifice yourself, you will save him. His character is really similar to Chen Tian, ​​of course. During the battle, this kid has never been afraid of death and rushed forward. He belongs to the kind of general who is like a pioneer.

Of course, these people also rushed to the front in front of Beggie, and Newton Kreis was also looking at the surrounding with a very serious expression. After so many people appeared in the surroundings, he had already guessed the luck. It’s just that he is very calm and he is thinking about the problem at the center. As a loyal to the Newton Kreis in the six major forces, he is constantly observing around, but He did not leave Newton Kreis by one step, but in the process of Newton Kreis thinking about how to solve it, he was responsible for protecting the safety of Newton Kreis.

However, the rest of the combat effectiveness of the women’s team and the Beggi’s family is not weak. This is still in the state of the women’s battle. Willow riding on a very windy mutant dog without hands. The people in front of this have collapsed. If it’s not mad, thousands Da and Han Li and four others left, and these people might be able to solve it with one punch, but these people really can’t resist the other three alliance teams except Chen Tian’s group, so Newton Kreis didn’t think much. He shouted the order to retreat the same way.

Because the current form does not allow him to consider more, after all, the strength of these people in front is not weak at first glance, so Newton Kress issued the command to return the same way is very correct, but at this time the surrounding terrain is not It was the original terrain, but the route modified by Ye Minyu Qimen Dunjia formation method, so when they fled the same way, they ran directly to Chen Tian and others in full speed.

When Chen Tian saw them all running over here, he smiled directly and said: "You really expected something like God, but I didn't expect them to really choose to run over to our side."

At this time, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng were the three main forces. In addition, A Ruiqi, who was basically the same as the three, had already made a lot of things after he was caught by Ye Minyu as a slave. Some of the major events were considered to be Ye Minyu's vision. The four people standing in the front can be fierce, so even though Ye Minyu and Angelina are not weak, they absolutely agree that these four people can absolutely block these people in front.

After all, A Ruiqi has also joined the Chen Tian team for some time. Although it seems that Ye Minyu is working harder than others, but others never look at him like this. After all, his strength is definitely not weak, and these three It’s not that they fight each other. The four of them are very cooperative. This makes the four of them who were very difficult to deal with become even more difficult to deal with. Now they really belong to the group of Chen Tian and the alliance team as long as they can’t. If they rush out in a short time, then they will have only one result, that is, they can’t survive, so they will choose to return the same way. Basically, everyone now guides the current situation, so one runs faster than the other. , But when they ran backwards at great speed, they suddenly found that there were four people vaguely standing in front of them.

And these four people are not others, it is the four people headed by Chen Tian who are not easy to deal with in terms of strength or all aspects, but when they see it, it is too late. It was Arrich who attacked the area. I saw his hands waving and did not know where there were so many playing cards, and these playing cards seemed to have life. They were first thrown out by his right hand, and then the whole deck of cards continued Directly flew to the front, then Arrich’s right wrist flicked to the left, and the rows of neatly arranged playing cards i swept horizontally forward like a snake. Although these pokers are made of paper, they are not strong , But through his ability and his continuous practice, he can easily use his special ability to irrigate the card to make poker harder, making only a wave in his hand, the body of the six or seven people in front directly from the poker After that, all these people were cut off one by one.

The perfect combination of power and speed made the expressions of those people who rushed over suddenly changed, and they hadn’t waited for them to react too. Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun’s wings had all been spread out and flew over one by one. The form of the massacre of these people below is really a so-called massacre. After all, these people can only block these people when they show their real strength. The only one who can block the undead is only them. The leader of the war and Bourbon Delais are just two people.

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