Killing God Island

Chapter 861: Chen Tianpian.

Qian Da. Wilson met Chen Tian and agreed to his proposal, and helped Chen Tian wipe out the group of ordinary people who were extremely in the penalty area. It was because Qian Da knew that Chen Minyu in the team of Chen Tian could find madness in a short time. Only agreed to cooperate with Chen Tian.

Ye Minyu knew Qian Da’s extraordinary strength, and Qian Da also knew Ye Minyu’s extraordinary wisdom. Both of them appreciated each other and trusted each other, so when Ye Minyu looked for Qian Da, Qian Da seemed to have expected that she would come. He asked in general: "When did you find me?"

"I want you to do me a favor!" Ye Minyu also directly expressed his intentions, and Ye Minyu naturally asked very frankly: "What is good for me?"

"Listen to Chen Tian, ​​you always want to find the tall man who has been with you, and listen to Chen Tian say you call him a madman, I can help you find him, this condition should be what you want. ?"

Qian Da smiled after hearing: "Before I and Chen Tian have reached this matter, he has promised me to let you help me find it, and you still use the same method to let me do things for you, is it not suitable for me? And I Has helped Chen Tian a lot, he promised that my condition happened to be what you just said, so I can't do two things for the same condition."

Ye Minyu smiled after listening: "Zhao Yi sounds like a repeat, but that is the condition that you and him set privately, and the person who wants to accomplish this is me, not Chen Tian. He asked me to find this person. , I can help you find no problem, but because I don’t know the person you describe this person for many reasons, it may take at least half a month to find it, and if you think I’m looking for a long time, you can find it yourself, I think Looking for someone in such a big T area, if there is no targeted search, you may not find it in a year and a half, so relatively speaking, my 15 days should be considered very fast. But if it is me I personally promised you to do this. I promise to find him within seven days. You may wish to consider my condition. Although it is the same condition, you should agree with my instinct."

Qian Da thought for a moment and asked, "What do you want to get rid of me? Do you want to support Chen Tian and the three of them?"

Ye Minyu nodded directly and said, "Yes, you guessed it."

"Oh! Although the three of them are of good strength, but in the face of the tough organization in front of them, even if I may not be able to come and go alone, the three of them are of course difficult to move forward and backward, so I guess you are looking for me because of this thing."

"Your reasoning ability is very strong, and you are right. Since you said my intention, then I guessed right, should you agree to help me?"

"I only promise you what I can do for you. I will not risk myself to help you. I only promise you to do what is within my ability, and you just asked to just let me support and bring Back to Chen Tian and other three people, I can help you with this. If you make excessive demands, I will refuse."

"Relax, I have a sense of merit, so thank you for your help!" Ye Minyu reached out to Qianda and gestured to shake her hand, but Qiandayi raised her hand and directly refused. I saw that she waved to Ye Minyu directly and said: "You don't have to mess with those hypocritical situations. I only reached a simple interest relationship with you. Once you find out the whereabouts of madness, I will leave here immediately." After Qian Da said this, her eyes suddenly became staring at Ye Minyu. .

Ye Minyu also suddenly felt a chill in the whole body. This kind of murderous murder was really terrible. This is a strong momentum that only the strong can exude. Before waiting for Ye Minyu to speak, Qianda added again: " I will help you to support the three Chen Tian, ​​but if you can’t find the whereabouts of madness within seven days, I will kill you. Should I attach this additional condition?"

After Ye Minyu stopped, his expression stiffened and swallowed, but the expression was still smiling, but he smiled stiffly and replied: "Okay, I will help you find out where you are looking for within seven days. This You can rest assured!"

Ye Minyu actually had no idea, but it didn't show up on the surface. Qian Da nodded and said, "Okay, very good, then I will come back and wait for your good news." She walked to the wall in front of her. , Took off his saber and hung it on his back, and walked out, and at this time Qianda just happened to encounter Han Li after going out.

"Where are you going, Qianda?" Han Li asked curiously. After all, she vaguely guessed from Qianda's expression and wearing a saber. I saw Qianda directly replying: "No matter what you do, Ask less!" Qianda's arrogance is no exception even for Han Li, who has always been domineering towards others, and Han Li is a very unreasonable master to some people who don't know, and his temper is not very good, but Qian Da in front of him Although she had angered her, Han Li did not show any anger and asked instead, "Do you want me to help?"

Qian Datou waved his hand without returning: "No, you are here to wait for me to come back!" After she said, her back had disappeared into Han Li's line of sight, Han Li stretched her lazy waist and didn't bother to take care of this The very proud Ms. Qian Da, after all, they are one of the four major families. The Wilson family is the real young lady, and the strength is so strong. Some young ladies have a normal temper.

Just after Qian Da came out of the room, and then Ye Minyu also came out of Qian Da's room, Han Li directly asked Ye Min Yu: "Qian Da went to help you kill?"

Ye Minyu smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth and said, "It's true!" Han Li shrugged her shoulders and turned and left. For these people, killing was already like playing for them. They were able to baptize from Zone Z to Zone T. Basically, it’s a fortified person whose habit of killing has already been killed, so the concept of killing is as casual as they are talking about eating, but Han Li can also guess what Qian Da is doing, so she is not asking Ye Minyu , But turned around and left. After all, Han Li could not be better. She just wanted to find Kuang Qi before she followed Qian Da. Otherwise, Han Li didn’t want to be with Qian Da at all. After all, Han Li also suffered. It's impossible for Qian Da to have such a temperament as a big lady, and she would be driven by whatever she wanted.

But for Han Li, she had to listen to Qian Da in front of her. She was a woman who was not willing to be driven. But in front of Qian Da, she had to give in, and she couldn’t do it either. Qian Da had both strength and family status. On top of Han Li, Han Li can only be perfunctory and perfunctory in front of her. What kind of subtle care and just asking if you need to help is a perfunctory. In fact, Han Li does not want to help Qian Da, she just wants to find it quickly. Big Brother Kuang, after all Kuang Qi is the male **** that Han Li has always been obsessed with.

After two hours of recovery and recuperation, plus Ling Zifeng's superb medical books, Xu Shun has recovered. As for Chen Tian, ​​he had recovered from his own body after half an hour after the drug that suppressed his body's genes failed. For all injuries, there is no need for Ling Zifeng to treat the injuries.

It's just that Chen Tian is angry and has just been abused. Chen Tian decided to kill the man in a trench coat, but Chen Tian also realized that the goodsman in front should not be easy to deal with. Only the strength of the four people can be with me and Xu Shun. There is also a draw by Ling Zifeng, and this is just the boundary line of their site. It is also the first time after several large organizations have been wiped out that they did not capture the first outer defense line for the first time and were seriously injured. The most important thing is Chen. God cares about others' views on his defeat.

In fact, others did not know that he was defeated, only that he was seriously injured, but this also made Chen Tiantian very unhappy, so after recovering from Chen Tian's injury, he went directly to Ye Minyu.

At this time, Ye Minyu had been waiting for him for a long time. She already knew that Chen Tian's character was defeated this time. After the injury recovered, she would definitely come here as soon as possible, so Ye Minyu prepared coffee in advance.

"Are you here?" Ye Minyu said this to Chen Tian who wanted to come in but hadn't walked in. Chen Tian also came in because of this sentence.

"How do you know I'm here?" Chen Tianjin sat across from Ye Minyu and looked at the coffee still gasping on the table.

"Because I have been waiting for you, I know that you will come to me first after your injury recovers." Ye Minyu said this with a serious expression.

"It seems that you defeated me as you expected? Why did you know that I would lose if you would let me go, would you want me to lose face in front of everyone?" Chen Tian said this with a high tone.

Ye Minyu replied calmly: "What good is it for me to lose your face? Since we want to completely change this place, we must unite everyone's strength. If you lose face, it is like me losing face. If you lose face, you will hurt everyone. Morale, do you think I will demolish my desk?"

"Then why do you do such a boring thing? You just tell what you should do to cooperate to destroy them. Why don't you let us be beaten up?"

Ye Minyu pondered for a moment and said, "The first step in order to destroy them next is to let them know that you are strong, but losing will make their confidence more inflated, and because of your strength, many strengths will be transferred. Strong people to support, and every change of them is what I want, they are stepping towards death."

Chen Tian asked doubtfully: "Is it really going to say this to you? The more masters they gather, the more difficult it is for us to deal with it? Then what kind of measures should we take next?"

"Next?" Ye Minyu glanced at Chen Tian, ​​instructing Chen Tian to take a sip of coffee before talking, and Chen Tian watched her pick up the coffee and took a sip and replied: "Write down that we can't move, just look at the other party's movement. Considering which plan is more suitable for me, there is a saying that the plan does not change fast, so I have already formulated 20 sets of plans for them. Then I only need to observe them for a few days and choose the most appropriate and feasible plan. Kill them, and the initial estimate will not exceed five days, and their site will be ours."

After listening to Chen Tian’s state, he asked: “Really? It’s true? You didn’t say a specific plan this time. Instead, you said the result so quickly. It’s really different from your previous personality. As a base, our tent is not enough, right?"

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