Killing God Island

Chapter 892: Chen Tian Pian. Three Way Attack

"Then why don't you take advantage of the present and solve them completely with the formation you arranged? Isn't your formation only the kind of illusion?"

"That's not true. In fact, there are many ways to be fatal, but I'm useless. After all, I just want to get you out of danger, and do you really think that you can really trap them for too long? This kind of formation will not last forever. Lasting, it will gradually disappear with the change of the day, and it will gradually disappear after noon. It is only now that the moonlight will make its illusions more real at night, but after dawn they will gradually slowly face this The formation of resistance is called gradual failure."

"It turns out like this!" Before Yangliu said this, the position of Qimen Dunjia's formation in front suddenly disappeared. This disappearance seemed quite sudden. It should not be a failure but a destruction of thought, which also made Ye Minyu's eyes widened: "Who the **** is it? Can I break my Qimen Dunjia?"

Everyone, including Yi Qazi, was trapped inside by Ye Minyu’s Qimen Dunjia and could not escape half a step. In fact, they were only in illusion to let them keep looking for directions on the spot, and then suddenly someone came to save the scene , And this person is not theirs, but mad! Because Kuang Qi and Yan Xi around him accidentally entered here, they happened to be in the Qimen Dunjia under Ye Minyu's cloth. The momentary changes in the scene made Yan Xi directly anticipate that there might be people around or using certain abilities to create hallucinations. .

But all hallucinations are ineffective for Yan Xi, because Yan Xi has the eyes of the evil emperor and can see all virtual reality, so it is hallucinations in the eyes of others, in her eyes is the road to Pingchuan, and for Kuangqi Illusion does not work, but seeing so many people trapped inside, he also kindly punched the ground with a good intention, so that he could not avoid the crowd, so that they all hit the building parts used by Ye Minyu's layout. Most people can't do this form of attack.

And Kuangqi directly broke Ye Minyu’s Qimen Dunjia with just one punch, and this guy seemed to do good and never left a name. After destroying this formation, he left here with Yan Xi and walked behind these people. Go, and the back of these people is exactly where Chen Tian and others went.

Of course, all of this is what Ye Minyu expected, so although Ye Minyu's formation was broken, she was in a good mood, so she didn't wait for these people to rest for a long time, and said to everyone: "You also saw that the formation just now The law has been broken, and now we continue to push backwards, I infer that once the formation disappears, they will still chase us crazy, and we are only responsible for trying to contain them in a farther direction, they go back to us Just chase them, they chase us, and we continue to move forward. In the meantime, we don’t have positive friction with them, because Chen Tian and others have already set off while you are fighting, to the base of their border, so In the first place, their base will be defeated, because they use more than half of the masters for the forwards, and there are at most a few masters in the base. In addition to sending Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, I also let Miss Qianda and Miss Han Li From the side to help, with their help, it will definitely do more with less. We only need to control the return of this force at present.

Of course, after the start of the night attack between the three alliance teams, Chen Tian and others were the first to leave. They didn’t know that Ye Minyu had persuaded Qian Da and Han Li to come to support, so the three always came to life from the scene of almost death. In their minds, after all, they escaped in the form of defeat last time, so there is still a certain shadow in the hearts of the three of them. Even so, this time the three are to completely solve all the living people in this base, so The three were also as Ye Minyu planned. This time they secretly went in and killed more people. When were they found that they were fighting hard with them. After all, there are few people and they don’t know if there are super masters, so these three It is also very low-key, using their own means to sneak in, and their respective actions finally use the colored markers of the watch to automatically locate the position of others.

This time the three were not as rash as they were the last time. Last time, the three felt that there should be no masters on the opposite side, so it was too arrogant. Especially after Chen Tian absorbed a lot of blood from the dead, he felt that he could open the blood river and float completely. I thought that this place could only enter the boundary of his site, even if there is a master, it is impossible to compete with him.

But the last time Chen Tian and three people suffered because they were too arrogant. This time the three people are also preparing for the grave. It is best to assassinate the other person’s stronger man first, or to solve the vigil first, and also In Ye Minyu, each person took four bombs. Here, there is a certain requirement to exchange weapons at a fixed place with a killing point. Such weapons of mass destruction are very expensive, and each person has a limited number of daily .

Now there are four bombs in total for each of the four of the three, and the plan of the three before diving in is to kill the vigil, and then use the bombs to find out the positions of the important people. If they can directly kill them, Or it could not be better. However, due to the huge structure like entering a central square, it will take a lot of time for the three people to move together, so the three will move separately, although it will be relatively safer to stay together , But what they want to do this time is to destroy everyone here, and last time it was just going to harassment, what kind of tactics you want to do, you can do whatever you want. So, it did not let you kill who or how many people.

But this time it is necessary to kill all the people in this base with the power of three people. No matter what method and means is used, in the period when Ye Minyu battles in front to contain most of the main elites of the other party, this must be at the same time. To ensure the perfect implementation of this plan.

Therefore, in order to ensure that they did not follow up normally during the follow-up support period, the three of them infiltrated and acted separately. Although the city wall with a height of more than ten meters at the base gate wanted to enter, it was very difficult to strengthen the person’s ability to bounce. More than three times, and it will be stronger as we continue to evolve. Of course, some people can force up from the front wall by running up, but this must cause a lot of movement, and it is impossible for a guard to notice it, so This approach immediately made the three people go away.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng are now so-called eight immortals crossing the sea. Chen Tian has a **** boundary and can use his blood to break the body to form various forms, and Chen Tian used blood wings to free himself before. After flying, of course, this time I am going to fly directly with wings, so that I can quietly go up to solve the above guard, and Xu Shun has him with a toughened war bone in his body, and the bone wings are instantly from both sides of his shoulder. Stretched out, his form was even easier than Chen Tian used, so both can fly, but the two did not know that Ling Zifeng also has wings, but his stretched wings are similar to those of transparent insects, Moreover, it is six-wing colorful and slightly transparent rounded wings, and Xu Shun’s wings are thin and sharp wings similar to the shape of a slanted blade, and Chen Tian’s wings transformed with blood are the most handsome, not only blood red but also very styling. Domineering.

The three also looked at each other, then nodded to each other in one direction, and fluttered their wings and flew up. Chen Tian landed very lightly, but the attack was very handsome. He did not have any extra action after falling. , The pair of blood wings on the back of the ground did not retract their bodies, but instantly became a drop of blood as if they were smashed, and then flew directly in front of the person who just felt the situation, Chen Tian Each drop of blood was like a bullet, flying over and directly penetrating their heads.

So these people all fell to the ground in less than three seconds after they realized that they turned around. After solving them, Chen Tian gave an ok gesture to Xu Xian's direction, and Xu Xianluo directly fell on these people after flying up. In the middle of it, not only scared them, but also the blade of the tailbone behind them when they were about to make a sound. After his body rotated 365 degrees, all the people around him were tailed by his sharp tail. The blade was cut in half.

Xu Shun, like Chen Tian, ​​went up to kill these people directly, so when he looked at Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian also solved everyone, so Chen Tian gave him an ok gesture, and Xu Suddenly also made an ok gesture, the two looked at Ling Zifeng's side, it happened! This guy also got it all done, so he nodded like a gesture.

Ling Zifeng this guy is very simple. When he flies up, a smoky smoke passes them and immediately stuns them all. Then, when the wings are retracted in the sky, numerous tentacles suddenly come out from his body, and all the things on the ground fall down. All of them were plugged in, and it was determined that these tentacles were only drawn out after they were all dead, and these people were all sucked thin and thin after being drawn out.

The three of them infiltrated from different directions, and people carried out various sneak attacks on these people who did not sleep at night. They were originally above these people, and they played such insidious sneak attacks. Of course, they were solved in a moment. Many people, who basically met them, could not escape.

In this way, the three people easily entered through the doors in three directions, and after solving all the people around the night patrol, the three people all walked to the direction of the previous square. After all, the place is large and the people who guard here are basically As long as you walk through this square, it will be easy to find their location, but the design of this square is quite complicated, and it is not so easy to understand.

Mainly because there are countless small alleys and many buildings that seem to be masters. Although they have high-destructive bombs in their hands, it is impossible to throw things at random. In case no one inside will not only play grass and startle snakes but also waste Existing life-saving resources.

Of course, the three of them had already added up when they first came in. Although one person has three high explosive bombs, we have to keep one for ourselves. If we can’t, we will use this to die with them. Although the strength of these three people is considered top, but In this case, you still have to prepare for the worst.

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