Killing God Island

Chapter 846: Chen Tianpeng. Blood and rain

Although the practice of the four people of Radbury, Alsett, Jesse Ballan, and Orwell is despicable, the way of survival here is like this, and some live with real strength. It is using all kinds of despicable means, of course, it is absolutely impossible to say that these four people have no real skills, and if they have no real skills, it is impossible for them to keep this first line of defense, but their strength may even Some subordinates are not as good. They just mixed up with the position of manager. Although the others seem to be the lowest level of the thugs, they have many strengths that can even completely crush these four people.

Of course, they also know this, it is only because of their luck and interpersonal relationships that some people are better off before they can do this position. Although they are not big, but they are enough to deal with the other reinforcements, but they can encounter Chen Tianyi this time. The three major forces in the group, but although only Chen Tianyi has participated in the war so far, he has killed the only female Miles of the six of them. Now Ruda Baston, who is dragged into the ground by him, is still Life and death are unknown.

After the four people issued the attack order, the door opened and more than a hundred people who had been watching were rushing towards Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng at the same time. This posture was the same as fighting a group fight, and they were all armed with various weapons. Similar to full armor, Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng also pose in battle.

Although Ruda Baston made a scream, he never died, because his physical evolution was indeed not bad. The internal organs of the body were penetrated by Chen Tian’s blood and many important parts were still alive, until Chen Tian finally Chen Tian’s blood pierced his heart and brain stem before he died.

But fortunately, Chen Tiangan solved Ruda Baston before the hundred people rushed over, and absorbed all his blood without any waste in the body, so that Chen Tian now has more blood all over his body to allow one person The blood that normally runs life, that is to say, Chen Tian now turns his own blood into the form of the human body, and there is still a lot of blood around him that he can control.

And these blood suddenly pierced the ground, and the blood spurs formed after the piercing happened to be all unbiased. These sharp blood spurs instantly died There are as many as ten people, and the rest of them love to jump after that, or they are scattered to avoid Chen Tian’s group attacks intact. Chen Tian can kill so many people with such precision. The first is that these people are not prepared. The second is that Chen Tian can initially use the micro-state, can see things above one meter above the ground, and of course can also perceive where these people have gone.

Therefore, Chen Tian directly killed at least more than 20 people in this blow. Some of the remaining 10 people were slightly injured and some were seriously injured. The remaining more than 50 people have not yet fully ran here. After Chen Tian solved these people, , The **** red and very sharp blood thorns that looked very domineering broke through the ground again until the entire ground seemed to explode, while the loess flew at the same time, Chen Tian jumped directly out of the ground, and the whole person seemed to be in the air, but in fact behind and in front There are red blood on the ground to support Chen Tian's body, and at the same time, Chen Tian also ejected directly to the crowd in front without saying a word.

Chen Tian used the control of blood to let the blood use the impact of the projectile to the ground to directly eject him as an arrow all the way forward, and these people have been prepared to take a posture of confrontation, but But after being suddenly dropped by Chen Tian, ​​the great impact released was instantly shocked, and they had not waited for them to use their own weapons. The huge shock on the ground had already flew them all up, and Chen Tian was up with one hand Lifting them one by one, all the blood that he had just bounced immediately gathered to the upper position of his hand.

The sphere composed of the blood of the dead Ruda Baston above Chen Tian is suspended above Chen Tian, ​​and at the same time, Chen Tian’s hands merged upwards again, and the red blood cell flew to the top of Chen Tian’s hands again. A higher position, and then with Chen Tian’s cry, Chen Tian made a fist with one hand in the country, and the blood cells above exploded to form tiny blood drops covering the surrounding area, and these tiny blood drops fell down and Chen Tian The increase in control makes the falling blood drops that should be blood drops instantly become very sharp and sharp like the bullet's solidified sharp-edged blade. Although the blood drops themselves are more than ordinary due to Chen Tian's ability and gravity The hidden weapon thrown by people is much more powerful, and the coverage area of ​​this blood rain is really not small. Except for Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun, the surrounding part is basically covered, and the blood rain falls quickly. The blood rain, as long as the body is stabbed, it will enter the body of the person and directly penetrate through the body of the person.

The lethality of the design range makes these people basically physically avoid. Most of the people are killed by Chen Tian’s move. A small number of people are killed because of various avoidances. Chiefs, they saw that the form in front of them was so bad. They ran faster than anyone else. After seeing the red liquid sphere above, the four of Ladpurui, Alsett, Jesse Ballan and Orwell had already started. Escape into the gate, the buildings on the other side are all peaks, and Chen Tian’s blood rain is only very penetrating to the human body, and the blood rain that has the ability to erode the blood and human genes will directly penetrate the body. Or through this great damage, but the power of hitting the building is not ideal.

Even the hardness of the roof and cement cannot be penetrated, so these four people ran in and it was equivalent to having escaped death, and Chen Tian used this trick to look at the dead body around him, and then went to the front. The four had already ran away, and there were some hand soldiers around them and some miscellaneous soldiers who hadn't died while hiding. Chen Tian turned back and said to Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun: "These people are handed over to you, I will go in and see what other tricks the four of them can play." I walked directly to the front door. Because these four people were eager to escape, they didn't close the door at all. After all, it was more important to escape than to close the door.

When Chen Tiangang went in, Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng started to clean up the battlefield. More than 100 people in this battlefield were solved by Chen Tianyi, and more than 40 people left Ling Zifeng pointing to the scattered people around him. Uneven escape methods, the two of them helplessly patted their heads: "It's a nerve-wracking, why are there so many people left."

However, the two said that after dividing their own goals, these people who were facing each other from the left and the right have been chased away by the scared people. At this time, these people have no heart to fight at all. Each one has very strong eyes, but it only runs vigorously forward to pray for hope to continue living.

But unfortunately none of them can escape from Xu Xuan and Ling Zifeng's hands. Xu Xuan can have the toughened war bones. The impact speed of the bone wings and tailbone blade ejection, even Chen Tian may not be able to catch up. Not to mention chasing these people, and although Ling Zifeng’s speed may not be as fast as Xu Shun running at full speed, it will never be much different, and he has been killed for one of the five ancient wars. Even though his strength does not match this title, even if he is the one who has sinned in the Five Ancient Gods of War, dealing with these people is just like playing. Ling Zifeng is above Chen Tian. These people can be easily killed by Chen Tian. Not to mention him.

So don’t look at these people fleeing from different directions, but no one can escape the palms of the two, and Chen Tian, ​​who entered the gate, can’t see the traces of these four people anymore, but Chen Tian used his awakening. Into the micro realm, you can easily feel the energy breath of these people. With the detection of the universal watch on the left wrist, the whereabouts of these two people have been known by Chen Tian.

So Chen Tian directly spread the blood wings and flew himself, and Chen Tian also saw the back of the four people running at high speed, and at the same time Chen Tian's mouth also showed a strange smile.

I saw Chen Tianyi raised his hand. All the people who had just been killed by Chen Tian, ​​as long as they bleeded blood, did not completely dry or absorbed the ground, they all moved to the gate in unison, and flew from the ground after entering the gate. In the air, at this time, Chen Tian’s hand raised forward already accumulated a lot of bright red blood, and at the same time, Chen Tian also spread his arms forward, and the blood flying above him on the ground and at the same time was directed forward. The four quickly rose and formed countless red sharp blades that directly ejected forward, and the running four also felt that the back defense was a bit wrong.

When they look back, their bodies have been pierced by them, and with the pain that made them unimaginable, their bodies instantly melted into blood and water. This terrible ability to absorb and erode and not even their bones. Chen Tianzai He already knew how to use it before, but he always feels that this ability is easy to use, but it is as addictive as powdering, because Chen Tian’s ability is formed by the genes of the last blood-sucking ancestor in Western noble England. The strengthening person of the special physique.

This kind of person is called a divine physique, and its blood-sucking and devouring human flesh can greatly improve its own physical strength and various basic attributes, and it will also become more and more as the blood of different people is inhaled. The stronger, but there is no free lunch in the world, and after gaining greater power, it will also be a hundred years with great dependence, that is, if you do not smoke, it will be uncomfortable, resulting in greatly reduced ability or even physical exhaustion.

This is the reason why Chen Tian has never been useful. This time, it is mainly because Chen Tian wants to fight fast and decide more quickly. Ye Minyu’s plan is launched in advance at a faster speed. After all, Chen Tian really wants to leave this island, but The premise of leaving this island is to leave the t zone of this island first, and Chen Tian and his gang have been in this t zone for almost half a month. Chen Tian has been in prison for three years now, and he has never seen this time On the family side, now I suddenly have the opportunity to exchange for the body of freedom by constantly evolving on this island. Of course, I want to get a body of freedom as soon as possible.

At least Chen Tian wants to leave here even if he can’t get a free body, so Chen Tian will use this trick to try it out. In fact, after Chen Tian opened the blood river twice, he couldn’t help it, Chen Tian He's blood river needs a lot of external blood sources to make conditions for normal opening, and once opened Tian Tian will absorb the blood of many people, so Chen Tian's strength will become so strong in a short time.

But the problem is that after Chen Tian has experienced this kind of blood shock to obtain huge energy release, Chen Tian is basically an addictive state, so Chen Tian will not be able to draw the blood of the other party when he is fighting with the person. Otherwise, he would feel very uncomfortable in the battle.

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