Killing God Island

Chapter 842: Chen Tianpeng. Who is coming?

After listening to Ye Minyu's complete plan, Angelina raised a smile on her lips and said, "Hehe... you are really a terrible conspirator, but fortunately I am with you, otherwise It will really count you dead!"

"Thank you for your compliment. Anyway, Chen Tian would also like to start the war tomorrow. By the way, you can tell him my plan and let him bring Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng to provocation. We will not take care of them. , Anyway, with the strength of these three people, even if they are surrounded, they will be able to retreat, so let the three of them first provoke some trouble, intensify the conflict between the enemy and us again, and then let them start our psychological tactics, and finally use The plan will wipe them out."

Angelina nodded and replied: "I know, I will pass this on to Chen Tian. This time I will also go with Chen Tian." Angelina attached a condition, Ye Minyu Nodded directly and said: "Yes, if you want to go, you can certainly go forward together, but because only three of them may be in a dangerous situation at that time, I think you should also be clear, if you think your strength will not become Their burden will do."

Angelina's eyes suddenly changed: "Do you mean that my strength is not enough?"

"No, no, I just want to remind you to be more careful." Ye Minyu smiled and pointed at Angelina, but she still replied in disapproval: "Thank you for your reminder!" Then she just Turning around and leaving, Angelina is still very confident in her fighting ability. With Angelina's combat strength, she can still get it in the t zone, but her physical defect is that her self-repairing ability is not strong, so the most What she was afraid of was injury, and her attacking methods and combat methods were all remote attacking methods, so Angelina actually had good melee attack power, but he was actually afraid of getting close, but Angelina had to talk to Chen Tian and others Together, they are also Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng, but they are the three major forces of the entire team. Although her own strength is not at the same level as these three people, Angelina is still qualified to follow the three of them. Angelina's strength is not weak. If her repair ability is stronger, she will be perfect.

After Angelina left Ye Minyu's chosen rest place, she went to Chen Tian again, and told Chen Tian that Ye Minyu had just planned and tomorrow she wanted Chen Tian and other three people to provoke provocation and trouble. Xu Shun was also with Chen Tian at this time, and it was considered listening to Ye Minyu's general plan.

Chen Tian said with a smile behind him: "I will do the murderous work! Tomorrow you and Ling Zifeng will be responsible. If I have no energy to fight, I will take the escape together. The whole battle will be done by me alone. Let me also challenge Take a look at yourself!"

"Okay! Then leave the murderous work to you!" Ling Zifeng, Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Xu Shun who Diao Genyan is going to look at Ling Zifeng, Xu Shun also vomited directly and said, "Why are you haunted?"

"Yeah! How did you come here?" Chen Tian asked this question curiously, and Ling Zifeng smoked again. "I was just called by Ye Minyu to let me go with you tomorrow to provoke provocations, and Only three of us, and I heard her say that Angelina will also go with us three?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Angelina asked directly.

Ling Zifeng glanced at Angelina, then scratched her head and said to Angelina: "I'm here, just to tell you, you better not go tomorrow." "Why? Don’t you look down on my strength? Or did Ye Minyu convince you not to go?" Angelina looked at Ling Zifeng and Chen Tian at the same time, of course Chen Tian also asked Ling Zifeng with a puzzled expression: "Angelina's strength should not be weak, and there are three of us, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Ling Zifeng sighed after listening: "Do you really think that person is so weak? I have an ability. Let me tell you, maybe you should know this ability now, because I already feel that you should have awakened. Into the realm of micro? Just use it is not very skilled right now? This can be considered as an ability to assess the opponent's ability and perception of surrounding things, my ability in this area is far better than you, I can tell you the opposite The organization is not a **** group, and some experts with some strength are not a minority. If it is true that the **** group Ye Min will not use a large-scale offensive method? And tomorrow only three of us will go, even if we are in danger, we can escape in front of us. , If Angelina also goes, it will put a certain burden on us. I am afraid that it will be difficult to go when I want to go, so I hope Angelina can stay here, I am not afraid of being involved, but you should know Angelina’s The body's ability to repair is not strong. In case of any fatal injury, we may not die, but I am afraid that she will be difficult to survive, so I also think about the safety of Angelina. After all, she and Ye Minyu are much safer than the three of us. , We can be more open without her three."

After listening to it for a moment, Chen Tian said back to Angelina: "I said Ling Zifeng was right. You should not go with me this time, because I don't want you to be in any danger. Wait here for us to come back!" "

"But..." Angelina hadn't waited to say what was next, and she felt warm from Chen Tian's eyes, so she nodded cleverly: "Well! Well, the three of you have to be careful tomorrow. If you can’t do it, don’t try to be brave. It’s not the time to fight with them anyway."

After Angelina left, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng had a long chat with each other. Of course, Chen Tian tomorrow meant that only he played. The two were responsible for rescuing me when they were weak. To take me with Xu Shun as a spare combat force, you should not do anything with Ling Zifeng before we evacuate, leaving you intact power to be responsible for the break of the station after we leave.

Ling Zifeng nodded to Chen Tian’s plan and said, “No problem!” Ling Zifeng always seldom talked like playing a deep game. In this way, Chen Tian’s group and the three alliance teams under Ye Minyu’s command put the surrounding corpses and After sorting out the place, after assigning the positions of surveillance and guards, he ordered everyone to stay in this area temporarily and stand by, while Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng and other three people carried out Ye Minyu’s plan. The first battle, but the reason why Ye Minyu let these dangers to let his own side do it is actually selfish, because Ye Minyu is very cautious in doing things, this decision in the exclusion zone must be eliminated by himself, and this time let himself One of the three major forces to start the first battle is also for the other three teams to see, because Ye Minyu does not want them to think that they join this team, Ye Minyu is aiming to use them as cannon fodder, if they really let this idea exist in their hearts, Then there will be problems in the next cooperative operation, and the most important thing is that after Ye Minyu let them rule out this idea, Ye Minyu's next arrangement is actually beneficial to his own side. With the previous series of battles, Chen Tian Waiting for the rest of their team will naturally not refrain, and it is considered to be a need to seal their face in advance for their future discussions. After all, the practice of only three people against the entire organizational team opposite is also thought of by Ye Minyu. The important thing is that Chen Tian and these three people are really not afraid to die and dare to execute in the past, which also makes Ye Minyu's arrangement in the entire combat command more stable.

Of course, Chen Tian also knows that Ye Minyu will never do anything useless, because Chen Tian knows Ye Minyu, Chen Tian is a very accurate person, and also belongs to the kind of people who do not doubt the use of the person. Since he chose to let Ye Minyu take over the entire team's brain, Chen Tian wouldn't do anything to beat his face, so both sides were ugly, Chen Tian wanted only results, and Ye Minyu no matter what plan he used. As long as the final result agrees with the result Chen Tian wants, then cooperation is perfect, so Chen Tian has repeatedly suggested that even this time Chen Tian’s initiative to fight against it has been rejected by Ye Minyu but without the slightest refutation s reason.

At present, Chen Tian is walking in the middle of the front, with Xu Shun on the left and Ling Zifeng on the right. The three of them swayed to the wall of the high gate at the front of the Newton. Kreis site. Everyone of them knew what they were For trouble-seeking, when they knew that there were people in front of the door, there were more than a hundred people who opened the door. These people had already prepared here yesterday night, but what they did not expect was that they only came outside at this time. Three people.

And among the more than one hundred people, six of them seem to be the cadres among the hundred or so people. Among these six people, it can also be seen from the station who has a higher status. Surely it should be all Newton Kreis’s men. He shouldn’t have appeared, but these six people do look strange. One of the burly men looks rude, but he should be from the station. It can be seen that they are the leaders of the six people. Looking at the body, they know that they should have some strength, but the other five people do not look like fuel-efficient lamps. They have not waited for Chen Tian to speak. This looks very man with a rough face. Chen Tian, ​​pointing at the middle position in front of him, asked, "Who is coming?"

Chen Tian did not intend to tell him at all, but instead asked: "Who are you then?"

The brutal tough guy replied loudly and loudly again: "I'm Newton Cress, Ruda Baston, one of the six major combatants, are you three brave enough, three people dare to come here? Is any of you three called Chen Tian? Or Chen Tian's men?"

"Do you need to know?" Chen Tianyi's exaggerated expression made a gesture with his middle finger, which looked really beating.

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