Killing God Island

Chapter 830: Chen Tianchen. Chen Tian scared silly

Qian Da’s leg strength is very strong, this foot is not just the toe kicked directly into the position of Peter Hughes’ temple, just by the shock of the strength of this foot, the entire inside of Peter Hughes’ head has been shaken. The brain was instantly shattered, and the body flew out at the same time that the person was already dead in the air.

Although this kick seems to be quite heavy, Pete Hughes’ younger brother Mil Hughes really didn’t expect that his brother would be kicked to death directly. Although he looked at his brother worriedly, Qian Da followed closely. Once back, he kicked his brother Mil. Huss’s chest, and Qian Da, as Ms. Zhao’s apprentice, was well-deserved. The strength of this kick really kicked who died, even the evolutionary super-strengthened person could not escape. Not to mention the ordinary human physique of Mill Hughes.

But what did not make Qian Da think of this was that this kick was clearly and firmly kicked on Mill Hughes, but he did not die, but stood up in a moment of falling.

"Oh? You can still stand up?" Qian Da looked at Mil Hughes in front with an incredible expression, and Mil Hughes in front even stood up and patted her chest as if something happened Without looking up, she also looked at Qianda, and the two looked at each other like this.

Qian Da's eyes were only slightly admired and a little surprised, and Mil Hughes's eyes were obviously a contemptuous smile at first, and suddenly his expression began to distill.

Before waiting for Qian Da to do it again, the other side's Mil. Hughes' expression became more and more strange, until he couldn't help but open his mouth and bowed his mouth to vomit blood, and Qian Da's foot was kicked down by the front. Liufu will definitely be smashed by all kicks, so it wasn't until Qian Da saw this person vomiting blood that she recovered her just surprised and admired expression. Just now Qian Da thought that this kick had no effect on him.

Looking at the degree of blood spitting by Mill Hughes, it seems that he will fall to the ground and die in less than ten seconds without accident, but the situation is not what Qian Da thought, although he has been bowing to vomit blood, but he has not died The main reason is related to his own innate ability. His ability is that the body can freely stretch and change into various shapes without the restriction of bones, which means that his bones and internal organs are different from ordinary people.

It is also because he has a different body structure than ordinary people, which makes him recover a life. Because his body can expand and contract, his body's internal organs can bear the ability of dozens of times that of ordinary people. He was holding Qian Da's foot, but even though he suffered Qian Da's foot, he also severely injured Mil. Hughes.

His ability to freely expand and contract all his body is no longer usable at present, and he has been hit hard by his internal organs and bones, and he can’t even beat the woman in front of him, so he has no intention of fighting so he turned to his brother and lay down. Running towards the place, Mill Hughes saw that his brother had not fallen for half a day. Although he would be torn apart by running at a high speed, he would still feel the pain of his body, but he still thought of his brother's comfort.

So he ran directly in the direction of his brother until he ran to the position where his brother was lying. Just when he was about to call his brother, he realized why he hadn’t gotten up because Pete Hughes fell to the ground under his head. Bloodstained, and he also saw the wound kicked out of his brother’s temple, which had been plunged into his brain, and the bloodstain was not pure red, but a pool of blood stains mixed with brain plasma and bloodstains.

This scene made Mill Hughes look stupid. Since childhood, the two brothers have always been dependent on each other and never separated. I didn't expect that his brother had left at this time. At the moment of sadness, he didn't abandon his dead brother. Fleeing alone, but holding the brother's body standing on the spot.

While Qian Da looked at the two in front, she sighed and threw out the long knife in her hand. The knife body flew towards the two, but Mill Hughes did not evade, and Qian Da's tip came from Mill Hughes. The brother’s body was worn directly on Mil. Huss’s body, and the two fell to the ground with a knife. Due to Mils Huss’s body structure, although this sword stabbed his important part in the heart , But he was not dead, but he smiled as he lay on the ground, looking up at the corner of his mouth.

"Mir Hughes! What do you want to be when you grow up?" Pete Hughes looked at a corner of the orphanage with a meaningful expression. While looking at the book, he asked his brother, a question that only big talents would consider. But Pete Hughes has been thinking about this problem since he was very young. As an older brother, he seems to rely on his own ability to let himself and his brother live a better life in the future.

"I didn't consider this question at all. Brother, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Mill Hughes asked his elder brother with a naive smile, and Peter Hughes replied directly after hearing his brother's rhetorical question: "As long as you have money to make, you can do anything. The most important thing is to make you a better life in the future." "Brother, I actually have a wish too!" Mill Hughes listened to his brother's words. At this time, he was also innocent and said his wish: "I My brother is now a relative. I hope that I will always be with you in the future. We will never be separated. The family I want will always be together."

Mill Hughes recalled what he said in the past, so he looked at his brother who was still dead and said with exclamation: "Although I have never seen the looks of my parents, I believe they must also miss us in heaven. If there is an afterlife, I hope we are brothers!" After he said this, he once again held the long knife that penetrated himself and his brother and stirred it again in the body and picked it up. Because of the particularity of his physique, if not the most serious Injury, Mill Hughes could not die at all, so he was accelerating the death of his body.

He even saw the scene where his blood was spurting and his internal organs rolled out of his body. He pulled out the knife in his hand and threw it to Qian Da again, and he said to Qian Da: "You are amazing, I seldom admire people, and you are the first and the last. Our brother can die in the hands of such a strong person, and it is worth it!" Milse Hughes, who was **** all over his body, was smiling straight. Thousands of thumbs up depending on him.

And with the moment when Qian Dadao flew through the air and was caught by Qian Da, Mil Huss and his brother fell to the ground one after another. Qian Da flicked the blood of the knife body and looked back at Mil Xiu again. Si, although his way of death is a bit miserable, a calm face is the best result. After all, there will always be a death, and how many people can truly and calmly face the death?

So Qianda sighed with a little sigh, turned around and walked forward, and at this time he had seen Han Li Xu Shun and the others in front of him had all solved all the people around him, at this time he could see it at a glance There is one person left in front.

And this person is called Lan Lanni in the restricted area, but Chen Tian fell directly beside him at this time. In addition to the fact that thousands of people were surprised, Angelina saw Chen Tian Tian was hit by a bullet through his head without any panic, because this scene includes Xu Shun and all of Chen Tian’s group knows that Chen Tian’s head will not die if he is cut off or exploded, unless Chen Tian suffers. Seriously injured, otherwise, with his powerful regeneration ability, he will not be easily killed by bullets.

Time returned to Chen Tian almost killed Qian Lanni. Instead, Chen Lanni used a gesture to make the sniper penetrate the head and fell to the ground. I don’t know that Chen Tian is super strong in regeneration and healing, but of course Chen Tian is a minority. A special strengthener who can still live after losing his head. The so-called special strengthener is that he is different from the ordinary evolutionary strengthener in terms of genetic modification and various skills. He is a technology developed in an independent field. Strengthen people.

Chen Tian, ​​who has the same genetic mess and evolutionary tendency as Ms. Zhao, has many awakenings and expressions that are the same as Ms. Zhao, except that she does not have the very strong leg skills of Ms. Zhao, basically many of her general abilities are the same as Ms. Zhao. Much like, it is far from Ms. Zhao, after all, Ms. Zhao's strength rank is one of the top ten in the world, with the strongest top in the world.

However, if Chen Tian follows the path of Ms. Zhao completely, it is very likely to become a position and strength similar to Ms. Zhao, but although Chen Tian is very bullish in the t zone, the overall strength is the same as that of Ms. Zhao. This kind of celestial figure is still far from the same, but this does not mean that Chen Tianhui has always been weak. At present, Chen Tian has been regarded as one of the few individual molecules who has evolved from the early stage of entering the island to the current novice reinforcement. One.

Therefore, Chen Tiancai was awarded the title of one of the 13 Taibao by the four major families on this island. Although this title sounds very good, it will also be challenged by many people who want to replace this title strengthener. Who has this super-potential title will be more concerned by the four major families, which means that there is a greater chance to leave the island.

Therefore, in many cases, Chen Tian is very much concerned by the four major families. Of course, this battle is also being used by many internal staff of the four major families. Sometimes, Zhao will also personally observe how he is progressing on the island.

But at this time, Chen Tian was obviously shot by a shot. At this time, Chen Lanni thought that Chen Tian was dead. Anyway, as long as the sniper opened a shot, his identity was exposed, and even a single shot could not be hidden. , And there are more than one sniper hidden by Lan Lanni, including his ace assassin, Lin Xue, known as the genius sniper. Of course, Lin Xue has not fired a shot since he shot Xu Shun last time. .

The person who had just hit Chen Tian’s head was not shot by Lin Xue, but by the guns fired by the rest of the snipers, and Lan Lani also saw the surrounding situation. In this short time He has been out of these snipers, and all his men have been solved. Now that he has become a commander of the bare rod, no one wants to die at the juncture of life and death.

So when he faced Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, Angelina, Xu Shun, Han Li, and Qian Da, he directly ordered the dozen or so snipers around him to shoot at the same time with gestures. This can really delay the attack of these people on him so that he can escape.

But Lu Lanni thought something was too good. After he gestured to attack the rest, dozens of gunshots took the seven people from different directions and fired at the same time as a live target, while Lu Lanni was turning to escape. Suddenly collided with Chen Tian's face-to-face almost standing on the ground, of course, it was already scary enough to almost touch the face, the key is that Chen Tian's head was penetrated and suddenly stood up, this Even more so, Lan Lanni was terrified for a while.

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