Killing God Island

Chapter 890: Chen Tianpian. Is she playing with us?

After solving Olympian, Siberian Leah sat directly on the ground and gasped for breath. This time they were a win, if Olympian had not taken Siberian Leah's sting, and was fighting. For a while, they will be physically weak. After all, fighting these people really tired these people. This boy's strength is really not simple. Although these four people have not said it, they all know that his strength is not weak. After taking a photo of Yao Jun’s shoulder, he said, “Let the three of them have a good rest. Let’s finish the task that Ye Min gave us. Otherwise, everyone will have to die here. No one wants to go out. Now they have exhausted their physical strength. Big, we have to fight against the clock or lose all."

Yao Jun nodded and followed Angelina. Angelina did not fully participate in the battle. Although she also consumed more than half of her physical strength, compared with Sibi Liaz, her physical energy consumption was less than eight layers. , So now the most important thing is to find the hidden organ of Ye Minyu.

Ye Minyu has the ultimate human wisdom. It is really difficult to open the big array she said. They took the map given by Ye Minyu for a long time. No wonder the place was set as a camp and they were not found here. But, after all, the location shown on the map is here, but there is nothing clearly here, so Angelina keeps observing the surrounding terrain, and what is Ye Minyu's opening position.

Yao Jun also observed that he was shaking his head non-stop, because there was nothing Ye Minyu said around it, and it was not easy to find it at night. At this time, a cloud passed by the moon. A ray of light just hit a place in front, and Angelina suddenly showed an evil smile in the corner of her mouth: "So it is!"

"What's the matter?" Yao Jun asked Angelina who said this suddenly, and Angelina pointed directly at the moon and a place in front of her and said, "I finally understand what she means. This guy is really smart!"

At this time, the entire occupation has evolved to the point where the birth and death have to be divided. Everyone kills red eyes. This is really a fight for survival. Although the number is large, they have not asked for any cheapness. Although they occupied the absolute The advantage has completely trapped them. Now the invading enemies should be fighting for the trapped beasts, but the people who actually died are these so-called elites. The combat power of Chen Tian’s team and the three major alliance teams has so far only killed one person. , Is the second team leader of the women’s team Buckison. Alice, a big fat man with a very fat body, this woman is very powerful, it can be said that she has just played the role as a human chariot, no one can stop, but it’s a pity She met Kuo Jason, one of the ten fierce spirits. Not only did he cut off an arm, but also killed her hand.

Among them, the little dwarf of the Beggie family, seven meters, was also killed in this battle because of one person's low-grade too many people. He was seriously injured and died in this battle. As for the two, Kakarote and Wu Tian also died at this time. In the first line, but still not dead and still insisting, but it is really terrible to be beaten.

The rest of the people are not so good. The heads-up battle between King and Yi Kaqi is half a cat, two or two. No one can kill anyone. The result of the fight between the two sides is also defeated. Although the two are very resistant, they just fight each other. The two were also injured all over. It seemed that the two were very embarrassed. Basically, the two people struggled to cause bleeding on both sides of the body and wet their clothes. It looks like the two blood men are fighting each other, and The rest of the battle between Yangliu and Tugui also almost inspired Yangliu to start the sky-tribulation state, but even when everyone thought that he would never escape this time, he fought with them and cursed himself by the woman Ye Minyu. When the time came, the Qimen Dunjia that Ye Minyu had laid here before was opened by Angelina and Yao Jun, and the whole surroundings changed instantly.

It can be said that the whole surroundings have completely changed. This kind of Qimen Dunjia is a kind of illusion that contains a variety of changes. The entire formation has been turned on and will operate irregularly according to different computer programs. To get out of it, you have to know what are the findable exits and how to solve them in these irregular illusions.

Of course, Ye Minyu had already thought about all this. If you want to go out from here, you must have Badama in the Iron Wolves team, the willows of the women's team, and the leaders of the three teams of the Beggie family. A map, as long as they put the three of them together, they can go out. Although the marking is more complicated, Ye Minyu believes that the Ayr in the Beiji family will not be easily solved by others. The IQ of the Ayr can definitely be seen Moving this drawing, Ye Minyu separated the drawing at the same time, it was also because after the first party was resolved, opening this formation would lead to the place that this drawing would lead to, and it would have no effect at all.

But even if the other party gets it, they can't understand the drawing at all. This drawing is not drawn in the normal way at all, so even someone who knows the map and who is very sensible may not be able to accurately analyze the drawing. information.

Ye Minyu also fully believes that no one can understand except the guy of the Bage family's think tank Ayr. After all, Ye Minyu and Ayr were opponents before they entered the island. They came to China to conduct an exclusive secret. Behind the mission, Ye Minyu hindered the last two of them from engaging in a very brilliant intellectual battle. At that time, the opponents wanted each other’s lives, but now they are all standing on the same front, so now neither of them is looking for a rise, after all, the most important thing on this island is How to leave and live, so there is no need to live with their own interests, so the two now occasionally study the next countermeasures together, and whenever Ye Minyu tells everyone his opinion and countermeasures to everyone, he often Most of the plans for people to implement, most people don’t know what Ye Minyu really meant. Only Al knew what Ye Minyu wanted to do. This time, of course, Al also fully understood Ye Minyu’s plan, so she didn’t refute her. Plan.

However, although he knew that there were a lot of powerful people in the other party, he didn’t know that there were other masters like Newton Kress, which led to the sudden change of the whole plan, so that he could not hurt himself. The plan of retreating from the whole body became the consequence of many people injured and two dead, but finally opened the large group of valve stunners.

After opening the valve, the world around me instantly appeared to be completely different from everything in the original scene. At the same time, not only the talents in the formation will have such a powerful illusion effect. In fact, on the mountainside in the distance, it has been Ye Minyu, who is watching below, can no longer watch below, because a trend of temporary isolation from the world has formed around that.

Especially in this formation, due to their different positions, their respective illusions are also completely different. Even the three teams allied with Ye Minyu, the so-called own people, have the same effect. It can be seen that this time Ye Minyu is afraid of binding I can’t help these powerful people, and it’s really painstaking to strengthen the effect of this formation again. Obviously there is no snow, but after opening this formation, all the two people who are fighting are automatically isolated, mainly Isolate from their thinking first.

Let hallucinations occur between each other. This hallucination is not a different hallucination, but the same kind of hallucination is that the same scene can be seen between the partners, and the other party to the enemy can't see them at all in the scene, and It’s a different scene, and in this scene, only they can see each other’s existence, so all of the three alliances feel the snow suddenly floating in the sky while opening this formation, what happened at this time? It may snow. This is the same idea of ​​the Beggis and the women’s team, as well as the steel war wolves, and the climate on this island is unlikely to snow.

But the surroundings are as if they have traversed suddenly. Not only the scene is completely different but also the surroundings are really cold. This kind of cold and snowy scene around the surroundings is really too real, and it is even hard to imagine that this is an illusion. The longer you stay in this array, the less and less you will feel that this is an illusion, and you will even more and more believe that you are in this place, which is the terrible place of Qimen Dunjia.

As long as you don’t escape in 30 minutes, your consciousness will gradually become less and less clear. This place will slowly devour your thinking and alter your memory and other ways to disturb your mind, making it seem like a big world. There will be different seasons in different worlds, and now everyone is in winter, and the surrounding wind is bursting with sparkling snowflakes, and the surroundings are also the style of some ancient buildings, which seems to be Japanese. The styles are very fresh and elegant cabins, set off a layer of white crystal snow around the ground.

Everyone could not help lamenting that the formation of Ye Minyu was really not simple. At this time, Angelina asked the three of them to put together the three maps they gave them, but what they showed was not the route of the map. , But one circle after another plus a little bit.

"Who can understand this thing?"

"Ye Min Yu, the guy is teasing us with us?" At this time, the three team leaders made a very angry expression at the same time, and then Al came over: "You show me these three pictures!"

The three handed their maps to Ayr one after another, and when Ayr took the map, they all drew circles and dots. This did not make her understand for a while, but he even Ye Minyu It is impossible to take some useless things, but no matter how the three pictures are put together, it is impossible to see what information she wants to express like us.

At this time, Al's expression was also very dignified, and the rest of them slowly began to become anxious. After all, the surroundings are getting colder and colder. Although everyone knows that this should be an illusion, it is said to be an illusory mind. Zhong also believed it was an illusion, but the weather is getting colder and colder, and the atmosphere used to be short-sleeved and jacketed, and some even took off the upper body clothes during the fight, causing everyone to freeze their bodies now. Locked up.

And Al kept thinking about countermeasures at the moment. As he looked at the three drawings in front of him, he continued to meditate, and suddenly a smile appeared in the corner of Al's mouth. Could it be that these three drawings are used in this way?

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