Killing God Island

Chapter 89: Battle bones

Miller in the distance saw this result and just thought of it, but was suddenly attracted by several sports cars, and he sat down again: "It seems that the real good show is about to be staged!"

Suddenly, six luxury sports cars of different colors glide directly in front of Chen Tian and others with various elegant and elegant looks. The following people who came off the car all looked quite handsome.

Among them is the second-leader Didal, who leads the w area, and the remaining five are Kuwick, Dior, Jaylens, Hermitage, Viver, Simbasalmi, of which Kuwick The position in District W is equivalent to the status of a police chief in an urban area. Jaylens is the commander-in-chief of the special forces. Deaia and Ermiwit are in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the other is in charge of the Ministry of Testing. Fore and Simbasalmi have no special positioning, but they are also the best in the management of the W district.

Didal walked out of the car in a suit. At the same time, the people on the other five or two sports cars also opened the door and got out of the car: "Didal, do you need to open the s plan mode of the special mechanical forces?" The person is Kwick.

Didal shook his head: "No need, I want to play with these new people who don't know how to be high, and you haven't shot in person for a long time. This time just let me see if you haven't killed in such a long time, and your strength has become weak! The family does not need waste without strength. This time, I just took this opportunity to let me see if your strength is worthy of your current position!"

The other five people heard this sentence, and all smiled back: "Okay! Since Deere wants to see us abuse food, then we will take advantage of them to move the muscles and bones. I see the one in front is blind. The one-eyed ugly man should be the strongest among them. I chose him!"

As soon as Chen Tian and others appeared in these vehicles, they noticed them. It was just that some robots were not cleaned up, and they did not free their hands until Chen Tianyi threw his stick and smashed the head of the last robot. Chen Tian looked up. The blond man in a black trench coat was approached, and the man was approaching him now.

But Chen Tian did not fear to look at him directly. The relatively seemingly ordinary steps of the two people's aura caused slight fluctuations in the surroundings. Just about a meter apart, the two of them instantly moved forward. The opponent jumped up in one step, followed by the two men flying in the air and punching directly at each other. While the two punches were facing each other, the two also leaned back while being shocked by their respective arms.

Just when the two of them fell to the ground, the blond man pulled out his double guns directly from the inside of the trench coat. Without saying anything, he shot directly at Chen Tian at close range, and at the same time, Chen Tian also pulled out his swing stick from the waist and waved The three-carved silver dragon with a life-like carving of the right arm swing stick instantly popped up with Chen Tian using a swing stick to block the bullets flying in front.

The two act very fast. They only keep a distance of less than two meters while constantly moving and attacking each other. The fight between the two is very exciting, and the other side is really a vegetable abuse, Di E The opponent of Axuan is Wu Yifan. Although his killer's strength is not weak, but he is very weak against Di'ya.

In a short one-minute move, Di Aya gave Wu Yifan some difficulty in standing up. He and Wu Yifan played as if the cat had caught the mouse and tortured him deliberately, knocking him down until he stood up and knocked down. If he really wanted to kill Wu Yifan directly, he could definitely kill him instantly, but Di Aiya deliberately wanted to prove his strength in front of Didar.

Of the five shots against Chen Tian's gang, Jaylens was the most unlucky one because he chose Ye Xiaotong. Ye Xiaotong's physical combat effectiveness was not weak before entering the island. After entering the island, he strengthened his body and had been stronger than the same period. Many newcomers who entered the island at the same time got the steel bone technology weapon by chance. This steel bone is of a different type from the military warfare of the technology armament and the Shenji war armor.

Warfare is the type of external attack that the armor belongs to. It is hard outside and soft inside, but its effectiveness is zero, but it is very practical and suitable for popularization. The steel bone, also known as warbone, is the opposite of the wartime attribute. Outer soft and inner hard high eruption can be upgraded to weapons, but the average person can not be used, it is likely to die due to the placement of steel bones in the body, steel bones are also a kind of blade that transforms itself into a combat weapon.

When Jay Yeong was still cleaning up these robots, Jaylens suddenly attacked her and stabbed Ye Xiaotong with a knife behind him, but the inserted knife could not be pulled out for a while, and Ye Xiaotong also came forward with a high lift The legs and insteps were kicked directly on the face of Jaylens who was standing behind her and wanted to pull out the dagger. The huge force made Jaylen feel the hot pain of being kicked in the face.

But Ye Xiaotong didn't give him a chance to rub his face, followed by a spin and kicked again, kicked in his face again, and Jaylens was also the second of the five who was currently kicked to the ground. Ye Xiaotong’s foot was able to kick the concave even with the steel structure of the robot. Instead of kicking him directly, he angered Jaylens completely.

"It seems that I underestimate you, I didn't expect you to have some skills, then I will fight you seriously!" Jaylens stood up again, and he shouted, and his body was instantaneous. Wearing the armor of the steel structure, this armor pierced his skin and fleshed a lot of blood, but it seemed that after being baptized in red, it formed a wartime armor like the structure of Iron Man.

Ye Xiaotong's expression slightly changed and said: "So you are fighting seriously, it means relying on the war armor? Then I will see how your armor is different from the garbage!" Ye Xiaotong instantly directed him at a very fast speed. Straight ahead, this seemingly phantom-like speed of movement is all revealed in the electronic scanning glasses on the helmet of Jalens armor.

Including the speed and strength of her movement trajectory, plus the ability of heat sensing to reflect all the weaknesses of her body structure, this electronic scan is like a security scan, this scan also makes Jalens take a breath of breath !

"Is this guy..." Just when Ye Xiaotong rushed over, Jellens flew out in a round with a fist, this time the strength was absolutely not weak, Ye Xiaotong hit a wall There was a blast of dust, and before Jerens walked over to check her life and death, he heard a strange voice inside.

Immediately following the entire wall shattered, and under the tremendous impact of the smashing, a black shadow flashed past, faster than the speed of electronic scanning, and Jalens only felt a pain in the lower body, Ye Xiaotong broke with a punch In addition to his external armor, great power and shock caused Jellens to fly out while blood was shaking from his nostrils.

Jaylens is absolutely not weak. Under this huge impact, he flipped his body in the air and stopped with one hand: "Damn it! I didn't expect you woman to have war bones!"

Ye Xiaotong also walked towards him and replied: "Yes! Battle bones are the fatal nemesis of your mecha-type fortifiers. How can you easily penetrate your armor without steel bones?"

Immediately after hearing it, Jarence shouted to Didal in front of her chest: "Save me! This woman has steel bones stronger than me!" He no longer wanted to fight Ye Xiaotong at this time, he Just wanted to go to Didal's side quickly, but Didal's answer chilled him instantly.

"Jerence, you can't even beat a newcomer. What's the use of the family asking you for this kind of waste? All of us are the same. We lose the meaning of survival without strength and skill, so if you don't kill her today, you will be She killed, I won't give a helping hand to a trash."

"What? You..." Jaylens turned back and raised his arms again, Ye Xiaotong was struck from the previous foot and smashed Jaylens' entire body into the ground.

"Since you know that War Bone will defeat you, let you see the full state of the steel bone that I have battle bone toughened before dying! Let you die!"

Ye Xiaotong's entire body has undergone tremendous changes in an instant. The arm bones are obviously swelled up, especially the hand bones have become extremely sharp and pure black iron appearance. The tip of the film is as sharp as a knife, and there is a three-meter-long triangular prism-shaped tail bone at the back of the tailbone, which constantly swings behind her. The overall appearance of her slim body looks very domineering and stylish.

When Jaylenston fell into the ground, he was dumbfounded: "Is this bone of war... the ancient holy beast?"

Ye Xiaotong put her index finger on her red lips and made a false gesture. Then she smiled back slightly: "You are right, and the sharpness of my coccyx is definitely irony!" Without moving, the three-meter coccyx pierced from her waist went directly in a horizontal direction, cutting the upper and lower body of Jerens instantly like a knife.

Following the six bone wings behind her swing, her feet jumped directly and flew into the air at the same time. At the critical moment when Wu Yifan was about to be killed, he kicked Di'a on the body. This effort Directly kicking Di Aya more than ten meters away, before waiting for him to stand up from the ground, Ye Xiaotong greeted her and threw her own tailbone blade.

The armor of this war era was enough to split the tailbone easily, and it was caught by Di Aya who suddenly stood up, but as the tail stretched, Ye Xiaotong's entire body also kicked Di Aya with his feet. On his chest, because he used both hands to catch the tail attack, he could not avoid it for a while, and there was nothing to parry, so he could only watch him kicked directly by a pair of straight long legs. Up the chest.

This steel bone can let the body have any bones, increase the attack strength and become a temporary weapon and instantaneously strengthen the hardness and other very diverse functions, so this foot is definitely not just a single foot, it is an addition The powerful blow of steel bone strength.

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