Killing God Island

Chapter 871: Chen Tianpian. Retreat without a fight

Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly thought of the trick that his sister should be in ghost mode, but this ability is not Zhuo Wenxin's ability after all, but the ability of the ghost king's wife Sheila. Although Zhuo Wenxin's soul has half of Sheila's ability, can it be successfully opened at a critical moment? And flexible use, which really makes Zhuo Yanxuan squeeze a sweat. After all, this ability is not his own ability, so it is not easy to use it flexibly, but because it is Zhuo Wenxin's ghost wife Sheila from inside the body Sealed, so the two can actually communicate with each other through a spiritual link. Just now Zhuo Wenxin let Sheila use her ability through a spiritual link to escape such a dangerous trick. After all, the night concubine wood The skill is indeed exaggerated. The total area and power of her tricks are indeed very destructive. This trick is called the dragon beard, which is the product of a biochemically mutated gene.

In the face of how powerful people can be solved in one hit, basically it is a kind of skill that can kill masters in seconds, but its weakness is also a huge consumption of energy. It is a killer skill that can not be used as much as possible. The strongest state is turned on, so the physical exertion is not too big, just want to defeat Zhuo Wenxin and it does not mean to kill her, but what happened to Yefei Tongmu unexpectedly happened, she really did not expect Zhuo Wenxin Her body could ignore her attack, and the tentacle car passed through her body without any damage or even blood stains. Zhuo Wenxin easily passed through the dragonbeard skills used by Yefeitongmu like a ghost. , And hit the face of Yefeitongmu again with a punch that penetrated the body. At this time, Yefeitongmu really had an unbelievable expression on his face.

After all, this ability is too exaggerated, even ignoring Ye Fei Tong Mu's attack and then punching Ye Fei Tong Mu's face, Zhuo Wenxin's ability to immediately shock everyone, even Steve Lan Ji was also stunned, and then dragged her chin with her right hand and said to herself: "What a terrific skill, I can ignore other people's attacks." Nostril blood hit by Zhuo Wenxin once again flowed from the nostril When he came out, Ye Fei Tong Mu stood still and Zhuo Wenxin rushed over at a very fast speed. The unbelieving Ye Fei Tong Mu waved forward again, using her dragon beard's power to transform countless slender look It seems to be an exaggeration of a sharp attacking blade. Although it is not a metal blade, but its hardness is not inferior to the hardness of metal, and the attacking power is also very strong, but Zhuo Wenxin is facing the front of Yefeitongmu without fear. In the past.

In fact, just like the one just now, Ye Fei Tongmu's attack was simply to pass directly through Zhuo Wenxin's body, and there was no harm to Zhuo Wenxin at all, as if at this time Zhuo Wenxin could pass through any of her in front of her like a soul The most important point of the attacking object is that she can pass through other objects and ignore the damage of attacking him, just as her body is like a ghost at this time, but this is only the effect of others playing Zhuo Wenxin. But it is not that the body penetrates the other person's body, but it is actually hit on the other person's body. This kind of thing simply makes Ye Fei Tongmu not know how to deal with it for a moment. Zhuo Wenxin's virtual body can penetrate any object. , It can also be penetrated by any object, but this virtual body is not always, it can be switched at any time according to Zhuo Wenxin’s wishes. When Zhuo Wenxin is materialized, it will completely restore the previous state, so it can be concluded If it is solid, it will be attacked as long as the materialized Zhuo Wenxin will be attacked. Only Zhuo Wenxin's ghost mode will be this penetration effect.

This also made Yefeitongmu really don't know how to deal with it for a while. Yefeitongmu is a heterogeneity in strengthening cells. Although it can also evolve, it is not a living evolution, because his evolutionary factor is a biochemical constitution, similar The scientific heterogeneity is not a strengthening gene synthesized by human active cells or animal cells, so this biochemical somatic cell is called a heterogeneity by the four major families. Of course, heterogeneous fortifiers are very rare, such as Chen Tian and Qian Da Enhancement genes are also heterogeneous among the few, and this biochemical somatic cell does not support the dead humans during the enhancement process, but such humans will be sent to the biochemical chamber for the second high-tech experiment, if successful It will be stored in another form, but the corpse can be disposed of if it fails, and the night concubine wood is a heterogeneous enhancer that is regenerated after biochemical experiments after living death, so her biochemical dragon tentacles are very powerful Powerful, but helpless to Zhuo Wenxin in front of him has no use at all. Accurately speaking, after Zhuo Wenxin opened the ghost mode, basically all the moves will hit her. This ability is too tricky, plus Zhuo Wenxin's super fast The speed of movement has completely crushed the night concubine wood at this moment. In fact, the current victory and defeat have been divided, and it is meaningless to play in this way, so Steve Lanji directly said: "Stop hand, stop hands! Just hit it for a while. There will be no victory or defeat in half time, even if the game is a draw, I think everyone already knows the strength of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, the brothers and sisters, and has helped me win the surroundings in just one week The achievements of the three sites, can’t they prove the strength of their brothers and sisters? So this time I decided that in two weeks everyone should not go to any power posture in various forms, and we are just as Zhuo Yanxuan said.”

Steve Lanji belongs to the final order, his majesty is still able to calm down this group of people, plus these people have watched the battle of brother and sister Zhuo Yanxuan, they also have to list the brother and sister In the ranks of ruthless people, after all, this brother and sister are not only brave and more scheming, so this brother and sister Zhuo is considered to be a time bomb. If their brother and sister really help someone, whether it is with their combat ability or their strategy. Bringing them to success, but the siblings are not always loyal. If they are distracted, they often lead to the demise of an organization. Therefore, getting help from this sibling is of course beneficial and has certain risks, so it is likened to Time bomb, but Steve Lanji really appreciates the handling ability of the brother and sister, and the fighting power of the brother and sister Steve Lanji also thinks that this should be only half the strength of the brother and sister, the comparison just basically There is nothing to prove, because there is no real life-and-death contest in the way of the enemy, there is no way to make a real comparison, but Steve Lanji can feel that the fighting power of the brother and sister is far more than that, after all, he is also an experience He has lived in many big scenes. He has been in the night city outside the island where people are messy and cannibalistic for ten years. He lives in a large and small organization that can be seen through the scenes under the prosperous night. He has seen too many people, whether good or bad. He has seen Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, two brothers and sisters who have special feelings for each other, which is not too strange in his eyes. He is used to too many distorted characters and all kinds of characters and unruly people. Of course, he saw Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, who are not only smart but also so powerful people will appreciate it.

Of course, Steve Lanji also knows that such people will not always be willing to surrender, so he understands that the joining of their brothers and sisters must want to use my power to want to leave the t zone, so before not leaving the t zone The siblings are absolutely dependent on living, but once they leave the t district, if they want to keep them, it may be counterproductive, so Steve Lanji also understands that cooperation with the siblings may be limited to leaving t Area, but Steve Lanji also wants to leave the area t, he is not a person who can’t let go of the rights in the area t. Compared with the rights here, he likes freedom, he is outside the island like Chen Tian There are also many things that can't let him care, so Steve Lanji also wants to use his own strength to find the final way to leave the island step by step.

So he hasn’t found a way to leave here for the past few years and has not collected nine gems, but now Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin have gotten two gems and have now handed them to Steve. The sincerity of joining myself, and the addition of three surrounding sites for joining gifts, this exchanged for the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's who have reached the status of senior cadres within a week of entering.

Of course, Steve Lanji is too lazy to control their brothers and sisters, as long as you can raise nine jewels, you can give me a gift, and I can support what you want, and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin want What is missing is that there are resources behind what is missing, so that their brothers and sisters can boldly try all kinds of challenges without worry, even if they are troubled, they will not take care of their lack of manpower.

At this time, Chen Tian and his gang on the other side had originally evacuated several kilometers backwards according to Ye Minyu. In fact, they have been far away from the site where Newton Kreis is located, and they have maintained this without retreating. In the psychological strategy of not attacking for three days and three nights, Yigaqi, who was originally one of the six major combat strengths, was led by more than 300 elites, and he was ready to wait for the death of Chen Tian and his affiliated team. Yes, I didn’t expect that Chen Tian and his gang had been hiding not far from or close to them. It seemed that there was a safe distance. In fact, it is possible for the two sides to fight at any time and any place, so these three days, Ye Minyu is sure they will take internal defense Come to wait for us to attack, or think that we may attack at night, but Ye Minyu has no intention of attacking at all, but the more than three hundred elites led by Yi Qazi really spend all their time in alert, and whether it is At least half of the people who stay behind during the day or night will change their guards, and Chen Tian and his group have really been eating and drinking in the distance for the past three days. They basically brought up the fatigue of the previous rush and the battle, because Ye Minyu even if they will never attack us. , And after three days of enduring, Yigaqi finally could not bear his hot temperament, and since you did not actively attack us, then wait for us to actively attack you, so Yigaqi led the general people in the city. That is, about 200 people were taken away, and their border line base was left behind by about 100 people.

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