Killing God Island

Chapter 874: Chen Tianpeng. The invasion was discovered

Ye Minyu's plan this time is to divide the three teams and three groups into three groups. The weakest two-person team is actually the key to this battle and evacuation, while the other two groups actually give chaos and slaughter to the steel war. The two of the wolf team created the timing. The specific plan, Ye Minyu, spent almost hours meticulously explaining the plan and details of each part with everyone, and gave them a piece of paper for the three of them to get together. It’s useless to open it together, otherwise it’s useless to open it, because it’s an incomplete map. To be precise, it divides a drawing into three points and gives them half of the group. The camp led by more than 200 elites led by Kazi started in the direction of the camp. Due to the blowing of the night wind and the surrounding woods and grass, the sound made completely covered some of the sounds of these people running. It’s not too far, plus the multiple physical strength of the ordinary people is also suitable for long-term running. Although the distance of a few kilometers can be tired, it doesn’t affect its own combat strength. The silence in the front makes them feel This is really an excellent opportunity. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no sentinel, and there are more than one sentinel. The most important thing is that these sentinels are not miscellaneous soldiers. Because of the layout designed by Ye Minyu, she of course Knowing that if the whistle is placed in those positions is the best position, so with these points he pointed out, there are really people at these points. Ye Minyu is now his own slave to the halfway. The exclusive slave Arich made a color and asked, "Can you keep them silent for a while when they find the enemy?"

A Ruiqi thought for a moment and replied: "It should be fine!" After he said this, he gestured to Ye Minyu. Ye Minyu also nodded to him and let him lead the first team to crawl slowly on the front. The way is approaching straight ahead. By the natural barrier of the ground lawn, the women’s team, except Shirley and the muscular women in the wheelchair, did not follow behind them, the rest of the women’s team members were behind Aiqiqi. Slowly approaching, after all, these people are not weak, it is best not to underestimate their insight ability, because Arrich used to be a very good gamble outside the island. The apprentice, has deep research in gambling and various ways of gambling The ability to hear and insight is quite good, so he will let him take the lead. A Ruiqi's best is to kill people with playing cards. The cards he shoots in his hands are definitely increasing the hardness of poker. Speed ​​and speed, just like flying knives, are not only accurate and sharp, but they are absolutely superior in terms of insight and speed on the table. The most important thing is that their calm minds decide when to shoot. That’s the most critical. That’s why Ye Minyu didn’t choose to kill him. Instead, he was taken as his own slave. In fact, the so-called exclusive slave is just Ye Minyu said, Ye Minyu is not a abuse. .Crazy, more like Ye Minyu’s assistant and subordinates, but his skill is natural with Xu Shun who can draw a tie. I saw that he directly flew dozens of poker cards from his hands just from the grass. His appearance was so sudden that they really scared them. These people were stuck in their throats by the poker that Arrich flew out before they could yell, causing them to eat for a while But there was no voice.

He naturally knows that the genetic evolution of these fortified people has surpassed that of ordinary people many times, and it is impossible to die completely when the throat is pierced, so he waved his hands to the people behind, of course, these women are fierce one by one, basically these As soon as the man's neck was inserted into the poker, the head of the women's team, Yang Liu, took the lead and threw it up, just like a beast, he took a bite on the man's neck fiercely, and her face was instantly sprayed with blood. The man's aching limbs kept struggling.

As she got behind her hands, the women also killed the dozen people directly and brutally, all of them were killed, and Arich did not follow them in, but according to the previous The agreed-upon was only responsible for the response at the periphery. After the people were calmed down, the women had gone ahead, and Arich stood up and beckoned to the people of the Beggy family to signal that they could come, and these people came because of the sentry. Those people were solved, and they didn’t need to be careful, and the Beggis followed him, and at this moment Shirley, who also called a bodybuilder muscled Guda, swayed from the front in a wheelchair. Going in, only the two of the Steel War Wolf did not enter from the front. The captains of the Steel War Wolf, Badama and Siberian Liaz, were escorted to Ye Minyu by Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng. The blind spot of a tent was set. Chen Tian and his three people could see it as Ye Minyu said. They should be able to enter here, and they are also the most critical step of this night attack. I want this time. The people who entered the mission retired from the whole body, first of all, they must ensure the successful entry and undeath of the two, so only the three major forces of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng personally **** and protect them from sneaking in from here.

After they all entered, Ye Minyu also stood on the mountainside and pinched a cigarette, looking down and looking down. The original dark area immediately became chaotic, and at this time Qian Da and Han Li also He came over from the rear: "Hey! You called us over, don't you want me to do something for you?"

Ye Minyu turned away from her just gloomy face, and as she turned, she turned very well: "You can also see that the people in front really want to destroy us, so I had to avoid being harassed by these people, so I had to They solved it first, but their strength is not weak, so I would like to invite two shots to help us again."

"Last time you asked me to save Chen Tian and the other three, I have helped you once, do you think I will help you this time?" Qian Da asked this expression with a serious expression and a cold expression, and Ye Minyu was very Say affirmatively: "You will help me, and you will never stand idly by." Han Li interjected and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

"Because even if it is for their own interests, you will definitely help me, because if I take care of these people, it will prevent me from helping you find the whereabouts of madness, and once I fail to fight these people, you will be killed. Even if you can’t know the whereabouts of Kuang Qi, you have to find it yourself, so even if you don’t waste your time, I think the two of you will definitely help me!”

Qianda heard Ye Minyu's words, her expression was obviously unpleasant: "Okay! I can help you, but after I help you solve these problems, you can't find out where the madness is, I will definitely stipulate the deadline with you I killed you!"

Ye Minyu nodded and said, "Thank you! Then please two of you, and Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng will bypass the battle of more than two hundred people in front and go directly to the old nest in the previous place. Carry out a strong attack, this time they will only have about a hundred people at most. Do not attack first after you have passed. When the attack will send you a message with a universal watch, then the five of you will go in and slaughter. I promise you will meet a particularly big surprise."


"Yes! It's as if you thanked me for helping me this time." Ye Minyu smiled miraculously, and then continued: "Then the five of you can now act first. It is enough to stay here with us, Ye Minyu. After saying this, continue to look down on the mountainside. At this time, the lower part is already very interesting, because the following is already quite chaotic, and the more chaotic the situation is, the more Ye Minyu wants to see it. Quite confusing.

Ten minutes ago, the women’s team was led by Yang Liu, the fat girl Buckyson Alice, the Skeleton Girl, and Xi Lumei, who had a cherry ball meatball hairstyle, entered the enemy camp first, but it was clear that the four were not together Action, but separated. It can be seen that these four people are very confident in their own strength, or they will definitely be together for women, but these women in the women’s team can be tougher than one, although they are all long. The strange shape is not very slim and beautiful, but it is still quite fierce from the perspective of strength. Among the four people who acted separately, Willow pulled a dagger from behind and was quietly approaching the front camp. Before you walked in, she suddenly had a figure. A very strong man came out of it. He stretched his waist and walked towards the direction of a big tree. The walking posture was very loose and seemed to be in a state of sleep. He did not find that the willow was approaching behind him.

And the man took off his pants without notice and a stream of water also flowed out. After the expression on the man’s face was so refreshing, suddenly the chest was thrust into the chest with a willow, and the expression of the man just stopped instantly. A word from Yangliu made the man squint backwards. Yangliu inserted the man’s heart from behind, accompanied by the sentence: "I don’t know if you have tried it, but you are inserted. Feeling?" Yang Liu finished the sentence and directly pulled the knife out of the man's body, and grabbed the man's twisted head with both hands again. With a hard twist, the man was not only stabbed The head was also twisted. Although it was a fortified person, it was absolutely dead. Yangliu solved the man and walked into the tent where the man walked out. Then there was a fight and a fight in the long fat. Was screamed, of course, this scream was not only heard in Yangliu at the same time, because of the split action of the four people, there were different levels of fighting and screaming in each of the four different directions. These people It’s not a miscellaneous soldier. Although it’s just a few movements in a small range, compared with the cold wind blowing through the night and the sounds of various trees being blown, the sound they made when they killed these people was not very obvious, but These people were very alert, and the four headed by Yang Liu had been discovered before waiting for a few attacks.

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